TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #21

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I don't know. But correct me if I'm mistaken......I am understanding that cameras did not pick up Missy driving in, nor any of the campers. My understanding is that Missy was first seen when she entered the church at the front. THAT camera was activated. JMO

We do not know where the video surveillance camera was that picked up MB driving into the church parking lot. We only know they have video of it. http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...eline-*NO-DISCUSSION*&p=12523292#post12523292
There IS a big difference between 5'2 and 5'7 though.....so maybe two after all. I was stuck on ONE. JMO

I swear I remember hearing the asst chief say in the press conference something to the effect of "it is obviously one person" meaning the one seen on video. IIRC, he then said something about not ruling out another perp (not seen on video). Of course now I can't find that comment. Does anyone remember it? MOO all over the place.
I think this is an excellent observation. I think it was strategic and I think it eliminates some people without flat out saying so. Also the comment about a light skinned person eliminated another trainer on the warrant as swatperp as you mentioned. Again, I think they are confident in who this is and confident in their experts to release that bc if they turn out wrong, a defense attorney could have a field day if the actual perp is taller than 5'7.

;) ooohhh unless that's not what the Expert Reconstruction says. What matters is what it says in those reports. They could say 5'2 but MB was 5'3 that Suspect on that video didnt look that short to me, passing that fire extinguisher thing on the wall. I think they just gave a from here to there height ;)

OH! Thank you so very much to all those who gave me MB height and link to it. I "thought" I had seen it but was not sure if it was a dream or not lol. :loveyou:
I am curious at how the killer travelled to & from the scene. He/she was struggling to walk in the too big shoes, so they must have had some form of wheels in order to make a quick escape. What I find odd is that security cameras are so common these days in homes & business. I'm surprised there hasn't been more sightings on camera of the transport. In the UK there is CCTV everywhere, but maybe not in this small town.

CCTV cameras are not even common in large US cities, let alone in a remote area like this. They have the video from the gun store security camera down the road. The church’s exterior security cameras were not activated the night of the murder. That’s likely all the security video that's on that stretch of highway. If they want more security video they would have to get it from locations, greater distance from the church. I would think that video from locations not near the church, would be pretty useless to the investigation.
We do not know where the video surveillance camera was that picked up MB driving into the church parking lot. We only know they have video of it. http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...eline-*NO-DISCUSSION*&p=12523292#post12523292

So, 4:16 seen DRIVING in and 4:18 ( having walked to front door with key) ENTERING the church ? We do know that church entry was church camera at front door. DRIVING video is probably gun shop video, or else if church video, all campers were seen driving in, as well. JMO Also, if driving video is gun shop video all campers were seen too, but not necessarily perp, if they parked at north side of church.
Thanks to everyone for their opinons on the vehicle, especially MrsPC, arkansasmimi and degenerate32. The photo is another optical illusion, and based on your better eyes, I was able to *blink* and the wall I saw became the Hwy 287. It does look like the Altima is across the lanes of the gun store side of 287, with headlights on the grassy depression median, with the other lanes beyond that. The right front wheel is slightly turned to right. I changed my opinion about the reflection in the interior - it does look like an inlaid dashboard GPS or a smart phone held sideways? Overall impression is that maybe the driver was lost, thought they could maybe drive straight to turn left, saw the impassable depressed median and realized they had to turn right only? (Left (north) would lead back to CoC?) I think it was poster Gae (Thanks!) whose family thought the oval sticker looked like a Harley Davidson skull type - I agree on the Harley Davidson type sticker, eyes not good enough to see skull; but there are 100s of HD stickers, many with a shield, circle or oval shape, with those HD block letters set rectangularly across. JMO

The Altima photo seems to have been taken at a low height, almost at eye level. Not from a pole. IMO

It is important where the Altima was parked for those few minutes. There is a brick wall with white trim around the back of SWFA which is where I thought the photo was taken. I'm not seeing wheels turned or the road stripe... Not yet anyhow. I keep staring at it trying to see the road.

Here is a view from SWFA to the church in the distance (top left). IMO this could where the first PR mentioned having captured a photo of a car taken from a distance. This video starts off showing surroundings of their store. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x8otfKXGMgQ
WOW. If Missy pulling in was captured by the gun shop cameras, then so was everybody else! If perp had a car, it must have been caught on camera?.....pulling IN to the church? And OUT......Unless the camera angle was such that it only captured the south side of church and not the entrance from the highway. JMO

:detective: JMHO, I thinking it was more pointed to get the area of the Hwy 287 and not be a surveillance for the church. I thinking they got the vehicles entering and leaving. But just can identify those known (MB first campers, FD, LE anyone after. as long as that tape ran. Also could see if the Suspect came back by for a lookie lookie
Thank you!! Let's please try to work on the facts so we don't get this one shut down!! [emoji6]

That said, what is our take on the the fact the outdoor cameras didn't work? Do we know how long they were down, and who would have known that?

The police said the exterior cameras were not functioning the night of the murder. They do have video from the exterior cameras from other times.

My take, I think it’s nothing unusual. It was dark, it was raining, most cameras would not pick up anything in those conditions. It sounds to me like the cameras were probably functioning as they were designed to.
I have only recently been able to start following this tragic case so I apololgize if this has been discussed, but from arkansasmimi's post #26 above:

Monday, April 18, 2016: 4:16 A.M. - Mrs. Bevers' pick up truck is shown on video surveillance driving into the church parking lot http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sho...2#post12523292

When I read the linked timeline what jumped out at me right away is that they have 4:16am time Mrs. Beavers' pickup truck is shown on video surveillance pulling into the parking lot. Then they say the first participant in Camp Gladiator arrived at the location at 4:35. I wonder why they didn't use the same wording? Could that camper's arrival have involved not pulling into the parking lot and hence, not be on video?

