TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #27

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Here is a more refined animation of my body scan "deconstruction". My best estimation of the body shape underneath the gear. As MrsPC has pointed out, there are two areas where the subject could be heavier - the upper torso and the outer thigh. I spent this week researching pouch pocket tactical vests and pouch pocket tactical cargo pants, and have concluded that if the subject is heavier in those two places, it cannot be substantially, due to the pouch pockets. The red dots in the animation represent data points of the narrowest diameter of the body part. On the soft bulk, those data points are confirmed. On the firm bulk (shoes, helmet, pouch pockets), those data points are based on measured thicknesses in similar items. The red lines represent the euclidian distance applied to standard human anatomy.

Despite appearances, it's my experienced opinion that the subject can be thinner than the animation represents, but not substantially heavier:


Great Work once again Batbrat!
Great job, Sparky! Thank you! :loveyou: I think we do have a winner! The symbol is not a decal. It is permanently formed into the manufactured plate.



JMHO The image that LEO released was not the best they could have released. It took me a while to determine if the Altima was a sedan or not. That is why the edges appear scalloped. They know. That is why they edited the tag area before releasing the image to the public.
I wonder if the unsub was dropped off or borrowed the vehicle.

I ran the license tag through different applications (CS, AS, BlowUp3). There is one small area (red), that keeps its integrity through all approaches. All the other shadows appearing on the tag seem to be artifacts and shadows , when compared to similar artifacts and shadows (blue) found in the lit up area:



  • MB NISSAN sticker large area of integrity.jpg
    MB NISSAN sticker large area of integrity.jpg
    53 KB · Views: 346
What would the line be though?

I see an animal side on with the feet causing the bicubic doodah. Still don't know what the line is though. Looks like trident on the left.

@Sparky - from playing about with the settings when you did this, did you think the image is symmetrical? Do you think there are words?

I didn't see it at first too~~I had to save the pic to my computer, then I took Microsoft Picture Manager and blew the picture up~~that's when it looked like Scooby Doo or Pluto...LOL

But, then when Sparky posted the pictures that look like a negative (all in a vertical row) I just increased the size in my browser to 500%. It's really hard to make out~~but you can see what appears to be a small light which is actually the nose. At least to me anyway~~Sparky may see something different.
This is so off topic but I had to chime in. There's a tiny museum in Washigton DC for the USDA Forestry Service. My sister and I discovered it about four years ago. They have a animatronic Smokey. I was so excited to see Smokey the Bear when the museum employee informed me, in no uncertain terms, that "His name is Smokey Bear. His middle name is NOT 'the'," My sister was laughing/crying as I was explaining that I meant no offense and that I'd never make that mistake again. The museum employee stamped my hand with Smokey and gave me a coloring book.

Thanks for the chuckle, Elle The Bee! :loveyou:
Run through CS, AS, Blowup3



  • N2 sticker.png
    N2 sticker.png
    594.5 KB · Views: 627
I didn't see it at first too~~I had to save the pic to my computer, then I took Microsoft Picture Manager and blew the picture up~~that's when it looked like Scooby Doo or Pluto...LOL

But, then when Sparky posted the pictures that look like a negative (all in a vertical row) I just increased the size in my browser to 500%. It's really hard to make out~~but you can see what appears to be a small light which is actually the nose. At least to me anyway~~Sparky may see something different.

As much as I love dogs and animals, I am not seeing what others are seeing… I don't see Scooby Doo or Pluto…

Rooms appear to be used interchangeably at Creekside Church of Christ.

I am told that the Dutch door hallway is the 3/5 year old / Preschool hallway.

JMHO this is the room either the Dutch Door room or the one next to it. Notice the curtain placement. There is only 1 place that windows appear like that in the whole exterior of the building:


That would be room number 21 according to the Creekside church website/ Bulletin:

Cuddlers & Crawlers.............. Room 2
Toddlers to 2 ......................... Room 4
3 to 5 yr olds ..........................Room 21
K to 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] ...................................Room 6
3[SUP]rd[/SUP] to 5[SUP]th[/SUP] Grade .......................Room 12

Nursery1.................. Rm 2
Nursery2.................. Rm 4

I really hope the FBI has a clearer photo that they are investigating otherwise this is like playing Rorschach Test with the stickers. I can kinda see a shape of a pug or bulldog head.

I see clouds, then a face, and then a single image distillation of the entire Zapruder film.
OK folks it's well after 1am and nearly bedtime. I can't quite believe I've got American vehicle licence plates on my mind on a Saturday night (rock n roll!) but I just had a look at a Wikipedia page about plate formats. It seems many states have colourful plates but Texas plates have to be black lettering on a white background. Can any of you zooomer-inners tell whether there is any colour in the plate? I can't see anything with an obvious dark mark as NIN pointed out, could that be another sticker? Or all you all convinced it has to be a speciality plate?

