TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016- # 7

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Maybe I’m a bit Facebook challenged, but is there any reason to friend someone on Facebook, whom you see and communicate with in person on a day in day out bases? What would be the purpose to that? Are you going the share a photo with them on Facebook? Wouldn’t you just do that in person? :thinking:

With people I see regularly in person, FB is valuable because we message each other on FB. For some people, we communicate through FB messaging rather than email.

Also, for people within a "real life"social circle, there is tagging of photos when you do something together, etc. It's a way to bond, imo. Some of my neighbors are my FB friends, and it's nice to reach them with neighborhood topics.

It's not unusual to be FB friends with people you see regularly.
I am with others that I think their marriage was going through changes that might have been tough. In the long interview on his driveway, he mentions specifically that Missy had changed from a stay-at-home mom to someone who became passionate about fitness. Suddenly having your wife have interests in herself and wanting to make a difference in the world (beyond being focused only on the family) can be a difficult shift in the marriage.

ALL marriage go through changes, and I think the time when the children are older and the mom starts to "reawaken" to her own self can be hard on some husbands. It doesn't necessarily mean divorce or estrangement, but it can mean growth pains as the marriage dynamics shift. Also, middle-aged men might feel in a rut in their career or a bit bored, while his wife is growing into a new stage of excitement and possibilities. It can create the awkward feeling of wanting your spouse to succeed, but also wanting things to stay the same. Missy was receiving kudos and admiration from others, which doesn't mean the husband was jealous....it was simply a new phase of their lives and might have required some adjustments.

Change isn't easy.

Finally, I have to say Missy has inspired ME. I am actively increasing my own physical fitness since this case. After a death in the family two years ago, I became more sedentary than my usual self.....and learning Missy's story has DEFINITELY given me encouragement to get back into fitness. I've walked several miles in the past few days, and it feels great. I've never been so personally touched by a case. Thank you, Missy.


Missy continues to inspire and motivate all of us....profound
If I were an acquaintance or camper, I would probably set my FB to private as well. I would want to continue posting what I regularly post to family - but publically posting regular ol' stuff might appear to be insensitive, so I would go private. There is nothing wrong with innocent acquaintances from carrying on life as usual...but going "private" would be more polite and sensitive.

If it were a very close friend or relative, I would also go private, just like in "real life" mourning. It feels natural when in mourning to be quiet and curtail public activities. FB can be an extention of that.

I wouldn't really read much into FB friends and commenters who are going private after this tragedy. I don't think it necessarily means anything at all.

Only time will tell ...
LOL, my husband and I are not friends
We look at each others pages when invited to, but i see no reason for us to be friends
He would be bored to tears with the stuff i post, he would roll his eyes!!

My husband and I are not FB friends either, and our marriage is just fine! He doesn't want to be friends with me because he doesn't want to be friends with all my friends and family - which sounds crabby, but I can see his point. He is very functional with FB and doesn't want to be in the social media loop. He leaves the "keeping up with far-flung family" up to me.

My husband joined FB only because one of the organizations he belongs to communicates with members through FB. (He never remembers to log off so I can see his page .... it's boring, lol!)

So, husbands and wives who are not friends really doesn't mean anything, imo.
It seems Missy was targeted

-Perp got there earlier than Missy (knew her schedule & where she would be on that rainy day)
-Either Perp parked out of sight of MIssy or perp's car being there was normal and he knew her
-Perp staked out room (double dutch doors) right next to where Missy would enter
-Missy was not simply killed, my understanding that it was overkill? Sounds personal
-Perp had plenty of time to take items out, was in no apparent hurry

Also, is it true that perp was still in the building when camper #1 arrived? If so, camper #1 may be able to ID odd car still in lot or one they passed on the way in. Who was camper #1?


No, I don't think we know for sure whether the perp was there or not when Camper #1 got there. I hadn't really thought about his/her movements (the perp's) after the murder. Or, maybe she was being murdered when camper #1 got there and sat in the vehicle? Not sure.