I have no idea, but they screwed up the time saying 420 a.m. so I am not sure. * in one of the SW it says they got a 911 call at 506 a.m. also. So dunno... They should be able to verify that time frame by however they verified MB, unless they just were able to go back and look from 418 am on the video and see what happen just prior. I honestly think they have more evidence than the Suspect even has a clue. May be smart, just not as smart as thought He/She is. JMHO
First post here. I found and joined this website bc of this case. It's just driving me insane for some reason. In my opinion, I believe this was vandelism gone wrong. I do not believe she was targeted or that this was a burglary. I think the perp is a single, 20-40 yr old male with minor mental illness. Lacks social skills. Non-athletic. Possibly abused growing up. I think he may have wanted to be a cop all his life but didn't possess the tools/brains to be one. He was getting back at the Police and God in one swing. I think he was living out a fantasy. Possibly like a video game. I don't believe he knew anything about the class being held there. I don't think he's on social media and I think he lives nearby. Missy arriving at that church blew his fantasy and he completely panicked because he didn't expect something going on at a church on an early Monday morning. If this clown was a hitman he wouldn't be wearing all that stupid gear? If he was robbing the place then where is the bag for the cash/valuables? He wore the gear as an fu to the police bc he knew he would be on camera. And he vandalized the house of the Lord bc of who he is. Missy was in the wrong place at the wrong time. RIP. Just my opinion folks
I have to agree on the perp scouting the church earlier that morning. I doubt the person who did this got any sleep the night before and I think they may have entered the church a lot earlier than we saw. This is why I think the Altima driver is important. Either they could have seen something during that time frame and LE really just wants to talk to them as stated, or LE has other info to make them think the Altima could possibly be involved in some way. Jmo

I kind of doubt they entered the church much before 3:50AM. The cameras would have activated sooner. The suspect could have been out side the church at an earlier time though.
;) ooohhh unless that's not what the Expert Reconstruction says. What matters is what it says in those reports. They could say 5'2 but MB was 5'3 that Suspect on that video didnt look that short to me, passing that fire extinguisher thing on the wall. I think they just gave a from here to there height ;)

OH! Thank you so very much to all those who gave me MB height and link to it. I "thought" I had seen it but was not sure if it was a dream or not lol. :loveyou:

I completely have faith and think the reconstruction report is accurate and whatever is in those reports I believe when someone is arrested they will fall within the range given during the press conference, probably smack in the middle and for all we know they may have a more exact height but are giving a range that the more specific height falls between To the public. IMO, Not all people are good at guessing a height of someone, even someone they know, but given a range it would be easier to say whether someone fits in that range or not. 5'7 is the cutoff given and that clears some people on the list of being swatperp.
The Altima photo seems to have been taken at a low height, almost at eye level. Not from a pole. IMO

It is important where the Altima was parked for those few minutes. There is a brick wall with white trim around the back of SWFA which is where I thought the photo was taken. I'm not seeing wheels turned or the road stripe... Not yet anyhow. I keep staring at it trying to see the road.

Here is a view from SWFA to the church in the distance (top left). IMO this could where the first PR mentioned having captured a photo of a car taken from a distance. This video starts off showing surroundings of their store. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x8otfKXGMgQ

So that would be ever more suspicious if the car went and parked round the back? Even if you needed a wee would you drive round the back of a dark gun store? More likely you'd just stop at the front I'd think.

Also per the poster who drove by and spotted 30+ cameras there is no way there isn't clearer footage of this vehicle.
I agree on the wording of the time frame. Just like they did at the first Press Conf... "shortly" "pretty soon" ... vague. They know what the time stamps say ;) .. This is a Murder Investigation. Honestly there is a large time frame that the Suspect could have left. *note too, they seemed to have the Suspect at least on video after the Murder, I will be curious to find out if Suspect was in a hurry or how they appeared leaving vs the other video we have seen. :thinking: That will surely have some play how the DA builds his case. Makes me also think that could be another reason why they changed to Targeted so fast.

Per this article, LE does not have the attack or the suspect after the attack on video.


So much for knowing how the suspect acted after the attack. If the suspects actions were known it might help determine if Missy was targeted.
I kind of doubt they entered the church much before 3:50AM. The cameras would have activated sooner. The suspect could have been out side the church at an earlier time though.

Excellent point. I definitely think they were outside or near the church before entering and I wonder how long it took them to break into the door.
I think they are making factual statements too. I do wonder about the Altima and I know they said the driver or drivers aren't pois and they just want to know if they saw anything. This I can't help but read more into bc they have had this information for awhile and I wonder why they have waited so long to release it. I'm trying not to get too far off the deep end with my thoughts/theories/opinions on this case but something about the Altima and the timing is bugging me.

Personally, I am not gonna try to read too much into it. I do not know how long (but I like you assume since the beginning) but this is an ongoing investigation. They didn't have to even release it. Thing I have found that when read too much into it .. you get tunnel vision from being in so many rabbit holes. Been there done that, have scratches from the briar patch ... It could be either we just don't know. I don't know who was driving that vehicle at 2 a.m. on April 18, 2016 so no way I am any help to them there. * or any way really. They have the best of the best helping. They don't need our sleuth ideas. They have the actual information needed to work through to send the case to DA. Its just puzzle work for me.
Maybe perp went to church super early, broke windows on several doors. Opened doors and then left to see if cops came, then came back after coast was clear.
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