TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #22

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As a local, I do find it odd that LE hasn't warned the community about suspect/poi. Since there is no warning, I feel/see that the community still continues with their everyday lives-sports/activities/bikers/joggers/kids still riding their bikes all over neighborhoods and in town. So they feel confident that poi isn't a random serial killer or they do not want to cause hysteria in this little big town of ours.

I have seen a lot more of MPD, but I have not seen FBI/Tx Rangers, etc. But I'm gone during the day at work...

Everything still feels the same/normal in Midlothian. Most of my friends/family/Associates don't feel threatened or scared. Maybe we should....

Altima-I always look for that Altima as soon as I get into Midlo, tons of Altimas every color but not that Altima. :gaah:

So glad the community continues to live their lives without the fear of a killer on the lose. Strengthens the theory Missy was targeted, doesn't it?

So you think they know who this is and are just jerking the public around? Facial recognition software was my first thought too, why can't they just ID this perp and be done with it, then they come on TV asking for help about a car they knew about 4 weeks ago and claim they still don't know who this perp is. I don't think they'd come right out and make that statement if they did know, but who knows.

IMO LE knows who the SP is but they need to get all their facts, timeline, motive, accomplice together before they can make an arrest. The key here is not only making an arrest but preparing a case for conviction. IMO LE is asking for the public's help to piece together the details but IMO it is clear (visually) who the SP is......... IMO JMO
Sounds to me that he needed to get things off his chest, part of his closure. I also feel he knows or suspects who did it and at this point they only have circumstantial evidence to bring this monster in. I feel for him~~I can't imagine what he has been thru since the start of this all. Can you imagine going about your life one day as normal, then some sicko kills your wife and your whole world gets turned upside now and broadcast to the whole world? I think he is handling it like a champion considering the circumstances. I don't know that I could have the strength that he has shown. God Bless him and his family and prayers they bring this perp to justice soon.

I don't say much here, mostly just read a lot. I agree with you totally.

It is a peaceful calming breeze that blows through this fern at that time. It's almost as if it's smiling. I know it sounds bizarro, but that was the feeling I immediately had when it got my attention. She was there is the feeling I had.

RBBM. This is a lovely thought.

In the movie "The Lovely Bones," the protagonist, a girl who was murdered,
finds various ways to let her father know, from Heaven, that she is OK and with him.

Here's a link to a YouTube clip in which the girl causes a dead rose blossom that her father is holding to bloom in his hand:

The Lovely Bones - Jack Realizes the Truth (Full scene) HD 2009

I first posted a similar comment to a thread regarding Jessica Lane Chambers,
when a poster noted an apparition-like image that looks like Ms. Chambers
in a news video.

"he says. "If that person was really there to commit a robbery, why did they kill my wife and leave her wedding ring on her finger?"


LE, after initially clearing BB, is going to be swayed/influenced by his theories about his wife's killer. And that's great IF he is on the right track. But if he's not, then it sends them off chasing rabbits while the trail gets colder.

I personally believe that it could have still been a robbery IF the perp got caught completely off-guard by her arrival. The tools being used in the robbery then become the weapons of an unplanned murder. And then maybe the perp is spooked - if this lady in workout gear is here at 4:30, then can others be close behind? So he high-tails it out of there. No time for taking off her wedding ring - might not have even noticed it.

But I still lean toward the non-robbery theory in which MB was targeted but not by someone who knew her. IMO, the killer wanted a "thrill kill" - perhaps their first one - and either saw her from the highway on another day, or else saw her in a store before/after a class on another day and then chose this day to strike.

But in BOTH these scenarios, the killer would NOT be someone MB knew.
LE knows and is just looking for more evidence. They kept the car pic and info from the public to give the perp a sense that they got away with it so the car could come back out in public with no worries. At least one person and most likely many more know who did this. They are probably in contact with LE as they should be. If this person thinks someone they know is turning them in, who knows what they will do? Whoever knows anything with regards to this perp needs to come forward right away or risk being a co-conspirator in the crime, or suffer worse from perp. And I would think they need to protect themselves from perp at this point. Perp is in for a death penalty case already, not much left to lose at this point. Hope the people who know come forward and stay safe.
Must be for devils food cake?

They were brought to my attention in the first few days after they did some weird social media stuff in the aftermath. I dug deeper and there are many coincidences - work, the church, LE, the gym, the classes etc etc. Then I heard rumours which fitted my thoughts and off I went. I "know" (via basic Facebook forensics) one of them pretty well now, I've even stolen one of her recipes....

And I'm about as un-local as you can get, living 4646 miles away in England.[/QUOTE

Can I have the recipe? Lol I collect recipes. And I DO cook
I'm catching up and just wanted to share that I really feel BB speaking out speaks to his true heartfelt wish to find out who did this to his wife. Think about it, we want to know too- yesterday or a month ago, in fact. This is his wife, mother of 3 children taken from this earth in such a sudden and horrific way. MB was a picture of what good health looked like- now she is gone.
I'm sure he has to come to term with a lot of complex feelings he has because he needs to be strong for his kids. Got to hand it to him, he has my total empathy.
AND, I agree with you BB- I'm 85% certain it's a female SP- as hard as that is for any one of us to accept based on the statistics.
Let's get this criminal behind bars so we can also move on for MB and her family.
It's totally solvable and we are in the process of watching it unfold- patients is the real key to this puzzling case.

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IMO LE knows who the SP is but they need to get all their facts, timeline, motive, accomplice together before they can make an arrest. The key here is not only making an arrest but preparing a case for conviction. IMO LE is asking for the public's help to piece together the details but IMO it is clear (visually) who the SP is......... IMO JMO
If you think you know who it is based on visual please share with us who you think it is.
I don't find it unusual that BB is talking to the media. If you look back on other high profile cases the victim's families frequently speak to media. JMO

Yes. For example, Hannah Graham's parents were very effective advocates for their daughter.
I just noticed if you are parked in the driveway of SWFA facing 287 you have a clear shot of the runway of the airport just about 1000 yards due north. Not totally clear view but certainly at night you can see lights and a plane land. Just something to consider...
What makes you think the perp is a sociopath? I haven't picked up on that trait at all. Just because a murderer is calculating, that doesn't mean s/he is a sociopath. In fact, I see this crime as full of emotion, not devoid of emotion.

Clue me in on your thought-process that the perp is a sociopath. (I'm sincerely curious, not being snarky, btw.)

As I understand it, sociopaths do have emotions (sometimes they need extra stimulation to feel them, though) but they do not have empathy and compassion for the feelings of other people.
SBM....this is interesting. I missed those pics, will have to go back and search.

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I can't find it now but it had a picture of the Altima and a picture of the COC side by side for comparison for those of us who see the car "in front of a wall" :gaah:
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