I am not sure who Camper #1 is but I would sure like to know when this camper met up with the other campers and when they got into the building. This is HUGE to what I'm thinking because depending on the time, the timeline would only give a certain amount of time for: campers to realize that they needed to look for Missy (unless camper #1 saw her truck door open the whole time they sat in their vehicle otherwise I would think that it could be assumed that she was in the bathroom or something and would meet them in the hallway soon?!), AND to find Missy somewhere where cameras wouldn't have seen her murder (a room? There are a LOT of rooms in that church!), AND to attend to Missy and then decide they needed to call 911.

**Of course, there are variables that would affect this time frame and my thinking: cameras being disabled somehow by the perp in an area (not the main hallway though because she was seen in the main hallway) where he/she would interact with Missy and a struggle/murder take place, campers being worried about Missy (seeing the vandalism or because one or all noticed Missy's truck door was open for a long period of time) and looking for her immediately---also, if they knew immediately when they found Missy in the church that this wasn't an accident and called 911 immediately rather than attending to her in any way, OR the campers went directly to the room that Missy was murdered in and found her there. They would have had to have specific information that the class would be held in that room though, IMO.

I know....that's a lot of stuff to think about and I'm probably not making myself very clear here.

Okay, so let me play devil's advocate with your list.

Devil's advocate using your post that I copied below:

-Perp got there earlier than Missy (knew her schedule & where she would be on that rainy day)
Perp got there earlier than Missy but did not know Missy and did not realize someone would be there that day. He/she chose that particular day because it was convenient to their own schedule because they are off on weekends and can sleep during the day in order to prepare to be up that early. Saturday mornings wouldn't be good because churches often have events that require people to be there early---cleaning crews?, community outreach events?, etc.

-Either Perp parked out of sight of MIssy or perp's car being there was normal and he knew her
Perp parked out of sight because he was there to vandalize/rob the church. He/she didn't want anyone to see their car when they drove by.

-Perp staked out room (double dutch doors) right next to where Missy would enter
How did the perp get Missy into the room if their interaction was not caught on camera? Is it possible that the perp was able to pull Missy into the dutch doors without being seen? They have Missy walking into the church on the main hallway, so she would have had to turn right immediately after walking in to the church in order to end up at the dutch doors. I guess it's possible that the perp called out to her and the camera would show that she started walking down the hallway and then turned and went to the dutch doors when the perp called out?! Hmmm...

-Missy was not simply killed, my understanding that it was overkill? Sounds personal
Oh yeah, the perp was angry for sure! The perp ran into Missy in the church and Missy angered him/her when she said she was going to do "XXXX" so he/she went into a rage and murdered her. Looks personal but he/she just needs anger management classes.....BAD.

-Perp had plenty of time to take items out, was in no apparent hurry
Why would he/she be in a hurry? No one was coming to the church until 8 or 9 that morning when the church secretary would arrive for her regular work day. What's the rush?

ETA: Do y'all see where I'm going with this at all? If LE believes that Missy was the target, what specifically could be on that footage that would lead them to believe this to be the case WITHOUT assumptions? Are we missing something?
We've discussed here on WS whether the class was to be held under the covered part of the driveway because of the rain or whether it was to be moved indoors for that day. I am beginning to think the campers also didn't know if the class was going to be under the awning or in a classroom, which is why they waited outdoors until close to 5am rather than going directly into the building when they arrived. They saw Missy's car and were waiting for her to appear.

If they knew class would be inside, I think they would've entered the building before 5am. When she didn't appear at classtime, which was unusual behavior for her, then I think they decided together to look in the building to find out what was going on with class. I am assuming they found her within a minute or so of entering the building and quickly called 911. The calls to 911 were at 5am. I don't think they were in the building long before they saw her on the floor. That leads me to believe they assumed class would be outdoors.

