TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #16

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Bolded by you and bolded by me too :): And MY heart is breaking for Missy's family too! Why is no one writing these loving supportive messages on WS about the things THEY have been going through? About what THEY have lost? And please know that this isn't AT ALL referring to AJ&CT's guilt by any means because I am about 90% sure they weren't involved. I just want to know where your support for MB's husband and children (and the rest of their family) is if this is the way we need to limit our discussions on WS?

It's an honest question my friend! ;)

But there HAVE been plenty of messages about his family - messages giving sympathy for his daughters, in particular...while someone else's children aren't being given the same regard.. Why are some so dead set against treating a woman who is NOT a suspect as though she is innocent before being proven guilty? Where is the concern for HER children, who are having their pictures put up on the internet, having their house and mother's houskeeping skills criticized (a clean house is a bad thing, really?!); having their parents every move criticized, etc.? Imagine what they are going to go through seeing people make fun of their mother's weight, her putting on makeup (as though the ones making fun of her for that don't wear it), etc.? These are honest questions, too.
But there HAVE been plenty of messages about his family - messages giving sympathy for his daughters, in particular...while someone else's children aren't being given the same regard.. Why are some so dead set against treating a woman who is NOT a suspect as though she is innocent before being proven guilty? Where is the concern for HER children, who are having their pictures put up on the internet, having their house and mother's houskeeping skills criticized (a clean house is a bad thing, really?!); having their parents every move criticized, etc.? Imagine what they are going to go through seeing people make fun of their mother's weight, her putting on makeup (as though the ones making fun of her for that don't wear it), etc.? These are honest questions, too.

There you have it. THANK you :)

RBBM : Or how well organized the plan was if it was a targeted hit. I would say that the plan might have been well laid out, but the actual application was sloppy, leaving his burglary tools at the crime scene, as an example. jmo

Those tools must have all kinds of prints on them from before the gloves went on especially if used before. Does anyone know if they ever taken DNA or fingerprints from anyone yet just to "rule things out"?
The perp in the video moves around like someone who is not used to wearing this type of equipment and it also seems like the perp was at times trying to walk with certain mannerisms, while failing to do so at other times. This is why I think both the disguise and the so called "feminine movement" and position of the feet are possibly red herrings. I also don't think this perp was drunk as some people here have theorized. Clearly the perp knew there was no functioning alarm system or they would not have been comfortable sticking around for so long after breaking in, but they were obviously aware enough of the cameras to keep the attack and their subsequent exit from the scene conveniently off camera.

I'm have mixed feelings on whether Missy knew the perp or not. On one hand, I think her knowing the perp could explain why she would not run out of a building that has obviously been broken into and call police. If this person was someone she knew, there could have been some kind of confrontation with her recognizing the voice or even the perp revealing their face. That would IMO explain why anyone would continue into a building that appeared to have been broken into without immediately leaving and calling police. Unless, of course, she was very quickly attacked after entering (again, this occurred conveniently off camera) in which case maybe she didn't necessarily know the perp and the perp was just there on a mission.

Why someone who didn't know her would be on a mission to kill her, and disguise themselves, and possibly put on a show for the cameras with some possible red herrings should be examined further. IMO, if this is was a hit, then this perp was instructed precisely when, where and how to do this and the violence of the attack shows that this attack was very personal for either the perp or the person ordering the hit. Though, if it was a hit, I don't think it was a hitman for hire type situation. I think it was more of a accomplice situation where one person manipulates or talks another person into committing the crime they want committed.
Respectfully, Lance didn't take steroids. He used other things that helped his body recover more quickly. Other drugs don't cause the rage and anger that steroids can. I may be wrong, but I don't see someone on drugs when I look at the video of the person roaming the halls of the church.
Agree on the not on drugs. I also do not see someone who suffers from poor planning, poor impulse control, demand for instant gratification, etc.
I think you're an amazing, concerned, caring person. Such a thoughtful post.

This thread is about Missy as we're often reminded.

It's not about society, common characters or a general murder-debate. The focus here is on Missy's murder and her murderer/s. I am not one to bow down to common, conventional thinking and political correctness in case we cast aspersions on an anonymous being. I can't apologize for using a word specific to this case. It's not a blanket statement to attack society.

Everyone reading here knows who/what/why/when of all we refer to when we state psychopath. Fact remains psychopaths exist and my belief is the perp/s is/are psycho.

