TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 April 2016 #2

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If the camper that arrived at 4:35 is close friends with Missy & Brandon why did they wait for 25 minutes before entering the bldg? Missy's truck was in plain sight and she was unloading it, so I would think the truck doors were open but the friend/camper doesn't help her unload OR wonder why Missy isn't coming back out to finish unloading equipment. If I saw my friends truck with it's door(s) open for unloading equipment and my friend doesn't come back out over the 25 mins I'm waiting in my car, I would wonder.

But do we know for sure that the friend who called is the camper who showed up at 4:35? Didn't the first one there wait for others to arrive and then they all went in together? If they all went in at the same time then they all discovered her at the same time, so any one of them could be the friend who called and not necessarily the one who was there earliest IMO. Maybe I've missed it if it was confirmed, just trying to look at all possibilities.
Out of an abundance of caution, removed post of Sister-in-Law of MB speaking to Dateline as all three daughter's names are mentioned. The interview is on MSM if you are interested- Google. [emoji4]
i will go back and find it. i read it in one of the articles this morning with new footage.
YES.....! EXACTLY. Movment is odd for suspect to be left handed.
I was wondering earlier if the person is one of these people who has dominance in both hands. My mom did I know this isn't gonna be spelled right but its called "amidexterous"
New to the group but I have to add that I am a fitness instructor and I have some very close friends that are clients and other instructors. I can't think of one that would have my husband's phone number. He is listed as my emergency contact at our location but that would take time to locate.
Something really caught my eye in watching the latest video. Starting around 1:00 if you look at the glass doors they are already open plus a little later the Dutch doors are left open. From what I can tell this was the side entrance that Missy used. This to me really raises a lot of questions.

First off in how I arrived at this, I believe this is a picture of the hallway showing the side entrance at a distance:
This side entrance also is what has the overhang where Missy's truck was:

I'm now wondering a couple things, like where precisely she died (in the building or by her truck, which LE may be being tricky with that). If she went inside, she arrived with the door already open plus the open Dutch door immediately inside and would expect to see someone where she may have been shouting asking who was inside. If I have my geography right, she would not have been surprised to find someone in there plus whoever was in there could have been alerted to her presence by Missy herself prior to seeing Missy visually. I wonder if Missy thought it was another CG trainer or what. I also wonder how early on that side entrance door was opened as when the perp walks by it, the door was already opened, so presumably they were retracing where they had already been at some time prior that isn't shown in the released footage.

Not sure on the why, but on the latest video at the end I think s/he is possibly breaking a window from inside the church. You can see bits of (possibly) shattered glass appearing by the perp's feet. Roughly 2m05s.


From the link:

“Investigators have been able to estimate the height of the suspect being approximately 5’08 – 5’09 tall."


Only that perp is now estimated to be 5'8" to 5'9" tall and I'm feeling ridiculously vindicated after all those TX building code posts.


I believe he is breaking the door glass to open the door and gain access to that room.

Yes, it does look like glass. I have a question. Is that view from a different camera? Are we seeing the same footage twice, but from a different angle? BTW, that's were I see the weird foil-covered brick, that a poster kindly pointed out is a doorstop.

PoirotryInMotion - you are rightly vindicated! Good to see a height of the perp. I wonder how tall Missy is?
Not everyone is always looking on FB... If she had his cell # she may have called thinking he was at home.

I'm catching up this morning. This is from page 65. I'll agree that whoever called BB after the attack may not have known he was in Mississippi and about to go on a fishing trip.
Just re-asking Schmae's question. It's important. I clearly missed any info stating the tools belonged to the church.
I believe it states some (not all) of the tools were from the church. The perp could have gotten those in the kitchen when h/she was rummaging through the kitchen area. My old church had a tool box in the kitchen, simply because that was the most convenient place to keep it.
Even to arrive early share coffee and chat! That's odd. Unless they weren't that close of friends or she had to tend to something in her car first, phone calls, emails and makeup?

But they were close enough to call Missy's husband to tell him Missy was in an accident?
I also find it odd that hubby only refers to MB as "my wife" or "she" or "her." Never heard him say her name.
New to the group but I have to add that I am a fitness instructor and I have some very close friends that are clients and other instructors. I can't think of one that would have my husband's phone number. He is listed as my emergency contact at our location but that would take time to locate.

My thoughts also.
Sorry I missed those posts. The last several days my computer has been acting crazy & I'm lucky to see anything.
excerpt from story in Dallas Morning News

Johnson wouldn’t say whether any of multiple tools found near the crime scene may have been used as the murder weapon.
But they were close enough to call Missy's husband to tell him Missy was in an accident?

Totally agree. I'm thinking of my closest friends and I would never take it upon myself to make that call!
I want to comment on the 4:35am timeline. As someone who's been an early-morning exerciser for years, this honestly doesn't strike me as too odd. Of all the different classes and times I've taken over the years, 5am folks are the most prompt of any time of day. It takes a special type of person to commit to working out this early in the morning, and typically they are self-motivated and highly driven. I've also done Crossfit in the past, and the culture of CG seems very similar. It is a very close-knit community of people who typically socialize away from the gym as well. So, calling BB also does not strike me as odd (and they may have used Missy's phone for this, it isn't stated). Keep in mind that we do not know WHO called him. It isn't stated that it's the same camper who arrived at 4:35. My theory on the 4:35 arriver is that it may have been someone new. Perhaps they were unfamiliar with commute time and totally overshot it, arriving a lot earlier than they expected. So, they just sat in the car fiddling on their phone until others arrived (or maybe they were waiting on a friend, or someone else they knew). I sometimes arrive 15 min before my workout, I love to play on my phone for 5 min or so and catch up on Facebook before I go in. I am also not observant AT ALL this time of day so wouldn't notice any other cars out of place in the parking lot. :p

I know for a fact that MB "advertised" on her fb page that she was willing to meet people to workout early, in case they had to be at work early. She advertised being at the church starting at 4:30am M,T, Th, at least back in March.
I couldn't see this, can you share the time you picked this up at?

ETA: I didn't reply correctly. I'm looking for the time where the suspect looked at his/her watch?
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