TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #28

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And from this interview with MT

“The morning before we knew anything had happened, he said ‘I’ve told her, I’ve told her she’s got to be careful.’ He was just so afraid something would happen,” said Tucker, who admitted Missy was very trusting. “She might have been a little too naive for her own good, but she was a trusting soul. I guess she just thought everyone was good.” http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2016/04/20/...dlothian-mother-was-worried-about-her-safety/

Just jumping off your post ArkansasMimi, hope you don't mind.

The morning before we (BB and Mother Tucker) knew anything had happened = Sunday, April 17th.

Three days before Missy was murdered, she showed "creepy" LinkedIn message to friend = Friday, April 15th.

In the course of our investigation we have had multiple references to the Decedent’s social media accounts, specifically her Linkedln account. Linkedln is a social media networking service used to make connections to others. In the course of our investigation, we have received information from interviews conducted with persons of interest and persons close to the victim that the decedent was a regular user of Linkedln. During one such interview a friend of the victim told law enforcement that less than three days before the murder, the victim showed this friend a private message from the victim’s Linkedln account.


:moo: It must have been BB or significant other family member (SIL, MIL), rather than a close girlfriend I had Assumed , that MB showed the "creepy" message on Friday before she was murdered :cow: Otherwise, what was the reason for the conversation regarding Missy's safety between BB and MT the day before MB was murdered?
Presumably LE means without shoes and helmet. My measurements from the beginning consistently came in at around 71-73" (again, based on an 84" door installation), leaving my estimate of the subject's height between approximately 5'8" and 5'11" without helmet and shoes. I have researched both shoes and helmets and both would only account for around 2.5"-3" additional height. The subject is not wearing "lifts" as some have proposed - the shoe and instep silhouette does not allow for that. Believe me when I say I have not arrived at my estimates casually. I have analyzed at least a dozen frame stills and have rechecked my work dozens of times. I'm still scratching my head over how they arrived at their heights. I am just dying to see the techniques they used! The only thing I can think of is their scale is different - perhaps an 80" door installation. Since I do not have access to that information, that is the only missing piece of my puzzle. Unfortunately, all the evidence folks were able to gather for me with regards to door height point to my initial guess at 84" installations, so I am more confident in my estimates than ever, able to narrow my estimates further.

I'd like to see the techniques the forensic analyst used, as well. The discrepancy between your estimation and theirs is puzzling. Your work looks accurate to my eye. I'm hoping that since you provided your work to MPD, they'll give it a second look and make sure their expert's work is without error.
Just jumping off your post ArkansasMimi, hope you don't mind.

The morning before we (BB and Mother Tucker) knew anything had happened = Sunday, April 17th.

Three days before Missy was murdered, she showed "creepy" LinkedIn message to friend = Friday, April 15th.


:moo: It must have been BB or significant other family member (SIL, MIL), rather than a close girlfriend I had Assumed , that MB showed the "creepy" message on Friday before she was murdered :cow: Otherwise, what was the reason for the conversation regarding Missy's safety between BB and MT the day before MB was murdered?

No, it was a friend she shared the LinkedIn message with (per news article--I can round up the link if you really need it). Though maybe she discussed it with family as well, but she was gone that weekend, so it wouldn't seem as likely.
Missy's last post was on April 17 at 9:23 pm. Here is what it said:

ETA - this is from a screenshot; time is Central Daylight Time (Texas )

Then hubby stated that they spoke on the phone from about 9:30 pm to about 10pm and she was falling asleep on the phone.
Quote Originally Posted by wgram View Post
But the dogs weren't brought in right away right?

That was what I remembered as well wgram. I thought that was a bit later (when they could have already talked to coroner about evidence of gun shots). I wasn't following the case very closely at the beginning though, so I am not sure of the timeline. I hadn't considered bomb sniffing, although again - I would think you would do that immediately if it was a concern.They did mentioned sniffing for residue on the CG campers, so maybe the dogs were there immediately??
Respectfully BBM, do you have a MSM or MPD link as to the BBM? I have not seen where we know anything about the investigation in reference to any of the CG campers on April 18. Or after for that matter.

JMHO, Crime Scene was investigated April 18 per MPD, nothing stated about the CG Campers being there when the interior and exterior were searched with the dog on April 20. JMHO considering when the ATF dog was brought in to search the interior and exterior, and the dogs training, I wouldn't be surprised, honestly more inclined to think they checked for explosives due to there going to be people coming to the Church that particular night, and thinking how Suspects return to the scene of crime.