Respectfully, it's not about Missy per se, it's about her brutal murder. Discussion, investigation, research, exchanging ideas and more discussion and hopefully helping in some way. If we can't help LE, we're at least helping each other and some of us (me) are learning from hearing different points of view. This website is totally about discussing society, people's character, human nature, human behavior, thoughts and experiences. It's how people learn. It's also how investigations work. Our individual experiences, education, thoughts and thought processes, emotions all count. People think what they think, maybe some will change, some won't. Our exchange of ideas is fantastic here! If we all thought the same, there'd be no reason to have discussions.

This is a discussion group, not a support group. You're not the only one who cares about Missy's family and what they're going through, people don't need to be constantly reminded or reprimanded for not posting rah-rah love and support every single day.

It's not always about political correctness - sometimes it's about accuracy or just plain annoyance. We don't know the killer is a psychopath or a righteous nutcase or anything about their mental health or personality. The only thing we know is that they are a killer or a murderer. Why not call it like it is? Not all murderers have a mental disease or personality disorder.

They are a killer; no more, no less at this point.

*stepping off soapbox* for now anyway, no promises.
I had posted some time ago my thoughts that the murderer was opening every door in the corridor where her work out room was and where she would be unloading. If a door had a window, it was broken. If it couldn't be opened with a pry bar, it was left alone. I think this person was making a back up plan in case Missy got away. With every door opened, they would quickly know which room Missy escaped to, by which door she closed behind her. The glass was broken so the door could be unlocked. Nothing was "staged". Missy would also not be able to open the doors which couldn't be opened with a pry bar.....which is why they were left alone. I think the mystery objects were used as door stops on doors which didn't stay open on their own. The time frame of opportunity was very small and this killer thought of everything. I think it's one nasty, evil person.
If you are correct (and it's as plausible a reason as the others, for sure), then doesn't that seem like someone's experience in securing areas, such as military/police? It would be someone who had really walked through this type of scenario before, maybe in combat? -even if it was a teen (which I've kicked around a little in my head-angry kid/kids wanting to kill her and using a combat game plan), would they have that kind of calculation to make those moves? I don't think so, but I gues it could be possible.
It's a death penalty case. By releasing what they have little by little, they give the perp a chance to come in and confess rather than endure a trial. Long trials can be expensive & this can give LE time to gather more facts and give a chance that perp and/or accomplice will come forward to avoid the death penalty. Looks like it's just a matter of time before whoever is involved comes forth and tells the truth realizing that they don't want to die before their time or LE brings charges and a trial follows. With the level of premeditation and horrific injuries, this will be a no brainer for a jury. Best LE takes their time now and gathers any and all evidence for a strong case. I have no doubt they know who it is.

This perp will never confess. Many reasons.
Those tools must have all kinds of prints on them from before the gloves went on especially if used before. Does anyone know if they ever taken DNA or fingerprints from anyone yet just to "rule things out"?

Most things don't hold fingerprints. Finding DNA is iffy too. Real life is not like TV where the hero can get an identifying print from an eyelash, or find testable DNA everywhere the perp ever was.
Psychopathy is not classified as a mental illness. It is an Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Reading the different case threads here, many violent, horrific crimes are done by sociopaths. Who feel no remorse at all, and will usually not stop killing,raping, manipulating,lying,stealing etc etc jmo
No one I've seen has said they're angels or gods. Not myself. I'm not scared of my husband at night and I'm certainly not scared of the many men and women I know who have served both Army and some of the most elite forces in the world. I'm failing to see how some incidents are your statistics. Those are isolated incidents. Let's see some statistics to back up a claim that they're so prone to murderous tendencies or let's move on. Or start using IMO and not pretend we know facts. I am a Texas and a veterans wife. Let's not pretend this blatant disrespect isn't going to be an issue.

Someone else was the one you asked for stats, and I believed they provided some.

And these don't seem all that isolated to me. There were so many stories I had to cull the list way down. I could keep going for days with similar stories (b/c they are human like anyone else and commit crimes like anyone else). And sorry, but I do not believe in respecting anyone that commits crime, no matter what clothing they wear, or group they belong to. If they kill, they aren't to be respected.
Goodnight all.

As a reminder,not once have I attacked a poster, named suspect or a family member. I have stated certain actions are curious,weird odd or concerning. I have condemned those who discuss children and/or show their pics (on other sites where they remain and only slightly occasionally here - and fortunately on-the-spot mods remove instantly). I have respected all opinions,and still do. I am concerned for the livelihood of some apparent "suspects", (despite being updated by LE that they're not), repeatedly taken for granted to be the perp, and most especially because children are involved. The children are priority.

Whomsoever did this, IMO, has children - either their own or within their family. That's disturbing. It adds to my psychopath pot of valid characteristic ingredients.

