TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #21

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There is only one driveway.... :silly: how did the perp get there to park on the north side if didn't come through the drive way from Hwy 287? *Plus JMHO MB went through the same side door entrance near her truck. Not walk around the front of the church and open that door. But that JMHO.

** ETA, Please do not think I was being snarky. I think sometimes I over think things and that what made me think of. Hugs Mimi

I don't think that you are a snark! LOL. I may have totally misread or misunderstood the whole "key to the church" thing. But there was all kinds of talk about her walking around to the front door and then walking (unsuccessfully) to the awning door to open it to unload her car. MY point about the ENTRANCE off the highway to the church, is that THAT may not have been captured at all because the gun shop camera inadvertently was looking at the south side of the church, so that it saw her driving in the south toward east parking lot, but did not capture her entering off of the highway.....its' just speculation. I could be all wet! JMO
If wanted to dispose of something that I never wanted found, I would throw it in a lake or a river. I think Lake Arlington or Joe Poole Lake are not far from Midlothian. Locals, please correct me if I'm wrong. Either would be very deep with all the rain we have had. Also the Trinity River is not all that far away either. It would have been running swiftly if not at all out flood level at the time of Missy's death.

Or he could have just put it in a bag and thrown it in a trash dumpster somewhere. By now it would be in a landfill. It’s pretty easy to dispose of evidence really.
Article said "driver" of the vehicle (referring to the Altima) and wanting to talk to "them." That sounds like 2 people in the Altima, unles he mis-spoke... Quite possible.

In their defense, it could've been a mistake, but in referring to SP, singular, I as well as many others have said they & them, which is usually plural, but it's actually just easier to say that because we don't know for a fact if they are a he or a she. At least that's the way I took it when they, one LEO, at press conference, said "them". I could be wrong, wouldn't be the 1st or the last time. [emoji4]
I completely have faith and think the reconstruction report is accurate and whatever is in those reports I believe when someone is arrested they will fall within the range given during the press conference, probably smack in the middle and for all we know they may have a more exact height but are giving a range that the more specific height falls between To the public. IMO, Not all people are good at guessing a height of someone, even someone they know, but given a range it would be easier to say whether someone fits in that range or not. 5'7 is the cutoff given and that clears some people on the list of being swatperp.

These were experts that did the reconstruction of the video, frame by frame. I have faith in their actual work. Because... a Defense Attorney is gonna try to debunk it ... Nope they got it pretty much nailed down JMHO
I don't know. But correct me if I'm mistaken......I am understanding that cameras did not pick up Missy driving in, nor any of the campers. My understanding is that Missy was first seen when she entered the church at the front. THAT camera was activated. JMO

In the press release issued on April 18, MPD included a timeline:
3:50 am - suspect 1st appears on camera
4:16 am - MB's pickup truck shown driving into parking lot
4:20 am - MB appears on video walking into church building
4:35 am - boot camp participant arrives at location

I thought the same thing you did until I went thru MPD's press releases/updates posted on their official FB page and took notes on them :)
I have only recently been able to start following this tragic case so I apololgize if this has been discussed, but from arkansasmimi's post #26 above:

Monday, April 18, 2016: 4:16 A.M. - Mrs. Bevers' pick up truck is shown on video surveillance driving into the church parking lot http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sho...2#post12523292

When I read the linked timeline what jumped out at me right away is that they have 4:16am time Mrs. Beavers' pickup truck is shown on video surveillance pulling into the parking lot. Then they say the first participant in Camp Gladiator arrived at the location at 4:35. I wonder why they didn't use the same wording? Could that camper's arrival have involved not pulling into the parking lot and hence, not be on video?

"the first participant in Camp Gladiator arrived at the location at 4:35.".....By this wording, maybe it is an indication that this time is not from a camera time-stamp, but rather from the recollection of the camper. Or from multiple sources, as it's possible their entrance was determined and confirmed by both their own words as well as from a cam sighting.

In contrast, we can only ascertain the time of the arrival/departure of perp, and Missy, by camera time stamps (where they exist), since we can't ask them.
The Altima photo seems to have been taken at a low height, almost at eye level. Not from a pole. IMO

It is important where the Altima was parked for those few minutes. There is a brick wall with white trim around the back of SWFA which is where I thought the photo was taken. I'm not seeing wheels turned or the road stripe... Not yet anyhow. I keep staring at it trying to see the road.

