TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #18

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Yes, it's great, but WHY were they involved? They have enough to do fighting terrorism. Why a murder of a woman in a small town in Texas? Not saying Missy's life was not important, not at all, but it seems like an unlikely assignment for such a specialized team.

They are involved because of the seriousness of someone portraying a police officer (or God forbid being an officer) while they commit the likely pre-meditated homicide. The portrayal of a peace officer takes this criminal act to a WHOLE DIFFERENT LEVEL. The likely pre-meditation and planning takes this to a more serious level too.
The perp likely left very little if any hard evidence at the scene and you can't catch a criminal without evidence.
In addition to all this, this case has been thrust into the national (and international) spotlight so it has become not just a local priority but a national priority to solve. Midlothian police are wise enough to call on the BIG GUNS/ BIG GUYS and they are wise enough to have responded and assist. Just think of how wise the Boulder, CO police department would have been to do the same for poor Jon Benet Ramsey. That case still breaks my heart.
One month... in honor of Missy I am going to exercise today. It won't be anything near a CG workout, but it will burn calories and it will be for Missy! Anyone want to join me from your corner of the world?

Thinking of Missy's family and friends today.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
One month... in honor of Missy I am going to exercise today. It won't be anything near a CG workout, but it will burn calories and it will be for Missy! Anyone want to join me from your corner of the world?

Thinking of Missy's family and friends today.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

Yes! Great idea. ANY exercise counts....doesn't have to be CG style. :)
Its probably no big thing, really. It may have worked something like this:

Midlothian puts a feeler out to NYPD. NYPD has a handful of these guys that are old hands at this, and one agrees to come in on his day off to work the "extra job" for Midlothian. Midlothian flys a guy to NY, and NYPD gives him a ream of info, and instructs how to use decipher it. Midlothian pays the NYPD guy for his time. Or, if going to Texas was the only option, the NYPD guy goes on his days off, or burns a couple vacation days to fly down.

Alternately, it could be that NYPD actually is mostly introducing the Midlothian detectives to their silent federal source that is charged with supplying numerous agencies this type of data, when circumstances warrant. A foot in the door goes a long way.

Experts like this regularly line up sidejobs giving lectures, workshops, etc to other agencies. It is cost effective, and a good way to get highly specialized knowledge spread around.

It was noted in MSM that there was no in-person travel with the NYPD involvement. All that happened was that one or more NYPD experts were made available, and MPD delivered the data by postal or electronic mail. NYPD crunches the data and sends back their results. I imagine they will bill for the time spent.

With all the many agencies which have provided or will provide assistance in this case, I think the overall cost of this investigation is going to skyrocket beyond what a city the size of Midlothian will be able to handle. You can't budget for something like this when you haven't had a murder in a decade. I bet the residents of the larger area of Ellis County, and the citizens of the great state of TX (of which I am one) will be asked to help shoulder the load.

"Police say that they believe the still-unknown killer may have been in contact with one of the phones identified in the warrant based on very specific tips received after the Midlothian Police Department posted video of the suspect walking around and vandalizing the church before killing Bevers with puncture wounds to her chest and head."

I never heard about the killer calling one of the phone listed in the affidavit ?
The whole issue about the blood on the shirt is odd to me. Given the fact there has just been a bloody murder in the family, I would have shown it to the police before throwing in the trash. Interestingly, with everything else going on, he had time to take it to the drycleaners even before she was buried. Must have been a high priority. JMO

I do not "love" ANY of my shirts to keep them if I held my beloved dying, bleeding pet in my arms wearing it.

It may just be me, but I'd rather pay $X for a new shirt than try to launder it myself before sending it off to the dry cleaner. I actually wouldn't want to keep the shirt period because it would remind me of the tragic loss of my pet.

That's what I find strange about it...

Why even attempt to keep the shirt?!
I do not "love" ANY of my shirts to keep them if I held my beloved dying, bleeding pet in my arms wearing it.

It may just be me, but I'd rather pay $X for a new shirt than try to launder it myself before sending it off to the dry cleaner. I actually wouldn't want to keep the shirt period because it would remind me of the tragic loss of my pet.

That's what I find strange about it...

