TX - Veterinarian under investigation for killing cat with arrow.

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JMO and two cents-I would pass around the petition and follow the case, but I would also assume LE was all over it. Anonymous has launched an operation to take down animal cruelty websites-I put up a link to the story today but felt I couldnt be responsible for people searching for links to the sites...they are sexual sadism sites involving horrific cruelty, so I took the story I posted down.

I would bet money that in some way, shape or form, this story is on one of them.

In any case, I know I am repeating myself but I hope the Animal Clinic is pulling all of the records and carefully going through any animal care she provided. Especially for cats.
The link I posted above earlier apparently doesn't work and I cannot seem to post one that does. The article linked to gave the impression that the Sheriff isn't exactly in any hurry here to do anything. I got the feeling LE there was not understanding all the fuss- in some postings elsewhere those of us upset about this are 'animal rights activists'. That is the kiss of death in Texas. Seems like she is being given lots of time to cover up her crime, and dispose of the body. They want this to go away- and I think it will.

Someone elsewhere pointed out that her blog has several alcohol related references; I suspect Dr Lindsey is a wreck. I also wonder how many animals she has inflicted pain upon as a vet- maybe that's why she became one.

Well, there is a lot of wind blowing in all directions over this. I understand your feelings. When I see the sheriff, the town and the folks, I get a "Good Ol' Mayberry" feeling. Then again, you never know what will ultimately happen on the legal side. Hope for the best. At least we can be confident that Kristen Lindsey will never work a veterinarian again. Kristen condemned herself, and flushed the time, effort and money she invested in her career down the toilet.
FWIW, I spent some time looking at the picture of poor Tiger after she shot him. I am leaning more to the side of those who think he might have been alive in the picture.

I just dont get it. I killed a wasp today because someone near by was allergic. I apologized profusely. As stupid as it sounds. I am not weak-I understand food chain etc. But gratuitous killing because you can and you dont care how the animal suffers and because you think it doesnt matter....it really hits me.
Kristen condemned herself, and flushed the time, effort and money she invested in her career down the toilet.

And her career is over...her family has been shamed....she owns a lot of guns...and she drinks a lot of whiskey...

One can hope, right?
I am gratified that so many here are as outraged as I am about this horrible act. Respectfully, I ask us to allow this
case to progress according to the letter of the law. I am saddened that there is such derision of the state of Texas that some posters believe this will be ignored or
swept under the rug. I refer you to my post #101 on this thread that details the plans of the Austin County Sherriff Office in pursuing this case.

I am not a native Texan, but I have lived here for the majority of my life. We love our animals just as much as any other state. In fact, while we are not the BEST
state for protecting our animals, we are not the worst either. Interesting to note, according to the link below, in 2014, one of the worst 5 states for
animal protection law was WYOMING, the home state of the person who posted that horrible picture.​

I am gratified that so many here are as outraged as I am about this horrible act. Respectfully, I ask us to allow this
case to progress according to the letter of the law. I am saddened that there is such derision of the state of Texas that some posters believe this will be ignored or
swept under the rug. I refer you to my post #101 on this thread that details the plans of the Austin County Sherriff Office in pursuing this case.

I am not a native Texan, but I have lived here for the majority of my life. We love our animals just as much as any other state. In fact, while we are not the BEST
state for protecting our animals, we are not the worst either. Interesting to note, according to the link below, in 2014, one of the worst 5 states for
animal protection law was WYOMING, the home state of the person who posted that horrible picture. Nature? Or nurture?​


I sent an email off last night to both addresses you put up...

I'm out of the USA so hopefully now they realised its hit Australia news stations too, they will hopefully push forward with charges
Sheriff keeps on saying he can' t arrest her over the photo. Well, somebody should enlighten him how it's done. Arrest can certainly be made over a photo, like was done in this case.

"Taylor and Verhoeven had recently returned from a duck hunting trip. Sheriff May said his department worked with the state Wildlife and Gaming and used this photo to track one of the suspects right back to his house, the same house in the photo that was posted online where both suspects are seen holding the dead cats."

We don't want to go down the "nature or nurture" route.

Trust me on that one, for many reasons.

Let us just hope this horrid example is short lived.

