TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 April 2016 #2

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Source? All I have seen is a vague time line and less then a minute of video, that doesn’t say/show what he/she was doing between the time they arrived and the time of the murder. The suspect looks pretty busy in the videos. You must have more information them me.

The video shows the intruder wandering the halls, but never actually taking anything.

And this article calls it vandalism rather than burglary.


The suspect was vandalizing the church for about 30 minutes before Bevers arrived

And this...


Investigators found a lot of broken glass in the church, though nothing seemed to be missing.

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From the beginning, we've all been commenting on the cavalier mannerism of the perp. That's one of the strangest aspects of the surveillance videos. Someone deeply emotionally involved with the victim, enough to want her dead, and follow through, probably wouldn't behave so casually and at ease right before killing her. More and more, this does look like a hit.
Some posters have said the perp looks like a cop playing a cop, or acting out a play...that type of thing. Like ChuckJ says, if the perp has LE background, then he really wouldn't be putting on an act.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was an ex cop who might also have some acting experience, maybe even had kept a souvenir like the vest and helmet from an acting job
4:16 a.m. — Mrs. Bevers’ pickup truck is shown on video surveillance driving into the church parking lot.

How come the perp' vehicle isn't shown driving in?

I keep wanting that question answered.

I got the impression her truck was only taped at the point she drove it under the Porte cochere to unload (triggering motion sensors on the building's interior entrance cams. (Exterior cams were reported not working that day.) So "driving in" (if that's what the report says) would mean 'driving in' under the Porte cochere.

Perp evidentially didn't drive a vehicle close enough to trigger any interior cams.
Unfortunately since this MAY be a known suspect to Missy, it's to bad the undercover agents( who watch those who attend, hmmm or don't attend ) will be more noticeable.:moo: RIP Missy

:thinking: I think I read LE would be monitoring all events for Missy to see if there is a consistent pattern to someone attending. I'll try to find the direct quote and link. I do know the family is really frightened at this time, and I do not blame them one bit. RIP Missy! Gone too soon!
I agree with the turned out foot. This is all suspect. He/she if you like, may even do some self correcting of the pronounced issue while in public. But alone at night, hmmm. What i would draw your attention to is the way this person carries themselves. Think hard and watch while they are standing in front of the double doors. This person has been a beat cop at some point in their lives. Have you ever noticed how an officer stands when wrighting a ticket or walks onto a scene or up to any not hostile event. Its like a drs bed side manner and many officers adopt it. Its not taught, its picked up like an accent would be over time from other officers.

Oh I so agree.
4:16 a.m. — Mrs. Bevers’ pickup truck is shown on video surveillance driving into the church parking lot.

How come the perp' vehicle isn't shown driving in?

I believe that the LE is holding that out because they are attempting to nail down all key players.
Yes, how come? This is the 64,000.00 question. Either LE knows and isn't revealing it or the person walked there or was dropped off.

IF LE knows they don't want to reveal it. Usually you hear/read things with a description of vehicle and sometimes plate number.

This is from a Fox4 link. The guy from BrainScratch really praised their reporting on Missy's case.

"Investigators said they think the individual used a pry bar to smash out glass and open a side door at the church.

The building did not have an alarm, and the outside surveillance cameras were not working, police Capt. John Spann said."

In my experience, the church secretary/treasurer counts the offerings after the service and money is taken by them for deposit Monday a.m. I doubt there would have been a large amount of cash in the church.

A quick Google search brings up quite a number of church robberies. This one happened when a church member was taking the deposit from the church to the bank on a Tuesday morning and netted the robber $4,100 in church offerings. I can’t really imagine church officials taking the money home with them. That would seem like a bad policy for a lot of reasons.

Caught on Camera: Robber Swipes Bag With $4,100 in Church Offerings

Here is another one of a church that was robbed of $600,000 between Sunday afternoon and Monday morning.

$600K stolen from Lakewood Church

I could go on with endless examples of churches being robbed between Sunday and Monday morning. So I don’t think your experience is typical. Churches have a lot of money in them on Sunday night / Monday morning.
I got the impression her truck was only taped at the point she drove it under the Porte cochere to unload (triggering motion sensors on the building's interior entrance cams. (Exterior cams were reported not working that day.) So "driving in" (if that's what the report says) would mean 'driving in' under the Porte cochere.

Perp evidentially didn't drive a vehicle close enough to trigger any interior cams.

Just learned something new! Porte cochere! Never heard of that term before. Thanks for the most excellent postS
Bill Carson has a post here somewhere with a speculation about the cameras.
He will have to weigh in on this as i may have it wrong
I asked the question about the cameras and the perps car not being on video.

Bill Carson suggested that the cameras could be motion activated , so when the perp arrived, the cameras didn't start recording until he was inside and activated the cameras while moving around.
He would have already been parked.
When Missy arrived, her truck could have been recorded by the inside camera which was activated because of the perps movement
When the perp left, no video because no movement.

