TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #20

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I've posted another link where MSM claims they were cleared, apparently that article is wrong as well.

Apparently they want us to understand they have looked at, and moved on from, the normal starting point in such an investigation, which is the "people who were close to the victim, such as friends, family, and coworkers," even though they don't ever formally exclude ANYONE until they catch the perp.

Here's the actual TRANSCRIPT of what was said, to make it clear.

"As is to be done in any murder investigation where the suspect is not known, the initial focus was on people who were close to the victim, such as friends, family, and coworkers.

These persons are often referred to as persons of interest. From persons of interest sometimes come suspects.

At this point, none of the friends, family or co-workers of Missy Bevers are considered suspects.

Despite various theories circulating through social media, none of the people named in our affidavits are now suspects.

Several family members seem to also be at the center of the public's focus. I just want to be clear that the Bevers family including Mr Bevers and his father have been cooperative, forthcoming, and provided detailed alibis that have all been corroborated through independent sources. Until Missy's killer is caught, I will stop short of saying that any person is absolutely excluded, but to be clear, none of Missy's family are at the focus of this investigation."
Completely disagree. A thwarted robbery does not resemble what happened in that church. First of all, there's really nothing to steal in a church. Secondly, the futile attempts at causing minor damage have the word, "staging," written all over it. Thirdly, why dress up in full swat gear? Fourthly, this just happens to be the same rare day in which a woman is teaching a boot camp class indoors? Fifth, why the complete and utter brutality of the murder--the overkill, etc.? As we say in law, there are no coincidences, and this one simply has one too many of those to be considered a robbery. It's more likely that the person (if he/she is involved) pulled into the adjacent parking lot in order to either wait for orders to "go" or in order to summon the courage for the feat at hand or even possibly to formulate a plan, regarding where to park the vehicle during the commission of the crime.
A number of posters would agree with you that this murder was particularly brutal, overkill, driven by rage or other strong emotion. NG (link to one transcript below) even pushed the idea of a knife stabbing and blood cast off (like the Routier case) on more than one show, and looking for the suspect's bloody clothes. JMO I don't see it that way. I see a calm, cool, collected killer who purposefully chose to use tools for the murder in keeping with the staged burglary, which was pretty smart if that's what they did. I think MB suffered bloodless closed head fracture(s) (like JobBenet Ramsey) with one or more blows from that huge hammer. Now with the victim rendered unconscious on the floor, it is entirely possible to cause death with a screwdriver or ice pick and not get more than a couple of drops of blood on the suspect. IOW, JMO, the suspect did not need to make multiple thrashing stabbing movements spraying blood all over the place, but perhaps chose to make very precise punctures with a screwdriver or ice pick to select vulnerbale points on the body, perhaps hammering the end of the screwdriver or ice pick. I won't explain the precise vulnerable points on the body. ..........(NG 5/11/16 with video of Dr. Lee spitting red Koolaid on a white paperboard (you have to see it to believe it): http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1605/11/ng.01.html........"GRACE: Tonight, we believe police are on the hunt for bloody clothes. No, not Missy Bevers`s clothes, the clothes of the killer. Let me show you why, best expressed by Dr. Henry Lee, the renowned blood expert. Watch. Do you see him spitting out a substance he then shows to the jury to explain blood spatter?" NG also had a graphic showing cast off blood in an arc.
I feel the DA is possibly having a large say in how MPD are dealing with what is made public. He doesn't want any loopholes for the Defense and no tainting of a potential jury pool.

As frustrating as it is in the short term, they're handling it the right way. They have had footage of the Altima from probably day one. They tried to locate it without the public's help initially. I don't see how running this investigation publically is going to get a conviction.