I am sure that is good advice Sonya! Thanks for the warning:doh:.
I think I will do a slight edit. I do not want to take attention away from the focus of this thread.
Sheriff keeps on saying he can' t arrest her over the photo. Well, somebody should enlighten him how it's done. Arrest can certainly be made over a photo, like was done in this case.

"Taylor and Verhoeven had recently returned from a duck hunting trip. Sheriff May said his department worked with the state Wildlife and Gaming eand used this photo to track one of the suspects right back to his house, the same house in the photo that was posted online where both suspects are seen holding the dead cats."


Wow, that surprises me a bit. I would have thought a defense attorney could have introduced some reasonable doubt that it was a real picture and not staged. But maybe I am reading too much into possible complications. I would be interested in a lawyer's opinion. I am hopeful it IS as simple as having the picture accepted for evidence because then she could be convicted and pay a debt for this horrible crime.
Sheriff keeps on saying he can' t arrest her over the photo. Well, somebody should enlighten him how it's done. Arrest can certainly be made over a photo, like was done in this case.

"Taylor and Verhoeven had recently returned from a duck hunting trip. Sheriff May said his department worked with the state Wildlife and Gaming and used this photo to track one of the suspects right back to his house, the same house in the photo that was posted online where both suspects are seen holding the dead cats."


BUT this is Texas, and Texas can be a little wacky. I have spent a lot of time in Texas, after having grown up elsewhere, and it is one weird place. Many people are of the mentality that animals are 'just' animals. Ferrel cats are a nuisance, dogs are kept outdoors in 100+ degree days, etc. The sheriff can have that type of attitude. Where I am from, pets are family, but it's not like that for everyone. IMO she belongs in jail because that is a horrid thing to do, especially as people are claiming that cat was a pet.
Well then the owners of the cat need to report it stolen and press charges based on the photograph. Prosecutors can get creative when they want to.

Kind of late for that, no? Unless there was a report before this happened, it should be useless now.
Kind of late for that, no? Unless there was a report before this happened, it should be useless now.

I don't understand what you are saying here.
You have to file a report about stolen property before this property gets stolen?
That doesn't make sense.
The one reason I'm hopeful is that the cat was someone's property, it wasn't feral. She insisted it was a feral cat because some do view them as useless as rodents. They can charge her with something such as destruction of property and I bet they do.


If it was on her property it is feral, that it belonged to someone or not is irrelevant. They should have ensured that it stayed on their property in that case.

She wouldn't have known who the cat belonged to, just that it was hanging around making a nuisance of itself. In a rural area it isn't surprising that it got shot.

Maybe it was killing birds she was feeding in her back yard for all we know. My brother has a bunch of bunnies in his back garden, and the neighborhood cats routinely take the babies out. They find the left over bits in their garden in the morning.

I doubt that she has committed any crime, just chosen an unusual method to kill the cat and being inappropriately public about it. It looks like she got it with a clean shot, so there is no question of cruelty to animals or anything like that.
From the Justice for "Tiger" The Cat FB page

i think usually we don't post comments from FB except to summarize and reword them but in this case, the post asked for it to be shared so here it is.. From earlier (about 12 hours ago)

PLEASE SHARE !BREAKING: Just got off the phone with the Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners. The 9 member board is meeting right now to discuss an emergency suspension of sadistic, depraved veterinarian Kristen Lindsey for killing a pet cat with a bow and arrow. They are discussing suspension, revocation of her license, fines, penalties and disciplinary actions. It is likely they will temporarily suspend her while the police finish their investigation and then make a decision based on that. If you'd like to sway the board toward revocation of her license, please email today : Vet.board@veterinary.texas.gov The more people email, the more likely they are for absolute revocation of her license, which means she will not be able to practice in that state. That's a start. We will follow her wherever she goes and prevent her from working with animals period. We are in this for the long haul.
From the Justice for "Tiger" The Cat FB page

i think usually we don't post comments from FB except to summarize and reword them but in this case, the post asked for it to be shared so here it is.. From earlier (about 12 hours ago)

PLEASE SHARE !BREAKING: Just got off the phone with the Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners. The 9 member board is meeting right now to discuss an emergency suspension of sadistic, depraved veterinarian Kristen Lindsey for killing a pet cat with a bow and arrow. They are discussing suspension, revocation of her license, fines, penalties and disciplinary actions. It is likely they will temporarily suspend her while the police finish their investigation and then make a decision based on that. If you'd like to sway the board toward revocation of her license, please email today : Vet.board@veterinary.texas.gov The more people email, the more likely they are for absolute revocation of her license, which means she will not be able to practice in that state. That's a start. We will follow her wherever she goes and prevent her from working with animals period. We are in this for the long haul.


