UCLA B-Ball players arrested in China-being detained...

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They will not be on the team’s return flight to the US on Saturday. There is a strong likelihood they will face 20 days of house arrest and then not be permitted to visit the country again.

By the way, UCLA won over Georgia Tech 63-60.


As the game began in Shanghai, ESPN commentator and UCLA legend Bill Walton addressed the incident:

“I am sad, disappointed and embarrassed. This is a very big deal. The noble purpose here has been stained. Our host, Alibaba China, the people, they have been better than perfect in everything. They’ve done everything right to make this all work. Now, members of our family have displayed an appalling lack of honor, lack of respect, lack of decency by doing something in someone else’s home that they would never do in their own. And I want to apologize right now on behalf of the human race for this travesty.”


Bill gets it. Just wish the entitled thinking kids would have made that speech and hope they end up having the same thoughts someday.

I hope they end up realizing that their stupid actions hurt many more people than just themselves.

The selfishness that they demonstrated is incredible. They were very selfish in their actions I hope they realize the impact they have caused to so many other people besides just them.
This is very telling that the father doesnt even stay to be with the son and sounds like he went to the BB game. Some representatives from the University and Pac-12 have to miss the game to stay with them. I know a lot of parents that would have stayed with their kids until its resolved no matter how long it takes and then drag them home on a plane by their earlobes.

"The rest of the Bruins team left Hangzhou for Shanghai on Wednesday, in preparation for this weekend’s game against Georgia Tech, but representatives from the university and the Pac-12 Conference are staying with the accused, said a person familiar with the situation. Ball’s outspoken father, LaVar Ball, his wife, Tina, and their youngest son, LaMelo — in China filming episodes for their Facebook reality show “Ball in the Family” — continued with the team. The one Ball missing was Lakers rookie Lonzo Ball."

BBM.....unfortunately the parent of at least one of these young men has a distinct history of an attitude that the rules do NOT apply to him or his family as can be seen from the following links to his behavior this past summer. Those events are not unique or unusual behavior for him....




Well, in this instance, "the Ball is definitely in China'a court". These players "aren't in Kansas anymore". Besides the cliches, do these players not remember Otto Warmbier who was arrested in North Korea for stealing a poster off the wall in his hotel room. He ended up imprisoned and tortured and died immediately after arriving back into United States.
These entitled basketball players are in very deep doo doo and could possibly cause an International Incident. Hopefully, they will be released and sent home.

This is very telling that the father doesnt even stay to be with the son and sounds like he went to the BB game. Some representatives from the University and Pac-12 have to miss the game to stay with them. I know a lot of parents that would have stayed with their kids until its resolved no matter how long it takes and then drag them home on a plane by their earlobes.

"The rest of the Bruins team left Hangzhou for Shanghai on Wednesday, in preparation for this weekend’s game against Georgia Tech, but representatives from the university and the Pac-12 Conference are staying with the accused, said a person familiar with the situation. Ball’s outspoken father, LaVar Ball, his wife, Tina, and their youngest son, LaMelo — in China filming episodes for their Facebook reality show “Ball in the Family” — continued with the team. The one Ball missing was Lakers rookie Lonzo Ball."


May be a good thing that Ball's father is not with him. His attitude and arrogance can't possibly be helping the situation. IMO
This is very tricky right now, politically.

Pres. Trump is in Asia, about to visit China. This is very unfortunate timing for everyone involved.

This was also incredibly stupid behavior by these players, if it is true.

And according to ESPN talk radio, 710, they were caught red handed with the stolen merchandise in their back packs, on the team bus.

Teens do stupid stuff, and this was really dumb. They will likely lose their scholarships, maybe impact their futures in the NBA, and embarrassed themselves, their families and their country.

It also poorly affects the 'take a knee' movement, to have young black American athletes, steal in a foreign country, while on an international ambassador assignment abroad.

This very simple incident may have broad implications...

