TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #26

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!!!! What!!! Omgosh. Quite possibly. It's hard working, being a mom and trying to keep up.

Did they post today!?

ETA. I thought slaughter was on house arrest and already out.

I know slaughter was out, not sure about the second one?


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I think maybe you guys are all correct. New evidence. possibly watching a particular camper or there for the trainers safety.

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Do you know if one of the campers who found her is in that class?
I think maybe you guys are all correct. New evidence. possibly watching a particular camper or there for the trainers safety.

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If the law enforcement presence was for the safety of someone I would think that more than one officer would have been there. JMO
Okay guys trying to figure out something and I need a collective effort here since we all have been watching this from different angles.

What has changed in the last three weeks?

My question is more why would there have been police presence at a work out camp here three weeks ago that abruptly stops but then pick up again today?

What are we missing?

What happened three weeks ago to change the presence and then cause it to randomly start back up today?

This is only me trying to figure out what is different. No local tumors just picking apart some

Eta : I am reporting my own message in case it needs to be deleted or snipped.

Okay I can't report myself please someone click report for me. Lol

It's not about what happened 3 weeks ago, it's about what did not happen 3 weeks ago: Some movement, development in the case. Connections playing out. Evidence being processed.
They may be watching someone else in the group.

This is important stuff, Glammie....thank you for sharing.
Just to clarify; LE was present fairly consistently at CG sessions from week 1 up to week 4 & then not seen up until now (week 7).
Is this about right?
Are they usually the same instructors and campers at each session?
Does LE seem to be watching "internally" which means facing & observing the campers or "externally" which means looking out at the surroundings while protecting the campers?

Great questions!


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I think maybe you guys are all correct. New evidence. possibly watching a particular camper or there for the trainers safety.

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Okay, new theory. :) I wonder if for some reason Camp Gladiator in general has had some negative backlash? Maybe random internet threats about how they cause relationship type issues or something? I can see other men and women who have a partner in to this type of fitness camp sending the Camp Gladiator's new trainers messages about how it is there fault. Or maybe about how they are terrible for letting trainers go in alone? Some random messages like that to the other trainers could potentially make them uncomfortable enough that they tell the police so LE goes just to be safe?
It's not about what happened 3 weeks ago, it's about what did not happen 3 weeks ago: Some movement, development in the case. Connections playing out. Evidence being processed.
They may be watching someone else in the group.


So can we possibly take this as a sign of a forward progression?!!! Oh goodness please.

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Watch who interacts with who? A little "eyes on you" pressure? Seems like a significant use of resources for just a casual monitoring. But like you, I don't have a good guess!

I don't know why LE was there....but it shows some action on the case, and I like that!

(Hope everyone is safe, of course.)

I've read repeatedly in 26 threads now about the theory that Missy was killed in a jealous rage due to a love triangle. Some feel that what they've seen or read on social media even proves this motive.

I'm not taking the bait for several reasons, but here's one: If this murder were only about a vicious love triangle, why would ALL that alphabet soup of LE agencies be working on this case? Do the Texas Rangers investigate murders motivated solely by adultery? How about the ATF...is this their new specialty? FBI??

This case has made me look at Facebook more than I have in awhile, and I've read through AJT's Facebook page. If this just all boils down to a vibe someone gets from social media, I'll throw my 2 bits in as well. :) I find him unusually inspirational, upbeat, and upfront for someone who is daily in the public eye. Since the murder I'm adding another attribute to that list: Courage. He keeps his Facebook open, and his focus remains on his goals and the people he cares about - family as well as the clients he is trying to inspire. If I am honest, I'll admit I would probably close my account and retreat into a shell if I were him, with all the suspicion and negativity that has been flying about since Missy's murder.

That is all. JMO, IMO, IMOO, etc.
No I honestly do not know that.

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Glammie- I can imagine it's difficult for you to share your observations but just share what you are comfortable with, and as I read your thoughts, I'm sure you are. Thanks for your generosity and willingness- a local citizen sharing your "birds" eye view is priceless and adds to our ability to speculate on what you notice. A huge thanks and I'm sure we get it sensitive info.

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Yes they were a constant presence for a month, at least at this particular class. And then just became present again now.

Same instructor yes, I am assuming many of the same campers.
They are internally observing.

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(In regard to the Terri Bevers case)
Could it be possible that the person (perp) had been inside that church, before?
In the video, the person acted (to me) that they had not been in this church before. (the way they were, looking around, and checking-out that double-door, door)
> However, "if" the person knew that there was film in the camera, that they were being recorded, how much of it could be just that, an "act".

[I wouldn't trust this person with a ten-foot-pole.
So I am very leery of this person/what they did, in front of the camera (and especially so, if they "knew" they were being filmed.)]

"If" they have been in that church before (how would we know, for a fact, if they had or not),
why, would they have been in that church.

I assume police have shown the surveillance camera video, to the preacher, of this church.
Correct? (One would think so.)

(Here is a story)

... A motive for the killing was not clear,
but Murray is thought to have been receiving help from the priest,
who often worked with people who had been incarcerated.
So can we possibly take this as a sign of a forward progression?!!! Oh goodness please.

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Glammie has this been the same class each time or all/various gladiator classes? If you are comfortable saying . We do not want to put you in a bad place- thanks this is great news - I Think...


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Glammie- one last thought, I love that your delivery is as factual as possible and not emotionally charged (at least in your presentation) nor is it reporting the rumor mill gossip of the day. KUDOS

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