TX - Veterinarian under investigation for killing cat with arrow.

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While I cannot bring myself to look at any other photos of cats with arrows through their heads, I am very distressed at the notion this cat could have still been alive when that horrible picture was taken. Maybe that's why it did not look right to me. I am truly still hoping to learn this did not happen as it appears. Call me foolish or naive, but I just don't want it to be true. Shouldn't there be blood from where the arrow entered?​

Unfortunately, you can't wish something not to be true.
The reason deer/rabbit hunters don't aim for the head is because the animal's brain is small in relation to the skull and too hard to hit at a distance. The likelihood of either missing OR having the animal run off with an arrow/bullet in their head is too great. Hunters want a quick/sure kill they don't want to torture their prey (unlike this vet).

There are a LOT of photos on google of cats with arrows through their face/skull just like Tiger. Here is an example, this cat recovered after being "accidentally" shot during target practice: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/28/moo-moo-crossbow_n_4170713.html

Even more disturbing is a comment on Tiger's facebook page saying that some vets have stated the cat was still alive when the photo was taken, apparently the limbs do not look like the limbs of a dead animal. Considering all of the photos of LIVE cats with arrows through their skull apparently many do survive.

The cat could very well still be alive in the photo. The arrow through the head doesn't necessarily kills a cat. Some cats shot through the head survived. So what did this woman do to the cat afterward? Police need to get a search warrant and search their property, instead of waiting if this woman decided to talk to them or not.
I'd bet this is not the first time she has brutally and unnecessarily killed an animal. I have read her blog and FB postings, she seems curiously detached and cold, almost frightfully so.

Taking a cosmic view of things, I think the human race has gone through a major change of consciousness in the past several decades in its attitude toward animals. There used to be a 'throw away' mentality toward them; maybe that was a sort of self defense against feelings of guilt for exploiting them for food and food products, transportation, etc. Meat consumption has plunged and old thinking patterns are being left behind, as they ought to be. As in every major change, there will be pockets of resistance. People will of course still hunt, I don't want to get into all of that- but most of us in the Western world find something like this shocking- because it just isn't and shouldn't be done any longer.

I am reading that he mother is the county treasurer- or something- and I think only keeping the pressure on local LE is going to get them to do squat on this.
Should you feel moved by your outrage to urge the full extent of the law be brought against the individual claiming to have done this despicable deed, here are some helpful links and info:

Austin County Sherriff Office
Sherriff Jack Brandes
Phone: 979-865-3111

Austin County District Attorney Office
District Attorney Travis Koehn
Phone: 979-865-5933
Should you feel moved by your outrage to urge the full extent of the law be brought against the individual claiming to have done this despicable deed, here are some helpful links and info:

Austin County Sherriff Office
Sherriff Jack Brandes
Phone: 979-865-3111

Austin County District Attorney Office
District Attorney Travis Koehn
Phone: 979-865-5933

I don't understand why it has been reported she can only be charged with a misdemeanor (if she is charged at all).
You're not kidding. It's just jaw dropping that she would think for a single second that this was ok. She even said she wouldn't get fired 'because I'm aweseome'.

What is really upsetting for me is that apparently other members of staff at the clinic where she works wrote FB messages supporting her? Is this true? (I'm not on facebook).

If her colleagues thought this was ok .. then I must be living in some kind of parallel universe.

I do wonder if her veterinary school required classes on ethics the way medical schools have done since the '70s to drive home the concept of death with dignity. That said, the bigger, actual crime is that she executed a pet that belonged to someone else and she stupidly bragged about it. She clearly had it in for the cat and I bet it had simmered for a long time. I hope the elderly couple sue her for the loss of the cat and the emotional pain and suffering posting the photo has caused to them.

This from the Austin County Sherriff Office FB page:


A lot of people are making comments and asking questions about our investigative process.
We will not be posting on any social media what steps have been taken in the investigation. That is not the way the criminal justice process works. At present, we have a number of deputies assigned solely to this case. They are doing their job. As previously stated, once all the reports are complete, the entire file will be sent to the District Attorney's Office. Depending on the elements, they will most likely present it to the next session of the Grand Jury. If they return a true bill (an indictment), an arrest warrant will be issued for whoever is named as an offender. That person (s) will be arrested, brought to jail, and after magistration, will be able to post bond. The District Attorney will then set the case for trial.
The Sheriff is not the prosecutor. In regards to Kristen Lindsey coming in with her attorney: In the US, when a person who is suspected of an offense invokes their rights under Miranda, they cannot be spoken with, or questioned in any manner without the presence of their attorney. They also have the absolute right not to say anything.
Whether or not search warrants have been issued and executed - or subpoenas have been served, that information is for the court system to view - not Facebook. We firmly believe in the rights of everyone and will uphold the justice system in the manner described in the law.
We realize that a fervor exists in this case, however we will do our part in the proper, legal, and ethical manner in order to provide the court system with all information and evidence it needs.
Thank you all for your participation.
I am reading that he mother is the county treasurer- or something- and I think only keeping the pressure on local LE is going to get them to do squat on this.

The mother works for a state agency in WY, not in TX. Her info is out there, see the comments section of the "I like to kill things" blog. All the personal contact info was listed.
I don't understand why it has been reported she can only be charged with a misdemeanor (if she is charged at all).

Sometimes reporters get things wrong.
Sometimes Sherriffs do too.