Still scratching my head why one camper would arrive 25 minutes early, especially at that time of day.

jmopinion, subject to change
Maybe they have footage of the attacker getting ready for her. Maybe they have more video and think they saw her running on the footage and they know she fought back? How else would they know there was a struggle?
We've discussed here on WS whether the class was to be held under the covered part of the driveway because of the rain or whether it was to be moved indoors for that day. I am beginning to think the campers also didn't know if the class was going to be under the awning or in a classroom, which is why they waited outdoors until close to 5am rather than going directly into the building when they arrived. They saw Missy's car and were waiting for her to appear.

If they knew class would be inside, I think they would've entered the building before 5am. When she didn't appear at classtime, which was unusual behavior for her, then I think they decided together to look in the building to find out what was going on with class. I am assuming they found her within a minute or so of entering the building and quickly called 911. The calls to 911 were at 5am. I don't think they were in the building long before they saw her on the floor. That leads me to believe they assumed class would be outdoors.

Still scratching my head why one camper would arrive 25 minutes early, especially at that time of day.

jmopinion, subject to change

This gets me too. If so early, wouldn't you offer to help set up? And so early on a rainy morning just strikes me as off.
Did someone say that LE knew when the suspect left and how he/she left the scene?

I’m pretty sure they haven’t said anything about that.
This gets me too. If so early, wouldn't you offer to help set up? And so early on a rainy morning just strikes me as off.

I can see myself sitting in my car until class started and/or others showed up....just can't see myself showing up so early for a class in my own area at that time of the morning. There would be no traffic so it's not as if commuting time would vary from day to day. And, getting out the door early on a rainy day at that time seems pointless. It seems like a camper would time arrival better than that.

But, it could be many reasons, including enjoying some time alone. Or, perhaps it was a camper who regularly showed up early for some extra exercise time, but when s/he arrived, there was no instructor to help get that started. There could be a totally reasonable explanation for the 25-minute early arrival.....but I admit I wish I knew what it was as it does seem odd to me.

jmopinion, subject to change
The face seems very slender.



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Maybe I’m a bit Facebook challenged, but is there any reason to friend someone on Facebook, whom you see and communicate with in person on a day in day out bases? What would be the purpose to that? Are you going the share a photo with them on Facebook? Wouldn’t you just do that in person? :thinking:

For me, it's not unusual at all for people to have friends on FB that they see all the time. I don't get together with my tribe of girlfriends and look at pictures of their kids. Usually it involves margaritas and high school inside jokes, laughs and memories. :) FB is usually how I keep up with how their littles are growing and what's going on with them in their family lives especially at times when I get super busy in my life. For some of us, FB provides a way to maintain relationships with others when you get too busy to see them on the regular like you usually do. When I'm in school, I hibernate when things get busy with my classes and projects that are due. During the summer, I see my friends more often. So, during school, I keep up with my tribe and other friends after a long night of studying when they are all usually in bed. I can leave them a message on their wall or PM them something and it doesn't wake them up like a phone call or a text would. I'm still maintaining those friendships...

My hubs and I are friends on FB. It would just be weird if we weren't and in the small town he grew up in not that far from us, it would be huge news and gossip for everyone to wonder about. Ha! He doesn't post on FB though so I tag him in our family photos so his friends can keep up with him.

I just don't think it's that unusual....but everyone seems to use FB differently.
I still believe it's a woman. That gleeful skipping and putting the hand on the wall looks to me to be a carefree sign of sick joy. She is finally getting rid of someone she absolutely hates!

A person who can commit premeditated murder doesn't think like we think.
If suspect was a male (IMO he was), then he is below-average in height for male.

LE revised original estimate and put suspect at 5'8" to 5'9". See the link info in my signature.

OK, 1 inch below the hight of an average male. 4 inches above the hight of an average female. The suspect is clearly closer to the hight of a male, then a female.
Just guessing that Camper #1 showed up early because it was their first camp (new camp started April 18th) and they wanted to go over some things with Missy before starting. Or they are just an early person and early for everything.

