TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 April 2016 #2

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I don't think this was a hit. paid or otherwise. LE said that they found burglary tools at the crime scene. This killer panicked after he killed Missy. It was likely not a premeditated murder. This explains the "soft" response by LE to the killer, " seek help " " confide in someone" Not a normal response to a killer.It's usually more like " We are going to get you " "You won't get away with this"... The case will be solved by the evidence found at the scene. The advances in forensics are astounding. The killer messed up badly by leaving those tools there. No telling what will show up.

A Wish : that LE would release that video of Missy entering the church...pretty please...

Forgive me, but I'm hoping that won't ever happen. (Thinking that could be pretty traumatic for her daughters to view. Even if nothing happened on tape.)
I'm trying to catch up but just had a random thought so am noting it down before I forget...

When Missy was found she would still have been warm as she only died minutes before.
At that point, whether you believed she was truly dead or not, you'd call an ambulance. Not her husband.

There is a 5am call to 911. When was the husband called? I've missed that. tia
Hi newbie here. I think I have seen on other posts that some think the gait is so bizarre as to be faked. by the way gait-gate is funny.
She sure was. I remember all the apologies I got after and I was upset that you were all apologizing to me. Just because I happened to be right about her gender, doesn't mean I'm always right. We're all human and are basically just guessing like everyone else. :)

I still think it's a female in this case though, but if I'm being honest, I'm not as sure as I was in DM's case. If this perp isn't a female, it is a VERY effeminate male. :D (nothing against effeminate males)

LOL either way, the perp looks like a klutz, to me! JMO
She sure was. I remember all the apologies I got after and I was upset that you were all apologizing to me. Just because I happened to be right about her gender, doesn't mean I'm always right. We're all human and are basically just guessing like everyone else. :)

I still think it's a female in this case though, but if I'm being honest, I'm not as sure as I was in DM's case. If this perp isn't a female, it is a VERY effeminate male. :D (nothing against effeminate males)

I agree or a male with an unusual gait. Which I have known a few they weren't effeminate per se but did walk with a different gait due to leg injury. I cannot shake it's a manly, strong woman either.
One of my problems with the random burglar scenario is imagining her initial encounter with the perp. I would be inclined to say, "oh goodness, officer, is everything okay? I'm expected here, etc." Giving the perp the opportunity to just wave it off and back away, certainly no need to attack her. So why a brutal murder?
Forgive me, but I'm hoping that won't ever happen. (Thinking that could be pretty traumatic for her daughters to view. Even if nothing happened on tape.)

Yes, of course. I want to know if she noticed anything was amiss when she entered the building. For various reasons. But, you are so right, her daughters must be grieving badly for their mother, and wondering who did this. I think they won't be wondering much longer. jmo
If the burglar turned killer was there for the sole purpose of stealing, why didn't they take Missy's ring?
Does anybody know if the church is a single-story building? From some of the pictures, it looks like the property slopes at the back, but I can't tell if it is two-story with an entrance in the "basement" at the back. Thanks.

Don't know, Bill. But from the photo you posted, it seemed to have two stories, but I didn't see any windows. Would a church that size need to have offices or classrooms on a second floor? I don't know, but are there any members here, who would know?
I don't know, it seems to me if Missy wanted to direct her group to a little side awning, that is what she would have posted,Not cover under the front awning JMO

Well, it's the only thing close to an 'awning' (overhang) at the church, and if most of them didn't go there, maybe they all just called that entrance the front entrance as it was the one with the main parking lot where they always parked. The church actually sits diagonally on the property so it'd be easy to casually call either entry the main entry. Wouldn't sweat the terminology too much, as I'm pretty sure her group knew what she meant if they'd been meeting there.
Im not saying it was a professional hit man in the sense that you know them from movies. Or even that suspect has killed someone before, but i would suspact that he has. Only that it was a planned hit, not a paid for hit, although I suspect that someone other than the suspect wanted her dead. Who that is? At this point it would only be a matter of perception and I am not prepared to take a guess. As for the riot gear, it is standard issue, and for those who buy their own in LE, it's acceptable , less the shield and baton. I do not believe this is an outfit someone put togeather. If they did, it would be absolute overkill for a burglary.

So he was an amateur hit man who decided that it would be fun to vandalize the inside of the church while he waited for her? I’m sorry but that makes no sense.

Again, what was the motive. A murder has got to have a motive. Who was the person who wanted her dead, and why?
I just don't think a church is such a great place to burgle, and the outfit is a really dumb burgle costume. He?She? went there to kill Missy. JMO
I agree, it is entirely possible.

