TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 April 2016 #3

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Have any new morning boot camp classes started in the area? Where are Missy's campers working out now?

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Also...and this is touchy, but I've not seen it come up, yet, and I think it's an important consideration...have LE considered that the killer could've been a camper in that class, who maybe arrived early, killed Missy, stashed the swat stuff in a duffle, arrived on scene (again), and then left with the other classmates? It's the only way I can fathom that bloody swat uniform leaving the premises undetected.

IMO, this is what happened, and I would imagine that they are investigating the possibility.

Remember that "campers" are allowed to go back and forth between locations and trainers, so it may not have been someone who took her class regularly but knew her from various events in the area.
EMS determined there were multiple signs of a 'struggle,' which they were the first responders before LE showed up.

I hope she put up a huge fight and somehow scratched his skin, near his neck<bottom of helmet, top of Jacket area>, or lower wrist< between jacket sleeve end and gloves>, where exposed skin could happen and got his DNA. She looks like a very feminine "tough cookie" said with the upmost respect:moo:
Irisha, good point on the gear. Maybe they were worried about showing up to work with scratches/bruises as much as they were the DNA aspect of it. Creepily brilliant on their behalf if that's why they chose that outfit versus just wearing a ski mask to hide their face. This person is a cold blooded methodical killer IMO, I imagine they may be involved in some sort of job that is analytical in nature. Risk management, accounting, LE/security.
Irisha, good point on the gear. Maybe they were worried about showing up to work with scratches/bruises as much as they were the DNA aspect of it. Creepily brilliant on their behalf if that's why they chose that outfit versus just wearing a ski mask to hide their face. This person is a cold blooded methodical killer IMO, I imagine they may be involved in some sort of job that is analytical in nature. Risk management, accounting, LE/security.

This has been theorized repeatedly. The protective "SWAT gear" serves a multitude of advantages for a perpetrator.
A multitude.
Ok so went to the camp gladiator site and the course is 4 weeks, is it known that this was a 4 week course and what week they were in? How long in between courses? How long Terri had been doing this? It would be interesting to know how long Mark knew Terri that he felt/sensed she was more reserved? jmo idk

From what I've been told by my friends who are participants, the contract is for 6 months or a year. The 4 week courses are broken up into different units like HIIT (high intensity cardio), weights, etc. I think they do one section for a week and move on to another. Some groups may take a week-long break after the 4 weeks- seems like I've seen my friends reference that on FB before.
You know what would be helpful. That shot where the perp is looking at the camera I think it was from the first video. You can see their eyes and the bridge of their nose very well. It would be great if we could have a shot of that enhanced.

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I hope they are looking at pregnant women who are linked some way to Missy, a jealous pregnant women is a dangerous thing with all those hormones making them very moody and vulnerable, may have thought that Hubby/ Boyfriend was having affair with Missy, came up with the disguise to protect her baby!
TY for posting that video link !!! I noticed a few more things when I watched it:

1. About the 'curly black hair pony tale-type thing in back: IMO because the killer deliberately dressed like that JUST to be covered up completely (thinking No One will recognize me) IMO any black curly hair would have been a wig, part of the disguise trying to throw everyone off that this was a nut who was just there to try to steal & vandalize that church.

2. I notice how the killer deliberately LEAVES THE DOORS open as he goes (and he's smashing the walls, etc., jimmy'ing that one door): IMO this was just more crime scene staging, trying to throw all off that the real purpose was for the guy to murder MIssy.

3. IMO for sure the murderer knows he's on video surveillance, OR, might possibly be showing up on working cameras (because so often we hear that cameras are broken, things like that).

4. IMO no way did the killer want to look like a real cop. Why? Because IMO he has that headlamp & the big hammer & his boots look like they're ill-fitting.

5. IMO this was a man killer cuz' he seems confident. Missy was a short shrimp (it appears from pics' of her with hubby....), & this killer looks tall'ish & bulky (EVEN IF lots was bulky padding as disguise), but Missy was buff & fit. See, IMO the killer knew he'd be able to easily murder MIssy - he had no fear he wasn't strong enough to subdue her.

