TX - Veterinarian under investigation for killing cat with arrow.

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Kudos to her alma mater, kudos to her former employer and kudos to LE for taking this seriously.

If you have an animal that was tended to by this vet, I would ask for the records. Especially if they were in her care and died. Dont leave any stone unturned if you are a pet owner at the clinic and Kristen Lindsey was your vet.

What makes this even more egregious, imvho, is how laid back she was when people started reacting. It is that kind of attitude that should make people dig for something more. Not to get all pop psychology-but she enjoyed this.
One thing that seems odd, has anyone heard a word from the owners? They must be aware of this, are they still on vacation? They have to be very upset about this, especially about the poor kitty being tortured as he died, being tortured/killed by a vet at their animal hospital, the arrogance involved in posting the photo etc...

If I were that psycho vet their silence would worry me. The saying "Don't get mad, get even" comes to mind.

What this Ms. Lindsey did has absolutely shaken me and I still can't process it. So I can't imagine what the owners must be going through in their shock and grief. Just think if your vet/or/a vet, killed your pet in a cruel manner, what that would do to you emotionally and psychologically? The horror/pain of what the cat, Tiger, must have gone through and what the owners must be going through, they may not talk publicly for awhile or ever.

I had to go through the heart-wrenching decision to have pet put down because he was sick with FELV and my vet was absolutely compassionate in the process and she also was good about helping me give him the best quality of life possible during his life. The thought of a vet being gleeful in killing a cat is too much to think about and I can only hope that Ms. Lindsey's case is not typical of how vet profession feels about the animals in their care. I have enough anxiety about making sure my pets have compassionate care. We are all stewards of animals, whether or not, all people take the responsibility seriously, but vets more so. This is so awful and such a betrayal of trust. Jmo/
I love what her alma mater had to say. I love that they treated it as a crime, an injustice and a terrible insult to all who have taken an oath to do no harm to their patients.

I am on repeat, but she concerns me not because I think she will progress to a small child but because I think she likes this perhaps and she will just move to a new state and have herself hired again.
I am on repeat, but she concerns me not because I think she will progress to a small child but because I think she likes this perhaps and she will just move to a new state and have herself hired again.

Yeah but she would also get LICENSED in the new state, and there is no way it wouldn't come out that she lost her license in TX (and I presume she will). So that hurdle would have to be jumped and then she would have to find someone to actually hire her.
Yeah but she would also get LICENSED in the new state, and there is no way it wouldn't come out that she lost her license in TX (and I presume she will). So that hurdle would have to be jumped and then she would have to find someone to actually hire her.

Special message for Kristen:

Please remember, I don't want onions on my Big Mac.
I am wondering if perhaps we are going to learn that she truly has deep emotional and psychological problems. Actually, she MUST in order to do what she did, but perhaps it will come out that she has gone off the deep end. We are reacting as if she was a normal person who did this, but there is no way she has a normal healthy emotional make-up to have done this. Somehow she may have kept it hidden long enough to get through school, get a job and work for 2 years. But there had to have been signs of instability. I think that will come out, hopefully from witnesses who can testify what she is like. I am doubtful someone like this will have any "character" witnesses that will be able to say she was kind and compassionate. Her blog hints at some of the darkness in her. That does not in any way excuse her. But she is a sick individual, that may have been heading for even more sadistic behavior, and somehow got stuck in the animal abuse stage of the development of a sociopath or psychopath. Scary.
Now the American Veterinary Medical Association has chimed in to condemn the act and subtly put pressure on the Texas Vet Board. I am quite sure at first she thought all the fuss was "stupid" and just the fault of a few animal loving crazies, and I am sure her family and friends agreed with her on that.

Now she is being condemned by basically all of her professional peers nationwide. I can't help but wonder if she will become suicidal, especially since she apparently has a great fondness for whiskey, course that is probably just wishful thinking on my part.

Dr. Ron DeHaven, the association's chief executive officer, issued the following statement:

"The AVMA was shocked and appalled when we saw this image. We immediately contacted veterinary officials in Texas to assess the situation. We understand that the veterinary clinic for whom this veterinarian was working took quick action and terminated her employment. The Texas Veterinary Medical Licensing Board has opened an investigation, and local authorities are investigating to see whether any violations of law occurred. We are confident that the legal system and licensing board will take appropriate action, and we will continue to monitor the situation."

Oh jeez....just when ya think it couldn't possibly get any worse...