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This wasn't a burglary. jmo for one thing, LE said at the start that they didn't know what the perp was doing in the church, based on them watching the video. Also, Le has 30 minutes of video of the perp. It doesn't sound like he was doing a B & E. jmo

^ Agreeing w you that it was not a burglary as we commonly think of burglary, but TX statute defines burglary in a more encompassing way than other states. A person can commit burglary even without actually stealing/taking any property away from the building.*

Imo jmo moo, perp likely committed burglary per Lonestar law, but imo jmo moo, likely that perp did not enter to just steal property, was there to injure or kill.

* Warning: Hairsplitting about to occur.
"Sec. 30.02. BURGLARY. (a) A person commits an offense if, without the effective consent of the owner, the person:(1) enters a habitation, or a building (or any portion of a building) not then open to the public, with intent to commit a felony, theft, or an assault; or
(2) remains concealed, with intent to commit a felony, theft, or an assault, in a building or habitation; or
(3) enters a building or habitation and commits or attempts to commit a felony, theft, or an assault." <--- bbm

Don't say I did not warn about the hairsplitting.
I don't think they really need our help identifying the car and its owner. They may need our help collecting more evidence to successfully charge the owner of that car with murder, IMO. We can fill in the gaps so they have a better case against him/her..

Respectfully, that's 100% the OPPOSITE of what LE said. Instead, here's what they did say:

"But again, we don't believe this is the vehicle of the killer. We don't believe that there's necessarily any connection to the offenses. It's well over an hour before the killer is believed to have come onto the scene at the church, and it's arguable how visible the church may have been seen from that business on the morning when it was raining. It's simply just an unfinished lead, that we'd like to talk to that person and see if they have anything to add to the investigation."
Q: To be clear on the car, did it pull into SWFA's parking lot, or the church's parking lot?
Chief: "It pulled into SWFA's parking lot, and pulled out a few minutes later. Back onto 287."
Apparently they want us to understand they have looked at, and moved on from, the normal starting point in such an investigation, which is the "people who were close to the victim, such as friends, family, and coworkers," even though they don't ever formally exclude ANYONE until they catch the perp.

Here's the actual TRANSCRIPT of what was said, to make it clear.

"As is to be done in any murder investigation where the suspect is not known, the initial focus was on people who were close to the victim, such as friends, family, and coworkers.

These persons are often referred to as persons of interest. From persons of interest sometimes come suspects.

At this point, none of the friends, family or co-workers of Missy Bevers are considered suspects.

Despite various theories circulating through social media, none of the people named in our affidavits are now suspects.

Several family members seem to also be at the center of the public's focus. I just want to be clear that the Bevers family including Mr Bevers and his father have been cooperative, forthcoming, and provided detailed alibis that have all been corroborated through independent sources. Until Missy's killer is caught, I will stop short of saying that any person is absolutely excluded, but to be clear, none of Missy's family are at the focus of this investigation."

Bold mine. Thank you so much for posting this! I could not find a working video of the press conference so this is tremendously helpful.

I am signing off for now - take care everyone and ttyl.
Having reviewed and studied multiple crimes, I can tell you that vandals don't typically dress in swat gear and brutally murder people. This attack was planned and well coordinated.
Sorry I wasn't clear.......I think this was a plan to murder Ms. Bevers and the rest only intended to misdirect law enforcement.
I'm going to disagree with you. The police have no obligation to answer questions and to clarify things with the public. The one and only obligation they have is to find the killer and bring him/her/them to justice. If playing cat and mouse with the killer, being vague, being mysterious, giving slightly false information, and obfuscating a little is what it takes, then that's what it takes. I fully believe that more than one person is involved in this. IF that's the case, the police have to develop even more valuable evidence to bring to the DA. Additionally, they're not going to make one arrest and leave another one hanging. They do NOT want people to lawyer up and shut up, so they're going to do some tap dancing and deflecting in order to keep the prime suspect(s) comfortable and at ease. This is not unprofessional. This appears to be law enforcement operating at an extremely high level of intelligence and wit.

Agree to disagree.

