TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 April 2016 #2

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Yes, I know it's hard to go through all the posts, we have been discussing that the gait might be put on for a couple of days now. It makes sense that if the perp went as far as they did to conceal their identity the gait might also be part of the disquise. It's one of those things that could go either way I guess.

Sorry I missed the earlier posts. My computer is on the fritz & I'm lucky to see anything.
I also find it odd that hubby only refers to MB as "my wife" or "she" or "her." Never heard him say her name.

You are sooo observant.
I'm not saying this is the case with the hubby, but generally speaking, a spouse who refuses to (or seldom) uses the other spouse's name is often a full fledged narcissist. A narcissist will usually reject using the spouses name, or pet name, and use pronouns instead - she, her, my wife.
Good call, and welcome to the forum.
This was posted on the MPD Facebook page:
This guy is acting like a police officer and he murdered a mother of 3 at this church... I am certain that she probably felt safe seeing this uniform.

LE believes Missy saw perp & felt safe? Any thoughts?
Has it been discussed how Missy got into the church? Did she have a key?

It's my current speculation that whether or not she usually used a key, the door was already open when she arrived based on the glass door already being open at 1:00 in the video and that glass door being the side entrance that Missy was using that day.
Looks like a man to me.....someone w/military or LE background....someone with a pronounced prone of his feet (turning outward) & that doesn't appear to be an act, this "duck foot" pronation as it is seen throughout.

Looks like this person is a "pro".

All moo & speculation

I am going to agree with this. I am starting to believe that this hitman is a male who either has law enforcement experience, or may be a military veteran, possibly special forces, possibly a disabled veteran.

They were walking through the halls in order to:

1. Become thoroughly aware of the layout of the building and all exits;

2. Locate and disable the video security system; and

3. Destroy as many security cameras as possible.

They were not interested in staging the scene to make it look like a burglary or vandalism.

Note that we don't have very many minutes worth of security camera footage. This leads me to believe that the perp was successful in destroying several of the cameras.
I was wondering earlier if the person is one of these people who has dominance in both hands. My mom did I know this isn't gonna be spelled right but its called "amidexterous"

I am left handed, but bat right. I hold a hammer in my right hand and the left handed thing on video could have been a righty who knew they were being videoed and who had LE experience attempting to throw off an investigation
So, are we going to discuss the Navarro College police academy angle (satellite branches in Waxahachie and Midlothian)??

My spidey senses are tingling! This is a completely new angle!

I'm new to this thread, I stayed up til 6am reading both threads, so here's my catch on the broken window & jimmy'd door. I think the perp may have been testing to see if there was an alarm system, s/he may have been inside before & noticed the cameras but wasn't sure if they were connected to an alarm system or if there was an alarm system; so throw something at the window it breaks & they waited to see if an alarm sounded. No alarm sounded so they proceeded to jimmy the door open. I believe the door was the actual entry & exit point, the window was just a tester.
I haven't made my mind up yet on motive but I think it would've been quite easy for the perp to run out that side door, get out of their SWAT uniform, drive around the building, probably towards the side where the entrance is, pull up & park right alongside the other camper(s) that were already there; it could've been anytime between 4:35-5:00 & if other campers are like myself, I would've probably been sitting in the car in the dark & blinded to my surroundings due to the bright light of my phone, Idk if I would've noticed what direction a car came from, it's not like i would've known that I needed to be scoping out the other campers cuz something bad just happened. I feel like the perp blended in with campers & watched it all play out.

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.

Welcome to Missy's thread! We're so glad to have you here! I had the same thoughts about the perp testing for an alarm with the various windows being broken out too. I linked earlier, and I know the thread is moving super fast, there was no alarm at the church. No alarm and outside cameras were not working/disabled/turned off.

Just re-asking Schmae's question. It's important. I clearly missed any info stating the tools belonged to the church.

I missed that too. I just thought he/she brought everything with her/him. He/she seemed to be pulling stuff out of that vest??
I am going to agree with this. I am starting to believe that this hitman is a male who either has law enforcement experience, or may be a military veteran, possibly special forces, possibly a disabled veteran.

They were walking through the halls in order to:

1. Become thoroughly aware of the layout of the building and all exits;

2. Locate and disable the video security system; and

3. Destroy as many security cameras as possible.

They were not interested in staging the scene to make it look like a burglary or vandalism.

Note that we don't have very many minutes worth of security camera footage. This leads me to believe that the perp was successful in destroying several of the cameras.

Spot on, Bill Carson. Spot on!
But they were close enough to call Missy's husband to tell him Missy was in an accident?

