TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #34

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Holes in Scenarios Noted By Websleuthers
B&E: Pricey/Cumbersome/DNA proof outfit
Hit: Breaking windows/making noise and leaving doors open before Missy gets there
Stalker: Hammer
Holes in Scenarios Noted By Websleuthers
B&E: Pricey/Cumbersome/DNA proof outfit
Hit: Breaking windows/making noise and leaving doors open before Missy gets there
Stalker: Hammer
Hammer would indicate rage/revenge and also not traceable jmo

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Because of what LE said in those press conferences. They said specifically that there is additional video of the perp prior to the murder, but the SWs state that he is not seen again after just before the murder.

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So,do you believe that the additional video that BB claimed to see (where the perp was HOLSTERING a tool) was video PRIOR to the video released to the public? I'm not sure I buy that....I have understood that the video of the holstering was after the murder. Perp had to emerge from wherever the killing was, and be captured, however briefly, on camera, I think. JMO
Razz, not discounting anything. Being "in the process " of carrying stuff inside is exactly that, getting ready to carry in gear (propping doors open for example), carrying gear inside etc. At some point in the very beginning, she possibly decided to go to the bathrooms.

The broken in kitchen vestibule door, the damaged window of K3 (according to Jethro's excellent plan) and the broken NE glass entry doors are lots of areas trying to break in. I have posted the different scenarios of the perp either being familiar with the inside church cams or not in the previous thread. I have problems putting the events in a logical sequence.

I leave it at that for now.

I still think SP came through the kitchen. He had to as this was the only place where the could dress or dry off and he/she could prepare for what was to come out of sight of any cameras. The back door damage was just another ruse like the semi attempts to break open some of the inner doors to make cops think it was a breakin. And, it was all located in back so MB would not be alerted to the "breakins". (Some of the inner doors appeared to be unlocked already ie: double dutch door so SP opened those to make it appear he'd gone in there looking for stuff.)

I do believe they know who this perp is but are building a case that unfortunately involves others. (See the Dan Markel case here on WS).

No, this perp wasn't very smart. A little lucky and he/she had the element of surprise, darkness, rain and one small, petite woman who when hit over the head, went down. The rest was again a ruse. To make it look like a burglary gone wrong and/or a jealous lover.

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Because of what LE said in those press conferences. They said specifically that there is additional video of the perp prior to the murder, but the SWs state that he is not seen again after just before the murder.

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We can assume the cameras shut off when SP left the building. The "continued" video would show the CG's walking in the hallway(s) when they entered since they are motion activated. I don't know if they would show that part to BB or not... perhaps to see if he recognized any of the CG's Time will tell. I'm sure when the LE arrived they pulled the video for evidence. I don't know how all that works..
Police have stated that the rest of the video of the suspect is more of the same behavior in video already released — walking the corridors, breaking glass, and entering rooms.

They state in SW affidavit that the suspect is not seen again on video after Missy is last seen approaching the suspect's location in the building.

The only statement made by LE conflicting with this is from initial press conference where they state that he's seen going back down a hallway and they believe he left the same way he entered — through the metal kitchen door.
A case of stalking per L**kedIn, Cr**gslist


Meanwhile, Orange County Deputy District Attorney Richard Zimmer says he’s confident in the case against Michelle Hadley.
“The police did a very thorough investigation,” Zimmer told The Daily Beast. “What was presented to us… we have enough evidence to prove this case to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt.”
“This case just shows some of the dangers of social media and the online world we live in now,” he added.
In a bombshell press release on Monday, the Orange County district attorney accused Hadley of stalking, threatening, and impersonating the 31-year-old wife of her former fiancé. Cops first arrested Hadley on June 24. She was released on $100,000 bail. But, according to police, Hadley continued her Craigslist sabotage and was arrested again on July 14.
Hadley allegedly sent the wife numerous threats and was “routing the emails... through different computers and servers in order to avoid detection by law enforcement,” the DA said in the statement.


Not only did Hadley solicit men for rape, she ensured them the best possible chance of success, providing the couple’s Anaheim address, photos of the wife and details of her daily routine, telling them to strike at times she knew the victim would be alone.
Prosecutors said “several” of the men who responded to the “rape ads” showed up at the victim’s home “with the intention of raping the victim but did not succeed.”
One of the men “physically attacked the victim before she was able to call for help”.
The man fled and is still being sought by police.
If LE knew who the suspect is, they would make an arrest. I don't buy into the theory of "they know who it is, but want to get everyone involved first". You arrest who you know was part of the murder and you add others from that point.
I still think SP came through the kitchen. He had to as this was the only place where the could dress or dry off and he/she could prepare for what was to come out of sight of any cameras. The back door damage was just another ruse like the semi attempts to break open some of the inner doors to make cops think it was a breakin. And, it was all located in back so MB would not be alerted to the "breakins". (Some of the inner doors appeared to be unlocked already ie: double dutch door so SP opened those to make it appear he'd gone in there looking for stuff.)

