UCLA B-Ball players arrested in China-being detained...

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Gotta hear the players side of the story to make any kind of assessment on the issue. If they really did it and got caught red handed, it will be hard for them to deny. Also, you would think a Luis V store would have surveillance cameras, so if there is no video and the players are denying it, and they didn't actually get caught with stolen merchandise. I would tend to believe them. It is also possible they thought a store owner or manager gave them a gift... who knows!
I have been to China a couple of times, recently within the last year. A lot of stores don't have much video surveillance, it just isn't necessary. Valuable merchandise isn't in locked counters, it isn't necessary. So it could be that these guys thought it would be easy to steal the glasses. But the reality is that in China, everyone is watching, and they certainly would have been watching these guys since they would stick out like a sore thumb. And I doubt that a shop keeper would have given them anything as a gift. That just doesn't happen over there. As for what evidence they would need to arrest, I think mere suspicion would be enough. There is no Chinese Bill of Rights. They are completely at the mercy of the Chinese government right now. They aren't going to get out on some technicality. I am sure the US State Dept will negotiate something on their behalf eventually, probably soon. But the Chinese will want some sort of apology.
They searched a bus too? Whatever, I would assume that the item was found or can the police arrest people on just a suspicion?

I read they searched the bus and then took the players in for questioning. But no mention of any sunglasses being found anywhere.

In the US they would have to have some evidence to take them in, but I don't think the laws in China are the same.

eta: Just read the post above and it doesn't sound like they need any proof to arrest them.
When this story was first coming out, I could swear I heard on the news that they were caught with the stolen items in their possession. But I don't see any mention of that anywhere now. Its probably very hard for media to get any information on this. The Chinese police don't answer media questions and the players have been told to not talk, and they would be wise to adhere to that for now. So its probably impossible to know what evidence there is.

Whether these players are guilty or not, one lesson needs to be learned by anyone traveling. When you go to other countries, especially places like China, where trouble makers and law breakers are not tolerated, you have to be very very careful. Don't put yourself in a position to even appear that you have done anything wrong.
When this story was first coming out, I could swear I heard on the news that they were caught with the stolen items in their possession. But I don't see any mention of that anywhere now. Its probably very hard for media to get any information on this. The Chinese police don't answer media questions and the players have been told to not talk, and they would be wise to adhere to that for now. So its probably impossible to know what evidence there is.

Whether these players are guilty or not, one lesson needs to be learned by anyone traveling. When you go to other countries, especially places like China, where trouble makers and law breakers are not tolerated, you have to be very very careful. Don't put yourself in a position to even appear that you have done anything wrong.

That is what I heard reported on ESPN talk radio---710LA---it was reported that stolen merchandise was found among the player's possessions.
I also heard them talking about the searching of the team bus. So I wondered if the glasses were found in one of the players backpacks or duffels.

But I have not seen that same statement in print anywhere. Only heard it from an ESPN radio host, who had been in contact with the embedded journalist from Georgia Tech.
found this:

"Our UCLA sources also say there is no question the players pilfered the sunglasses so there's no attempt to prove them not guilty ... they are trying to use their considerable influence to ask for mercy. As once source put it, "UCLA and Ma are pulling out all the political stops to resolve this."


"LiAngelo Ball has got 2 powerful forces trying to secure his release from China ... UCLA and Alibaba founder Jack Ma ... TMZ Sports has learned."
found this:

"Our UCLA sources also say there is no question the players pilfered the sunglasses so there's no attempt to prove them not guilty ... they are trying to use their considerable influence to ask for mercy. As once source put it, "UCLA and Ma are pulling out all the political stops to resolve this."


"LiAngelo Ball has got 2 powerful forces trying to secure his release from China ... UCLA and Alibaba founder Jack Ma ... TMZ Sports has learned."

Stupid. Shoplifting in a foreign country while representing your school. Just plain stupid. The one who actually took them should lose his scholarship. And consider himself lucky.
Because they are so young. They did a very stupid thing,They need to be punished but not there, not in China. The punishment there would be too harsh. Are you saying our legal system can't touch them because what they did was done in another country? If the legaI system here can't touch them I would hope their parents would punish them, I know if my child were one of them I would.

BBM.....unfortunately the parent of at least one of these young men has a distinct history of an attitude that the rules do NOT apply to him or his family as can be seen from the following links to his behavior this past summer. Those events are not unique or unusual behavior for him....