Per April 18 Press Conf, Ellis County Crime Scene Unit worked the crime scene collecting crime scene evidence:
Snip> Captain John Spann.. We got assistance from the Ellis County Sheriff's Department that has a property evidence collection team that came out to assist us in collecting evidence, and we've reached out to, again, some local agencies, some investigators, that would come in and give us assistance to make sure we're making ––we're taking every effort to track down any possible leads on this. Again, like Chief said, this is unusual for the city of Midlothian. This isn't something we deal with on a daily basis, so it's something that we're going to make sure it's done and it's done right.

Captain John Spann: snip> But again, that's ––this happenedat 5:00 [A.M.]this morning. We justcleared the scene about 12:00 P.M. We're still in the process of following down leads and looking at everything we've got.

Autopsy done Tues, April 19:
POSTED:APR 19 2016 11:34AM CDT
UPDATED:APR 20 2016 01:12PM CDT
MIDLOTHIAN, Texas - Police have determined how a fitness trainer died at a Midlothian church, but they are not releasing that information.

Missy Bevers’ autopsy was completed by the Dallas County Medical Examiner's Office Tuesday morning. Midlothian police said they are not ready to make that report public. http://www.fox4news.com/news/126278594-story

Church had a Prayer Service Wed night, doors open at 630pm
Creekside Church--Come as you are...
April 20 · Wednesday 1:18pm
All are invited to a special family time of prayer and reflection tonight at Creekside at 6:45. Doors will open at 6:30. All other classes and activities for tonight are cancelled. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10153424204757343&id=179345102342
Creekside CoC Wed April 20 Prayer Svc posted 118pm.JPG
Missy's last post was on April 17 at 9:23 pm. Here is what it said:

ETA - this is from a screenshot; time is Central Daylight Time (Texas )

Good job getting a screen shot! I found similar on yahoo

“We are excited to see all your smiling faces in the morning!” Bevers wrote in her final Facebook post. (Screen shot)

Bevers used Facebook, Twitter and other social media to publicly promote her fitness classes and other entrepreneurial endeavors. Her last Facebook update — published Sunday, about nine hours before her body was discovered — advertised that she would be at the church early Monday for her regular fitness class, causing police to consider if Bevers was targeted.

Well I did read last night that she told someone that everyone you meet is a friend unless they prove otherwise, maybe not in those exact words. I don't remember where I read that though :( IMO MOO

I believe that was in the eulogy that her brother gave. I read it as well. Been lurking, not much to add, I am amazed at the skills in this room!! I am reading and up to date and I just wait for justice as many of us do. I find many things beyond odd, but I try not to cast judgement. I am hoping enough evidence will prove otherwise.

thanks to all of you!!
To those who suggest that there were 2 SP's at the scene but LE is keeping this information secret, can you explain how this would assist in identifying the killer(s)?

I understand that we can not reconcile BatBrat's work with the height estimates of LE being 5'2" to 5'7" and that the presence of another SP could be the reason. But it seems more likely that LE would wiggle on the height of SP to keep people from harassing the person in the cross hairs than to keep a second perp a secret. And LE has certainly wiggled on the height by giving out a 5 inch range of possibilities.

Some have suggested that SP is LE or a fire fighter but knowing many, many people in both LE and FF, SP appears to be too awkward for either duty. But what about an EMT?
Yes she could have. But in my mind she didn't think anything would happen and if it did she could handle it. Kinda the I am invincible if you know what I mean. I don't think she would have asked for escort, as she wouldn't want to sound weak. IMO MHO

And also I did see where she said she wasn't feeling well. Which I guess could be the reason he called her the first time...IDK MOO

Respectfully BBM. Do you have a link for where it was stated she wasn't feeling well April 17? Thanks in advance.
Some people imagine a very bloody scene not unlike the Brown-Goldman walkway which is the aftermath of a frenzied double murder with multiple knife stab wounds and at least one slit throat with bloody footprints everywhere. Other people, and MOO is in this group, imagine a more efficient murder in the case of MB, which involves precise puncture wounds which were planned as meticulously as every other aspect and which would result in minimal bloodletting, and certainly not blood castoff on the ceiling or blood everywhere. There is a continuum here, and many points in between, and we really do not know. It is not even helpful to know that the CoC was able to host a prayer service 2 days later because no matter the condition of the area of the murder, that is enough time to repair, replace and paint. Perhaps knowing the crime scene was released to the CoC after only 6 hours is some indication. So in direct response to you, IMO favored theory, blood evidence on SP was minimal.

