TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #24

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I applaud the broud array of theories on this website, but some of them are so speculative, and easily run away from one persons speculation to anothers theory based on the innitial speculation, that at a point it does get cumbersom to read through the same rehashed commentary page after page. I think what some are asking is that everyone please go back and read all post in all previous threads before comenting or rehashing speculation that has been run in to the ground based on nothing but wild assumptions. I would suggest a reset, starting with what we actually know, and continuing to try to identify objects we have a visual of, along with plausable speculation based on know facts. Often readers who dip in and out, read somthing and take it for fact and I see 3 and 4 pages of back and forth just for someone who is up to speed make the correction, and even then, it often takes another page or two for the facts to sink in. some here are good at spot reading and keeping up. others not so much. rampant speculation based on nothing more that comparing persons, or motives to what is common, often lead away from the answers as apposed to towards them.

You mentioned "speculative". Respectfully, pretty much everything about this case is speculative since we have so little to go on.

Assistant Chief Johnson said his dozen or so team members meet in a room every morning for a daily briefing and hash through ideas and theories. In a social media sense, that is exactly what we are doing here.

On the bloody shirt, IIRC no one had mentioned before I did that the bloody shirt can be tested for other evidence besides just blood. Discussion of the delay in testing led me to find information that labs typically test ALL evidence related to a case at the same time.

That's pretty interesting to know - that even if the shirt provides nothing of value, getting the shirt results might coincide with getting all the other CSI results as well. Which might lead to a break in the case.

I think talking about the same thing over and over, though annoying for some, may be helpful when someone looks at it from a different angle. JMO
The hammer appears white, too. It's called reflected light.




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While looking back over the Dry Cleaner SW, I saw this. This is what I keep saying and do not understand why people think the murder could only have happened within time MB went in and first camper showed up.

There was about 30 min from time MB first walked in, until she was located by the Campers. JMHO

View attachment 95799

I know you've paid a lot more attention to building configuration and where cars were parked than I have. So let me ask you this.

How feasible would it be for perp to be in the act of killing MB with Camper 1 parked outside, without anything appearing amiss to Camper 1? Is the SW corner far enough away from Camper 1 to shield the murder from being seen or heard?

And secondly, if the perp was still there when Camper 1 arrived, that precludes the perp leaving the church grounds by car, does it not? It doesn't seem likely that perp would go back out the north end and exit on foot in the rain to some distance away, leaving a trail through the mud.
This hasn't been brought up in awhile, but I suddenly remember someone on WS saying that MB stopped by the local Fire Dept. the day before her murder. Is that correct? Does anyone know of anymore details regarding that? Thanks.
This hasn't been brought up in awhile, but I suddenly remember someone on WS saying that MB stopped by the local Fire Dept. the day before her murder. Is that correct? Does anyone know of anymore details regarding that? Thanks.

I remember reading that
I do not recall the source
Notice, the object in the perps left hand. He bashed it in with his thumb/hand:




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Originally Posted by Cannonball3804
“Regarding the statement that the driver is not a suspect... LE has to state that to cover their own butts against liability. Since the Atlanta Olympic bombing some years back, when LE publicly fingered the wrong guy and he sued, they are very careful. Hence the "So and so is not a suspect" statements. It doesn't mean that they DON'T suspect the driver of the Altima, IMHO.”

Originally Posted by Amateurpi1
This hasn't been brought up in awhile, but I suddenly remember someone on WS saying that MB stopped by the local Fire Dept. the day before her murder. Is that correct? Does anyone know of anymore details regarding that? Thanks.

A few observations and you probably aren’t going to like them:

1. The simple solution is usually the best guess scenario.

2. When I first viewed the perp in the video, which was shown on my local news, my mind flashed immediately to the Atlanta Olympic Bombing and the original “suspect” identified by the FBI based on their profile teams analysis and the subsequent “lone bomber”. Size, gait, circumstances, clothing…it made me think. Much like BTK and others who have used LE tactics in surveilling their victims or putting them at ease, this perp did the same. Fits many of the same profile characteristics as were used in the Olympic Bombing case (though they initially id’d the wrong guy) pseudo law enforcement, in and out of LE jobs/occupations, “thrilled” by the action/adrenalin…and he sued the crap out of everyone and won.

