TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #19

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I'm 12 minutes away from the church. It wasn't raining here at 4:45am. I had to let my dog out, and I was ticked off having been woken from sleep. I only remember that because it was pouring rain when I went to sleep. (I have to put doggie tt pads out because my boy doesn't want to get his toes wet.) I always walk outside with him with my flashlight because of coyotes, owls. We came in went back to bed. Woke up to the news. I thought about being awake and mad at my dog while this poor mother and wife was being murdered.

Thanks for much for your input and thanks for joining us here! You'll soon find this site very addicting, with all of your family members making fun of you that your addicted...LOL :greetings:
The church is NW of SWFA. This is a google map with N being at 12:00 o'clock. IMO
So I guess all of the police cars seen yesterday had nothing to do with MB's death? Maybe they were doing a practice run/pre-event meeting for the event they held today? Guessing it was a total false alarm, since there's been nothing said about it.
Some locals think it was a cover for an operation somewhere else- maybe serving a search warrant at a location they wanted to keep under wraps and this was done as a distraction.

MPD says none of their vehicles were involved, so it must have been other agencies.
Respectfully, I don't think it would be limited to or even likely that MB would be discussing her love life with either AT or CT. LE may have *thought* that, but I think it's more likely that they'd be discussing CG business. LE may have suspected an affair between AT and MB after reading the intimate messages between MB and CW if they spoke frequently? This was his first CG wasn't it? If she was mentoring him (no evidence, just supposing) there'd be lots to talk about. CW's phone? Either she called MB herself, or her hubs AT used her phone to call MB or maybe MB called CT looking for AT for something? LE could have been just going on the number of calls between them, or the timing of the calls or the frequency.

No, the SW's were not about CG business. They were about intimate relationships. MB & AT weren't talking about someones relationship. They were talking about their intimate relationship.
I think because the comment was made so quickly the day after before we all have had time to reprocess and replay the video is why it seems odd , if nothing less. And maybe it's nothing .. But it was before the second set of video was released I think IMHO
CbsDFW11 just said MPD will take questions and provide some new information tomorrow morning.

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Well, this is the first time I've ever said "Thanks" to a degenerate. :drumroll:
I'm quoting my own post to bump and to add it was supposedly on channel 11 at 6pm. Usually the 10:00pm news is a repeat so if anyone local gets a chance to watch channel 11 please update. Thanks!

Do you guys know what time the update will happen tomorrow?
I don't agree with your interpretation of the SW.

What's your interpretation. I think it's pretty clear. The SW's state why they were issued. I think you could disagree with my deduction of what transpired in the communications between MB,CT & AJ.
Oh Em Gee. Just when I think that I have thought of everything in my perfect murder plot, you throw me a little nugget. It does involve help though. But seriously. I hope Swatperp didn't think of this one and that uniform/costume/full-of-DNA get up is in a bag somewhere in LE custody b/c they found it already! JMO
There have been a couple cases (one in Florida) where the genius murderer mailed himself the murder weapon and other evidence. Not so bright, IMO. That was his undoing, actually.

I think this particular killer is depraved, make no mistake. But I do also believe he' s slick and clever. Consider this : he went in, murdered MB, and got clear away. LE,including the local LE, FBI, Texas Rangers, US Marshals Service and the BATF have not caught up with him yet. This individual is highly dangerous. jmo There is no perfect crime, though. Sooner or later he will mess up...jmo

I posted this before but will say it again. Ottis Toole murdered many people and it took several different LE agencies from all over North America to find him after a long period of time.

Oh, and he was a complete moron. An uncaught murderer does not equal intelligent/slick/clever, etc...Dangerous? Yes.
How did he know???


:eek:ddsmiley: I think the same way we know it's not a SWAT outfit. I wouldn't have guessed black velour specifically, but why not? I guess there'll be a huge problem if it turns out it is black velour.
I'm quoting my own post to bump and to add it was supposedly on channel 11 at 6pm. Usually the 10:00pm news is a repeat so if anyone local gets a chance to watch channel 11 please update. Thanks!

