TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #20

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If I were the perp and I read the article you posted, I'd be shaking in my boots! The article states, "All but one of those leads have been exhausted." IMO they are sending the message to the killer that there's one clue left (the car), and we are looking for YOU! We know who you are, so come forth.

Also, it is jmo that LE released the information about the car because it's just enough for locals to connect the dots between the perps gait and the car, and tip off law enforcement with the information they need to nail the killer. If LE went straight to the killer before getting solid tips, they may not be equipped with the right questions they need to nail the perp.

Maybe that's just what I hope, not just my opinion.

Isn't that just from video surveillance though, not all leads?
Maybe so they could Edit information Out.


Treelights, I see you posted about the linkedin message too, while we were live posting the presser. Glad to know I didn't misrepresent. I wonder why they cut it from the video? Probably nothing...
No "snarkiness" taken. LOL! That's quite possible. However, I think the words "POI" and "suspect" need to be carefully considered with the way he explained one can turn into the other. He may have said they aren't "suspects"; but he didn't say they weren't "POI's" either. The Chief may also have gathered that the public has determined who is a "friend", "family", "co-worker" and who isn't quite accurately. He made it pretty clear that BB and RB's alibis have checked out. Again....lots of reading between the lines I feel which will make us all a tad bit crazier. LOL :thinking:

If you look at the warrant list,
what ( who) remains after the presser ( clearing)
Just sayin.

Diff MIL... the one that I am speaking of that MB sent text to on Friday is MT, BB mother. The MIL on the SW was BB step mother VB. JMHO their names appear on this April 25 SW because of the April 22 Dry Cleaner SW. And they have a AT&T number JMHO

Thanks and sorry. I got lost looking for MT NOT there. Mea culpa! JMO
Treelights, I see you posted about the linkedin message too, while we were live posting the presser. Glad to know I didn't misrepresent. I wonder why they cut it from the video? Probably nothing...

It's an anomaly I guess. Strange.

I'm intrigued by the psyche & profiling of murderers, along with public perception, especially if it involves *possible* female-on-female criminal acts.

This is JMO, but this is how I view things as of today (which could change tomorrow, of course lol)....

**If ** LE thinks the perp might be female, I'd get the very best criminal psychologist and female agents to work the case (which they probably have done). Many of you may have read about FBI special agent Jennifer Coffindaffer in many MSM stories. Agent Coffindaffer worked in the Dallas field office and was sooooo good at what she did and didn't exactly "look" like an agent. She wore high heels, was a mom and just as adorable as can be. But when it came to crime, she was one of the best, especially with solving female perp crimes. The reason?

Bc she thinks like a female criminal. Most people might look at a potential perp and think: "I just can't see X doing this crime." That's bc we all come into this with a certain frame of reference based on our backgrounds, life experiences, cognitive styles, opinions, and values. But female agents and investigators specializing in this area have this keen sense of awareness when it comes to female criminals; often times their instinct pinpoints the perp way before the evidence even catches up and leads to an arrest. For this reason, I'd love to hear more interviews from female investigators who specialize in profiling or those on here in that expertise.

Women rarely commit murder of another WOMAN (outside family & lovers), but forensic psychiatrist Sigrun Rossmanith has treated many female killers. I thought this interview was interesting:

(Snipped by me for 10% rule)

Q: Frau Rossmanith, in your book you pose the question of whether women make better murderers than men. Is that the case?

Rossmanith: They are certainly more creative than men. More inventive.

Q: Are women perhaps more creative with murder because they lack the physical strength for more heavy-handed violence?

Rossmanith: Naturally, they must compensate for a lack of physical strength. Often they render their victims defenseless in order to actually carry out the act.

Q: In public there is actually very little talk about female murderers. You write that feminism is the reason for this. Could a male author have allowed himself to say that?

Rossmanith: "...It only troubled me that women are always being depicted as more amiable and less prone to violence. In my experience that is simply not the case. In my life, I have often witnessed how incredibly hard women can be. How scheming they can be with each other. I am personally more afraid of the vengeance of women than that of men."

**Like I said, the person might not be a female. I just thought that was interesting bc this case is so unique. Women do kill, but rarely outside of a lover, family, children, etc., so Rossmanith provides a unique perception few study.

If anyone wants to share...I'd love to hear what areas of investigations you're drawn to and what specifically interests you about Missy's case from the start? I'm especially curious to hear from anyone who likes profiling (which is such a gray area). That side of sleuthing is often underestimated, but interesting nonetheless.

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Do the police EVER actually announce that they have a "suspect" prior to an arrest? I cant remember that happening in any recent cases.