"Dear Sir/Madam,

I write this email to implore you to revoke the Veterinary Licence of Dr Kristin Lindsey.

I assume your board is much the same as how our state veterinary board in South Australia works, in relation to veterinarians and their conduct.

As a veterinary nurse myself, I find her actions deplorable, this has been table discussion in quiet moments at the clinic and my work colleagues feel the same as I do.

Actions like Dr Lindsey's send tidal waves of fear into owners, by revoking her licence and not allowing her the privilege of working with animals we can assure our clients that we are not all like Dr Lindsey"

Asked all my workmates and girls in industry to do same
This is just horrible. I can't for the life of me wonder why anyone would think this was ok. I am guessing her and people she is associated to just think this is the norm, which it is not. I saved an ant yesterday, and released him outside, I bet he will bring his friends back, but I didn't have the heart to squish him.

"Dear Sir/Madam,

I write this email to implore you to revoke the Veterinary Licence of Dr Kristin Lindsey.

I assume your board is much the same as how our state veterinary board in South Australia works, in relation to veterinarians and their conduct.

As a veterinary nurse myself, I find her actions deplorable, this has been table discussion in quiet moments at the clinic and my work colleagues feel the same as I do.

Actions like Dr Lindsey's send tidal waves of fear into owners, by revoking her licence and not allowing her the privilege of working with animals we can assure our clients that we are not all like Dr Lindsey"

Asked all my workmates and girls in industry to do same

I've also just emailed from the UK.
One thing that seems odd, has anyone heard a word from the owners? They must be aware of this, are they still on vacation? They have to be very upset about this, especially about the poor kitty being tortured as he died, being tortured/killed by a vet at their animal hospital, the arrogance involved in posting the photo etc...

If I were that psycho vet their silence would worry me. The saying "Don't get mad, get even" comes to mind.
If it was on her property it is feral, that it belonged to someone or not is irrelevant. They should have ensured that it stayed on their property in that case.

She wouldn't have known who the cat belonged to, just that it was hanging around making a nuisance of itself. In a rural area it isn't surprising that it got shot.

Maybe it was killing birds she was feeding in her back yard for all we know. My brother has a bunch of bunnies in his back garden, and the neighborhood cats routinely take the babies out. They find the left over bits in their garden in the morning.

I doubt that she has committed any crime, just chosen an unusual method to kill the cat and being inappropriately public about it. It looks like she got it with a clean shot, so there is no question of cruelty to animals or anything like that.

I respectfully disagree. In my opinion, and the reason there are animal cruelty laws against this, an arrow through the head of a cat is animal torture, not merely "an unusual method". Here again are the statutes in this state, and you will see that she violated #1, 5, and 9. #1 & 5 constitute a felony in Texas, according to the picture she posted, and the comments she posted with the picture.

Texas Penal Code Chapter 42

§ 42.09. Cruelty to Animals

A person commits an offense if the person intentionally or knowingly:
1.tortures an animal;
2.fails unreasonably to provide necessary food, care, or shelter for an animal in the person's custody;
3.abandons unreasonably an animal in the person's custody;
4.transports or confines an animal in a cruel manner;
5.kills, seriously injures, or administers poison to an animal, other than cattle, horses, sheep, swine, or goats, belonging to another without legal authority or the owner's effective consent;
6.causes one animal to fight with another;
7.uses a live animal as a lure in dog race training or in dog coursing on a racetrack;
8.trips a horse;
9.injures an animal, other than cattle, horses, sheep, swine, or goats, belonging to another without legal authority or the owner's effective consent; or
10.seriously overworks an animal.

An offense under Subsection (a)(2), (3), (4), (9), or (10) is a Class A misdemeanor, except that the offense is a state jail felony if the person has previously been convicted two times under this section.

An offense under Subsection (a)(1), (5), (6), (7), or (8) is a state jail felony, except that the offense is a felony of the third degree if the person has previously been convicted two times under this section.

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