6. One puzzle to my mind is WHY did this man dress up like a fake ridiculous SWAT cop, vs. just wearing any-old Halloween costume, OR if he wanted to be disguised in case anybody happened to drive by there at 0330am, I'd think he'd disguise himself either to look like a real cop (IMO he looks completely fake, as if the disguise is SOLEY for the video cameras) OR ELSE he'd wear casual sorts of Sunday clothes, EG conservative plaid flannel shirt, so that anyone driving by would thing he was just an early bird church-enthusiast-elder-with-a-key who was there at 0330am cuz' he was an early bird & he was fixing coffee & setting out materials EG for a 6am Alc Anon group or somethin'. ALL I CAN GUESS would be that this killer, FOR SOME GOOFY REASON which is unrelated to him committing this murder, had access to the fake SWAT outfit. MEEBEE the killer, or killer's real-life bro', got all excited about owning that fake SWAT outfit, so the killer just happened to use it for this murder.

7, I am NOT understanding why killer wore those bulky-looking boots. I would think he'd want to be wearing really good shoes that fit, to make him feel confident he'd have no issue tripping or stumbling. All I can think on that issue is that in real life the killer would be much bigger & stronger than Missy, PLUS he had that big hammer in-hand, AND IMO FOR SURE HE'S been face to face with Missy & KNEW Missy, so we see clear confidence in the murderer. I see no concern on the part of this murderer that he might not be able to accomplish the murder.

8. Murderer had to have had his car tucked back there, because in that fony SWAT outfit he'd need to be able to get into a vehicle quickly & get outta dodge.

9. A part of me wonders if this killer read up on diaper-astronaut & stuff she'd done got him thinking about dressing up in his cop/SWAT play clothes which he already happened to have handy for him to use. MEEBEE the guy watched that show The Americans & took a few ideas: They wear a lot of disguises in that show. I don't have tv & watch very limited video but I would imagine there's A TON of SWAT video & video games & things like that with play-fake-SWAT/police involved, correct?
I still return to this: IMO - I have NO INSIDE KNOWLEDGE or anything at all like that, but just my gut feel which is based largely on all of the videos - - IMO police already know exactly who is behind this.
ps - Can someone please post a link to the exact video of the sis in law where posters here previously wrote they 'gut-sensed' that the sis in law knew exactly who was the murderer?? tyia !
I can't find the first link to the first presser but wasn't the first presser given by the chief of police and then everything else given by the assistant chief of police? How common is that. Was he conflicted out?

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I'm still leaning towards a Mary Jane Fonder type scenario here, but I don't think the perp is as old as she was. I think the perp was jealous or felt threatened by Missy in some way.

Perhaps the perp's husband/significant other was attracted to Missy or was even just friendly with her and the killer decided to eliminate her "competition". This has to be personal if she was targeted, obviously. I don't think this person was "hired" or instructed to murder this woman. I would be shocked if that were the case.

The problem I have with the jealous-spouse scenario is that the jealous person had to give an excuse as to why she/he is gone from the house by, say, 3:30 am. Then there's the difficulty of obtaining and hoarding a costume while living with the spouse and maybe children. These would be incredible weak links in such a meticulously-planned crime.

I'm thinking the perp lives alone or is far removed from Missy's immediate sphere. If we got the kitchen video, it'd help sway me more in the direction of a single person pissed of about something they perceive Missy did to them in her exercise-world sphere - such as injury, competition, or romantic rejection, OR nutter role-player, OR a hit performed by someone who's outside Missy's immediate sphere. We need that kitchen video!
Are instructors for these camps competitive with one another for clients? I have ZERO experience with any sort of gym or working out lol so I'm not sure how they work. Where would Missy's clients go once she was gone? Is there another camp or gym nearby? I wonder if there was ever any sort of rivalry over business.

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