3. The communities around the MB crime scene are rampant with these folks…Reserve Deputies (Ellis Cnty and others), Volunteer Firefighters, Deputy Constables, EMT’s, etc. etc. Simply look up all the issues they have had the last few years with many of these groups. Not bashing them, it’s simply a fact, very unusual for such a small geographic area. They have had real issues. In the last couple of months Seven Ellis County volunteer firefighters were arrested on cringe-worthy charges — an aggravated sexual assault on another fellow FF with a chorizo sausage and an attempt to cover it up. The Deputies stealing guns, DA murdered, etc.
4. It fits. Perp could easily be someone on the fringe, a member or x-member of one of these type organizations that had dealings with victim. Knowledge of area, physical training to actually hit someone, knew how to stage scene, access to clothing, surveiled her, infatuated by her, spurned by her, factual motive won’t come out till the perp does. But when I fist saw the video that is what crossed my mind. The entire man-woman-AT-BB-XYZ serial killer all takes away from the simple solution. I wonder if victim had any relations to any of these type folks. You would think so but I don’t know. Firefighters, LE, Security Guards, EMTs, etc.

5. Very curious how many blows perp inflicted on victim and where. It is way more difficult and physically exhausting to kill someone up close and personal (as is the case here) than the average person would surmise. Not like a gun where you simply pull the trigger and that often times doesn’t result in an immediate death. Striking a victim takes effort, may have made the initial blow count and knocked her down or unconscious. Not going to be the case if there were ”signs of a struggle”. If a limited number then it fits better with a non-rage killing. If blows were to face after initial knock down blow, my simple solution is most likely wrong and it could be a jealous lover or wife.

6. I don’t think they used a stingray, used NYPD to crunch data only. Need to count on about 9 weeks for lab results. Won’t name a suspect till they are ready to arrest. If you call em a suspect you got to treat them differently. Only an idiot perp who is named a “suspect” wont lawyer up. You call em a “person of interest”, “just someone we need to talk to”, they aren’t typically going to bring a lawyer when you meet them at the coffee shop to just “clear up a few things” or you just happen to follow them to the gas station and pull up on the pump across from them and start a casual conversation with leading questions to get some kind of reaction or background info. If they are a “suspect”, you better read em their rights and video tape it.

7. My opinions only.
I will try to screen capture the approximate same picture as yours and work on it. I grabbed another screen capture when the killer is breaking the glass at that last door and the white thing in the right pocket moves all around during the killer's movements but I got one shot that almost looks like a phone ear bud or camera or something.. I can't really tell. And I don't think it's a tire iron, lug nut wrench or pry bar head as someone else speculated because it's white. Those tools are generally black or steel colored.

View attachment 95796
I think this looks like a cell phone too. Maybe why LE stated they thought SP used a recording device.
sorry, had typed a paragraph before i realized it was on.

Perhaps forensic investigators should be told that their interest in the bloody shirt is ridiculous. Or maybe they have reasons for testing it........JMO
Perhaps forensic investigators should be told that their interest in the bloody shirt is ridiculous. Or maybe they have reasons for testing it........JMO

Or maybe LE felt that they had to test it so when they charge someone, their defense can't use the bloody shirt to suggest another suspect and create reasonable doubt.
Notice, the object in the perps left hand. He bashed it in with his thumb/hand:



Could that possibly be a razor knife that carpenters use? There are many types. I did a quick Google image and thought hmmmmm.
As always, this is only my opinion.
-With LE limiting what we see at this point, there is natural lull. Is the family irritated at the side show or grateful that people are trying to help? Dunno. And I think LE has a mountain of info -Texts, phone bills, interview notes, wire taps, tests, search warrants, searches (we don’t know about) and are a LONG ways ahead of us. Seems like the number of agencies involved is actually growing. Pretty impressed there haven’t been more “leaks”. Closing in? Nobody knows. My best guess isthat currently they are gathering more information, tying loose ends,eliminating alternatives, and hoping for a big break. Do they have enough for a largely circumstantialcase? That’s the million-dollar question.

-Those with a front row seat (family) have not publically verbalized any frustration or displeasure. LE is holding everything close to the vest. We shouldn’t read anything (positive or negative) into that. They’ve got their poker face on. In fact, I think I would release even less (i.e. the existence and capabilities of the sting ray).

