TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, murdered in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #36

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"Countless man-hours have been spent chasing down leads, many from social media. Even unconventional methods like using a hypnotist have been considered."


Upthread we wondered what the hypnotist was about,
I wonder if the reference to the hypnotist could be referencing to Missy's friend that she may have shared the creepy linkd in message with? Maybe they're trying to get recall on the name associated with that specific account?
What do you guys think?

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"Countless man-hours have been spent chasing down leads, many from social media. Even unconventional methods like using a hypnotist have been considered."


Upthread we wondered what the hypnotist was about,
I wonder if the reference to the hypnotist could be referencing to Missy's friend that she may have shared the creepy linkd in message with? Maybe they're trying to get recall on the name associated with that specific account?
What do you guys think?

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I read this article about it being used in TX
Seems to be used to enhance witnesses recollections. So that's plausible.


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Does anyone else find the renewed interest and articles all within days of each other including reopening the thread to be a little odd when there has been nothing for what a few months?

It seems like a push from LE to ramp back up the chatter and push MB back into the spotlight. The question is is it because they have news leads or are they trying to get more leads?

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I think its telling that the police arent releasing details about BB affair partners. No way to sleuth if we dont have names
Very interesting point. I wonder why? The public isn't talking about BB affair either. Maybe she wanted him all to herself?

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Does anyone else find the renewed interest and articles all within days of each other including reopening the thread to be a little odd when there has been nothing for what a few months?

It seems like a push from LE to ramp back up the chatter and push MB back into the spotlight. The question is is it because they have news leads or are they trying to get more leads?

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Absolutely! They need that " one piece" and I'm hoping they found it on their trip to the federal bldg. :)

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I just wanted to say that the "overkill" doesn't have to mean it was personal. It's also typical for inexperienced killers, who get panicked and hit or stab their victim multiple times, despite that the first injuries were actually lethal.

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Does anyone else find the renewed interest and articles all within days of each other including reopening the thread to be a little odd when there has been nothing for what a few months?

It seems like a push from LE to ramp back up the chatter and push MB back into the spotlight. The question is is it because they have new leads or are they trying to get more leads?

Not surprising in the least, actually. In fact, in September I expected to see this very thing in October, and here it is.

It's the "periodic update" and everyone involved knows the drill. It simply happened because we hit that place in the calendar - we are at the 6 month "anniversary" if you will of this horrendous unsolved crime. The police want to bring it up again so the public will help (if they can) and the media wants to freshen up old stories and run them again, so they all cooperate. The police hold a presser or two, and the media writes "update" stories and/or gives it a mention on the local newscast. Routine.

It's just the cycle of news and reminders and it's all part of the process. We were told (as should be expected) that LE is working hard (and to prove it, we'll make a meaningless mention of the fact we sent someone to the FBI this very day!!), and about all the many leads they have chased, and somebody is on the case, and all the consultations with other people just to make sure we don't miss anything, and lots of feel good try hard themes.

But don't read into any of this that anything new is in the mix. It isn't. As LE told us in various ways, they have simply been going over the "same ole, same ole" over and over (which means, if you read between the lines, they have nothing new at all), trying to make it yield something that isn't there, and waiting for more evidence to add to the mix to make it go somewhere.

Unless something happens in the case before then, we'll see this drill again in another 6 months approx, on the 1 year anniversary.
Absolutely! They need that " one piece" and I'm hoping they found it on their trip to the federal bldg.

I don't see any indication from what's being said that LE has any specific piece of evidence they are hoping for, nor that "one" piece of evidence would do the trick. From what I'm hearing between the lines, they have simply wrung all they can out of what they have, and it isn't enough. So they need "more" to where it somehow points them to the killer - but you don't know what you don't know, so there's no way to really know how much more is needed to identify that unknown killer, until they get it. Maybe a little, maybe a lot.
I honestly don't think they have a clue who did it and am starting to believe this will never get solved.