The Tuckers doesn't have access a similar Nissan. But let's not mention this.
Great. This can't be the Altima then. Because the Nissan is front and centered in front the camera.

So are they subliminally stating that the Nissan was also caught on the scene but was somewhat out of view. But enough to see it in the corner of the church parking lot?

No, they are saying the Nissan Altima wasn't even on the church parking lot. It's just a car that happened to pull into a nearby business, stop for only a few minutes, and then get back on 287 and drive away.

Q: To be clear on the car, did it pull into SWFA's parking lot, or the church's parking lot?
Chief: "It pulled into SWFA's parking lot, and pulled out a few minutes later. Back onto 287."
OMG! I just thought of the broken glass on the floor which I always thought of as irrelevant staging. Then, I realized -no one can run on a tile floor on broken, tempered glass, it is like trying to run on marbles. This was not done for kicks or staging, it was done to capture a fleeing prey. Then, I think I have already posted this idea before and am just circling.

If this is a man, as some believe, does anyone think that maybe Missy walked in on someone setting up surveillance on the gun store? As in someone planning to rob the gun store sometime in the future and was checking out the cameras at FWSA and where to monitor activities from - like a church with no alarm system? Maybe some schmoe was just sent to gather initial information and then lost it when he was surprised by Missy because he blew the entire plan and he was a dead man walking.

So, their is a break-in at the church. Things are vandalized but nothing is taken. The church will repair, replace, revamp its security system which is probably a bit outdated since it failed to pick up the perp outside and is too grainy and too few are in use. Who would the church call to repair the update the system? Their provider. Maybe people who work for the security installers also work for those planning the gun store robbery.

Just a random thought.

And strictly that.
Imo. The police need to clarify what they truly need and why. Jmo.

They are leading folks to too many questions with the lack of them simply clarifying the why on certain things.

Now I'm happy that this town has a low murder rate. But the police are causing more guessing with every interview they give.

Jmo. You tell me that a car was caught at the scene in a far corner which was barely viewable per your statement.

Now you show me a Nissan dead on camera a mile away but don't state if it is the same car in question from the scene.

Plus you let people bash the Tuckers for weeks while knowing you had a specific car that could have been at both scenes that the Tuckers don't own nor have access too. Jmo.

Now The feds and others may be helping with the schematics of things.

But the actual interviews by the local pd is sending people on a frenzy. Jmo.

No police department is not made to make things public in 3 to 4 weeks.

So why is the mpd announcing things about slueths sending them on 40 hour man hunts. Jmo.

Very unprofessional.

Lol. I'm bumping my own since I see that some people like to act like they don't understand anything that I'm saying. Jmo
Respectfully, that's 100% the OPPOSITE of what LE said. Instead, here's what they did say:

"But again, we don't believe this is the vehicle of the killer. We don't believe that there's necessarily any connection to the offenses. It's well over an hour before the killer is believed to have come onto the scene at the church, and it's arguable how visible the church may have been seen from that business on the morning when it was raining. It's simply just an unfinished lead, that we'd like to talk to that person and see if they have anything to add to the investigation."
Q: To be clear on the car, did it pull into SWFA's parking lot, or the church's parking lot?
Chief: "It pulled into SWFA's parking lot, and pulled out a few minutes later. Back onto 287."

Regarding the LE Q&A, they never said whether or not the vehicle actually did or did not enter the church parking lot.
They just said it was parked at SWFA, and back to 287.
Where IMO could mean that it went to the church after that (when they saw just the corner of the vehicle).
I may be reading too much into that, but I'm going on what LE didn't say/answer directly.
They never said, no, it did not go to the church parking lot. [emoji6]
Again, jmo. [emoji4]
Respectfully, that's 100% the OPPOSITE of what LE said. Instead, here's what they did say:

"But again, we don't believe this is the vehicle of the killer. We don't believe that there's necessarily any connection to the offenses. It's well over an hour before the killer is believed to have come onto the scene at the church, and it's arguable how visible the church may have been seen from that business on the morning when it was raining. It's simply just an unfinished lead, that we'd like to talk to that person and see if they have anything to add to the investigation."
Q: To be clear on the car, did it pull into SWFA's parking lot, or the church's parking lot?
Chief: "It pulled into SWFA's parking lot, and pulled out a few minutes later. Back onto 287."