Just my thought process as work here so be patient with me:

If it were a burglary, then it is not likley it was done by someone who already owned a set of riot gear. If the gear was purchased for the sole purpose of robbing the place, then the suspect would have spent an absorbinant amount and thought the return would outweigh the cost. I go back to why not just a hoody and a ski mask, .97 sent gardening gloves. Body language tells a lot. This is not get in get out, rummage through desk drawers etc. This suspects body language says to me, "waiting on something", and may have been looking for somthing while waiting. Suspect passes too many doors while up and down the hall that he does not atempt to open to be looking for loot. I had considered early on that he may have been looking for a place to hide, to get the drop on victim, but if the initial video's were the opposite end of the hall from where she was going to park, none of the doors opened make any sence, unless the workout room was nearer to them than the entrance.

One of the things that caught my attention, but I unfortunately can't point a reference to it was the actual FB post Missy made, which I've only seen it in full in one news video rather than in print. Missy made it sound like they were still going to exercise outside just it would be under the covered section of the church rather than telling them what room or location inside the church to go. When I saw her post in full, I got the impression that she was somehow drawn inside or she changed her original plans due to weather being worse than she thought once she got there.
YES.....! EXACTLY. Movment is odd for suspect to be left handed.

Suspect opened doors with either his left and right hand. He used both.

In addition to the pronation of his feet ("duck feet") while walking, it looks like the suspect may have arthritis in his hip and/or a bad left knee.

Don't know, Bill. But from the photo you posted, it seemed to have two stories, but I didn't see any windows. Would a church that size need to have offices or classrooms on a second floor? I don't know, but are there any members here, who would know?

Not a member, and I can't tell for sure, but to me it looks single-story with a soaring, 2-story ceiling in the center section. Don't know if that means the sanctuary has a choir loft, but maybe. Can almost guarantee it doesn't have a basement, though. This part of the country doesn't generally have basements due to very unstable soils.
Okay, just one more question. I promise I'm not trying to be argumentative or difficult, but in Missy's Gladiator FB post she specifically posted:

"5:00am, Creekside Church of Christ, we have cover under the front awning!"

Why would Missy state FRONT awning? It sounds like Missy wasn't even going to go into the church. Looks like there would have been plenty of room to be exercise Camp Gladiators outside under the awning.


That's what I was looking for and I was wondering if that was her equipment outside as she was starting to setup for the class outdoors but for one reason or another was drawn to go inside even though the class wasn't to be held there.
If the burglar turned killer was there for the sole purpose of stealing, why didn't they take Missy's ring?

Exactly. Not only that, why didn't they take anything? As far as LE said, nothing was missing from the church, IIRC.

I think I'm down to my same 2 theories. Either this was specifically to target Missy (not going into details of my theory), or the perp is some lunatic looking for something unbeknownst to us in the church and Missy happened upon her and was murdered in the moment.

I still don't see a burglary gone wrong scenario here at all.

For all we know, this "perp" could get arrested and say that God sent her/him (<--for Kaboom) there to look for something for Him.

This case is crazy! :gaah:
So he was an amateur hit man who decided that it would be fun to vandalize the inside of the church while he waited for her? I&#8217;m sorry but that makes no sense.

Again, what was the motive. A murder has got to have a motive. Who was the person who wanted her dead, and why?

Perp wanted it to look like an interrupted burglary?
Despite my screen name, I'm female (and I don't have dual personalities... just had a dog named "Fred" at one time ;)).

I'm not a scaredy-cat, but I think that if I entered a somewhat familiar (and typically unoccupied) building at 4:15a, alone, and came face-to-face with he/she in SWAT gear get-up... "it" would scare the buhjeezus outta' me! I don't think the first thing out of my mouth would be, "Good morning officer".
Okay, I just watched the video again, and I noticed something new.

When we first see the perpetrator, he/she comes out of a doorway and turns right, traveling down the right side of the hallway. This is where they are touching the wall. It almost looks like the perp is crouching slightly, and walking softly.

Then the shot shifts to the main front hallway, and we see the perp walking toward and opening a door on the perp's right. Then they try the next door that is locked, and then they look at the bulletin board which may have a map of the building.

Then the perp keeps going, and next checks the room with the Dutch doors.

Notice a pattern? The perp is checking all of the outside rooms, starting with the west hallway and traveling counter-clockwise through the south (main) hallway and then the east hallway. Once he/she is finished with the doors on the outside of the building, he/she starts back checking doors on the inside of the building, traveling clockwise. This is very methodical.
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