I apologize if my posts, thoughts, beliefs and comments have offended anyone. I understand I am in a minority and accept being dismissed (for want of an expression) for this fact alone:)

Wishing you safety, security, peace and resolutions. RIP Missy. Blessings to your 3 beautiful Angels and your loved ones.

Keep in mind that BB has children, and KS has children - everyone on the BB and MB sides of the family have children. Whenever there are a lot of posts about AT/CT, you decry the impact on their families and children, then you try to turn people's attention back to BB or MB family members who you think are not acting what you would consider normal. (but you're not bashing - just making observations). Just pointing out that those people have children just like AT/CT, and they are also grieving a loss right now, which AT and CT are not. And because they are family of the deceased, they are much more likely to come on this forum and get updates than AT and CT, who for all we know may not even know of this forum's existence.
The perp in the video moves around like someone who is not used to wearing this type of equipment and it also seems like the perp was at times trying to walk with certain mannerisms, while failing to do so at other times. This is why I think both the disguise and the so called "feminine movement" and position of the feet are possibly red herrings. I also don't think this perp was drunk as some people here have theorized. Clearly the perp knew there was no functioning alarm system or they would not have been comfortable sticking around for so long after breaking in, but they were obviously aware enough of the cameras to keep the attack and their subsequent exit from the scene conveniently off camera. I'm have mixed feelings on whether Missy knew the perp or not. On one hand, I think her knowing the perp could explain why she would not run out of a building that has obviously been broken into and call police. If this person was someone she knew, there could have been some kind of confrontation with her recognizing the voice or even the perp revealing their face. That would IMO explain why anyone would continue into a building that appeared to have been broken into without immediately leaving and calling police. Unless, of course, she was very quickly attacked after entering (again, this occurred conveniently off camera) in which case maybe she didn't necessarily know the perp and the perp was just there on a mission. Why someone who didn't know her would be on a mission to kill her, and disguise themselves, and possibly put on a show for the cameras with some possible red herrings should be examined further. IMO, if this is was a hit, then this perp was instructed precisely when, where and how to do this and the violence of the attack shows that this attack was very personal for either the perp or the person ordering the hit. Though, if it was a hit, I don't think it was a hitman for hire type situation. I think it was more of a accomplice situation where one person manipulates or talks another person into committing the crime they want committed.
Good post. The suspect broke in through the kitchen door on the opposite side from where MB entered. The building did not look "obviously broken into" from where MB arrived. In the media thread there is an excellent floorplan developed by poster arkansasmimi that shows all that - where was MB's truck (SW), where were the broken doors (NE). The light inside was very dim, overnight lights, and the surveillance cameras have their own flashbulbs giving the impression of more light than there really was. MB probably never noticed any damage outside or inside. LE has said she entered the building and moved in the direction where the suspect was (was last seen on camera) and then neither one is seen again.
The perp in the video moves around like someone who is not used to wearing this type of equipment and it also seems like the perp was at times trying to walk with certain mannerisms, while failing to do so at other times. This is why I think both the disguise and the so called "feminine movement" and position of the feet are possibly red herrings. I also don't think this perp was drunk as some people here have theorized. Clearly the perp knew there was no functioning alarm system or they would not have been comfortable sticking around for so long after breaking in, but they were obviously aware enough of the cameras to keep the attack and their subsequent exit from the scene conveniently off camera.

I'm have mixed feelings on whether Missy knew the perp or not. On one hand, I think her knowing the perp could explain why she would not run out of a building that has obviously been broken into and call police. If this person was someone she knew, there could have been some kind of confrontation with her recognizing the voice or even the perp revealing their face. That would IMO explain why anyone would continue into a building that appeared to have been broken into without immediately leaving and calling police. Unless, of course, she was very quickly attacked after entering (again, this occurred conveniently off camera) in which case maybe she didn't necessarily know the perp and the perp was just there on a mission.

Why someone who didn't know her would be on a mission to kill her, and disguise themselves, and possibly put on a show for the cameras with some possible red herrings should be examined further. IMO, if this is was a hit, then this perp was instructed precisely when, where and how to do this and the violence of the attack shows that this attack was very personal for either the perp or the person ordering the hit. Though, if it was a hit, I don't think it was a hitman for hire type situation. I think it was more of a accomplice situation where one person manipulates or talks another person into committing the crime they want committed.

