TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #29

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<Respectfully snipped by me for space>

The SW wording by LE said this: "At approximately 0418 hours, the victim Terri Bevers is observed entering the building through the main door under the awning area." [bold added]

To know the location indicated, you would first have to ascertain what the "awning area" is, before deciding on its main door. But given that the SW corner has both the best awning for rain and that the class apparently was going to be conducted in that exterior location, I believe the indication is the SW corner. But there's certainly fuzziness.

You now have me second guessing myself. I have always assumed that MB entered through the front of the church (west side) and turned right (heading toward the SW corner). This was where she encountered SP. If MB did actually enter through the SW doors, I have a few questions:

1) Which camera picked up MB's arrival?
2) Since MB was heading toward SP, where was SP? (I am pressed for time and don't have the exact SW wording in front of me)
3) How did SP avoid being detected by the camera?
4) How did MB end up back in the SW corner?

I have always assumed that MB was attacked in the very SW corner (or the vestibule) in a blind spot of the cameras. SP was waiting in the SW corner or the vestibule, and that is why he/she wasn't picked up by the cameras.
I feel as if I am missing something. Why would the overhang in the front of the church (west side) not be considered an awning?

Indeed, maybe it would be.

OTOH we have to consider that
1 if someone mentions "THE" awning area (which was the wording in the SW), then the SW corner is likely in view, being more of an awning than the west side entrance,
2 MB's note that advertised the class stated that "we have cover under the front awning!" ...adds some confusion, inasmuch as perhaps the SW corner is more to the side than front ...but at the same time, the SW corner almost certainly is what she's mentioning, as it would been the only place that provided potential cover from rain (as the covering over the west side entrance is too high to offer much help), and
3 so if the gathering/class was in SW corner, maybe it further hints that she would have been using those doors

It does lack clarity. But given all we know, I'm going with SW corner as the most likely indicated entrance point for MB.
Any truth to the word posted last night on Internet that the killers gear was found in some kind of a contained box and that LE isn't going to discuss it with the public until they absolutely need to if ever? And why should they. They only release info to public when they need their help with something.
Y If MB did actually enter through the SW doors, I have a few questions:
1) Which camera picked up MB's arrival?
2) Since MB was heading toward SP, where was SP? (I am pressed for time and don't have the exact SW wording in front of me)
3) How did SP avoid being detected by the camera?
4) How did MB end up back in the SW corner?

Without video and the ability to look over LE's shoulder at what they have that they haven't revealed, we can only speculate. But here's one speculation with possible answers to your questions, and there may be others or better:
(1) MB was picked up entering by cam at the N end of the westside hall, looking S to the SW doors, or by cam at the E end of the southside hall, looking W and seeing MB come into view through the interior SW door,
(2) perp was simultaneously seen by that cam, but not by MB, lying in wait around a corner in that hallway, perhaps in the recess of a door that leads to the auditorium,
(3) as she moved forward, he grabbed her and took her off-camera into the auditorium, where she was ultimately found in its SW corner ("the southwest corner of the interior of the building"), and
(4) he exited the auditorium in a hurry on its north side closest to the kitchen, moving straight across that hall and out the kitchen door, and was across the hall so quickly that the cam didn't record him.
Is there any possibility LE would say perp is 5'2-7 when they know he/she was actually much taller? Why bother saying anything then regarding height if they are just going to lie outright?
Any truth to the word posted last night on Internet that the killers gear was found in some kind of a contained box and that LE isn't going to discuss it with the public until they absolutely need to if ever? And why should they. They only release info to public when they need their help with something.

JMO, but it sounds like a bucket of crap to me.
Any truth to the word posted last night on Internet that the killers gear was found in some kind of a contained box and that LE isn't going to discuss it with the public until they absolutely need to if ever? And why should they. They only release info to public when they need their help with something.
100% bogus nonsense, per someone upthread
Any truth to the word posted last night on Internet that the killers gear was found in some kind of a contained box and that LE isn't going to discuss it with the public until they absolutely need to if ever? And why should they. They only release info to public when they need their help with something.

Where? I find post like this to be B.S. Just sayin' jmo idk

Did you see where they say it is because she is blonde that she was killed? On the internet?
Thanks for your reply. I really hope a mod shows up soon to let us know if these random YouTube vids are allowed here now. If so, I have some to post. I have never heard of brainscratch before it was posted here several times. I watched the video and it was all old news and his opinion.

Maybe I'll alert my own post for clarification.

Thanks for asking JLSChook.

We do not allow random videos on YouTube. Usually.