in the OJ case the blood was dropped from the driveway all the way to OJs front door. There was a huge blood trail.
Wasn't that the January 3 post above? Re: MB feeling under the weather.
There is nothing odd about calling home before going to sleep when you are out of town to say "Goodnight, I love you". We do it every night even if out of the country. We call when we get into our hotel room "I am here, the hotel is fine and all is well" and then again before settling in for the night. It is so normal. I do not understand making this out to be something nefarious.
<snipped by me>
But this was part of it, from April 20:
Marsha Tucker: “The morning before we knew anything had happened, he said, ‘I’ve told her — I’ve told her she’s got to be careful.’ He was just so afraid something would happen.”
(Link: http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2016/04/20/...dlothian-mother-was-worried-about-her-safety/)

bbm. Thanks for posting the link, GummyWorms. I guess the part I'm confused is to whom BB said it. Did he express his concern to MB "the morning before we knew anything had happened"? (I thought the last time he spoke to her was the night before.). Or did he express his concern to MT that morning? (Not that it necessarily matters.)

I don't find his expressing his concern to MB or MT particularly alarming. The way MT's quote reads almost sounds like BB is having an I-told-you-so moment. However, a newspaper quote of a presumably grief stricken mother-in-law quoting her presumably grief stricken son (did I get that right: a quote of a quote of a quote?)...it's possible that something was lost in the recounting of the story. Just my opinion (which is subject to change).
Quote Originally Posted by Batbrat View Post
Does anyone here recall the last words MB posted to her facebook page? Something like "Goodnight all, see you bight and early"? At what time was that posted? Anyone recall?

This is just a cached posted, so can't verify validity:


ETA: I am not seeing the "bright and early" post, but I did see that at some point.

Her last social media post read, “Goodnight all. I have to get up at 3:30am. See you bright and early.” http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2016/04/18/...-going-on-than-burglary-in-midlothian-church/

Unsure what time was posted. jmho
No, it was a friend she shared the LinkedIn message with (per news article--I can round up the link if you really need it). Though maybe she discussed it with family as well, but she was gone that weekend, so it wouldn't seem as likely.

Thank you PIM. No need for a link. She was in Austin.
Originally Posted by wgram
But the dogs weren't brought in right away right?

That was what I remembered as well wgram. I thought that was a bit later (when they could have already talked to coroner about evidence of gun shots). I wasn't following the case very closely at the beginning though, so I am not sure of the timeline. I hadn't considered bomb sniffing, although again - I would think you would do that immediately if it was a concern. They did mentioned sniffing for residue on the CG campers, so maybe the dogs were there immediately??

The search warrant stating she died of a wound to the head by an "unknown instrument" happened Monday night. The autopsy was 7:30 am Tuesday. There were no dogs searching on Monday - in fact the crime scene was reportedly wrapped up by about noon. But the news reported Wednesday pm that ATF had come into the investigation with their bomb and gun-residue sniffing dog Titan. So the dog search was apparently sometime between the completed autopsy and the Wednesday night prayer service.

JMO, but I believe the completed autopsy (with its results not public) led investigators to go back and check with Titan.
Her last social media post read, &#8220;Goodnight all. I have to get up at 3:30am. See you bright and early.&#8221; http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2016/04/18/...-going-on-than-burglary-in-midlothian-church/

Unsure what time was posted. jmho

That sentence (no punctuation in the original) was posted at 9:23 pm...I can post the whole screenshot if the mods approve...

It was at the very end of a conversational exchange under that "if it's raining we're still training" meme posted at 6:49/7:55 pm (not sure why there are two post times given but possibly this meme was first posted elsewhere).

ETA: yes, first posted to the Camp Gladiator Midlothian page (6:49 pm), then reposted to her (Missy Bevers) Facebook page at 7:55 pm.
Quote Originally Posted by zoeneli View Post
From Jan 3
Missy Bevers

January 3 · Ovilla
Camp tomorrow @5:00am indoors at Creekside Church of Christ and 9:00am at Midlothian Conference Center...Bring Your Weights!
I'm off to bed...been under the weather since last night. But, will see all of you bright & early!

zoeneli, does the cached post have a time stamp?

I am not zoeneli, but I posted that post of MB Jan 3 fb comment again last night. I posted it because that only place I have seen where MB stated she wasn't feeling well in a CG post and going to bed and see at the Creekside camp location.

It is not a cached post. It is still on MB facebook. She posted it on Sunday Jan 3 2016 at 801pm Central Time . Link https://www.facebook.com/missy.bevers/posts/10208364859538964

Sidenote, the post she made on April 17 re raining we are still training was made at 755pm Central Time. approx same time frame as in the Jan 3 post. And also around or just prior toc the time BB stated he called MB 8pm then later at 9/930pm
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