TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #30

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I wish I knew if Missy was carrying a firearm. It could change things around as far as a death penalty charge. IF it's a fact the perp staged the scene as a burglary to cover their intent to commit murder, and Missy was carrying a gun, then their defense becomes they killed her because she pulled a gun on them. But then it would have to be someone who knew she carried. Clear as mud? lol:thinking:

I think this will be charged as capital murder, regardless of the details. There's not really a CREDIBLE defense scenario that turns it into a lesser charge, under Texas statute. And the state charges the crime as it is, not as the defense wants to paint it.

On a theoretical basis, what's a defense story that can truly make this anything other than capital murder? I don't see it. The perp was on the scene via commission of a felony, and therefore no matter how they try to paint the details, a killing that flowed from that is going to fry them.
Quote Originally Posted by arkansasmimi View Post
Respectfully, But there is clearly no broken/busted windows in that area. Neither that photo I posted from SS I took from news link, or any of the other photos where MSM posted. NOR does there appear a busted door in the WEST FRONT Entrance with tons of Glass windows. JMHO I am not talking about few days later, speaking of April 18. (oops didnt mean that to sound snippy/snarky) JMHO the reason the front doors have crime scene tape, there is again my belief happened somewhere between the door the suspect opened at 358 and up to that Come as You Are foyer where the glass entrance. FYI, there is a huge Mirror under that Come as You Are sign on the wall greeting people for all the mirror thinking folks lol

There is clearly no broken exterior front door or stationary window (flanking the doors), as we can see the whole front (east) side in various news videos after the murder.

The views we have of the SW exterior doors and flanking stationary windows are incomplete and obscured by columns, so it's hard to say with certainty if any one of those had damage (unless one knows a member who might inform).

In either case, however, the glass doors and stationary side windows are repeated about 6' further inside each vestibule, with a matching, interior set (such as we saw propped open in the SP video). It's possible some of these interior vestibule doors could've been broken during a struggle--particularly if a gun was involved. But we can't see those interior doors from the news reports, so it's unknown to us (without insider info) if any of those were broken.

I believe the crime tape was at both entrances simply because the damage went from north to south, and LE needed to prohibit trespass in general at the church until their investigation was complete.

Respectfully bbm, the FRONT is the West side of the building. East is the Rear of the church.

And the conversation was (or rather how I was reading so maybe I misunderstood) but members were having a theory that the murder and the glass and so forth happen in that area at the doors at the Covered Awning entrance by MB truck. My comment was that there is no damage there, no busted glass, no boarded up windows at that entrance. not according to that news reporters background shot. JMHO and that is all I was saying.
Can you add the pic you're talking about, to your post, so we can understand the question better? Thanks. :)

Here is the pic:


Source CC FB


  • MB Cchurch inside sanctiary.jpg
    MB Cchurch inside sanctiary.jpg
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If perp is targeting Missy, it's odd he left (at least) two doors open near the entrances.
That coulda spooked her. I guess the police know it's a target, but things that make you wonder.
Aren't the video snips of the killer out of order? I'm really confused about the order. I had initially considered the clip of the killer coming out of a door and using the right arm to touch the wall as trying to adjust to that costume. Maybe trying to regain equilibrium/walk with limited peripheral vision and steady his/herself after getting into that head gear, whatever that was. Now, I'm not sure that works.
What's the prevailing supposition of his/her rambling through the halls?
maybe the reason they cleaned it up so quickly was because it could be viewed from other areas inside and outside the church. They may not have had a choice in the matter-keeping onlookers away might have proved problematic. Photographs and measurements might have been all that was needed to remove the body-especially if there was no gun involved. The rest of the church just needed a quick sweeping up. Fingerprints in a public building would be very difficult to track. Also presumably they have everything but the murder itself and the perps exit on film..jmo

eta: also the murder weapon was left behind-no need to hunt for it or identify what it might have been..

IF the murder scene was between those 2 sets of doors .. then LEO were walking through it back and for as they were entering and leaving the building from that area. Personally I just do not think that she was murdered between the inside exit and outside entry area of the Covered Awning area. I do respect to agree to disagree and respect others opinions I just don't see how with what we have to work with that could be there. JMHO
WOW if this crime is solved and it turns out to be some ticked off kid mad he couldnt get his dream girl due to the mom not allowing it or whatever I will feel really bad for all my thoughts and posts to the contrary

BBM this has been nagging me for a while as well. I just was afraid to mention it. I have a few theories but this is the one that I haven't seen mentioned. JMO MHO.
You're probably right. Seems like crime scenes, accident scenes, ect., seem to attract people. I'm not gonna lie, I'm guilty of this and have driven by a few myself. :blushing:

drove by last week. Midlothian PD sitting in driveway.
IF the murder scene was between those 2 sets of doors .. then LEO were walking through it back and for as they were entering and leaving the building from that area. Personally I just do not think that she was murdered between the inside exit and outside entry area of the Covered Awning area. I do respect to agree to disagree and respect others opinions I just don't see how with what we have to work with that could be there. JMHO

I agree. This makes me think more of the restroom as the scene. We've talked about how soon the church was having services after the murder - well, if the murder scene was in a restroom, they could simply lock that restroom and do repairs over time. With other restrooms in the church, they could have managed in the short run.
As for pants color, I think it's possible that the pants are not black but are instead a forest green camouflage pattern. The video just wasn't high quality enough to know for sure. And IIRC, LE has only referred to them as "dark".