Let me explain.

There are times when these videos can be helpful.

If by chance we (as in someone in WS management) knows of the person and can vouch for their reliability then we may allow a video or website link.

The video that I've seen posted on here is not someone we know. If we allow this random person's video then we have to allow the next random person's video and so on. Also, a mod would have to take their time to watch each video to make sure everything was on the up and up. We don't have time to do that right now.

Let me give you an example of allowing something random that wasn't checked out by WS.

Years ago I tried to be nice by encouraging people to link to their own websites in their signatures. It sounds INSANE now but this was 12 years ago before things got as wild as they are now on the Internet.

One member had a good website, talked about different things, absolutely nothing wrong with their site.

Then one day this person put up a huge plea for money, posted nude pictures, and basically went INSANE overnight.

I started noticing many of the links in signatures went to websites that asked for money. Lots of scam type sites.

Being so trusting it never occurred to me someone would do something so rotten as to use Websleuths to draw potential scam victims to their sites.

Really dumb I know. I can't believe I was such an air head.

So, that's why we have the rules today that we do.

That concludes this trip down Websleuths Memory Lane. We hope you enjoyed the ride and have a nice day.

Yes, and this is the ambiguity. Personally, I see the main door as the one on the west side of the building (these are also referred to as the main entrance on the church's website). It, too, has a roof overhang. But since Missy has referred to the SW drive-through area as the doors with the "awning," the meaning of the SW phrase "main doors with the awning" is ambiguous.


Where does Missy refer to the doors with the awnings? in her Facebook post? If that is the case, MB was probably referring to the SW doors. Did Missy also refer to those doors as the main doors?

I am assuming that LE wasn't thinking of Missy's post when they put together the SW. When LE mentioned the main doors with the awning, I am assuming that they meant the front doors (on the west side). There is nothing inconsistent about referring to the door on the west side as the main door with the awnings. However, it is inconsistent to refer to the SW doors as the main door with the awnings since the SW doors aren't the main door. IMO

I do see the ambiguity.
I'm female and know this but I work with sculpture, woodworking. You'd be shocked what the average female may know. Not to be snarky, just stating a fact.
Totally agree. It's not rocket science to use a pry bar and a tap with a hammer to wedge it open. I'm a woman and I certainly hope we don't come off as being that ignorant. Or maybe I'm not the average woman.

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Indeed, maybe it would be.

OTOH we have to consider that
1 if someone mentions "THE" awning area (which was the wording in the SW), then the SW corner is likely in view, being more of an awning than the west side entrance,
2 MB's note that advertised the class stated that "we have cover under the front awning!" ...adds some confusion, inasmuch as perhaps the SW corner is more to the side than front ...but at the same time, the SW corner almost certainly is what she's mentioning, as it would been the only place that provided potential cover from rain (as the covering over the west side entrance is too high to offer much help), and
3 so if the gathering/class was in SW corner, maybe it further hints that she would have been using those doors

It does lack clarity. But given all we know, I'm going with SW corner as the most likely indicated entrance point for MB.

Without video and the ability to look over LE's shoulder at what they have that they haven't revealed, we can only speculate. But here's one speculation with possible answers to your questions, and there may be others or better:
(1) MB was picked up entering by cam at the N end of the westside hall, looking S to the SW doors, or by cam at the E end of the southside hall, looking W and seeing MB come into view through the interior SW door,
(2) perp was simultaneously seen by that cam, but not by MB, lying in wait around a corner in that hallway, perhaps in the recess of a door that leads to the auditorium,
(3) as she moved forward, he grabbed her and took her off-camera into the auditorium, where she was ultimately found in its SW corner ("the southwest corner of the interior of the building"), and
(4) he exited the auditorium in a hurry on its north side closest to the kitchen, moving straight across that hall and out the kitchen door, and was across the hall so quickly that the cam didn't record him.

Thank you. These points address my most recent post, which I started before your response. I didn't realize that Missy said, "We have cover under the front awning!" That does make the front awning very ambiguous.

Thanks again!
Catching up, (AGAIN)...but just had a question. Is this "brainscratch" YouTube person MSM? I'm just curious because if we're allowed to post any YouTube video from any person, I have quite a few to post here. Should I know who this person is? :blushing:

Same here trying to catch up, but that "brain scratch" YouTube person made my mouth drop open &#128558; And wasn't that Bat or Sparky's picture that was used?

Is this person one of us at WS?
Is there any possibility LE would say perp is 5'2-7 when they know he/she was actually much taller? Why bother saying anything then regarding height if they are just going to lie outright?