Great post. I think the key part here for consideration is if this was a hit (which I don't personally believe it was) then I don't think it was a professional hit. The time they arrived to prepare the scene and the manner it was done screams friend or accomplice or being egged on. Totally agree!
I'm not going to waste more time on it. As a local. As a person who knows mutual friends and family of MB. As a veterans wife who has lived the life. I am not going to even waste my time. I have my sights set and y'all can certainly continue to have yours set with whatever you wanna find on the Internet. I will stick to my reality and my knowledge of the situation. CW is off my radar and it's silly to even push the matter.

Scroll and roll time while my violent veteran husband cuddles me in bed. Nothing like sleeping next to a trained killer!

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so do you believe the perp is on the list?
But there HAVE been plenty of messages about his family - messages giving sympathy for his daughters, in particular...while someone else's children aren't being given the same regard.. Why are some so dead set against treating a woman who is NOT a suspect as though she is innocent before being proven guilty? Where is the concern for HER children, who are having their pictures put up on the internet, having their house and mother's houskeeping skills criticized (a clean house is a bad thing, really?!); having their parents every move criticized, etc.? Imagine what they are going to go through seeing people make fun of their mother's weight, her putting on makeup (as though the ones making fun of her for that don't wear it), etc.? These are honest questions, too.

There you have it. THANK you :)

Oh no, my friends! :) I totally agree with that. And yes, I have seen support for MB's family and sympathy for the children but I haven't seen anyone FINALLY (for the love of all things holy) putting an end to a Shirtgate discussion in any of these threads. If they had, it wouldn't have been because the poster felt sympathy for all that BB and his family have lost and the rumor mill that is destroying their lives. That's all I was trying to say.

No one wins here. There are lives that have been shattered in to a million tiny pieces all over this case. I don't think anyone has been immune to that?! Do I think everyone needs to keep that in mind when discussing ANYONE involved? Uhhhh......yeah. One hundred thousand times, yes!

Am I in favor of a witch hunt based on the local rumor mill? Ummmmm.....no. But, the same people who blasted CT&AJ for rumors have also heard BB&RB be blasted for rumors. Come on now. We can't make rules for one side and not the other.

What it all boils down to is.....we don't really have many facts at all. On anybody. These threads are full of assumptions and theories about everything and everyone. You can't say that it's all rumors on one side but slam the other side with "facts" that are also just rumors. All I'm sayin', respectfully.

If you are correct (and it's as plausible a reason as the others, for sure), then doesn't that seem like someone's experience in securing areas, such as military/police? It would be someone who had really walked through this type of scenario before, maybe in combat? -even if it was a teen (which I've kicked around a little in my head-angry kid/kids wanting to kill her and using a combat game plan), would they have that kind of calculation to make those moves? I don't think so, but I gues it could be possible.

I tend to think someone who had formal training in clearing rooms/buildings/military would be operating in a different manner. They wouldn't be walking in the middle of a hallway like we see a couple of times in the video. They would be very close to the walls. They also would be constantly checking their surroundings, "head on a swivel" the whole time they are in the building. JMO.

I'm leaning towards this being a hit carried out by an untrained person. Just my gut feeling. I think that it is someone that is unknown to us, and unknown to MB. The reason for the hit, I have no idea.

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Here's a scenario/motive to ponder...

BB finds texts or LinkedIn messages between CW and MB. He contacts CW and threatens to tell CWs wife, unless he does something for him. A blackmail situation.

They develop a plan and a date, and set the wheels in motion (perhaps the two weeks prior to the murder when MB was allegedly acting strange and stopped going to the gym). CW tells her there is a bad guy of some sort at her gym to set up suspicion before the crime is even committed. MB confides in BB about the bad person at the gym and he starts giving her safety reminders (BB and his mother have been open about concerns for her safety prior to the murder).

It would take CW an hour to get home after the crime, plenty of time to ditch the swat gear and clean up. He is working a 9-5 now, so leaving extremely early in the morning for a 3 or so hour workout or training session before work would not be impossible.

Soon after the murder, BB starts throwing suspicion towards CT as a diversion. His family buys it and starts talking publicly, subtly alluding to the perp being a woman. Everyone (media included) catches on quickly and attention overwhelmingly shifts toward the T's. Mission accomplished.

MOO, of course

Good job Kels, but I highly doubt someone is going to KILL someone for someone else especially if he himself had no problem with her just so he doesn't tell his wife he was sexting or even meeting her and risk going to jail for life or being executed. People sext and have affairs all of the time, but few kil, especially people they don't even have a beef with. He'd probably be more likely to kill Bb in that scenario if he was going to kill anyone. But I doubt even that because it would all be traced back to him from online messages.
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