Good...so they are preparing to take it to the GJ. Fact is this woman has some really stupid friends/associates, like the vet tech and others that encouraged her sick post. If the police put pressure on those morons I am sure some of them will start talking.

If the prosecution gets veterinarians to testify the cat was likely ALIVE when she took that photo then I think felony animal abuse might be on the table. The woman is a vet for God's sake, she would KNOW the cat was still alive and if she drove that arrow further through it's little head so she could pick the cat up for that pic....ugh...
Saw a post where someone suggested this if you see animal cruelty on the internet... also, made me wonder if it is more than a local concern because it was posted on the internet?

If I see animal cruelty on the Internet, what should I do?
Immediately contact the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center, at http://www.ic3.gov/. The website will direct you to the page where you can file your complaint. At first glance, it may appear that the website will only consider complaints of Internet monetary fraud. However, IC3 is the proper venue for all Internet crimes, including animal abuse.
IC3 can best process your complaint if the information you provide is as detailed and complete as possible. This includes providing the complete URL (website address) for the website that displayed the suspected animal cruelty.
Even if you are located outside the United States, IC3 will review your report as long as the suspected abuser is located in the United States.
Saw a post where someone suggested this if you see animal cruelty on the internet... also, made me wonder if it is more than a local concern because it was posted on the internet?

If I see animal cruelty on the Internet, what should I do?
Immediately contact the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center, at http://www.ic3.gov/. The website will direct you to the page where you can file your complaint. At first glance, it may appear that the website will only consider complaints of Internet monetary fraud. However, IC3 is the proper venue for all Internet crimes, including animal abuse.
IC3 can best process your complaint if the information you provide is as detailed and complete as possible. This includes providing the complete URL (website address) for the website that displayed the suspected animal cruelty.
Even if you are located outside the United States, IC3 will review your report as long as the suspected abuser is located in the United States.

Thanks time for the info and the link. I attempted to file a report, but got bogged down on trying to determine what sections would apply to this situation, since it is not exactly fitting the criteria. I decided to wait until Austin County lets us know if this will be prosecuted before lodging a report on the IC3 site. I really appreciate the research you did to find this, and share it with us. It is new information to me that I hope to never have to use, but glad to have it if I need it.

Thanks time for the info and the link. I attempted to file a report, but got bogged down on trying to determine what sections would apply to this situation, since it is not exactly fitting the criteria. I decided to wait until Austin County lets us know if this will be prosecuted before lodging a report on the IC3 site. I really appreciate the research you did to find this, and share it with us. It is new information to me that I hope to never have to use, but glad to have it if I need it.

You're welcome!~ Ok to wait... and, I wouldn't doubt some others are trying to file a report also.
I've avoided reading about this story until tonight, and I'm now hugging my big, goofy, silly, loving, found-as-a-stray orange tomcat a little bit closer than usual (and I'm also a little teary).

I've lived in a city for almost 20 years now, and I've kept my city cats inside-only, but I grew up in a rural area, and our cats were always indoors/outdoors. I get that outdoor cats can be annoying to some folks (they don't always stay in their yard, they can be destructive to wildlife, they can dig in flower beds, etc.)--BUT -- killing cats (even if you think they're feral) is not the answer -- trap, neuter, release is. And I can't imagine a person (let alone a vet) that would take joy in killing a cat, even a feral one (which Tiger obviously wasn't). Ugh.
Tulessa, Thank you so much for posting about this. I am absolutely horrified by this woman and her behavior. She is obviously insensitive to sentient beings and I have no idea why she would go into veterinary medicine. I am stymied!
Veterinary Clinic post on this ... some comments are also eye opening as to who was commenting on her post about the killing and cheering her on, her mom, other employees?, some guy who owns a Western store. Her mom claimed she took the picture.
(follow link on review)
Well that apple didn't fall far from the tree. She needs to be locked up and kept away from any vulnerable populations which include the elderly and children!
Good...so they are preparing to take it to the GJ. Fact is this woman has some really stupid friends/associates, like the vet tech and others that encouraged her sick post. If the police put pressure on those morons I am sure some of them will start talking.

If the prosecution gets veterinarians to testify the cat was likely ALIVE when she took that photo then I think felony animal abuse might be on the table. The woman is a vet for God's sake, she would KNOW the cat was still alive and if she drove that arrow further through it's little head so she could pick the cat up for that pic....ugh...

BBM.. I'm reading more and more that the cat was likely alive in that "trophy" picture.

Here's something about this from the Justice for Tiger Facebook:
I've avoided reading about this story until tonight, and I'm now hugging my big, goofy, silly, loving, found-as-a-stray orange tomcat a little bit closer than usual (and I'm also a little teary).

I've lived in a city for almost 20 years now, and I've kept my city cats inside-only, but I grew up in a rural area, and our cats were always indoors/outdoors. I get that outdoor cats can be annoying to some folks (they don't always stay in their yard, they can be destructive to wildlife, they can dig in flower beds, etc.)--BUT -- killing cats (even if you think they're feral) is not the answer -- trap, neuter, release is. And I can't imagine a person (let alone a vet) that would take joy in killing a cat, even a feral one (which Tiger obviously wasn't). Ugh.

Nope, I can say all the vets I've had the pleasure of working with, don't enjoy killing anything.

I've seen grown men cry over the reactions of their patients at losing their pet, I've seen vets of 30 years cry when there was nothing further they could do....

But I've certainly not seen any pleasure in any one of those vets faces, when an animal has crossed the rainbow bridge

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