Stupid. Shoplifting in a foreign country while representing your school. Just plain stupid. The one who actually took them should lose his scholarship. And consider himself lucky.
It really is just that: stupid. You go over there to represent not just the univerisity but you also are representing the USA, and this is just embarrassing. But as I mentioned earlier, I hold the school/coach/athletic department accountable for this as well. You can't take 20 year-olds to China and just let them walk around on their own to get into trouble.
BBM.....unfortunately the parent of at least one of these young men has a distinct history of an attitude that the rules do NOT apply to him or his family as can be seen from the following links to his behavior this past summer. Those events are not unique or unusual behavior for him....




Yes, I know which parent you are speaking of. I read he was told to stop talking about.
It really is just that: stupid. You go over there to represent not just the univerisity but you also are representing the USA, and this is just embarrassing. But as I mentioned earlier, I hold the school/coach/athletic department accountable for this as well. You can't take 20 year-olds to China and just let them walk around on their own to get into trouble.

When you are 20 you are an adult and should take responsibility for your own actions. I fail to see how the school is responsible for adults shoplifting in a country they are visiting.

Skickat från min iPhone med Tapatalk Pro
When you are 20 you are an adult and should take responsibility for your own actions. I fail to see how the school is responsible for adults shoplifting in a country they are visiting.

Skickat från min iPhone med Tapatalk Pro[/QUOTE

Don' blame them. They'll be welcomed home as heroes
When you are 20 you are an adult and should take responsibility for your own actions. I fail to see how the school is responsible for adults shoplifting in a country they are visiting.

Skickat från min iPhone med Tapatalk Pro[/QUOTE

Don' blame them. They'll be welcomed home as heroes

I'm afraid you're right. Very afraid.

Yep, a generation growing up, taught that stealing is OK if you have a specific talent....
So right now, their 'punishment' is staying at a 5 star luxury hotel. They can order room service, go to the pool, hang out, relax, have some fun. They are even allowed to leave the hotel and walk around or motor around the city. It is more like a luxury vacation.

Then, they will be released in a week or two, most likely, because UCLA and the CEO of Alibaba is going to buy their way out of trouble.

So that distorted sense of entitlement, that enabled them to make those stupid choices, is only going to be enhanced, in my opinion.

If UCLA releases them another school team will pick them right up. No problem, just a bump in the road...
Chinese officials wouldn't confirm the ESPN report that Ball, Riley and Hill were arrested. A spokeswoman for China's Foreign Ministry said the case had been reported to US authorities. "China is handling this case in accordance with the law, and will guarantee the rights in accordance with the law, for those involved in this case," she said.

Ball's father, LaVar, who is in China, said "Ball, Riley and Hill are being required by Hangzhou police to remain at their hotel until the legal process is over, which could take days, weeks or even months," he said. "The hope is obviously sooner rather than later."

CNN spotted the three players having breakfast Saturday morning at the team hotel in Hangzhou. A representative who was accompanying the players declined to comment when approached by CNN.

They will not be on the team’s return flight to the US on Saturday. There is a strong likelihood they will face 20 days of house arrest and then not be permitted to visit the country again.

By the way, UCLA won over Georgia Tech 63-60.


As the game began in Shanghai, ESPN commentator and UCLA legend Bill Walton addressed the incident:

“I am sad, disappointed and embarrassed. This is a very big deal. The noble purpose here has been stained. Our host, Alibaba China, the people, they have been better than perfect in everything. They’ve done everything right to make this all work. Now, members of our family have displayed an appalling lack of honor, lack of respect, lack of decency by doing something in someone else’s home that they would never do in their own. And I want to apologize right now on behalf of the human race for this travesty.”

I will never understand Americans, who travel to places like China and North Korea, and leave themselves open for problems, by acting stupidly. Do they not realize the great country they live in and take for granted their freedoms under the US Constitution? Places like China and NK will arrest you for a bad ham sandwich, and you have little rights over there. I hope some people learn from their mistakes.
Arash Markazi ✔ @ArashMarkazi
A source familiar with the investigation says there is surveillance footage of the players shoplifting from three stores inside of a high-end shopping center next to the team’s hotel in Hangzhou, which includes Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent and Salvatore Ferragamo.
9:49 PM - Nov 10, 2017


There is no doubt about it — the three UCLA players screwed up big time. And now the players may be facing additional charges.

UCLA Bruins freshmen LiAngelo Ball, Cody Riley and Jalen Hill were arrested earlier this week on shoplifting charges in China, where their team spent the week prior to Saturday’s opener against Georgia Tech. But things have gotten worse.

ESPN’s Arash Markazi reports that there is surveillance footage of the players shoplifting from three stores inside a shopping center in Hangzhou.

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