TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #26

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Nobody here has uncovered a serial number from a gun. Try going back to post #24 on this thread and you might be able to see where that result of the "game of Telephone" might have started.

Thank you! I located the info.! That's why I came here. <modsnip>
Hey folks,

Let's leave the unauthorized FB pages where they belong please. Not here.

Thank you!
This may have been asked already as I am way, way behind, but anyone know if either of these deputies have a distinct gait?

Well, one former deputy has eyes pretty far apart, especially far from the bridge of his nose.
His "cousin". Really?

Yep, that's exactly what I thought, "cousin"!

On second thought, it either checked out to be correct or It is just one more thing LE is holding close to the vest! The person's name has certainly been guarded so it isn't leaked.
Legal disclaimer: The following is just my opinion and for entertainment purposes:
I've been involved with LE for over 17 years with the last 9 specifically in burglary and violent crimes. I've seen hundreds of videos where a perp has broken into a building (commercial, school, church, etc) with some type of disguise. They've worn everything from ninja outfits, tactical gear to mascot uniforms. I seen the exact type of nonchalant, slow and easy walk that the SP in the video is showing. In my opinion the SP broke into the church expecting to get something of value. Most church break-ins occur on Sunday and Wednesday nights. During the process of burglarizing this church an interaction occurred between the SP and MB which led to MB's death.
This isn't a staged burglary to cover up a pre-meditated murder. I know a lot of people are stuck on the fact that the SP didn't take the wedding ring. It's because the SP was in a frantic state after the altercation and wanted to get out quick. If this had been a pre-meditated murder the last thing a perp would do is be caught on camera and would've certainly chosen a much easier path. The SP also knows that they are on camera because they looked right at the camera. Simply put, the SP didn't go to the church with the intention to commit murder.

Of course, this is all just my opinion based on years of experience. As mentioned previously, I've seen the behavior the SP displays many, many times in burglary videos. The SP is very comfortable being in a building that they burglarized and I'm very sure this person has been doing this for a long time.

Thank you for this information. It does bring up a few questions, all your opinion from your experience. TIA.

* Why does SP stroll along breaking glass in doors, but not entering the rooms to steal anything?
* What is a person looking for - the office where money would be or the equipment room where the projectors, cameras, etc. are?
* Is a rainy night a good time to commit a burglary such as this?
* Person appears to be in no hurry. I thought burglars got in and out quickly.
Why on earth would a burglar kill someone? They clearly cared enough about being caught to wear foot covers over the shoes, shape hiding and bulky vest with an over the head balaclava and helmet. They had tools to knock someone out, nobody would recognize them with all the gear. Absolutely no reason to kill. If robbery, perp could have just run away or knocked Missy out and run away. Not buying it. Only reason to kill would be if recognized, and brutal murder is a huge leap from robbery.

And LE said they have a very unclear pic of a vehicle in the back of CC parking lot. If you are stealing stuff, you are not going to park that far away nor are you going to take your sweet time casually walking around with no apparent rush.

1. The burglar was obviously not going to park his car in plane view of the cameras, near the entrance. :facepalm:

2. People get killed when they interrupt burglaries all the time. It&#8217;s so common that it was just plane bad investigative work, for police not to investigate this as an interrupted burglary. It&#8217;s hard to solve a crime when you ignore the obvious.

Charges: St. Paul Homicide Victim Interrupted Burglary

Staten Island man, 66, stabbed to death in front of wife after interrupting burglary at their home

Guilty verdict in Pompano Beach burglary murder trial

Police: Slain women interrupted a burglary at neighbor's home

Sheriff: Murdered Renton man may have interrupted burglary
I agree with you....this "burglar" went to a lot of effort; donned an elaborate disguise, broke a lot of glass for no apparent reason, utilized various instruments.....to steal what? Go through all of that in the pouring rain at 4am but not know if there was anything worth stealing inside? For all of this "burglar's" efforts he got a big goose egg & trumped it up to a possible DP case--->he must be some kind of special!

To compound his bungled, unsuccessful "burglary" **while disguised**, he escalates his actions into murder instead of fleeing? Really?

Nope. Not buying it.

Imo, MB was targeted.

I know I’m wasting my time. This information has already been discussed, and ignored by most here, but here goes.

Churches have a lot of money and valuables in them, and they get burglarized all the time. Brandon Bevers even speculated in one press conference that the church had a lot audio/video equipment that a burglar might want to steal.
I know I&#8217;m wasting my time. This information has already been discussed, and ignored by most here, but here goes.

Churches have a lot of money and valuables in them, and they get burglarized all the time. Brandon Bevers even speculated in one press conference that the church had a lot audio/video equipment that a burglar might want to steal.

I would never feel that you're wasting anyone's time here, KaaBoom.
I know I&#8217;m wasting my time. This information has already been discussed, and ignored by most here, but here goes.

Churches have a lot of money and valuables in them, and they get burglarized all the time. Brandon Bevers even speculated in one press conference that the church had a lot audio/video equipment that a burglar might want to steal.

You're not wasting your time KaaBoom. I don't ignore your opinions. Just when I find myself 'going with the flow', you appear and make me re-think. I don't always agree with you, but sometimes I don't agree with other posters and they don't agree with me. Sometimes I'm just plain ignored.
I am still inclined to believe the gun isn't directly related as well. I just don't see how it fits in with the facts we do know, that she was, at a minimum, beaten with tools on her face and chest. It definitely isn't a stretch to think someone from Midlothian who attends the Cowboy Church would carry a gun, either in their vehicle or on their person so right now my best guess is it was hers, likely still in her truck.