Why even attempt to keep the shirt?!

based on what I heard come out of both theirs mouths at that press conference, I firmly belive they sent said shirts on purpose in order to get the press out there so as to have a platform to complain about social media. BB even said something like " im glad this happened" and RB said " we were told this would happen' so they knew what they were doing, very foolish IMO.
The whole issue about the blood on the shirt is odd to me. Given the fact there has just been a bloody murder in the family, I would have shown it to the police before throwing in the trash. Interestingly, with everything else going on, he had time to take it to the drycleaners even before she was buried. Must have been a high priority. JMO

It's like a red herring in a novel.
based on what I heard come out of both theirs mouths at that press conference, I firmly belive they sent said shirts on purpose in order to get the press out there so as to have a platform to complain about social media. BB even said something like " im glad this happened" and RB said " we were told this would happen' so they knew what they were doing, very foolish IMO.

This makes me sick to my stomach to hear.

It follows the ignorant thought that "bad press is better than no press".

My heart breaks for HER family; they're silently suffering and watching his family act out of what I, and others, consider to be "social norm." JMO

JMO, of course, but BB's family's actions are so peculiar its almost like they expected the murder and weren't expecting this much media attention so they don't know how to act.
The whole issue about the blood on the shirt is odd to me. Given the fact there has just been a bloody murder in the family, I would have shown it to the police before throwing in the trash. Interestingly, with everything else going on, he had time to take it to the drycleaners even before she was buried. Must have been a high priority. JMO

It is my understanding that the dry cleaners business is in Midlothian. Why wouldn't he have time to take the clothing to the cleaners? It's not like he had that far to take the clothing.
High priority? Blood stains. I have had issues taking blood stains out of clothing myself. The sooner the stain comes out the better, in my opinion.
Why not go to a business that deals in getting stains out?

Trying this again

Sorry, but this looks very photoshopped to me. No way to get such a clear unpixelated area around the eyes and everything else remains blurry. Who did this and why?

I do not "love" ANY of my shirts to keep them if I held my beloved dying, bleeding pet in my arms wearing it.

It may just be me, but I'd rather pay $X for a new shirt than try to launder it myself before sending it off to the dry cleaner. I actually wouldn't want to keep the shirt period because it would remind me of the tragic loss of my pet.

That's what I find strange about it...

Why even attempt to keep the shirt?!

These are blue-collar people - I live in northern Texas myself and while I don't know the B family, I think I am familiar with their "type". RB would be the type of person who had to work hard for everything he has. He probably is not a "consumer". It goes against his nature to just throw something away when some use might still be gotten out of it. Since this was mere days after MB's death, and the dog attack was unexpected, you can imagine that maybe his wife was dressed in a fairly nice shirt either to receive well-wishers or something bought for the funeral, etc. If it's a practically new garment, these people from that generation are not going to treat it as disposable in the way a Millennial might. So I totally get it.

This next paragraph isn't directed at you specifically, imcurious2. I just felt the need to take up for these people because they're a grieving family and they keep getting scrutinized on here despite many warnings from the mods not to bash them or sleuth them. And the vet has already confirmed their story about the dog. So continued speculation about a shirt and DNA tests and the way the man walks just doesn't further the discussion in any way, although it's not my place to do anything other than suggest that other topics might be more helpful. JMHO
Sorry, but this looks very photoshopped to me. No way to get such a clear unpixelated area around the eyes and everything else remains blurry. Who did this and why?


I agree.I honestly don't know how anyone can look at that and see a male or female.
It just to blurry IMO!
Just wanted to quickly comment on the cell phone thing. I did alot of research in this area over in the Steven Avery thread. Even if you have no apps running on your phone there are still processes running in the background. Ever wonder how your phone knows when your in a different time zone? Well, the phone is pinging off the cell tower which in turn is relaying the time back to your phone. So, even if you are never making a call or using an app, there are still processes LE can use to determine where the phone was located. There is a special training course for LE on this and only a handful of LE know how to do this, (at least to my knowledge) thus the reason for calling in the experts from NY.

To my knowledge there is a special algorithm they use to determine where the phone is located. If LE can place the phone in that location coupled with some other circumstantial evidence, then LE has probable cause to issue a search warrant. I do think the perp is carrying a cell phone and I think the problem they are running into is that the phone is not matching up to any POI, which brings in the question of the burner phone.

I'm sure LE is tracking down every person that was in the area anywhere between 3:30 am and 4:00 am in that area, including the burner phones used, where they were purchased, whether the retailer has video of the purchase, etc. etc.

By the way, you have a phone number that your friends and family call~~but every cell phone has a unique (I think it is called an ISME number) in addition to the phone number called. NY LE is working with the ISME number and not the actual phone number that friends and family call.

