TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #16

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I tend to think someone who had formal training in clearing rooms/buildings/military would be operating in a different manner. They wouldn't be walking in the middle of a hallway like we see a couple of times in the video. They would be very close to the walls. They also would be constantly checking their surroundings, "head on a swivel" the whole time they are in the building. JMO.

I'm leaning towards this being a hit carried out by an untrained person. Just my gut feeling. I think that it is someone that is unknown to us, and unknown to MB. The reason for the hit, I have no idea.

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Good post. This is not how a trained person clears a building if they're using their experience or knowledge. IMO I happen to open up a large building on my own every morning, and as a gun toting Texan and a veterans wife, but with no formal training on it, I clear the building methodically in the morning. That's not even my second nature by profession. Certainly a trained person would stick to what they know if they wanted to clear an area or be low key. This person seems relaxed/nonchalant/just curious IMO.

We only discuss information that is given to us either through mainstream media, the police, or people who are considered insiders.
Even then we do our best to discuss by using initials only.

When a murder is committed most often the ripples of the crime go far and wide. Meaning, the murder affects so many people connected to the victim and the perp.

We do our best to allow a lively discussion within reason.
Let me remind you what I wrote a few days ago:

Here is a hypothetical for you: Say you were face to face with the person you are getting ready to post about. This person also knows your real name. Would you say what you are getting ready to post to this person’s face? Please think before you post.

*We have an unfair advantage. We are anonymous. Your words are very powerful and they will be on the internet forever. You will own those words when the truth is found out about Missy's murder.

Before you start posting about anyone you need to be sure what you post is something you will stand behind when the truth finally comes out.

As far as my guest on my radio show or any guest I interview you have to right to believe or not to believe what the person is saying. End of story.

We have heard from two different media sources that the police are looking closely at a woman and that an arrest is coming soon.

Do you believe it or not? Up to you.

For members who get upset that we allow discussions about persons who may or may not be guilty please keep in mind the very tight rules we have at Websleuths. Tighter than any other forum, moderated or not, that I know of on the Internet.

There is a reason their names have been brought up. It's because the police or mainstream media brought the names to our attention. That doesn't mean every single name we can sleuth their whole life and put it on the Internet. Not at all.

What if the name brought up is someone who's only connection is they found the body? The last thing you want to do is post their life story on the Internet.

Then again, what if a name brought up can be connected to the victim? We need to allow discussions that include theories and speculation within reason.

Let me stress again, the rules are mostly fluid. We can change them depending on what is best for the situation. What works for one discussion does not work for others.

Please. be respectful of other people's opinions.

Don't hesitate to alert on a post you feel violates our rules.

Finally, if you do speculate that someone is a killer you do have to be ready to take responsibility for your post. Whether you are right or wrong. If you are wrong you can assume the person you posted about knows what you said about them. Your words about them will stay on the Internet forever. Even though we do use initials you words are very powerful. Powerful enough people.

Please be careful when you post.

I don't want to say who I am connected to on MB's side of the family or how because that's relevant, but I do have to say that I strongly believe someone involved is on the SW list. Do you? (I believe I saw you're local also)

I do believe someone may be involved but I also have a strong suspicion of someone who is not on the list which I reported to MPD several weeks ago. And yes ma'am I am local. I am sorry for your loss. I didn't know Missy personally but have a long time friend who was very close to her. I understand she was an amazing woman.
That's what I was doing all along! :)

For the record, locals in any WS case have no more information than the rest of us. They have more rumors, but that's about it. If they knew who the killer was, they would tell LE rather than sleuth on WS.
That's funny, because I was just told earlier, in response to one of my posts, that my local perspective was very helpful. I get the sense that there is a bit of animosity by some posters on this thread towards locals, and I don't quite understand why. You're not the first person to make a comment like this, so this is not directed at just you. Tricia herself has said that locals offer a unique perspective. I do believe we can offer some valuable insight and I will continue to do so as I see fit. ;)
Good post. The suspect broke in through the kitchen door on the opposite side from where MB entered. The building did not look "obviously broken into" from where MB arrived. In the media thread there is an excellent floorplan developed by poster arkansasmimi that shows all that - where was MB's truck (SW), where were the broken doors (NE). The light inside was very dim, overnight lights, and the surveillance cameras have their own flashbulbs giving the impression of more light than there really was. MB probably never noticed any damage outside or inside. LE has said she entered the building and moved in the direction where the suspect was (was last seen on camera) and then neither one is seen again.

Thanks for the info, I guess I assumed there was some damage in the area of the building where Missy entered, but I guess I was confusing that with the entrance where her vehicle was parked in the videos. So I guess she entered through a relatively dark building and probably didn't realize there was a break-in until it was too late, if at all. That's terrifying. But I still think the perp planned this faked burglary out and waited for her. There is no obvious reason for this perp to even be there. They didn't appear to bother to taking anything on video and we haven't heard of a rash of similar burglaries in the area during that time period. Plus most burglars are not the type to confront or attack, they usually flee at the site/sound of someone. Someone in the church at that hour would have probably heard a vehicle pulling up that close to the church and heard the car door close, not to mention the outside doors opening. I think there are different psychological profiles for people who burglarize, vs armed robbers, carjackers, etc... Burglars usually don't want confrontation and I find it really hard to believe that Missy, in spite of being in good physical condition, would have chased down and cornered a burglar she stumbled upon and tried to physically confront them.
I do believe someone may be involved but I also have a strong suspicion of someone who is not on the list which I reported to MPD several weeks ago. And yes ma'am I am local. I am sorry for your loss. I didn't know Missy personally but have a long time friend who was very close to her. I understand she was an amazing woman.