-Because of the seemingly personal nature of the attack, my guess is that helps working with a more limited pool. The built up anger and vengeance must have been staggering. To go from the SP meandering around to the utter violence.

-One of the collateral effects of this investigation is to not give anyone the idea that if they don the proper attire and plan it out well enough, they too can carry out violence without consequence. A blueprint if you will.
I know law enforcement often can use more resources. Crossed my mind that if a lead investigator put a go cam on the process from front to back, they’d have to edit sensitive parts but imagine what a talented editor could do with that footage. Web sleuths interjected along the way. This is a truth is stranger than fiction case.
We are left around to guess what the unsub is thinking at this moment?

A) Regret. What was I thinking. Soberness and maybe a little bit of guilt, set in. Maybe I worked myself into a frenzy to have gotten to this point.
B) Vindication. They deserved it. I (in my ownsick mind) feel I accomplished my goal. Problem solved.
C) Fear. Iwasn’t expecting this sort of national attention. They’re pretty close; I didn’t think the consequences out fully.
D) Pride/ Arrogance. It’s been over a month and they haven’t comeclose to getting me yet. I’m pretty smart, huh.
E) Other.
Or maybe LE felt that they had to test it so when they charge someone, their defense can't use the bloody shirt to suggest another suspect and create reasonable doubt.

Yes, and they might like to know who actually wore it. Probably as we expect, that VB owned and wore it....then that will be settled. AMEN lol
Who the heck goes to the dry cleaners 4 days after the murder of a family member. I would care less about fabric and/or a stain. My attention would be elsewhere, obviously.

Intersting that this one act really gets under everyone's craw.
I think that the killer is afraid of being caught, but relieved that mission was accomplished and Missy is dead. Missy must have disturbed the killer greatly. It could have been done because she was seen as a threat to someones otherwise "happy" home, or a lethal threat to someones liberty (if she knew of a crime) or a threat to someones livelihood , but whatever the motivation was, the crime was premeditated and the thought was that she had to be eliminated for the perp to carry on. Her existence was a lethal threat to someones version of "happiness". JMO
Originally Posted by Cannonball3804
“Regarding the statement that the driver is not a suspect... LE has to state that to cover their own butts against liability. Since the Atlanta Olympic bombing some years back, when LE publicly fingered the wrong guy and he sued, they are very careful. Hence the "So and so is not a suspect" statements. It doesn't mean that they DON'T suspect the driver of the Altima, IMHO.”

Originally Posted by Amateurpi1
This hasn't been brought up in awhile, but I suddenly remember someone on WS saying that MB stopped by the local Fire Dept. the day before her murder. Is that correct? Does anyone know of anymore details regarding that? Thanks.

A few observations and you probably aren’t going to like them:

1. The simple solution is usually the best guess scenario.

2. When I first viewed the perp in the video, which was shown on my local news, my mind flashed immediately to the Atlanta Olympic Bombing and the original “suspect” identified by the FBI based on their profile teams analysis and the subsequent “lone bomber”. Size, gait, circumstances, clothing…it made me think. Much like BTK and others who have used LE tactics in surveilling their victims or putting them at ease, this perp did the same. Fits many of the same profile characteristics as were used in the Olympic Bombing case (though they initially id’d the wrong guy) pseudo law enforcement, in and out of LE jobs/occupations, “thrilled” by the action/adrenalin…and he sued the crap out of everyone and won.

3. The communities around the MB crime scene are rampant with these folks…Reserve Deputies (Ellis Cnty and others), Volunteer Firefighters, Deputy Constables, EMT’s, etc. etc. Simply look up all the issues they have had the last few years with many of these groups. Not bashing them, it’s simply a fact, very unusual for such a small geographic area. They have had real issues. In the last couple of months Seven Ellis County volunteer firefighters were arrested on cringe-worthy charges — an aggravated sexual assault on another fellow FF with a chorizo sausage and an attempt to cover it up. The Deputies stealing guns, DA murdered, etc.
4. It fits. Perp could easily be someone on the fringe, a member or x-member of one of these type organizations that had dealings with victim. Knowledge of area, physical training to actually hit someone, knew how to stage scene, access to clothing, surveiled her, infatuated by her, spurned by her, factual motive won’t come out till the perp does. But when I fist saw the video that is what crossed my mind. The entire man-woman-AT-BB-XYZ serial killer all takes away from the simple solution. I wonder if victim had any relations to any of these type folks. You would think so but I don’t know. Firefighters, LE, Security Guards, EMTs, etc.