I do believe they know who this perp is but are building a case that unfortunately involves others. (See the Dan Markel case here on WS).

No, this perp wasn't very smart. A little lucky and he/she had the element of surprise, darkness, rain and one small, petite woman who when hit over the head, went down. The rest was again a ruse. To make it look like a burglary gone wrong and/or a jealous lover.

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i don't think he'd have to damage two doors to make it look like a BE. One would be enough.
If LE knew who the suspect is, they would make an arrest. I don't buy into the theory of "they know who it is, but want to get everyone involved first". You arrest who you know was part of the murder and you add others from that point.

Do you know of any cases where a planner/organizer was arrested prior to the actual murderer being arrested (specifically talking about cases involving a hit)? I can't think of a single one.

I don't think that all suspects need to be arrested at the same time, but they will be arrested in a logical order, I think. From a logical perspective, how would LE indict a person for hiring a hit person if they don't know who performed the actual hit? Forensics help pull all of the pieces together, and that takes time. IIRC, LE in the TS case said that they had eyes on the suspects from the very first days of the investigation. It still took them several months to arrest two of the suspects. MS, the husband, wasn't charged for a few months after that. IMO, LE needs to know who SP is before making any other arrests. MOO

ETA - I think that this case will be solved, but I don't anticipate any arrests in the next few months.
Yes, I'm not getting this door situation at all! I agree, one would be all SP would need IMO. Looking at these pics again, it does reinforce my thought that SP is male, that requires a lot of force to do that much damage, no?
Yes, I think also in the Dan Markel case, same situation.
Veteran prosecutor Toby Shook has a pretty educated guess.

He thinks the killing of the Red Oak wife and mother of three was anything but random and that the person was trying to “get the drop on the victim … to make them think you’re police so that they can feel safe around.”

Shook, a former prosecutor, said when he saw the video of the person inside the church, the name that immediately came to mind was none other than Eric Williams, the man convicted of killing former Kaufman County District Attorney Mike McLelland, his wife, Cynthia and top prosecutor in 2013. He is now on Death Row.

Williams was dressed in police tactical gear when he broke into the McLellands’ Forney home and gunned them down with an assault weapon. He also was wearing goggles and a police vest.

“He wanted to wear police uniforms so that the McLellands would think that he was with the sheriff's office and they would let him in the house,” Shook said.

Shook also says that the person was most definitely not behaving like a burglar. A typical burglar is going to get in and get out, not spend time wandering around the building.

“You don’t dress as a police officer and break into a church,” Shook said.


During his trial, McLelland and Hasse presented evidence that he paid a friend to rent a storage unit where he kept more than 30 guns, police tactical gear and a getaway car.
Yes, I'm not getting this door situation at all! I agree, one would be all SP would need IMO. Looking at these pics again, it does reinforce my thought that SP is male, that requires a lot of force to do that much damage, no?
Unless the perp wanted it to look like a group of kids broke in to vandalize/rob the place. I think perp unsure about cameras so mussed up the place in case cameras off so it would look like more than one. This reeks of contract kill to me.
Why is everyone talking about what door / entrance the perp came and left through ? Do you think it will help I.d. the person or give some other pertinent info ?
Looked but can't find, wondered how far apart the door (that was broke, to gain entry I presume) and the busted out window are from each other? TIA I'm wondering if it was done to give them/him 2 exits out.
Now that we don’t have an arrest for 3+ months, let’s review what that probably means. 1. This is a more complex case than we originally had estimated. Increasing (IMO) possibility of more than one person involved or a layers between SP and the mastermind (ie hit). The passion of the act leads me the other direction just as much though.

Was SP “intelligent”? I don’t think so. SP will be walking around the rest of their free life living in angst, get caught, belocked up the rest of their life and very possibly face the death penalty. Doesn’t sound intelligent to me. I will grant them that they displayed somegood discipline. Esp not blabbingexcessively before or after the murder. We need to be looking at pretty disciplined/executing individual. BB isright though. It will eat you like acancer. Or. 2. This involved a person a little farther away from MB. It could be a far less obvious or known suspect and they could still be looking for him/her (I hope not).

BB is the wild card. He could go any where from orchestrating the whole deal to being a terrible victim (he’s innocent, he lost his wife, and was skewered.) Or it could be something in between. Like he pretty well knows who it is(somewhere along the way) but won’t turn them in (they’re close to him.)

