TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 April 2016 #2

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Not sure if it's been mentioned in relation to this case or not but the he/she debate reminds me of the David Messerschmidt case. If you aren't familiar, here is the link DC - David Messerschmitt, 30, attorney, murdered in hotel room, 9 Feb 2015 - #1 http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=271215

We had the he/she debate, I won't say what the gender ended up being but check out the footage and then skip to the end to see if you were right.

I personally don't have an opinion on this one.
Yup, it was brought up yesterday. I commented on it because I was the one that kept screaming, "IT'S A WOMAN!" in that thread and about 3/4's of the thread laughed at me and said I was dead wrong. :giggle:
No, it's not the FRONT of the church, it is the SIDE ENTRANCE with the DRIVE-THROUGH (some people used a foreigny-word, "Porta-Coochie?")

It's confusing reading some news accounts, because some ppl sometimes equate the "front of the church" with the entrance most ppl use (where Missy was unloading, under the Porte cochere). For reference, the Porte Coochie ;) is on the SOUTH side when looking at the aerial view on Google...with one large parking area.

The breached window and dumpster service door are on the NORTH side, where the 2 long skinny parking lots are (probably not as much used). The side of the church facing the Hwy 287 'looks' like the official front entry of the church, with multiple glass door entrances and soaring roofline. That main entrance doesn't appear to have been affected as there was no crime scene tape or repair work going on in live feeds after the crime.
It’s not unusual for nothing to be taken when a buglarly gets interrupted. About 15 years ago a room I was renting was broken into. Stuff was moved around but nothing taken, because my landlord came home and interrupted the burglars. They ran away without taking anything.

Again if MB hadn’t interrupted the burglar, it is entirely possible that the suspect could have easily finished the job, and been out before daybreak with thousands of dollars of church money. But after he killed the woman, that would have been the last thing on his mind.

If it is a classic burglary, why the perp is wandering around damaging random stuff, instead of searching for money/valuables? Also, dressing like that is not the best idea for a person that needs to be able to get away quick. Ill fitting boots, bulky, uncomfortable gear, nope, it's not something a burglar/hitman would wear.

I've been thinking about how the perp left the crime scene... Most probably in car, but if not, then is it possible, that he/she had a hiding place nearby? A shed, hole, tree house, where he could go unseen and hide his gear temporarily?
I agree, it is entirely possible.

Just my thought process as work here so be patient with me:

If it were a burglary, then it is not likley it was done by someone who already owned a set of riot gear. If the gear was purchased for the sole purpose of robbing the place, then the suspect would have spent an absorbinant amount and thought the return would outweigh the cost. I go back to why not just a hoody and a ski mask, .97 sent gardening gloves. Body language tells a lot. This is not get in get out, rummage through desk drawers etc. This suspects body language says to me, "waiting on something", and may have been looking for somthing while waiting. Suspect passes too many doors while up and down the hall that he does not atempt to open to be looking for loot. I had considered early on that he may have been looking for a place to hide, to get the drop on victim, but if the initial video's were the opposite end of the hall from where she was going to park, none of the doors opened make any sence, unless the workout room was nearer to them than the entrance.
At first, I was disappointed in the latest press conference by LE, but then I watched it again.
Anyone else feel that LE acted very non chalant during that briefing? Very casual, no anger or apparent determination?
Obviously, they know a LOT more than they are letting on, and I think their demeanor is very telling. They have high suspicions of who this looney is, and they are acting in a way that will make them relax.

I am more impatient with this case others. LOL

Also, LE acted like "well the FBI offered, the bomb squad offered, so we just said okay...", as if they really didn't care.

I watch way too much Criminal Minds. 😜
No, it's not the FRONT of the church, it is the SIDE ENTRANCE with the DRIVE-THROUGH (some people used a foreigny-word, "Porta-Coochie?")

Okay, just one more question. I promise I'm not trying to be argumentative or difficult, but in Missy's Gladiator FB post she specifically posted:

"5:00am, Creekside Church of Christ, we have cover under the front awning!"

Why would Missy state FRONT awning? It sounds like Missy wasn't even going to go into the church. Looks like there would have been plenty of room to be exercise Camp Gladiators outside under the awning.

Again, this may have already been discussed- if so, just keep scrolling. [emoji4]

MIDLOTHIAN, Texas --Those who were close to Terri "Missy" Bevers, a fitness instructor murdered Monday at a Texas church, say they had grown worried about her in the weeks leading up to her death.
Bevers' mother-in-law, Marsha Tucker, said the victim's husband had worried about her pre-dawn classes.

Mark Garcia, who worked out with Bevers regularly at a nearby gym, said that in recent weeks, the 45-year-old didn't seem like herself.