I watched the press conference and knew what they said. I think they're being purposefully misleading so the perp comes forward on his/her own.
No, they are saying the Nissan Altima wasn't even on the church parking lot. It's just a car that happened to pull into a nearby business, stop for only a few minutes, and then get back on 287 and drive away.

Q: To be clear on the car, did it pull into SWFA's parking lot, or the church's parking lot?
Chief: "It pulled into SWFA's parking lot, and pulled out a few minutes later. Back onto 287."

Great. So what car was in the parking lot of the murder scene. And when do they want help with that?
Imo. The police need to clarify what they truly need and why. Jmo. .

Not trying to be disrespectful, but I find this unintentionally humorous.

LE has a presser yesterday, said EXACTLY what they want help with, and why, and peeps here are now trying to sift through their statements for some sort of hidden meaning or intent, and parse what is being supposedly concealed, rather than simply respond, "Oh. LE needs our help. This is what they want, and why." Despite LE being upfront, peeps here take it as disinformation, deceit, and lies.

It can't be both ways. if we want to know what LE wants, then when they say, "We need your help with X," maybe we should simply take it at face value. Essentially, 'There's a car of a person who happened to be driving by a few hours earlier - if you recognize the car, call us, or ask the owner to call us.' And also 'The perp is between 5'2-5'7, light-skinned, and walks funny. If you think you know who that is, someone who might have been in or have ties to Midlothian or CG, please call us. Here, look at video and maybe that will help.'

DIRECT QUOTE: "The last remaining [nearby property video-cam generated] lead involves a car that pulls into the SWFA sporting goods parking lot at approximately 2 am. They're seen pulling into the parking lot and leaving just a few minutes later. We believe that car is a 2010 to 2012 Nissan Altima. It's light in color, possibly silver. (It's hard to tell - if you remember, it was raining that morning.)

Let me emphasize, though, we don't have any reason whatsover to believe that this car or its driver are in any way involved with the murder of Missy Bevers. In the interest of following up on every possible lead, this is the last lead that hasn't been exhausted from that video canvassing. We'd like to talk to the driver of that car and they can contact us at our established tipline or our non-emergency number.

But again, we don't believe this is the vehicle of the killer. We don't believe that there's necessarily any connection to the offenses. It's well over an hour before the killer is believed to have come onto the scene at the church, and it's arguable how visible the church may have been seen from that business on the morning when it was raining. It's simply just an unfinished lead, that we'd like to talk to that person and see if they have anything to add to the investigation."
In all honesty. I love our Mods.

But I sometimes wish they join in besides reminding folks of things. Jmo.

So what do mods actually think. Just asking?
Having reviewed and studied multiple crimes, I can tell you that vandals don't typically dress in swat gear and brutally murder people. This attack was planned and well coordinated.

So what's the motive?

That's been the sticking point for me all along. Missy is described as a godly woman, a good mother and a motivator who builds self esteem in others. We haven't heard one thing bad about her besides some online flirting, and believe me, facebook gossip would have outed any shortcomings by now. She doesn't frequent the bar scene or put herself in dangerous situations with shady friends. She works a steady job, attends her kids sporting events, and has a long marriage. She has an extended family who seems to genuinely care for her. No criminal history.

So, what has she done so bad that someone wants her dead? The only person I can imagine is a "psycho b*tch from hell" type from a Lifetime movie. moo
I watched the press conference and knew what they said. I think they're being purposefully misleading so the perp comes forward on his/her own.

respectfully. I think it will be a cold day in July before he comes forward, but jmo.
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