5. Very curious how many blows perp inflicted on victim and where. It is way more difficult and physically exhausting to kill someone up close and personal (as is the case here) than the average person would surmise. Not like a gun where you simply pull the trigger and that often times doesn’t result in an immediate death. Striking a victim takes effort, may have made the initial blow count and knocked her down or unconscious. Not going to be the case if there were ”signs of a struggle”. If a limited number then it fits better with a non-rage killing. If blows were to face after initial knock down blow, my simple solution is most likely wrong and it could be a jealous lover or wife.

6. I don’t think they used a stingray, used NYPD to crunch data only. Need to count on about 9 weeks for lab results. Won’t name a suspect till they are ready to arrest. If you call em a suspect you got to treat them differently. Only an idiot perp who is named a “suspect” wont lawyer up. You call em a “person of interest”, “just someone we need to talk to”, they aren’t typically going to bring a lawyer when you meet them at the coffee shop to just “clear up a few things” or you just happen to follow them to the gas station and pull up on the pump across from them and start a casual conversation with leading questions to get some kind of reaction or background info. If they are a “suspect”, you better read em their rights and video tape it.

7. My opinions only.

" Much like BTK and others who have used LE tactics in surveilling their victims or putting them at ease, this perp did the same."

Right. The ironic thing about BTK was that as the killings became well publicized, more and more people bought home security systems. BTK worked for ADT. They were letting in to their homes the very man they were trying to protect themselves from.

"n the last couple of months Seven Ellis County volunteer firefighters were arrested on cringe-worthy charges"

Interesting . I was aware of deputy issues but not the firefighter charges. i wonder if anyone can confirm MB visiting the fire station the day before? I could see her being asked to stop by from someone who, under the guise of interest in the camps, was able to confirm from MB that she would be at the class the next day as scheduled. Maybe a volunteer fighter who she first met at the gym?
... building configuration and where cars were parked than I have. So let me ask you this.

How feasible would it be for perp to be in the act of killing MB with Camper 1 parked outside, without anything appearing amiss to Camper 1? Is the SW corner far enough away from Camper 1 to shield the murder from being seen or heard?

And secondly, if the perp was still there when Camper 1 arrived, that precludes the perp leaving the church grounds by car, does it not? It doesn't seem likely that perp would go back out the north end and exit on foot in the rain to some distance away, leaving a trail through the mud.

^bbm sbm ^ Not claiming to have accurate read on the bldg & car location/configuration, but will respond to ^ Q's.

1. Imo, feasible for Camper 1 (& 2, et al) to drive into lot, to park, and stay in car, and to be totally absorbed in sounds, possibly/likely smartphone or radio, e.g., vid game, email, texting, phone convo, streaming movie, etc. and to be oblivious to any activities in building.May depend on exactly where Camper(s) parked.
Doubtful to me that Camper 1 would hear human noises from w'in bldg, other than extreeeeemely loud human vocalizations or gunfire. Noise from rain, wind, and particularly radio/Sirius/phone was on w music, news, what-ev, etc. would drownd out (sp?) sounds from bldg. Depending on location of car, feasible that Camper 1 et al would not see anything; or if Camper saw 'something' - for ex., a light turning off or on, or a shadow thru window or glass door, imo - likely unable to provide any significant info about it to LE. Possible exception: Camper may recall seeing a shadow at a certain time, but likely nothing else of significance.

2. Imo, feasible for Camper 1 (& 2, et al) to be sitting in car & oblivious, while swatperp departs on vehicle, e.g., car, bicycle, or quiet-ish motorcycle, or on foot.
IDK which method. Very possible/likely, imo, that camper(s) would attach no significance to seeing to a departing vehicle or pedestrian at the time. Of course, afterward, knowing a murder was committed just yards from them, the campers may realize they saw departing car or ped'n. Unlikely, imo, that camper(s) would be able to accurately recall and describe definitive features, esp human features, by which LE could ID perp or issue a meaningful description.

^ JM2cts, could be absolutely, completely wrong.
Do I remember correctly that gait this perp has could be related to a heart problem?
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