I think it is curious that MB had been, according to her friends and family, has not "been herself" the past few weeks.
My guess is, in the end, this whole thing will play out with a universal theme- Murder over love and/or money. I am certainly not pointing fingers at anyone in particular, rather making a generalized, personal observation.

^^^ that tells A LOT
Did LE not say that there was significant vandalism inside the church ? I look at that last frame of the last video released, and I see an agile kid, who is loco...jmo though.

Also,re the camper who called BB , could it be that she is closer to BB than to Missy ? Would that explain the not going straight into the church when she arrived there ? Could be that she joined the class because BB mentioned it. NOT meaning this in a nefarious way, people have all kinds of work and life connections. jmo

That is a possibility, true.

I think what LE have reported is significant 'damage.' Slight but maybe important distinction (though it's evident there was some vandalism or aimless damage going on, too). There may have been a greater abundance of damage in the surrounds where Missy was killed, due to struggle, for instance. And damage where perp entered and exited the building, which technically isn't vandalism as it was done for a specific purpose other than simple defacing or destruction.
Wow, this thread has me sooo puzzled and downright befuddled. Lol

Military/special ops/LE training individual? Seriously? :waitasec:

The perp in the vids that I'm watching is lazy, spaced out, NOT focused at all, not coordinated or in charge, not seemingly doing any task purposefully and definitely not on a 'specialized' task.

I'm just...no.
OOOH! It could be, and that's Missy's gray Ford truck with the door still open. Fantastic picture, but sad. GREAT FIND! So that is the front of the church? Time for a break. Feeling a bit nauseous after seeing that picture. Thanks SI!
I assume she unloads the equipment first, then goes into the church to unlock, open doors, turn lights on, set temperature, etc, then comes back out to bring it all inside.
So unbelievably sad.
IF--- this was a murder for hire, do you think the perp was told to call it off, if her daughter was with her that morning??? OR, maybe he already knew???

Not sure if it's been mentioned in relation to this case or not but the he/she debate reminds me of the David Messerschmidt case. If you aren't familiar, here is the link DC - David Messerschmitt, 30, attorney, murdered in hotel room, 9 Feb 2015 - #1 http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=271215

We had the he/she debate, I won't say what the gender ended up being but check out the footage and then skip to the end to see if you were right.

I personally don't have an opinion on this one.

Yup, it was brought up yesterday. I commented on it because I was the one that kept screaming, "IT'S A WOMAN!" in that thread and about 3/4's of the thread laughed at me and said I was dead wrong. :giggle:

I watched it this morning and yesterday. I thought it was a woman upon seeing her face.
Well there's a LOT that they are not telling us.

Yes, but jumping to conclusions and assuming things that haven’t been reported, kind of muddles up the thread. Others will start to believe that it’s a fact, even when no suck thing has been reported..

Anyway, security cameras are generally in those tamper proof dome things on the ceiling. Security cameras would be pretty useless if they could be smashed or easily tampered with.
Okay, just one more question. I promise I'm not trying to be argumentative or difficult, but in Missy's Gladiator FB post she specifically posted:

"5:00am, Creekside Church of Christ, we have cover under the front awning!"

Why would Missy state FRONT awning? It sounds like Missy wasn't even going to go into the church. Looks like there would have been plenty of room to be exercise Camp Gladiators outside under the awning.

Interesting. I wonder why she would even need to go inside, then?...
calling BB also does not strike me as odd (and they may have used Missy's phone for this, it isn't stated). Keep in mind that we do not know WHO called him. It isn't stated that it's the same camper who arrived at 4:35. My theory on the 4:35 arriver is that it may have been someone new.

While they may or may not have used Missy's phone to call BB, the call to BB was indeed made by "the friend that found her" (see SIL interview), and the first person there was also the one to "discover" the body (per early FOX news conference).

Therefore, it appears first person to arrive = person who discovered her = "the friend that found her" = the friend who first contacted BB with the news
Okay, just one more question. I promise I'm not trying to be argumentative or difficult, but in Missy's Gladiator FB post she specifically posted:

"5:00am, Creekside Church of Christ, we have cover under the front awning!"

Why would Missy state FRONT awning? It sounds like Missy wasn't even going to go into the church. Looks like there would have been plenty of room to be exercise Camp Gladiators outside under the awning.

This picture is from Google Streetview. It looks like there is a little covered porch area next to that side entrance where MB parked. Depending on how many people were in each camp, and how hard it was raining, they very well may have done the workout on that porch area.


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This case and you all are fascinating me! I can't stop refreshing and reading. My mind is jumping to all sorts of scenarios but then I keep reminding myself KISS! (Keep it simple stupid)


I think the perp is known to Missy. Could be close, could be a minor acquaintance, I'm not sure, but I'm desperate to know!
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