I don't think they would lie.
I'm with you for the first half of that post. As of a few weeks ago, I began being more open to the second unsub theory. Either in the building (off camera) or not. SP doesn't look capable of the door destruction and a guaranteed take down of MB, and if I'm SP, I'd be pretty afraid I'd get that hammer (or tool) turned back on me (if I was by myself).

You've got to track MB's movements. You've go to figure out where the cameras are. You've got to position yourself to ambush her (and not be detected). You don't see the "fight" because it is intentionally off camera. You've got to clean up what I think is a messy murder scene. And you have to make a prompt escape. Two people can do all that better than one, esp if the one is this SP we've grown to know pretty well.

Totally not subscribing to a two victim scene. Two people want two other people dead? Sounds too much like a WWE script. The second is then a child (the usual accompaniment) ? No. They wanted MB GONE. For sure and minimal video.

Good post! I agree but not sure if the SwatPerp filmed it himself/herself(shivers). I have this horrible graphic thought of how she was murdered using a gun and hammer. I would like for it to be verified which way SwatPerp exited the church and if they left going back down the exit where the cameras are located. So much too consider and that's why people post 2 SwatPerp's it would make sense.

I guess I'm still sitting on the fence, one day it's 2 the next day it's back to 1. Today I still think there was only one and caught her TOTALLY off guard. JMO
this is an image I got here from WS, I am by no means a pro etc at photo manipulation etc... I adjusted the exposure, sharpness etc. Does one eye appear to "Odd", if yes, could SP have a fake eye, and eye injury, maybe at some point suffer from a stroke(Maybe that would explain odd SP walk?) Just my thoughts and opinions.


Good Catch!
What is a more reasonable scenario at this point:
1. In a totally random coincidence, a person decides to vandalize and/or rob a church at 4 a.m. on a Monday in a small town, only to be surprised and/or interrupted by a woman who holds a regular fitness class at 5 a.m. Monday at that same church in a small town. After being interrupted and/or surprised, that person then murders the woman and appears not to steal anything from the church.
2. A woman is targeted and murdered at a time and place when it is known that she will be alone.
JMO, but #1 seems incredibly unlikely.

I vote NUMBA 2 &#128551;

Pretty certain LE thinks she was targeted as well. Don't have the page bookmarked but will try to find it if needed. JMO
Any truth to the word posted last night on Internet that the killers gear was found in some kind of a contained box and that LE isn't going to discuss it with the public until they absolutely need to if ever? And why should they. They only release info to public when they need their help with something.

JMO, but it sounds like a bucket of crap to me.

100% bogus nonsense, per someone upthread

Where? I find post like this to be B.S. Just sayin' jmo idk

Did you see where they say it is because she is blonde that she was killed? On the internet?

Not true (to no one's surprise).

Without video and the ability to look over LE's shoulder at what they have that they haven't revealed, we can only speculate. But here's one speculation with possible answers to your questions, and there may be others or better: (1) MB was picked up entering by cam at the N end of the westside hall, looking S to the SW doors, or by cam at the E end of the southside hall, looking W and seeing MB come into view through the interior SW door, (2) perp was simultaneously seen by that cam, but not by MB, lying in wait around a corner in that hallway, perhaps in the recess of a door that leads to the auditorium, (3) as she moved forward, he grabbed her and took her off-camera into the auditorium, where she was ultimately found in its SW corner ("the southwest corner of the interior of the building"), and (4) he exited the auditorium in a hurry on its north side closest to the kitchen, moving straight across that hall and out the kitchen door, and was across the hall so quickly that the cam didn't record him.
I almost agree with your post as my #1 JMO theory. I have always thought MB entered through the porte cochere doors, turned right down the southside hallway (double dutch doors hallway), and that MB willingly turned and entered those same auditorium doors where we saw SP approach, with SP already inside the auditorium lying in wait. Did MB need something from the auditorium? What about a couple of metal folding chairs? The CoC uses metal folding STACKING chairs not fixed pews (or in addition to fixed seating). Did MB always get maybe 4 chairs, put her boombox on them, papers/clipboard? If so, who knew this and informed the SP?
If you Google Kelly Brennan (the murder victim) and Sheila Trott (the convicted killer) you will find some possible coincidences ... killer hiding and waiting for the victim... hit on the head (possibly with a hammer) ... killer possibly wearing a Hazmat suit (no blood on clothes)... in that case it seems it was a crime of passion... jealousy... the victim's head and face were heavily battered.... pretty weird.
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