When you ask the locals what LE is doing they’re watching CGcamps. You ask where and they will tell you AT’scamp. Which tells me they’re probablynot looking at him (there’s better places to observe and talk to people than doing pushups). They’re providing himprotection. Which tells you something right there. BUT LE probably looked atCT as close as anyone. So I am going to too.

So many contradictions.

In the Reynolds case, it was some one pretty close by who hada lot to lose because of the judge. Who had the most to lose? This is where the best we can do is speculate. IMO. BB (if marriage was heading to divorce). Carried out by someone else. (#1 at thispoint) CT (If there was anything going on between MB and AT). Scorned lover. Stalker. Those remain my top 4. 5 on downare a bit more unlikely.

I hope LE collected a mountain of data/information in the first week. Like all video from within the church. I bet there’s someone either a little out of place looking at cameras/layout/etc. Or someone known that’s looking at the cameras a lot. In the past 3-6 months.
I am still 2perp theory.

SP is female
1) does not look strong
2) clunky with tools
3) wearing leggings or panty hose - look behind the knees on way too Dutch doors.
4) I believe older female
5) was just there to ward suspicion away from killer not realizing when caught that she
Will face same fate as killer. DEATH PENALTY. Unless she comes forward and confesses
Her sin and then she gets life with poss. Parole.

I still believe NE doors were broken to see if there was silent alarm. Doesn't matter about doors except
that IF SP came through NE doors it surely as. SteveS said SP would have been caught on camera.

BB still not SP but top of my list for involvement. (Not trying to start the BB train again)

MB killed in SW vestibule area near bathroom but not in it.

All is JMO.
If LE knew who the suspect is, they would make an arrest. I don't buy into the theory of "they know who it is, but want to get everyone involved first". You arrest who you know was part of the murder and you add others from that point.
Not necessarily. If you arrest the perp right away, that puts others on the alert. Maybe the FBI has placed some wiretaps. Now would be the time to do that when the police appear stymied and the suspect(s) start resting easy and make mistakes. Once they have a pretty good idea who the perp is, it is important that all your ducks are in a row so when the time comes to arrest SP, they have him. Best way to bargain with the perp would be to take the DP off the table as long as he cooperates and names others.

Also, maybe SP was double checking that the police would not be alerted during the breakin by breaking the back door first and waiting to see if the police came with sirens blaring.

This is all speculation on my part.

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Now that we don’t have an arrest for 3+ months, let’s review what that probably means. 1. This is a more complex case than we originally had estimated. Increasing (IMO) possibility of more than one person involved or a layers between SP and the mastermind (ie hit). The passion of the act leads me the other direction just as much though.

Was SP “intelligent”? I don’t think so. SP will be walking around the rest of their free life living in angst, get caught, belocked up the rest of their life and very possibly face the death penalty. Doesn’t sound intelligent to me. I will grant them that they displayed somegood discipline. Esp not blabbingexcessively before or after the murder. We need to be looking at pretty disciplined/executing individual. BB isright though. It will eat you like acancer. Or. 2. This involved a person a little farther away from MB. It could be a far less obvious or known suspect and they could still be looking for him/her (I hope not).

BB is the wild card. He could go any where from orchestrating the whole deal to being a terrible victim (he’s innocent, he lost his wife, and was skewered.) Or it could be something in between. Like he pretty well knows who it is(somewhere along the way) but won’t turn them in (they’re close to him.)

When you ask the locals what LE is doing they’re watching CGcamps. You ask where and they will tell you AT’scamp. Which tells me they’re probablynot looking at him (there’s better places to observe and talk to people than doing pushups). They’re providing himprotection. Which tells you something right there. BUT LE probably looked atCT as close as anyone. So I am going to too.

So many contradictions.

In the Reynolds case, it was some one pretty close by who hada lot to lose because of the judge. Who had the most to lose? This is where the best we can do is speculate. IMO. BB (if marriage was heading to divorce). Carried out by someone else. (#1 at thispoint) CT (If there was anything going on between MB and AT). Scorned lover. Stalker. Those remain my top 4. 5 on downare a bit more unlikely.

I hope LE collected a mountain of data/information in the first week. Like all video from within the church. I bet there’s someone either a little out of place looking at cameras/layout/etc. Or someone known that’s looking at the cameras a lot. In the past 3-6 months.


I agree. I think that there are some layers between MB and SP that LE is currently investigating. LE likely has a good idea of the players, but they need solid evidence to bring the case before a grand jury.

On a completely unrelated note, I was surprised to see a few other posters mentioned the Dan Markel case earlier today. I think that the DM case will share quite a few parallels to the MB case when all facts come to light. Reading about DM gave me some new thoughts and insight on the events in the MB case. Only time will tell.
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