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes, maybe my earlier post wasn't clear, but that's what I meant. BTW, I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing this, so thanks. :)
I supposed if she came in the main entrance, and was attacked going around the corner she wouldn't see the open doors... Hmm....Trying to answer my own question. :)


If perp is targeting Missy, it's odd he left (at least) two doors open near the entrances.
That coulda spooked her. I guess the police know it's a target, but things that make you wonder.

If perp is targeting Missy, it's odd he left (at least) two doors open near the entrances.
That coulda spooked her. I guess the police know it's a target, but things that make you wonder.

We don't know that the doors were still open when MB arrived.
Aren't the video snips of the killer out of order? I'm really confused about the order. I had initially considered the clip of the killer coming out of a door and using the right arm to touch the wall as trying to adjust to that costume. Maybe trying to regain equilibrium/walk with limited peripheral vision and steady his/herself after getting into that head gear, whatever that was. Now, I'm not sure that works.
What's the prevailing supposition of his/her rambling through the halls?

Killing time?

It is possible that SP forcibly turned the camera angles where the attack took place? SP could have used any one of the tools to reach it. Then went to their hiding place? (Not a fact.. just an idea.).
Killing time?


Oh sorry...........I meant the order in which the killer wandered about.....what hallway when......I've considered he/she got into that garb in the kitchen, which would account for no water/mud being tracked around and then entering the hallways. I'm interested to hear others' opinions about this. Was it aimless or orderly? Since the rest of this crime seems so methodical, I would think there was a definite organization to what happened before she arrived.
Aren't the video snips of the killer out of order? I'm really confused about the order. I had initially considered the clip of the killer coming out of a door and using the right arm to touch the wall as trying to adjust to that costume. Maybe trying to regain equilibrium/walk with limited peripheral vision and steady his/herself after getting into that head gear, whatever that was. Now, I'm not sure that works.
What's the prevailing supposition of his/her rambling through the halls?

It's 100% possible that those 4 video snips in that 2:27 LE video were the earliest views of the perp in the building, and in sequence. Or, they could have been randomly selected, and in a random order.

But if the former, then here's how they would line up. I'll use a reference of a clockface (hour hand) for directions, with the N side being at the top (with the kitchen at about 12, then).


1 - in the N side hall, perp goes from 12:15 to about 1 and then back to about 11
2 - having rounded the NW corner unrecorded, perp is now in the W side hall and goes from about 9 down to about 6 as he turns the SW corner
3 - now in the S side hall, he then goes down the hall to about 4:30 (and maybe farther unrecorded) and then turns around and comes back to 5:45 where he enters the auditorium
4 - out of sight, he traverses the auditorium from 5:45 to about 3, then we see him exiting into the E side hall at 3 and dallying there a bit before the camera cuts off

In total, he's almost made a full lap.

Hope that helps.:smile:


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We don't know that the doors were still open when MB arrived.

But if he was so meticulous (and it being so close to her arrival time), you'd think he would have avoided any missteps by shutting the doors immediately. But I guess the police know by the video that he was deliberately setting up the attack just prior to her arrival.
IF the murder scene was between those 2 sets of doors .. then LEO were walking through it back and for as they were entering and leaving the building from that area. Personally I just do not think that she was murdered between the inside exit and outside entry area of the Covered Awning area. I do respect to agree to disagree and respect others opinions I just don't see how with what we have to work with that could be there. JMHO
I think this post is a brilliant deduction. We have a winner. For you::takeabow:
It is possible that SP forcibly turned the camera angles where the attack took place? SP could have used any one of the tools to reach it. Then went to their hiding place? (Not a fact.. just an idea.).

I have had that thought that as well. However, LE did state that none of the cameras had been tampered with.

My gut instinct is that this happened immediately "outside" the vestibule ("outside" = in the physical church building). However, I don't know how the perp would have been able to avoid having the attack captured on camera. The vestibule has its own set of questions - very notably the point raised by arkansasmimi about LE using the vestibule as their enter/exit point.

I strongly suspect that MB was not lured to the location of the attack. Wherever it was, it was part of her normal routine.
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