Here is a view from SWFA to the church in the distance (top left). IMO this could where the first PR mentioned having captured a photo of a car taken from a distance. This video starts off showing surroundings of their store. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x8otfKXGMgQ

I've been busy catching up, so forgive me if this is not a help concerning that 'brick wall' and the car at SWFA. But while watchng all the SWFA Youtube videos yesterday, I did notice that there appears to be wall around the trash collection at the back of the store. There also appear to be at least 3 light poles (with cameras) in the proximity, if that helps. But one thing to note...If a perp drove back and paused by those waste containers, that would put perp on the far south side of the building, and the building itself would obscure view of Creekside Church.

From the Bird Flies into Building video:


Aerial view (Google) showing SWFA waste receptacles on far south end of building, Creekside Church north of SWFA:

In the press release issued on April 18, MPD included a timeline:
3:50 am - suspect 1st appears on camera
4:16 am - MB's pickup truck shown driving into parking lot
4:20 am - MB appears on video walking into church building
4:35 am - boot camp participant arrives at location

I thought the same thing you did until I went thru MPD's press releases/updates posted on their official FB page and took notes on them :)

But WHERE on video is she walking into the building? Did the key she had fit all doors or one door ? JMO DUNNO
I am wondering about this "couple of minutes" statement for how long Nissan was in gun store parking lot.

I feel as though it were left open for interpretation and not a literal 2 minutes as to let the owner know "hey, we saw you and we know you sat there before driving off."

To a woman, a couple of minutes can mean 30-45 minutes when it comes to getting ready.

To a man, a couple of minutes means more than 2 when they're hanging out with their friends. "I'll be home in a couple of minutes."

"A few minutes" was the description provided by LE. They know what the time stamp shows and don't have to rely on the memory or description of someone else. Unless you are accusing LE of lying to us, the car was there for a "few" minutes.
Originally Posted by arkansasmimi View Post
I agree on the wording of the time frame. Just like they did at the first Press Conf... "shortly" "pretty soon" ... vague. They know what the time stamps say .. This is a Murder Investigation. Honestly there is a large time frame that the Suspect could have left. *note too, they seemed to have the Suspect at least on video after the Murder, I will be curious to find out if Suspect was in a hurry or how they appeared leaving vs the other video we have seen. That will surely have some play how the DA builds his case. Makes me also think that could be another reason why they changed to Targeted so fast.
Per this article, LE does not have the attack or the suspect after the attack on video.


So much for knowing how the suspect acted after the attack. If the suspects actions were known it might help determine if Missy was targeted.
I based my opinion from listening to the press conference, they have the whole video but were vague on some things. JMHO they see the Suspect some where afterwards. Unless the cameras were messed with (they would have proof of that) suspect didnt just disappear. http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...eline-*NO-DISCUSSION*&p=12514028#post12514028

Male Reporter : did suspect stay around

Spann: we believe he left shortly after the assault ... don't have any indication went into any other rooms after the assault. still piecing together the video

Female Reporter : is he seen fleeing? is he seen after the assault?

Spann :again we see him walking down one of the hallways, but presumably he went out the same way came in, speculation on our part but he broke window reached in and opened the door. there are 2nd and 3rd windows broken but no evidence that anyone went through them ?
I wonder why they have waited so long to release it. I'm trying not to get too far off the deep end with my thoughts/theories/opinions on this case but something about the Altima and the timing is bugging me.