This is how i remember the post. I realize it is speculation, but it makes some sense to me
Bill, if i have this wrong... feel free to correct it all
Yes, how come? This is the 64,000.00 question. Either LE knows and isn't revealing it or the person walked there or was dropped off.

IF LE knows they don't want to reveal it. Usually you hear/read things with a description of vehicle and sometimes plate number.

This is a small town and I believe they are waiting to connect the final dot before releasing that and/or saving that for evidence.
I agree. I would like to see more unedited video. The strolling-around, leisurely walk is certainly bizarre!

On the one hand, the suspect swings the hammer "like a girl" at the end of the new video. (No insults to us females intended...just swings like someone that infrequently uses a hammer.)
However, the suspect appears puzzled by the Dutch doors. These are frequently used in nurseries to keep kids corralled, so less likely the suspect is a woman.
I'm stumped!

To me it looks like they open that door, discover only the bottom opened, look at the top to see if the release is at the top for the top half, see it isn't, and reach under the door and unlatch the top half. So not so much surprised that it was a Dutch door, but maybe expected it to open as a whole door since no one was inside the room and usually doors like that are hooked together before someone leaves the room so they don't have to close the two parts separately.

And I think it has nothing useful to add to the investigation lol. But gives us something to talk about!
And LE did mention seeing a vehicle parked, the picture is bad and at time of article, they could not make out a plate or even the model.
Its very possible that they now have that information and it is also possible that the car has nothing to do with the crime and has been cleared
We don't know
A quick Google search brings up quite a number of church robberies. This one happened when a church member was taking the deposit from the church to the bank on a Tuesday morning and netted the robber $4,100 in church offerings. I can’t really imagine church officials taking the money home with them. That would seem like a bad policy for a lot of reasons.

Caught on Camera: Robber Swipes Bag With $4,100 in Church Offerings

Here is another one of a church that was robbed of $600,000 between Sunday afternoon and Monday morning.

$600K stolen from Lakewood Church

I could go on with endless examples of churches being robbed between Sunday and Monday morning. So I don’t think your experience is typical.

Yes, you have provided excellent examples. My experience is not typical. Perhaps a lot of churches have changed their policies after being robbed? :dunno: I also admit my experience is with a Seventh Day Adventist church, and my mother-in-law is the church treasurer for a "generic" Christian Church with services and the Sabbath observed on Sunday. I could see where the Adventist church would not want to leave cash for 2 days in a church. Then again, the Sunday Christian Church was just robbed, but not of cash because MIL takes it after service on Sunday for deposit on Monday. She might even do a night deposit. Not sure about that. The only thing taken in the robbery were some cheap speakers. Thankfully the perp/s did not vandalize the church.

The word vandalize makes me think of a younger perp. What say you? I believe you are thinking an older perp? Just curious! I enjoy your insight and feedback!
I'm still several pages behind on comments but must go do some housework or I'll be on here all day! But I wanted to throw this thought out; my apologies if I'm duplicating someone else's idea since I haven't read all the posts yet.

Anyway, one thing that came to mind is that maybe the person *is* a law enforcement officer of some sort, which would give them the knowledge of how to avoid leaving evidence and what type of gear to use, but then they put together what looks like a thrift store Halloween costume version of a cop outfit to make it look like they're impersonating a cop.

I mean, if you see someone badly impersonating a cop, it's not your first thought that it's actually a cop!
I agree with the turned out foot. This is all suspect. He/she if you like, may even do some self correcting of the pronounced issue while in public. But alone at night, hmmm. What i would draw your attention to is the way this person carries themselves. Think hard and watch while they are standing in front of the double doors. This person has been a beat cop at some point in their lives. Have you ever noticed how an officer stands when wrighting a ticket or walks onto a scene or up to any not hostile event. Its like a drs bed side manner and many officers adopt it. Its not taught, its picked up like an accent would be over time from other officers.

I agree with the cop training, too. I think he is right-handed, but notice in the lobby how he opens and tries to open doors with his left hand. Just like he would be trained if he had a gun drawn in his right dominant hand.
Again, this may have already been discussed- if so, just keep scrolling. [emoji4]

MIDLOTHIAN, Texas --Those who were close to Terri "Missy" Bevers, a fitness instructor murdered Monday at a Texas church, say they had grown worried about her in the weeks leading up to her death.
Bevers' mother-in-law, Marsha Tucker, said the victim's husband had worried about her pre-dawn classes.

Mark Garcia, who worked out with Bevers regularly at a nearby gym, said that in recent weeks, the 45-year-old didn't seem like herself.


I think it is curious that MB had been, according to her friends and family, has not "been herself" the past few weeks.
My guess is, in the end, this whole thing will play out with a universal theme- Murder over love and/or money. I am certainly not pointing fingers at anyone in particular, rather making a generalized, personal observation.
The tools belonged to the church? Who knows where their church keeps tools ?

Not sure on the why, but on the latest video at the end I think s/he is possibly breaking a window from inside the church. You can see bits of (possibly) shattered glass appearing by the perp's feet. Roughly 2m05s.


I believe he is breaking the door glass to open the door and gain access to that room.
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