All of the talk of a septic tank made me think back to an earlier thread. Last month, this photo of the church was posted [video=twitter;722427836607234048][/video], and texasgirl2 made the following comment:
The covers on those type of
grease traps usually aren't as heavy as the ones used on normal "manholes". It could be possible that the perp used the pry bar, hammer, or even a heavy duty screwdriver to open the grease trap before they entered the building. Then on their exit, they could have
dumped their outfit and other tools down the trap and then closed the cover. I would hope that the investigators drained the traps and looked at everything. I imagine that anything that was contaminated by the grease would foil forensic efforts at finger print or DNA evidence. It would be a brilliant solution to destroy evidence and also hi
de it in plain sight. I haven't seen anyone else mention this so far, so forgive me if it's been discussed already.