Thank you for reporting whoever it was to MPD. There are several not on the list that I've heard of but only time will tell. I do think an arrest is coming soon but that could be wishful thinking. We discuss this in my office daily because we are all connected to her in some way. I know we are all ready for this to be done.

Do you think the second $10,000 reward means anything? I know some people think it means LE knows nothing. I think it's one last push to get a close family member to rat the perp out. Just curious what you've heard/determined.

All JMO....
Yes the box has been discussed on these forums and other forums. I agree it's too short for plastic wrap, as it appears to only be about a foot long or so. There's been several ideas, everywhere from taser to gun silencer, saran wrap to door hardware, vaultz case to cardboard flashlight box, and more. I'm personally leaning toward a case or flashlight box, myself.

As far as the swing of the perp, I think it looks a little uncertain or weak-ish. Not necessarily "like a woman" weak, but more just inexperience or lack of confidence with the scenario. The entire footage of this person gives me the overall feeling of someone with nervous anticipation, not the "cocky swagger" as others have seen. Rather, I see someone who displays those fidgety, pent up, pointless behaviors that people do while waiting for something to go down. Pacing, snooping, milling around, etc.

Good post Bat. Also maybe perp was exhausted from staying up for 24 hrs, maybe days straight planning this and getting up way earlier than usual, especially if they had to drive far, and are therefore a little shaky and weak seeming.l perp couldn't oversleep because then they'd miss their small windows period for the killing.
If anyone ever makes fun of anyone's weight please alert ASAP. I will personally handle the post after my anger calms down.

Remember, this discussion is not about you. Please keep the discussion on the people involved in the case.

Finally, there is no need to tell other people how to post.

Thank you,
I am praying the added 10k was just an extra incentive for someone to step forward with some concrete testimony.

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Thank you for reporting whoever it was to MPD. There are several not on the list that I've heard of but only time will tell. I do think an arrest is coming soon but that could be wishful thinking. We discuss this in my office daily because we are all connected to her in some way. I know we are all ready for this to be done.

Do you think the second $10,000 reward means anything? I know some people think it means LE knows nothing. I think it's one last push to get a close family member to rat the perp out. Just curious what you've heard/determined.

All JMO....
I know this was directed towards Glammie, but I think it's all strategy....
I know this was directed towards Glammie, but I think it's all strategy....

I do too. I haven't been swayed to think otherwise. I'm definitely open to other thought on it though.
Thanks, mimi. Only 7half months? I wonder if professional jealousy comes into play? Could Missy have been perceived a threat to any other BootCamp operation by offering one month free and possibly winning those folk over? Wonderwho else had BootCamps and who may have known Missy, been already angry and this (your post above BBM) was a final straw?

So many options!
It just doesn't seem like the fees they charge for these camps is enough to kill someone over. Of course murder has been committed for less. I'm still leaning towards the love gone wrong/jealousy type of thing. We'll see...
Regarding the "rage-filled overkill" idea: remember how difficult it was for Arias to kill TA. She stabbed and stabbed and shot and dragged and he still wasn't dead. I don't think it's as easy to kill someone as many think. Really makes me think this was a guy or someone very strong. And since the perp didn't seem that rage filled in the hallway, I think he/she just wanted her dead and over bludgeoned to ensure death. If they ever hated her at any point it seems they put that to the back burner of the feeling that she needed to die. Maybe because she was a threat to them or didn't want them or found out something about them or whatever.
No. Mods changed the banner at the top. The "car in the distance" that appears in ONE FRAME of 30 minutes of CoC video or perhaps the SWFA video, is being discussed, along with whether or not the murderer suffers from diagnosable mental illness. Kind of a slow day. Hi.

:seeya: Thanks. Well on the Suspect alleged video pic of car. JMHO *assuming the Suspect veh was parked in the rear.

1) prev I was thinking that there were double doors on ea side of the rear (as the ones that were busted near the dumpster). I am changing that to I think the SE corner door is not. I thinking it may be a single exit door...all the way down Dutch door hall to that end of building, going out rear parking near the playground area. * It is possible that the Suspect could have went down Dutch Door hall and out that door... I just dont see it tho JMHO. Video will show the MPD what area, and they have prev stated that they thought Suspect went back out the metal door came in at. Which makes more sense because that side of building has very little outside lighting, and would be much closer from the SW corner of building to go out thru the Metal Kitchen door. Again they have video to piece together movement.