See below, the texas based writer was actually saying poor Kristen's life "shouldn't be ruined over this" yet goes on to say they think the cat WAS caught in a trap! My god...poor kitty was probably crying for help and happy to see Kristen. It also explains why the picture was taken in the bushes. The article also has a much larger version of the pic and yes, the back leg DOES look bloody.


From what I pieced together from news accounts, comments (yes) and conjecture, it got worse. Note, if you can bear looking at the photo, that one of the cat's hind legs appears to be missing or, at the least, bloody. Evidence that she first caught the cat in a leghold trap and then shot it? That seems reasonable conjecture.

Oh jeez....just when ya think it couldn't possibly get any worse...

See below, the texas based writer was actually saying poor Kristen's life "shouldn't be ruined over this" yet goes on to say they think the cat WAS caught in a trap! My god...poor kitty was probably crying for help and happy to see Kristen. It also explains why the picture was taken in the bushes. The article also has a much larger version of the pic and yes, the back leg DOES look bloody.


From what I pieced together from news accounts, comments (yes) and conjecture, it got worse. Note, if you can bear looking at the photo, that one of the cat's hind legs appears to be missing or, at the least, bloody. Evidence that she first caught the cat in a leghold trap and then shot it? That seems reasonable conjecture.


I dont even really know what to say. Tiger's leg does indeed look bloody and/or missing.

I am feeling defeated by the sheer cruelty and callousness here. I dont know if this possibility changes things in the eyes of the law, but now we are possibly looking at a situation where there was an animal caught in a trap and she figured, what, hey this is a great opportunity to practice my bow and arrow skills?
Take this for what it is worth, but there is a comment by a poster by the name of viking116 under this article that states the following:
1. didn't bother to ascertain that this one was feral
2. ignored lost cat signs posted ON HER STREET
3. is allegedly a vet but couldn't see that this cat was well-fed and clean, i.e. a pet
4. caught it in a leg trap baited with tuna
5. shot it while it was looking up at her and while it was trapped
6. bragged in a sociopathic way about her enjoyment of the kill with torture
7. works as a vet in the area and should know that hunting cats is illegal


( I am not sure if I am permitted to post the actual comment...if not I can edit my post.)
I dont even really know what to say. Tiger's leg does indeed look bloody and/or missing.

I posted the article on one of the Tiger facebook pages and a lady replied saying that it was discussed early on that the cat WAS trapped ahead of time, it was actually discussed on Lindsey's personal facebook page before it was taken down.

The news outlets just keep talking about killing with an arrow...this goes so far beyond that it is unbelievable (trapped, dying in trophy photo etc...).
The cat was trapped. Intentionally. Was the intention to give Lindsey a target for her bow and arrow practice?
Take this for what it is worth, but there is a comment by a poster by the name of viking116 under this article that states the following:


( I am not sure if I am permitted to post the actual comment...if not I can edit my post.)

People can post whatever they want. There is no way to verify it. Supposedly Tiger the cat wen missing the same day he got killed.
Given that, I very much doubt there were already "missing cat" posters.
Especially considering the cat was apparently allowed to go outside.
How would this person know the vet used tuna as the supposed bait?
Seems like somebody widely speculating rather than having inside knowledge.
Did you see the official statement from the Sheriff posted this morning? They have finished the investigation and forwarded it to the DA.

If there was NO evidence of wrong doing they would not have forwarded it to the DA. The Sheriff did his job.
We don't know what they forwarded to the DA. Did they do a search of the property to find the body? Doesn't appear to be so.
I just find it strange that at first sheriff was saying he can't make an arrest over a facebook photo and investigation will take time, but soon thereafter he forwarded the case to the DA. I am very curious if they collected any physical evidence, because he was claiming photo isn't enough.
I already posted two things, so I apologize if I am on a bit of a rant. I get so upset when I see the excuse made that this poor animal was a "feral" cat. In the county I live in (state of Alabama) our humane society recognizes feral cats, and actually has a program called "Trap, neuter, Return" not Trap, Kill with Bow and Arrow, Post on Facebook!!! The county has numerous times actually posted on FB that they are looking for people who will put out food for the community(feral) cats. All cats in the trap, neuter, return progam have their ear notched so it will be recognized. The attitude of our county is that these cats - feral, community, or whatever called - have a right to their life. It is also recognized that feral cats (and cats who are outside/indoor) usually live shorter lives because of outside dangers - cars, coyotes, fox, etc. I fostered a litter of 4 feral cats. I had them neutered, given shots, and after their release I fed them daily. I also educated all of my neighbors that they were neutered and could not have babies, and also that they had shots. I guess I am blessed to have animal loving neighbors because all of them actually enjoyed them.