I haven't looked closely as it's making my tired eyes go funny but here's the link, thoughts welcome https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_license_plate_designs_and_serial_formats
I've never been diagnosed as Autistic but I do have a slight bit of a balance problem (head injuries) and when I want to specifically walk a bit slower, and quieter, I do that same thing to steady myself if a wall, tree, or railing of some sort is available, sometimes the s.o.'s forearm will work. I noticed this in SP, and thought of myself, but, I'm not saying they'd have a head injury, if SP has an injured foot/leg/knee/or even a blister from wearing ill-fitting boots, etc... and is already walking a bit off, then their balance is probably affected too. So, I thought it may be possible, that SP heard something during that time period of that clip, and is listening, while quieting and steadying their gate. Hope that makes sense. Far fetched, I know.

RSD, Sorry to hear about your injuries. I have never been injured like that~~I only have allergies and migraine headaches...LOL I can't imagine having to live with injuries like that. I did catch my sister today off balance after she stumbled on a ramp. She had lost her footing. I wonder if SP stumbled on something as well now that you mentioned it. I'm going to have to go back and google that wall touching and see what that is about~~my boy is only in 2nd grade~~so who knows maybe one day he will start doing touching the wall. I wonder if it depends on whether the Autistic child is lower functioning. My boy is high functioning so maybe he is the exception rather than the rule. Maybe my friends boy is the same as well. I really never paid attention to the other kids in his class to see if that is a common trait or not.

When I first viewed the video~~that was my impression that they were listening or heard something or thought they might have heard something. Like possibly MB pulling in? IDK It also appeared to me that when the SP is by the accordion door~~it appears they are listening again like he/she heard something. IDK what that area is~~Arkansas Mimi I think has a good handle on the layout~~I'm still confused even though she has done a wonderful job at trying to explain it to us.
I took the purple filter picture, added the instant filter, and fiddled a little with highlights, shadows. So over processed it's probably meaningless but y'all decide...
I see a tow truck.

Great Job Lilyk! In your picture it does look like a two truck!
I've been giving some thought as to why the unsub thought it was acceptable to kill Missy inside a Church on holy grounds.


I'm sorry, but I think that your post is deeply infused with your own assumptions about how other people think. A lot of people, even those who identify as Christian, wouldn't think twice about committing a crime in a church.

Most people in the US identify as Christian. Just the same, they commit murders every hour of every day of the year. If someone is willing to commit the crime of murder, while still identifying as a Christian (oh, and most prisons have plenty of religious inmates), do you think that s/he really cares that much about where the crime is committed? I mean, if you're willing to kill, is the place really that significant? You're already acting like a god by choosing when someone should die.
Great Work once again Batbrat!

To me it looks like someone wearing heavy shoes and or shoes where the outsoles don't flex (perhaps because they are new). I don't see that foot flexing and that seems to be contributing to the weird gait.
Haha! Indian on horseback with a spear. Thats my final answer.

I saw that too. but it was an archor. Sagittarius, but the arrow is backwards. The tip would be pointing to the east. ( in the decal) there is a symbol of artillery. So the question is ( besides the others, with the firefighter) is the post war vets? Veterans that served ( they have their own groups) I forget what they are called.

That would be room number 21 according to the Creekside church website/ Bulletin:

Cuddlers & Crawlers.............. Room 2
Toddlers to 2 ......................... Room 4
3 to 5 yr olds ..........................Room 21
K to 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] ...................................Room 6
3[SUP]rd[/SUP] to 5[SUP]th[/SUP] Grade .......................Room 12

Nursery1.................. Rm 2
Nursery2.................. Rm 4


Correct, there or about. I am told that the newborn, and toddler classes are up front as well as a nursing mother room (the windows seen from front of church SW Corner of building and a back door for the workers to the infant/newborn room Parent drop off for babies is the "cub corner" area in by the glass main entrance. There is a hallway just prior to the door the Suspect opens, that is how get to the worker entrance door. So I am told by a local who attended church there and worked in the nursery. JMHO and no reason not to believe.

And Room 6 per this posting is next to Kitchen. room 6 by kitchen.jpg JMHO the rooms are numbererd going in a circle if you will from SW rooms around to the Kitchen hall... down and making a circle. I am told the rooms on the NW front corner are Church Offices. there are other rooms listed in the Calendar.. Library, and other rooms. Possible Library in front too? not sure. Just working on other things. JMHO
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