It was noted in MSM that there was no in-person travel with the NYPD involvement. All that happened was that one or more NYPD experts were made available, and MPD delivered the data by postal or electronic mail. NYPD crunches the data and sends back their results. I imagine they will bill for the time spent.

With all the many agencies which have provided or will provide assistance in this case, I think the overall cost of this investigation is going to skyrocket beyond what a city the size of Midlothian will be able to handle. You can't budget for something like this when you haven't had a murder in a decade. I bet the residents of the larger area of Ellis County, and the citizens of the great state of TX (of which I am one) will be asked to help shoulder the load.

Ah, good info. This shows that everyone involved is crushing and concentrating as much work as they can in the most time-effective and cost effective ways possible. I still discount (I guess) how much you can accomplish via skype or video conferencing. Probably are people in the DFW area with the federal agencies that are familiar with the process involved -probably worked with NYPD in the cell stuff -- that are assisting or acting as go-betweens.

That's something LE is always good at, the "call this guy" network. Whatever your niche is, you always know who does it best, and can refer it along.
I think that is something LE can and would do....but it's not evidence enough to arrest someone just because his/her phone was turned off.

I remain hopeful that this perp WILL be caught. Might not be today, but an arrest will happen. JMOpinion

not enough for an arrest but evidence the perp acted differently during that time.

"Police say that they believe the still-unknown killer may have been in contact with one of the phones identified in the warrant based on very specific tips received after the Midlothian Police Department posted video of the suspect walking around and vandalizing the church before killing Bevers with puncture wounds to her chest and head."

I never heard about the killer calling one of the phone listed in the affidavit ?

That was the way I interpreted it but not everyone agreed with me on that. IMO
I do not "love" ANY of my shirts to keep them if I held my beloved dying, bleeding pet in my arms wearing it.

It may just be me, but I'd rather pay $X for a new shirt than try to launder it myself before sending it off to the dry cleaner. I actually wouldn't want to keep the shirt period because it would remind me of the tragic loss of my pet.

That's what I find strange about it...

Why even attempt to keep the shirt?!


When we had to euthanize our dog as he was very ill, I kept the shirt and fleece vest that I was wearing.
I wore the shirt again, and that fleece vest, as I turn around in my chair, I see the vest displayed in my office in my home with the rest of my cherished things. I never washed the vest. It still has his dog hairs on it. I CHERISH that vest.

Euthanizing our dog was extremely painful. Previous to that we had to amputate to save his life, unfortunately he only lived 10 months longer.


So I guess that makes me ODD.
I am fine with that.

I have MANY MANY mementos of our dogs.

I know this thread is about Missy, and I am not derailing this thread about myself.

Not everybody acts the same.

Everybody is different.

Everybody is UNIQUE.

In My Opinion Only.
Just wanted to quickly comment on the cell phone thing. I did alot of research in this area over in the Steven Avery thread. Even if you have no apps running on your phone there are still processes running in the background. Ever wonder how your phone knows when your in a different time zone? Well, the phone is pinging off the cell tower which in turn is relaying the time back to your phone. So, even if you are never making a call or using an app, there are still processes LE can use to determine where the phone was located. There is a special training course for LE on this and only a handful of LE know how to do this, (at least to my knowledge) thus the reason for calling in the experts from NY.

To my knowledge there is a special algorithm they use to determine where the phone is located. If LE can place the phone in that location coupled with some other circumstantial evidence, then LE has probable cause to issue a search warrant. I do think the perp is carrying a cell phone and I think the problem they are running into is that the phone is not matching up to any POI, which brings in the question of the burner phone.

I'm sure LE is tracking down every person that was in the area anywhere between 3:30 am and 4:00 am in that area, including the burner phones used, where they were purchased, whether the retailer has video of the purchase, etc. etc.

By the way, you have a phone number that your friends and family call~~but every cell phone has a unique (I think it is called an ISME number) in addition to the phone number called. NY LE is working with the ISME number and not the actual phone number that friends and family call.


Excellent post. The parts I bolded stood out to me.

With rapidly changing technology, it makes perfect sense why your "average" police department wouldn't have up to date training on such matters.

I think you could be right on about having trouble finding a match. I hope burner phones are more traceable than we think they are (or at least what I think).
Not sure if this has been mentioned. I was watching a TV show. They were wearing helmets that had a camera attached to the top. I guess this could be the way an attack could be filmed. The perp could have attached it right before the attack. Just a random thought.
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