They explained that. Originally, it was just one piece of camera info among many. Now, it's the only leftover piece of info, and they're just being thorough. They said: "But again, we don't believe this is the vehicle of the killer. We don't believe that there's necessarily any connection to the offenses. It's well over an hour before the killer is believed to have come onto the scene at the church, and it's arguable how visible the church may have been seen from that business on the morning when it was raining. It's simply just an unfinished lead, that we'd like to talk to that person and see if they have anything to add to the investigation."
I'm wondering if LE knows who owns the Nissan but have been unable to locate them for whatever reason. Maybe LE are really looking for tips in tracking the owner down without spooking the owner or anyone who recognizes the car.
I still wonder if the outfit the killer was wearing also worn as a costume at a Halloween party some time. Either this person wore it or they borrowed it. The boots could be simply be military boots or black safety boots. The trousers could have been black cargo-style pants or the hockey pants that have been suggested. Put on a balaclava or ski mask and then a motorcyle helmet might work. But the jacket with "POLICE" on the back narrows things down a bit.
A quick search showed me that a replica of an enhanced combat helmet can be purchased for under $30: http://www.code3tactical.com/rothco-abs-mich-2000-replica-tactical-helmet-blk.aspx
Another search showed me that a POLICE jacket was available for about $50: https://www.rothco.com/product/rothco-lined-coaches-police-jacket

That's over $80 right there and if the other articles weren't available then additional cost. Unless someone had a family member who was or is LE, that seems to be a bit much to pay for a vandalism attempt. This, to me, just seems like a one time thing for someone on a mission. To target Missy. Or at least to me it appears that way.

I wonder if MPD has talked to other LE around the Dallas-Ft Worth area about churches being vandalized, in case this case was one of others and Missy Bevers happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Same with church robberies. To see if there are similar cases or to help rule out a robbery/vandalism that went bad.
I would think LE would know the weapon used to kill MB. I have heard some things hinted at but nothing definite. Nothing has been said about the weapon as being something you would think of as a weapon for murder. If this was personal & the perp planned for this opportunity & came up with an elaborate disguise, do you think he would rely on some tool he brought with him or found at the church?
Excellent point. I definitely think they were outside or near the church before entering and I wonder how long it took them to break into the door.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the suspect broke in earlier in the night, then came back later, to make sure that no alarm system had alerted the police.
I'm wondering if LE knows who owns the Nissan but have been unable to locate them for whatever reason. Maybe LE are really looking for tips in tracking the owner down without spooking anyone who recognizes the car.

Cynic here....I think that they do know the plate# and owner of it, and as much as they chastise social media, they are hoping that information about the owner will be discussed. After all, no crime was committed in pulling in to the gun shop for 2 minutes. If they believe they know who it is they don't want to spook them. But that information given to the public was for a purpose. JMO
These were experts that did the reconstruction of the video, frame by frame. I have faith in their actual work. Because... a Defense Attorney is gonna try to debunk it ... Nope they got it pretty much nailed down JMHO

I agree, not sure what made it sound like I didn't! I just think its possible they may have it further nailed down but gave a wider range to the public so the general public isn't out with measuring tapes.
Does the church actually have cameras outside?

Yes, they have cameras outside, and the police have video from those cameras, just not from the night of the murder.
I kind of doubt they entered the church much before 3:50AM. The cameras would have activated sooner. The suspect could have been out side the church at an earlier time though.

They did not have to enter after breaking. He broke a screen, a metal door, a double door. *Why the door and the double door?* Perhaps he wanted to test, if there was an alarm? To plan and establish his entry point first and then come back? After he noticed that nothing happened, he may have returned according to "schedule" and started his "official" break in via glass doors ready to be taped by the cams. Just saying.

I've been busy catching up, so forgive me if this is not a help concerning that 'brick wall' and the car at SWFA. But while watchng all the SWFA Youtube videos yesterday, I did notice that there appears to be wall around the trash collection at the back of the store. There also appear to be at least 3 light poles (with cameras) in the proximity, if that helps. But one thing to note...If a perp drove back and paused by those waste containers, that would put perp on the far south side of the building, and the building itself would obscure view of Creekside Church. From the Bird Flies into Building video: View attachment 95049 Aerial view (Google) showing SWFA waste receptacles on far south end of building, Creekside Church north of SWFA: View attachment 95050
Nice aerial of the area! What if the Altima was the dropoff and pickup vehicle? What if they stopped in SWFA to get better oriented. The Dropoff - Altima on Rex Odom road, SP hikes the little dirt road, crosses the Prong Creek, through the woods to the NE of CoC. The Escape: The SP could have fled out the NE of CoC and headed intothe woods for the Prong Creek, followed the creek under the 287, continued along creek on SWFA side to that little heavily wooded and no houses road behind SWFA where the Altima was waiting for SP? JMO another theory.
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