TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #26

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If you are talking about the picture that I think you mean, it is still there, on Missy's FB page. Can I link to it? If so, here is the link https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10209236734895303&set=pb.1229322185.-2207520000.1465440250.&type=3&theater

If not, you can find it yourself by going to Missy's FB page, going to her photos and in particular "Missy's photos" and it is only the 5th row down.
The other guy makes it look worse because of his hands behind his back. If he has his arms around her or across to aj it looks totally different.
I've read repeatedly in 26 threads now about the theory that Missy was killed in a jealous rage due to a love triangle. Some feel that what they've seen or read on social media even proves this motive.

I'm not taking the bait for several reasons, but here's one: If this murder were only about a vicious love triangle, why would ALL that alphabet soup of LE agencies be working on this case? Do the Texas Rangers investigate murders motivated solely by adultery? How about the ATF...is this their new specialty? FBI??

This case has made me look at Facebook more than I have in awhile, and I've read through AJT's Facebook page. If this just all boils down to a vibe someone gets from social media, I'll throw my 2 bits in as well. :) I find him unusually inspirational, upbeat, and upfront for someone who is daily in the public eye. Since the murder I'm adding another attribute to that list: Courage. He keeps his Facebook open, and his focus remains on his goals and the people he cares about - family as well as the clients he is trying to inspire. If I am honest, I'll admit I would probably close my account and retreat into a shell if I were him, with all the suspicion and negativity that has been flying about since Missy's murder.

That is all. JMO, IMO, IMOO, etc.

I agree 100% with you. I do not believe for a moment that he is involved nor CT.
For the record I do not know either of them either, but based upon logic, research and my gut instinct I do not believe they are anything other than scapegoats for someone.

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If you are talking about the picture that I think you mean, it is still there, on Missy's FB page. Can I link to it? If so, here is the link https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10209236734895303&set=pb.1229322185.-2207520000.1465440250.&type=3&theater

If not, you can find it yourself by going to Missy's FB page, going to her photos and in particular "Missy's photos" and it is only the 5th row down.

The picture doesn't seem weird or suspicious to me. The only weird thing is the other man isn't tagged. Did she tag him and he untagged himself? Or not approve the tag?

If they're touching at all it's just barely and I'm assuming she thinks the pose is the most flattering, or just to balance it so they're all not posing the same.

JMO it's not a big deal, but if a spouse were already suspicious and possessive it might look like there's more going on.
IMO, LE is not there now at the class to protect anyone. From experience in witnessing a cop doing this once where I worked, they were watching someone they believed to be involved in a crime at the time. Perhaps the are observing behavior, notably nervousness. Maybe even watching to see if that someone contacts anyone after said class. Doesn't mean anyone is guilty, they are just following leads and suspicions.
The picture doesn't seem weird or suspicious to me. The only weird thing is the other man isn't tagged. Did she tag him and he untagged himself? Or not approve the tag?

I don't think not being tagged is in and of itself, a suspicious thing.
you can set your FB so that you have to personally approve every tag attempt by other FB users, even your friends.
I don't have a FB anymore but when I did I used that setting and I let only a very small amount of photos of me be tagged because I didn't want them showing up on my own feed with my name attached.
Nothing weird, I just preferred to be in control of what had my name on it as a clickable link.
IMO, LE is not there now at the class to protect anyone. From experience in witnessing a cop doing this once where I worked, they were watching someone they believed to be involved in a crime at the time. Perhaps the are observing behavior, notably nervousness. Maybe even watching to see if that someone contacts anyone after said class. Doesn't mean anyone is guilty, they are just following leads and suspicions.

I would hope that if LE thought the CG participants lives were in danger that they would tell them so they could make a decision on whether working out was more important than their life. I can't imagine wanting to continue working out that early in the morning knowing the killer was still on the loose. I just couldn't do it. I would do my workouts at a gym instead until the catch Swatperp and he/she is behind bars. That's just me... I'm extra cautious!
You guys rock!

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I was going to say doggie DNA info was released. Maybe LE thought RB was perp until shirt came back positive doggie and negative human so now back to square one and protecting CG.
It's one particular camp, the camp that was absorbed made up partially of MBs campers by another camp. Previously it has been both plain clothed police and uniformed. Today it was one plained clothed office with a visible badge who observed the class and then left just before it was over. But made their presence know.

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What CG trainer/leader was there? Who absorbed Missy's class?

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IMO, LE is not there now at the class to protect anyone. From experience in witnessing a cop doing this once where I worked, they were watching someone they believed to be involved in a crime at the time. Perhaps the are observing behavior, notably nervousness. Maybe even watching to see if that someone contacts anyone after said class. Doesn't mean anyone is guilty, they are just following leads and suspicions.

That makes perfect sense to me.
They may have been but if they weren't needed, you'd never know it. JMO

Very, very common to post one visible officer. All you need is a presence 99% of the time. If there's more than 1, there's probably something up.
This is important stuff, Glammie....thank you for sharing.
Just to clarify; LE was present fairly consistently at CG sessions from week 1 up to week 4 & then not seen up until now (week 7).
Is this about right?
Are they usually the same instructors and campers at each session?
Does LE seem to be watching "internally" which means facing & observing the campers or "externally" which means looking out at the surroundings while protecting the campers?

(found with a Google search)

"Each camp
lasts four weeks"

("four weeks
of unlimited workouts")

Then the camp
has one "off" week

Unless someone wants to pay another round of money
for the "boot-camp" ("lasts four weeks"),
I guess it would be new/different "boot-camp"ers
Honestly I’m not really trying to get people to agree with me. I don’t care if people agree with me, but I would just like to see people keep an open mind about it.

I have such an open mind that I am currently confused !! One minute I am so sure its one person, then the next moment I think its somebody else, then I read that it's a burglary gone wrong, while I think it was pre-meditated and now the gun(s) episode with corrupted PO.. I do enjoy reading what you post and try to look at every aspect even when you throw something out there that I haven't thought of !!
I don't think not being tagged is in and of itself, a suspicious thing.
you can set your FB so that you have to personally approve every tag attempt by other FB users, even your friends.
I don't have a FB anymore but when I did I used that setting and I let only a very small amount of photos of me be tagged because I didn't want them showing up on my own feed with my name attached.
Nothing weird, I just preferred to be in control of what had my name on it as a clickable link.

I do the same, but I imagine the photo (and all group photos from the event) is supposed to promote the brand. Not a big deal just the only thing I could think of that might be off. But if I were in a picture with someone who'd been murdered I wouldn't approve the tag and I'd delete if I'd already approved it.
Then give me an alternate theory about what they were discussing. According to the SW's there was evidence of money problems or an affair. Which do you think MB was talking to AT or CT about. TIA

I do not believe that the SW meant that MB was speaking with each of the persons in the SW about money problems or an affair. It's very possible since she had just returned from Austin that AT was on her call list because they were at the same weekend camp together. They could have been innocently been discussing where to meet for their various work activities. I have given a lot of thought about CT being on the list. CT could have called MB if she was unable to reach AT on his phone. Or missy could have sent her (CT) a picture of AT working with a message about how good he was at his job.

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Pair that with AT's earlier comment about LE in the two cars providing protection; maybe he's concerned for his safety too. After watching his co-worker go down and the person still walking around.
Or someone in his class. I believe LE stated SP was light skinned. If I remember correctly. jMO

So someone in the class could be the SP.
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