I hear ya. I like to show up early for things too....but not 25 minutes early at 4:30 in the morning! :)

But, I do agree it could be a totally innocent reason that someone showed up so early, at about the same time the instructor was being murdered by an assailant whose disappearance is a mystery. It could be a total red herring the Camper #1 was there at that time.

jmopinion, subject to change.
I just looked, again, at the video of BB and his dad in front of MPD. It is very interesting to me how much the perp and RB walk, look alike. I think we have determined it could not be RB because he didn't get to Texas until AFTER the murder, BUT could someone have been trying to make it appear to be RB? I say that because I believe that the clothes have been stuffed to make our perp look fat. JMO.

RB has not been cleared by LE yet.
We've discussed here on WS whether the class was to be held under the covered part of the driveway because of the rain or whether it was to be moved indoors for that day. I am beginning to think the campers also didn't know if the class was going to be under the awning or in a classroom, which is why they waited outdoors until close to 5am rather than going directly into the building when they arrived. They saw Missy's car and were waiting for her to appear.

If they knew class would be inside, I think they would've entered the building before 5am. When she didn't appear at classtime, which was unusual behavior for her, then I think they decided together to look in the building to find out what was going on with class. I am assuming they found her within a minute or so of entering the building and quickly called 911. The calls to 911 were at 5am. I don't think they were in the building long before they saw her on the floor. That leads me to believe they assumed class would be outdoors.

Still scratching my head why one camper would arrive 25 minutes early, especially at that time of day.

jmopinion, subject to change

BBM: Yes, yes, yes! This is exactly where I am going with my thinking when I say that I am going back to square one. The information we have ALMOST points to us knowing something more specific in terms of where Missy was found in the building. Either the campers knew what room the class was in and went in there and found her OR they started looking for her and found her quickly if the timeline is correct. There are a lot of rooms in that building so did they get lucky? Or, did they go in earlier than just 5-10 minutes before class and start looking for her immediately? Granted, like I said--there are variables that change this including the time the campers walked in. So, why do I keep feeling like we are overlooking something about this?

Think about this....

Missy had the camp indoors before (it was only once that anyone could find though, right? And we aren't sure where she held it back then?). Was that camp held in the same room she was found in? Was the perp already waiting on her there? Is that why LE believes she was targeted? If he/she was waiting for her in that room....were they at the last class that was held inside the church?

If Missy decided to do the class INSIDE rather than under the awning, did she tell anyone before or did they assume that it was inside because her truck was parked under the awning?

If Missy decided to do the class INSIDE rather than under the awning, who at the church (if anyone) did she talk to about what room she could use to do the camp inside? If the campers didn't know it was going to be inside, how did they find Missy so quickly?

Again, I'm just thinking out loud here. Keep feeling like we are missing something with this.

Maybe they have footage of the attacker getting ready for her. Maybe they have more video and think they saw her running on the footage and they know she fought back? How else would they know there was a struggle?

I thought it was because the scene made it look like a struggle took place and there was glass all around her. Not sure though....but I am thinking about it and wondering.

I can see myself sitting in my car until class started and/or others showed up....just can't see myself showing up so early for a class in my own area at that time of the morning. There would be no traffic so it's not as if commuting time would vary from day to day. And, getting out the door early on a rainy day at that time seems pointless. It seems like a camper would time arrival better than that.

But, it could be many reasons, including enjoying some time alone. Or, perhaps it was a camper who regularly showed up early for some extra exercise time, but when s/he arrived, there was no instructor to help get that started. There could be a totally reasonable explanation for the 25-minute early arrival.....but I admit I wish I knew what it was as it does seem odd to me.

jmopinion, subject to change

BBM: As a mom, this is completely plausible IMO. Time alone to catch up on FB, news and Candy Crush levels is rare. I would have welcomed the time to myself (except for the fact that I am not a morning person and would never, ever wake up for a class this early. I would have happily gone to the 9:00 class though. ;))
Maybe they have footage of the attacker getting ready for her. Maybe they have more video and think they saw her running on the footage and they know she fought back? How else would they know there was a struggle?

The EMTs determined that themselves when they arrived on scene based on broken glass and other things, though this could have been part of staging or setting it up where she couldn't escape.
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