Do you guys know what time the update will happen tomorrow? Must mean they aren't close to an arrest. Why else would they tip off any suspects.
Yes, or...a very feminine man, or a masculine woman.

I think its a woman with a military background. The reason I say that, is number one ( been there done that) I can also tell when she is standing at one of the doors, relaxing feet. That's definitely military stand ( very comfortable) it's the fourth picture. The fourth pic is the only one that looks military, maybe because the fourth pic looks like the perp has higher boots, but if it is a guy, definitely military. ( and has nothing to do with the higher boots, just noting) If it is CW, that pic will give him away. But the ODD thing, is no one military wold mess around with a freaking hammer.( especially when there is a gun store across street) shaking head.So, the indicator is inexperienced woman ( clumsy) or guy with military background (I think)

On Tricia's radio show, it was pretty obvious that Peter Schulte somewhat suspects BB even though he made sure to emphasize that he's not saying BB is guilty.

Peter said he has been told there is no video of the murder. He thinks the killer was familiar with the church and wanted to be seen on camera.

LOL! You know what they say.....Everyone has opinions. Last week the guest was positive it was a female, and CT....This week, BOOM, it's BB. :facepalm:

They are all just guessing like everyone else.
MB's husband, BB. He told reporters the SWATPERP wasn't wearing a SWAT outfit. Described it as a motorcycle helmet and black velour suit.

Velour, wow that's pretty specific. I wonder who told him that. I doubt any guy would wear velour. Thanks Jen
I've thought about the tight timeframe too and "what if" scenarios. What if MB arrived five minutes later than she did and the early-bird camper arrived just a little bit earlier?

So many things about this case perplex me - everything seemed to fall into place for the perp!! The timing is clearly a big item that fell into place.

So true.The unusually tight timing contrasted with the Swatperp's seemingly lackadaisical saunter through the halls for 30 minutes prior to the killing makes me think this was not only a premeditated, targeted hit, but one that may well have had some sort of lookout or accomplice involved (either via burner phone or walkie talkie). While the murder seems planned out in obsessive detail, there are also certain aspects that seem messy, even inexperienced (eg. brazenly walking around on camera for 30 minutes, bludgeoning instead of shooting/double-tapping, maybe even taking a phone or walkie talkie to a murder scene).

If you pick this crime apart, it appears that Swatperp:

- was confident that Missy was entering alone that morning (despite the fact she was sometimes accompanied by her daughter for these classes)

- knew of Missy's last minute change of plans regarding meeting INSIDE the church that morning

- seemingly knew precisely when Missy arrived and when and where she would be entering the building...because despite roaming the halls for 30 minutes fussing with locks and breaking windows, he did not appear to be anxiously looking out window or doors, yet he was apparently laying in wait for her at the precise moment and place where she could be quickly ambushed and killed off camera (within minutes of her entering the building) (*Granted, he may have done some looking out on video we haven't seen.)

- arrived without detection, broke in, committed a brutal murder within a small envelope of time, and fled the scene without being seen by the first, unusually early camper

JMO, but this all does seem to suggest the distinct possibility of an accomplice (or at least a lookout).
I thought that was a little weird, but he's a defense attorney so he's probably just trying to cover all of the possibilities. He really didn't have any insider information as far as I could tell.

Strictly my own opinion, but would an everyday housewife who has killed whilst in a fit of jealous rage still be walking around free after a month's time because she planned so well and hid her identity so well that folks can't even agree if she's a man or a woman. I mean you'd think the woman would have made so many mistakes during this unprecidented break with reality, that she'd be found out fairly quickly. I don't care how smart she is. IMO, someone has done a really good job of distracting us in every which way. Look here! Look there! No. It's simpler than that. Someone within her close inner circle arranged this. That's what I think. Just my own opinion.
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