2) it could very well been caught on SWFA video (if camera was pointed that way) It is not as far as it looks on Google. Also the view from the road to the North side of area from Hwy 287 no way could see especially at night and storming. No street lights on that side. Here is a refresher of REAR of CoC and notice the SWFA Outdoor Store... Creekside outdoor store in background.jpg

this is looking straight down backside of Rear of CoC, from SE to the NE corner of the parking lot. and this is late evening, not in middle of night during a storm . So maybe *If came from the SWFA video, possibly only got that one shot when it skys lit up from lightening?
creekside rear of church.jpg

3) or could have been caught from the hallway camera looking towards the back doors that were busted catching a glimps. But that end of the building sits up high would make hard to see the lic plate ?
Creekside doors busted and door to room 8.JPG terri missy bevers creekside rear of building steps.jpg
Regarding the "rage-filled overkill" idea: remember how difficult it was for Arias to kill TA. She stabbed and stabbed and shot and dragged and he still wasn't dead. I don't think it's as easy to kill someone as many think. Really makes me think this was a guy or someone very strong. And since the perp didn't seem that rage filled in the hallway, I think he/she just wanted her dead and over bludgeoned to ensure death. If they ever hated her at any point it seems they put that to the back burner of the feeling that she needed to die. Maybe because she was a threat to them or didn't want them or found out something about them or whatever.

I don't know what to think. But good post.

Do you think maybe the walking around and some pacing the hallways was a "calm before the storm"? I can't count how many times in my life I've been so incredibly mad that I've been calm. If that makes sense. JMO.
Regarding the "rage-filled overkill" idea: remember how difficult it was for Arias to kill TA. She stabbed and stabbed and shot and dragged and he still wasn't dead. I don't think it's as easy to kill someone as many think. Really makes me think this was a guy or someone very strong. And since the perp didn't seem that rage filled in the hallway, I think he/she just wanted her dead and over bludgeoned to ensure death. If they ever hated her at any point it seems they put that to the back burner of the feeling that she needed to die.
Agreed. Without knowing further details about how many times she was beat/stabbed, it is hard to judge if it was overkill. Perhaps they just did what they had to do until death was obvious, quickly cleaned up, then left.

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:seeya: Thanks. Well on the Suspect alleged video pic of car. JMHO *assuming the Suspect veh was parked in the rear.

1) prev I was thinking that there were double doors on ea side of the rear (as the ones that were busted near the dumpster). I am changing that to I think the SE corner door is not. I thinking it may be a single exit door...all the way down Dutch door hall to that end of building, going out rear parking near the playground area. * It is possible that the Suspect could have went down Dutch Door hall and out that door... I just dont see it tho JMHO. Video will show the MPD what area, and they have prev stated that they thought Suspect went back out the metal door came in at. Which makes more sense because that side of building has very little outside lighting, and would be much closer from the SW corner of building to go out thru the Metal Kitchen door. Again they have video to piece together movement.

2) it could very well been caught on SWFA video (if camera was pointed that way) It is not as far as it looks on Google. Also the view from the road to the North side of area from Hwy 287 no way could see especially at night and storming. No street lights on that side. Here is a refresher of REAR of CoC and notice the SWFA Outdoor Store... View attachment 94523

this is looking straight down backside of Rear of CoC, from SE to the NE corner of the parking lot. and this is late evening, not in middle of night during a storm . So maybe *If came from the SWFA video, possibly only got that one shot when it skys lit up from lightening?
View attachment 94524

3) or could have been caught from the hallway camera looking towards the back doors that were busted catching a glimps. But that end of the building sits up high would make hard to see the lic plate ?
View attachment 94525 View attachment 94526

Holy cow - you are soooo right about the store being closer than it looks on googlemaps (what I was using)

A million thank yous for this because it's like a lightbulb over my head to see how different things look in real life. It looks like it would be an easy/close jog to the treeline even closer than it looks via satellite.

Wow. Wow. Wow. So many thoughts now whirling through my head as I have to reposition my mental map :thinking:

In that picture, I see one eyebrow nearly missing, while the other one is very heavy and dark. I agree with the others who have said that these pictures really don't help.

Someone posted yesterday that those aren't even eyes that perp was wearing a mask.
I strongly suspect that Missy was killed by either someone she knows or it was arranged by someone she knows, however, there are some aspects to this case that could point to this being a random killing.

First, if you look at the videos of the perp, they seem like they weren't in much of a rush at all. The perp actually seems quite comfortable in the video, not rushing around, not hyper alert. Most burglars would be alert and focused on getting what they can and leaving, and I would think someone planning to commit a murder would also be alert and focused and not just strolling around opening doors and breaking windows. If this wasn't a real burglary or a staged burglary, then what was it? What other reason could there have been for someone to walk though the halls opening doors and breaking windows without an obvious target? Could it be this perp was actually looking for something very specific? Meaning this wasn't some random burglar looking to steal electronics, but someone on a mission to find something very specific in that building. Someone who thought they had plenty more time for their search, but instead was interrupted when Missy arrived? That could suggest someone who is familiar with the church building, but not with Missy's schedule at the church. Perhaps the violence in the killing was due to them being angry that Missy interrupted their search for whatever they were looking for. So the question in that case would be, what could be so important to find in that church that the perp would violently kill a stranger over it?
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