TX - Uvalde; Robb Elementary, 19 children and 3 adults killed, shooter dead, 24 MAY 2022

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Question: Has there been any confirmation that LE had some of their own children in that school? I imagine that would add a layer to situation.... emotionally. No one could possibly work a scene with their children in danger, I imagine it would be hard.
I’m sure they do. And I’m sure that teacher feels horrible!!!!
I'm sure she does, but her mistake was human error or carelessness which I find easier to excuse than the officers
Ya know - I have prayed for this woman ever since LE confirmed he entered through an unlocked door. I thought on this and realized that it could have been the principal - it was an awards ceremony day and those are hectic and chaotic anyway. That door being on a parking lot could have been left open to let parents in and out. But now finding out a teacher propped it open...........that poor poor woman.......

I will continue to pray for her and hope she gets the help she is so desperately going to need.
I'm praying for her too.
WOI agree. It was a mistake and we’ve all made them. By no means do I fault her for any of this. I really feel awful for her.
Of course not. Nobody would fault her at all - its just that - and I will bet my last red cent on this - she sure does fault herself!!!!!!! I know I would - it scares me to death how I would feel....................... Please pray for this woman.
so the open door was the classroom the classrooms exited to outside not a hall? that is how it looks to me...
No - the propped door was an exterior hallway door. Both classrooms - rm 111 and rm 112 were locked - he shot his way in through the narrow door window.
I doubt the teacher that propped the door open will be returning.

If I had done that I would have to move.

I still think the open door is not the biggest concern I have, yes, it is huge but the campus was way to accessible, a perp should not have been able to get to the open door in my opinion.
Scroll down and a pic of the the building and classrooms show how where he entered.

yes I saw that, I thought perhaps the unmarked area around the restrooms was a breezeway or walkway, appears it was a building . they just did not mark what it was. probably some kind of multipurpose.
No - the propped door was an exterior hallway door. Both classrooms - rm 111 and rm 112 were locked - he shot his way in through the narrow door window.
Was it an exterior hallway door or an exterior door that lead to the outside? I think it's the latter, that was my understanding from this post - BBM
From Steven McGraw - TX Dept of Public Safety Director:

11:27 - an exterior door is propped open by a teacher

11:28 Teacher went back to nthe door but left it propped open

11:30 Teacher re-emerges. 911 is called about a man with a gun and a car crash

11:31 Shooting at the school began from the outside - he was shooting into classrooms. Patrol cars arrive at the funeral home (across the street)

There was no officer on scene or in the school.

The officer (from the school) heard the 911 call over the radio and immediately proceeded to the school.

He actually DROVE BY the suspect when he got closer to the school.

11:31 Shots reported outside of the school.

(I didn't understand what he was saying - but I am assuming these are the number of shots)

11:32 27

11:33 suspect enters school through unlocked (and still propped open?)b door

Room 111 and Room 112 - shooting (again didn't really understand if inside or outside of the rooms) but he said that more than 100 rounds were fired at this time.

11:35 3 LE's enter the school through the same door as shooter. They were followed by 3 more LE and a sheriff's deputy. The first 3 LE went to the classroom door and were wounded through the door and fell back. (so shooter was inside the classroom )

11:37 - 16 rounds fired

11:48 - LE start to arrive at school

12:10 - another 911 call

12:13 - another call

12:15 - BORTECH (the border patrol elite unit started arriving)

12:16 911 call from inside room said she had 8 - 9 children ALIVE

12:19 911 call from room - it was a child (this is the little girl from the article that said LE called out for anyone needing "help" - so she called out).

12:21 - shots fired again - officers in the hall and outside the classroom had to the the school janitor to get a key to open the door. But - this is significant - BOTH CLASSROOM DOORS WERE LOCKED WHEN OFFICERS ARRIVED! So he shot his way in the rooms - shot his way through the window, reached through & pushed the handle to open the door. That's how these doors work - he went in let the door close & its still locked.
911 call was placed FROM ROOM 112

12:21 3 shots heard through 911 call (line still open)

12:36 - 911 call - caller sayd "he shot the door"

12:46 - 911 call still open line - could hear LE next door

12:51 - 911 could hear LE removing kids

Magazine totals - first he said -58 total
11 found inside
3 on shooter
2 in Room 112
6 in Room 111

then he said there were a total of 60 mags with 1,067 rounds!!!!!

LE found 315 rounds in the school and 146 of those were spent rounds

There were 35 total spend rounds fired by LE

He fired 100's of rounds within the first 4 minutes.

*****still workling on my notes and listening to the Q&A - will finish up when the PC is over****
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I still think the open door is not the biggest concern I have, yes, it is huge but the campus was way to accessible, a perp should not have been able to get to the open door in my opinion.


About 10 minutes before Ramos went into the building, authorities said, he opened fire on witnesses by a nearby funeral home, and a 911 caller reported a man carrying a gun.

I am surprised that for 12 minutes he was outside shooting before entering and no one heard to shut the door.

I still think the open door is not the biggest concern I have, yes, it is huge but the campus was way to accessible, a perp should not have been able to get to the open door in my opinion.
If you look at the timeline LE gave us today -

11:30 Shooter entered through the propped door

11:33 Shots in the school - outside the classroom door (when he breached the room by shooting out the window)

11:35 3 LE enter the school through propped door followed by 3 more LE and a sheriff deputy.

So, if at 11:30 he walked up and tried that door and it would have been locked - there was no other door within close proximity and this door was a solid (no window to shoot out) - he would have still be outside and probably looking for or trying to get to another door. So the 11:33 shooting and breaching of the classroom wo uldn't have happened.

And the 11:35 LE arriving to enter through the propped door would have encountered him and could have engaged him at that time - on the outside of the school mind you - and possibly have taken him out right there.

That propped door was the first and, IMHO the most egregious of mistakes.

I still think the open door is not the biggest concern I have, yes, it is huge but the campus was way to accessible, a perp should not have been able to get to the open door in my opinion.
The propped open door was the way the shooter gained access to the building. Had the door not been propped open would he have been able to get in?
The propped open door was the way the shooter gained access to the building. Had the door not been propped open would he have been able to get in?
He would have to have kept looking and those precious seconds or minutes..........................LE was closing in fast so..............................
If you look at the timeline LE gave us today -

11:30 Shooter entered through the propped door

11:33 Shots in the school - outside the classroom door (when he breached the room by shooting out the window)

11:35 3 LE enter the school through propped door followed by 3 more LE and a sheriff deputy.

So, if at 11:30 he walked up and tried that door and it would have been locked - there was no other door within close proximity and this door was a solid (no window to shoot out) - he would have still be outside and probably looking for or trying to get to another door. So the 11:33 shooting and breaching of the classroom wo uldn't have happened.

And the 11:35 LE arriving to enter through the propped door would have encountered him and could have engaged him at that time - on the outside of the school mind you - and possibly have taken him out right there.

That propped door was the first and, IMHO the most egregious of mistakes.

Yep. The propped open door is THE biggest issue to take away here. Had that door not been open, precious minutes would have been gained. <modsnip>
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