I think it was unwise for LEO to be complaining about receiving tips. But then again, I don't think they particularly like having to deal with the press and the public. They want the help of the public when they want it, but beyond that, I think they don't like being pressured and questioned.

There are enough of us here who watch Forensic Files, etc. to know that this murder was an "up close and personal" event. And with multiple stab wounds. That does NOT sound like a "random event" according to any of the profiling shows I've ever watched.

I do NOT think police would be holding a press conference in order to give a murderer a "last chance to turn himself/herself in". I do believe they could be strategizing in order to gather evidence/get someone else to turn the murderer in. It seemed they wanted to try to dampen down the rumors floating around town and in the media since they released the search warrant info.

Statistically, the chances of this being a random killing are small......
Forgive me if this has been discussed already. I noticed on one of the maps of the church (I think from NG) the two doors that were broken into by perp were on the side of the church away from the carport and the main entrance. Ie these entrances would not have been seen by MB upon entering. That tells me the perp targeted missy and knew which doors she would use or else got extremely lucky in busting doors that she would not have seen. Did anyone else notice this?
I just want to put this out there even though I'm not sure if I believe it myself.

I'd like to know who was due to arrive at the church after MB and the campers? Could the perp possibly have been waiting for someone else, cleaning staff, office staff, contractors, not knowing about the campers? Could the perp have been surprised at the arrival of MB and panicked upon encountering her?
I just want to put this out there even though I'm not sure if I believe it myself.

I'd like to know who was due to arrive at the church after MB and the campers? Could the perp possibly have been waiting for someone else, cleaning staff, office staff, contractors, not knowing about the campers? Could the perp have been surprised at the arrival of MB and panicked upon encountering MB?

The perp could have left immediately upon seeing Missy, but that didn't happen. The perp chose to murder her.

Stop with the O/T chit chat please. It derails the thread and then I have to close it to clean it up.

Yes, I agree. Chief Johnson certainly did not eliminate anyone as a suspect contrary to the write-up from the Fox 4 media release (right under the video). No one has ever been named as a suspect, so hard to eliminate what doesn't exist. I don't feel the police would rule anyone out until they do find a suspect, make an arrest and then connect all the dots. If it is determined the perp is a hit man, then there will obviously be more suspects.
LE previously stated that they had video of a car using the camera from the gun shop but the car was too far away that they were not comfortable even releasing an idea about make and model. Now they have video that's close up. I think they are talking about two different clips of video - one of a car in the church parking lot shot by the gun shop and one in the gun shop parking lot shot by the gun shop. Could be two different cars or the same car shot two times in two different locations. Maybe they saw the car in the church parking lot initially and when leads did not pan out they watched further back on the tape. All JMO
Stop with the O/T chit chat please. It derails the thread and then I have to close it to clean it up.


Lol. 19 threads in 4 weeks. It's bound to happen.

Much love to all.

Nothing personal. Justice for Missy. Joo.
Sorry if already discussed extensively, running behind as usu.

^bbm sbm^ One possibility comes to mind: If LE has registration info, goes directly to owner (maybe watches UC for a while, see who drives it), and starts questioning, the person may lawyer up. Boom, no info from this person, even if not actually hiring atty, just refusing to speak to LE.

OTOH, if a friend/neighbor sees LE's request for 'driver to give info about what s/he may have seen that a.m.', is it possible friend/neighbor to might contact LE directly and say 'John Doe across the street/down the block drives an Altima like that' then perhaps provide other info about JD, that LE would not get from talking directly w JD?
So when contacting JD, LE already has had chance to fine tune the approach to interviewing JD?

If friend/neighbor suspects/knows John Doe is involved, would they contact LE? If friend/neighbor is law abiding member of community, may contact LE. If friend/neighbor has crim record, warrants outstanding, etc, then doubtful imo.

If driver's spouse/sig other knows of LE request, may or may not contact LE. Anyone? IDK, just thinking aloud/online, may be entirely wrong.

Dingidy ding ding ding dong! I agree with you.

This is exactly what I believe. Friend, neighbor, acquaintance, ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend, someone scared of the Altima driver, lol. Some could think they are innocently helping by pointing LE in right direction, others may take joy in pointing them to someone they hate plus get a reward for doing it.
Maybe they know who owns the car but it is a car shared by more than one person and they want info on who was driving it. For example if a married couple owns a car together or parents and a teenager etc. maybe they are hoping to get more info so they can do a better interrogation. All that said, I fear really the reason why they are asking is simply because they have no idea whose car it is. All JMO
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