I am of the opinion that this vet did this purposely, and enjoyed it. Otherwise, why post it on FB. I just get more mad about this every day. When I posted about children abusing/killing animals I did not state what I was thinking, but some other posts have made it clear that they think this woman has deep seated psychological issues. My opinion is to concur.
I already posted two things, so I apologize if I am on a bit of a rant. I get so upset when I see the excuse made that this poor animal was a "feral" cat. In the county I live in (state of Alabama) our humane society recognizes feral cats, and actually has a program called "Trap, neuter, Return" not Trap, Kill with Bow and Arrow, Post on Facebook!!! The county has numerous times actually posted on FB that they are looking for people who will put out food for the community(feral) cats. All cats in the trap, neuter, return progam have their ear notched so it will be recognized. The attitude of our county is that these cats - feral, community, or whatever called - have a right to their life. It is also recognized that feral cats (and cats who are outside/indoor) usually live shorter lives because of outside dangers - cars, coyotes, fox, etc. I fostered a litter of 4 feral cats. I had them neutered, given shots, and after their release I fed them daily. I also educated all of my neighbors that they were neutered and could not have babies, and also that they had shots. I guess I am blessed to have animal loving neighbors because all of them actually enjoyed them.

I am of the opinion that this vet did this purposely, and enjoyed it. Otherwise, why post it on FB. I just get more mad about this every day. When I posted about children abusing/killing animals I did not state what I was thinking, but some other posts have made it clear that they think this woman has deep seated psychological issues. My opinion is to concur.
There are a lot of homeless cats around where I live. I don't think they are feral, I think people throw them out.
They don't act feral. But this particular cat had owners, he wasn't feral at all. He was a pet cat.
The cat was a living breathing creature. I cannot believe anyone could agree with what this vet did, although some see nothing wrong with it. If a cat, or any animal, is a "nuisance" what is wrong with calling the humane society, and having the animal picked up?? Even if the humane society/animal shelter is not a no-kill, and cannot get the animal adopted, and the animal is euthanized, it would have been done in a humane manner, and after the animal at least had a chance! How could anyone ever bring their pet cat to this vet when she has so obviously stated that cats should be killed if a nuisance?? Anyone with such a disregard for animal life should not have a veterinary license - ever. JMO

I forgot to add that we worry about children who are cruel to animals because it could indicate a lack of empathy, and a budding little sociopath. How is that princple any different when applied to this woman who - tragically - has a vet's license??? An adult who purposely murders a cat because it was a "nuisance and feral" displays a disturbing lack of empathy - how far does that lack of empathy extend for her? Why post such a hideous act on FB ?? IMO this woman has some deep-seated issues, and I hope anyone who has ever taken their animal to her will think long and hard, and choose another vet. The lack of empathy is at best alarming.
Exactly! I am a dog person, not a cat person, and yet I wouldn't willingly harm a cat. When my dog had a cat cornered in our yard, I called her back to give it time to escape.
Wyoming State Vet Lab changed their main picture on FB, it was the friend (BB) of Kirsten's on it that commented on her picture. I'm betting it's more to protect her than to be concerned about her posting on the dead cat picture. But they did post this statment

A former student worker in the WSVL is currently under investigation for a case of animal cruelty in Texas. This individual, a practicing veterinarian, allegedly shot a neighbor’s cat with a bow and arrow and then posted pictures and boasted of her actions on social media. The actions of this individual, if proven, are deeply troubling and are in direct conflict with the values and principles of the veterinary profession. The Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory and Department of Veterinary Sciences unconditionally condemns these appalling actions and the attitude of disrespect for the lives of animals represented by the comments associated with the social media posts.


How would this person know the vet used tuna as the supposed bait?
Seems like somebody widely speculating rather than having inside knowledge.

The lady that messaged me on facebook (when I posted the article about trapping) said it was discussed on Lindsey's page early on. Perhaps she had posted comments about trapping cats? And all of that was deleted shortly after the poop hit the fan?

I do agree that the story may have been embellished but now I also believe the cat was trapped before being killed. Makes more sense since she is standing in bushes in the photo.

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