Yeah, that's odd. Unless there's some missing info like she looked at her cell for the number. I really am stumped here.
I am left handed, but bat right. I hold a hammer in my right hand and the left handed thing on video could have been a righty who knew they were being videoed and who had LE experience attempting to throw off an investigation

Alrighty then.... Moving JHarlin up on the suspect list.... Just kidding! It's cool you can do things with both hands. I'm pretty inept with my left hand.
There is nothing to steal. No piles made of anything the perp wanted. The perp seems to know the building well. Even goes into the kitchen and brings out something. Looks right at the camera in one earlier shot. Seems annoyed that some one had not latched the Dutch door in the nursery (which opens them together). I am certain this is not a burglary it was either a hit (which I am strongly leaning towards and hopefully but day end, will be confirmed or dismissed) or it was an act of vengeance, which I am still piecing together but I do see a triangle. I believe at the moment the LE is looking for the public and us to figure out how some one could have that gear. The LE flashlight, the helmet, possibly a gun that was swiped from evidence. I know you guys are not locals but sometime a new perspective from someone outside can bring in new leads. Yes, it is possible that 95 % of the costume was just that, a costume but at least one article or weapon was real, LE issued gear. How are ways someone would access that? Is it possible, a husband was working a shift or sleeping and a wife swiped, it? Is it possible that it is a ex police officer who still had his police swat vest in the attic? And ideas would not only help LE continue to connect their dots, we can put away Missy's killer(s). The LE are treading lightly for a "reason". I'm trying really hard to help but would appreciate any thoughts on the above.

Two questions for you.

1. What was the motive? Why would anyone want to kill a physical fitness instructor? A killer has got to have a motive.
2. Why would he go though all the trouble of burglarizing the church, and braking every door in the place for half an hour, just to kill one person, who he could have killed outside?

In my opinion unless you can come up with good answers to those questions, the hit man theory doesn’t hold much water. That’s just not the way hit men work. A professional hit man would have waited for her outside and shot her in the head as soon as she got out of her car. Then he might have taken her purse to make it look like a robbery, or he could have shot her out on the road, and made it look like a road rage incident. But for a hit man to spend half an hour busting up a church, while waiting for her to arrive, so he could bludgeon her to death with burglary tools, would be a waste of the hit man’s time, and a very amateur way for a hit man to kill someone.

To answer some of your questions.

1. He din’t make a pile, because he was looking for money and valuables, which he obviously hadn’t found yet.
2. I don’t believe there is any evidence that he had any “real" weapons or LE gear. He had burglary tools, which he used as a murder weapon, and novelty SWAT gear .
This doesn't even appear to be a poorly faked burglary.

So, if the perp went there specifically to harm Missy (who seemed to be a small but physically-fit female), I keep asking myself these questions:

Would you really wear bulky boots and clothing with a helmet that somewhat impedes vision?

Would you noisily break glass and jimmy locks to make sure the building was empty?

'Seems to me a "smart" perp would quietly check the building, quietly lie-in-wait for the victim, take a sure-fire weapon (like a gun/stun-gun) AND wear clothing/shoes to keep identity hidden BUT allow for fast moving get-away.

It's possible Missy was killed by a gun shot wound to the head, but (jmo) I think she was struck by hammer or other heavy tool.

I think the perp is not-so-bright or mentally unstable (and a police officer "wanna' be").
I am right handed but use my left hand dominately for many things other than writing.
Two questions for you.

1. What was the motive? Why would anyone want to kill a physical fitness instructor? A killer has got to have a motive.
2. Why would he go though all the trouble of burglarizing the church, and braking every door in the place for half an hour, just to kill one person, who he could have killed outside?

In my opinion unless you can come up with good answers to those questions, the hit man theory doesn’t hold much water. That’s just not the way hit men work. A professional hit man would have waited for her outside and shot her in the head as soon as she got out of her car. Then he might have taken her purse to make it look like a robbery, or he could have shot her out on the road, and made it look like a road rage incident. But for a hit man to spend half an hour busting up a church, while waiting for her to arrive, so he could bludgeon her to death with burglary tools, would be a waste of the hit man’s time, and a very amateur way for a hit man to kill someone.

To answer some of your questions.

1. He din’t make a pile, because he was looking for money and valuables, which he obviously hadn’t found yet.
2. I don’t believe there is any evidence that he had any “real" weapons or LE gear. He had burglary tools, which he used as a murder weapon, and novelty SWAT gear .

To answer some of what you say, this is what LE themselves are now saying:
Police said damage was found throughout the building.

“We don’t understand all the movement within the church,” Johnson said.

Because stranger-on-stranger murders are so rare, Bevers’ spouse of 20 years has been the subject of scrutiny throughout the week.


As of now LE themselves don't have a satisfactory explanation for what the perp was doing inside combined with stranger-on-stranger killings be statistically rare, they're looking at those who knew Missy as suspects.
Ok. sorry, if im not putting all this in the right place. Please bare with me im working on it. Not exactly sure how to reply to a specific person.

As for the broken windows and door. do we know if the window was in the door, or seperate?

There was at least one exterior window broken and multiple interior doors were broken.

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