Did they get the perps DNA from the scene? 'Cos if not I think any other evidence (ie police uniform, weapons) will be long gone by now. They should have had sniffer dogs running in and around the homes/cars of every person they had any vague suspicion of. And I don't think there will be a digital record anywhere, I think the person knew exactly who/when/where Missy was (from her FB postings) and just got on with their dastardly plan. The moment has passed, it's probably all too late, sorry Missy!
I don't see any indication from what's being said that LE has any specific piece of evidence they are hoping for, nor that "one" piece of evidence would do the trick. From what I'm hearing between the lines, they have simply wrung all they can out of what they have, and it isn't enough. So they need "more" to where it somehow points them to the killer - but you don't know what you don't know, so there's no way to really know how much more is needed to identify that unknown killer, until they get it. Maybe a little, maybe a lot.

IMO LE has been very calculated in their wording when speaking of this case and understandably so. I hope they find however many pieces they need and soon!

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Imagine how relatively easy it can be to kill a woman and not get caught! So many suspious people, at least part of them with a little reason to be satisfied with a gone MB. No wobbly alibi, no strange connections, no cult, no ridiculous problems, no mental illness, no suspious separation or new love relationship in the meantime, no money track, no drugs, no weapons, no fraud, nobody slipped up?
No justice for MB?? Something like this should not happen!
This a part that bothers me; both were unfaithful and at times i get angry that only Missy is being talked about. Sounds like the husband played around too

I missed the information about BB's affairs. Where did that information come from?
Does anyone else find the renewed interest and articles all within days of each other including reopening the thread to be a little odd when there has been nothing for what a few months?

It seems like a push from LE to ramp back up the chatter and push MB back into the spotlight. The question is is it because they have news leads or are they trying to get more leads?

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I noticed that also! Coincidence? I think not.
Imagine how relatively easy it can be to kill a woman and not get caught! So many suspious people, at least part of them with a little reason to be satisfied with a gone MB. No wobbly alibi, no strange connections, no cult, no ridiculous problems, no mental illness, no suspious separation or new love relationship in the meantime, no money track, no drugs, no weapons, no fraud, nobody slipped up?
No justice for MB?? Something like this should not happen!

I think the evidence is there but they are NOT looking for it. Not looking in the right place.
I guess it's because they don't want to publicly name innocent people. JMO

Who is to say CW isnt an innocent person yet he was named and that name came from BB...surely they have tips on his mistress too. Why do a search warrant for CW and not BB mistress? Or maybe they did...WH was that the other woman nobody could figure out how she was connected? She was on the search warrant but I havent heard much sleuthing about her.
I honestly don't think they have a clue who did it and am starting to believe this will never get solved.

Did they get the perps DNA from the scene? 'Cos if not I think any other evidence (ie police uniform, weapons) will be long gone by now. They should have had sniffer dogs running in and around the homes/cars of every person they had any vague suspicion of. And I don't think there will be a digital record anywhere, I think the person knew exactly who/when/where Missy was (from her FB postings) and just got on with their dastardly plan. The moment has passed, it's probably all too late, sorry Missy!

bbm, I agree.
Who is to say CW isnt an innocent person yet he was named and that name came from BB...surely they have tips on his mistress too. Why do a search warrant for CW and not BB mistress? Or maybe they did...WH was that the other woman nobody could figure out how she was connected? She was on the search warrant but I havent heard much sleuthing about her.

Pretty sure she FaceBooked with BB. Flirty comment. And for all I know, Missy was just flirting on social media as well. . . All we have is he said, meetings per FB with said "lover" and maybe "said" lover confirmed he was in a relationship with he at some point, but that it had been over for a while.
Who is to say CW isnt an innocent person yet he was named and that name came from BB...surely they have tips on his mistress too. Why do a search warrant for CW and not BB mistress? Or maybe they did...WH was that the other woman nobody could figure out how she was connected? She was on the search warrant but I havent heard much sleuthing about her.

Maybe LE doesn't have any probable cause to get a judge to sign warrants on any alleged mistress's. JMO.
Question. Why did they take the Tuckers garbage very early on?

Has anyone else had their garbage taken by the cops?
Question. Why did they take the Tuckers garbage very early on?

Has anyone else had their garbage taken by the cops?

I would assume this happened to more than just the Tuckers, but the Tuckers were the only ones who "saw" it (IIRC, one of their neighbors witnessed it?). Just my opinion.
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