Just back in and catching up.. I do believe a gun was involved. I've heard that right from the start of this investigation. I carry my gun everywhere.. and yes, even to church, to the movie theater to the grocery store. I sleep with it within reach, in fact it's sitting here right now on my desk. I have carried legally for years. If MB had a licence to carry, she might of had her gun with her. But if she was ambushed, unless you walk in with your finger on the trigger there isn't time. SP might have had their own gun too. That being said...I'm not ready to jump on the the stolen gun bandwagon. I haven't read the posts ahead of this one, so I don't know what has been discovered since earlier. JMO.
1. The burglar was obviously not going to park his car in plane view of the cameras, near the entrance. :facepalm:

2. People get killed when they interrupt burglaries all the time. It’s so common that it was just plane bad investigative work, for police not to investigate this as an interrupted burglary. It’s hard to solve a crime when you ignore the obvious.

...SBM...unrelated links...

1. SP could have parked by the walled dumpsters near the rear double exit doors and delivery ramp if he was a burglar. There is even a little turnout for vehicles there.

2. The first presumption of LE was that it was an interrupted burglary. Immediate additional assessment of the scene, such as the fact that nothing was taken, led LE to say that MB may have been targetted, and that ALL options are still to this day on the table. LE never ignored the obvious.

3. http://www.fox4news.com/news/125249531-story

"Posted:Apr 18 2016 11:54AM CDT [Day of the murder]

...Police say there is no recent history of breaking or vandalism there.

One investigator agreed the murder certainly has elements of a targeted attack but aren't ruling out an interrupted burglary. Several doors were breached at the church but nothing was found missing.

“It's just an odd random situation that they would actually happen to come into a building that was being burglarized on a Monday morning,” said [MPD Chief Carl] Smith. ..."

4. http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2016/04/18/...sed-after-mother-of-three-murdered-in-church/

"April 18, 2016 8:05 PM

...Police say the suspect busted a window on the side of the church and that this may have been a burglary.

But they say there were no signs anything was missing. ..."
I usually agree with you, Cady ....& I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you BUT suppose this was a high paid pro hitman & he wanted to show the orchestrator that they got their **money's worth**--sounds horrid, I know.
We can never underestimate the black heart of a psychopath...

With all due respect.. why would anyone hire a hitman that can't walk a straight line? Not a "pro-hitman" IMO. (Totally agree on the "horrid" part.")
The perp IS NOT a burglar. There was no burglary. <modsnip> This is a murder, nothing more, nothing less. In my expertise(will not say how) this murder was commited unfortunately by LEO or someone who was COACHED. Work the murder backwards from end to beginning. Notice anything? Perfection. Whether you want to admit or not....THEY NEVER SLIPPED UP. This perp has great knowledge of an actual investigation and EXACTLY how one works. The uniform and I mean UNIFORM worn during the murder is just that. A uniform. Standard issue for whatever department they have tracked it back to. They will not name suspects because they are law enforcement or in relation to law enforcement. I believe the outcome of this case to very embarrassing for/to law enforcement. They are holding a great deal back. The vet corrobated the dead dog already. Smoke and mirrors to buy time giving the perp the false sense of security the family was center of investigation. Same with the Nissan Altima. I can guarantee you the family(bb,rb) have been cleared via solid airtight seen on video alibis. They aren't releasing anymore for us to assist the investigation because THEY DONT NEED TO. I give it 30 days or less before we have a suspect in custody.
Legal disclaimer: The following is just my opinion and for entertainment purposes:
I've been involved with LE for over 17 years with the last 9 specifically in burglary and violent crimes. I've seen hundreds of videos where a perp has broken into a building (commercial, school, church, etc) with some type of disguise. They've worn everything from ninja outfits, tactical gear to mascot uniforms. I seen the exact type of nonchalant, slow and easy walk that the SP in the video is showing. In my opinion the SP broke into the church expecting to get something of value. Most church break-ins occur on Sunday and Wednesday nights. During the process of burglarizing this church an interaction occurred between the SP and MB which led to MB's death.
This isn't a staged burglary to cover up a pre-meditated murder. I know a lot of people are stuck on the fact that the SP didn't take the wedding ring. It's because the SP was in a frantic state after the altercation and wanted to get out quick. If this had been a pre-meditated murder the last thing a perp would do is be caught on camera and would've certainly chosen a much easier path. The SP also knows that they are on camera because they looked right at the camera. Simply put, the SP didn't go to the church with the intention to commit murder.

Of course, this is all just my opinion based on years of experience. As mentioned previously, I've seen the behavior the SP displays many, many times in burglary videos. The SP is very comfortable being in a building that they burglarized and I'm very sure this person has been doing this for a long time.

Personally, I think you're wrong... I hope for the family and friend sakes you are right.

I would rather think this is random - but if it is, why aren't the LE out here warning us of a killer on the loose? We are hearing CRICKETS..!!! You know it's bad when we have to hear "BOMBSHELLS" from NG. And even she can't keep her facts straight.
Just back in and catching up.. I do believe a gun was involved. I've heard that right from the start of this investigation. I carry my gun everywhere.. and yes, even to church, to the movie theater to the grocery store. I sleep with it within reach, in fact it's sitting here right now on my desk. I have carried legally for years. If MB had a licence to carry, she might of had her gun with her. But if she was ambushed, unless you walk in with your finger on the trigger there isn't time. SP might have had their own gun too. That being said...I'm not ready to jump on the the stolen gun bandwagon. I haven't read the posts ahead of this one, so I don't know what has been discovered since earlier. JMO.

Perhaps she did shoot the perp! I never thought about that until your post!
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