I think you have won the coveted, Internet Post of The Day Award. :congrats: This is absolutely true. Every word. How embarrassing, and horrible! I could see a kid doing something like that on a bet, but on a bet in CHINA?! If that were my brother, and I was in the game TOO? Professional at that!! I'd be ready to beat the H3LL out of him when he drug his sorry a$$ back across the ocean, and onto U.S. soil. One kid's father flew over there to watch his kid play!!! I would probably alternate between shock, fear, and terror, while I had my foot up his ***,!
This is very telling that the father doesnt even stay to be with the son and sounds like he went to the BB game. Some representatives from the University and Pac-12 have to miss the game to stay with them. I know a lot of parents that would have stayed with their kids until its resolved no matter how long it takes and then drag them home on a plane by their earlobes.

"The rest of the Bruins team left Hangzhou for Shanghai on Wednesday, in preparation for this weekend’s game against Georgia Tech, but representatives from the university and the Pac-12 Conference are staying with the accused, said a person familiar with the situation. Ball’s outspoken father, LaVar Ball, his wife, Tina, and their youngest son, LaMelo — in China filming episodes for their Facebook reality show “Ball in the Family” — continued with the team. The one Ball missing was Lakers rookie Lonzo Ball."


He didn't stay with his kid?! Oh. My. Lord!! There I was feeling sorry for him!! I'd have stayed over there even if I lost my JOB!! If only to be there to scream at him for every, single, waking, hour!!! My kid has pulled some crazy stuff so I'm not surprised that they'd maybe come up with some stupid dare of some sort, but anyone, in college, should know, that you do not do this in CHINA (or anywhere, for that matter). But China. I mean we just got that one poor kid back from No. Korea! Pretty much DOA, but he was released... I just heard about this, today. On here. Sorry for the rant, but, I thought it was some sort of misunderstanding and I'd be reading that they'd been turned loose. Nope.
You all don't understand. College athletes are gods and not expected to behave like the rest of us. There might be a slap on the wrist for show, but they'll be playing ball by the time the season starts.

I don't know, the NCAA has had some stuff going on lately. Really bad press. Pitino is just done. I think he's left Kentucky and gone into hiding, as he should. No excuses for him, he was too good'a coach. This is more bad press. I don't doubt a bit that the kids get plenty of special treatment. We are basketball crazy in this state. We bleed our colors. However, those kids don't impress anyone in China.

"Why is UCLA and Georgia Tech in China to play a basketball game?" Van Gundy said. "Missing all that school, and then force-feeding their fans the idea of 'student-athletes.' If it’s such a cultural excursion, what is UCLA doing in the Louis Vuitton sunglass section? They can do that in Beverly Hills. You're in charge of that league, I'll tell you what the answer is: money. They are trying to sell something to get more money."

So the team returned to UCLA---and the 3 accused players and a few UCLA employees, are still at the hotel. WHO is paying the bill for this luxury hotel?

If it does turn out that the latest reports are correct--and there are videos showing them stealing from THREE stores, then I hope they get some kind of punishment besides their luxury extended vacation.


The UCLA basketball team returned to Los Angeles from China on Saturday without three players who were arrested on shoplifting charges during the overseas trip.

Citing a source with firsthand knowledge of the investigation, ESPN reported the players could be Hangzhou for "a week or two" while the situation is resolved. The source told ESPN there is surveillance footage of the players shoplifting from three stores inside a high-end retail center.
So the team returned to UCLA---and the 3 accused players and a few UCLA employees, are still at the hotel. WHO is paying the bill for this luxury hotel?

If it does turn out that the latest reports are correct--and there are videos showing them stealing from THREE stores, then I hope they get some kind of punishment besides their luxury extended vacation.


The UCLA basketball team returned to Los Angeles from China on Saturday without three players who were arrested on shoplifting charges during the overseas trip.

Citing a source with firsthand knowledge of the investigation, ESPN reported the players could be Hangzhou for "a week or two" while the situation is resolved. The source told ESPN there is surveillance footage of the players shoplifting from three stores inside a high-end retail center.

Interesting article, the first half is about this trip to CHINA before they even went.

Atlanta to Shanghai and back, is nearly 16,000 miles — 16,000 miles to play a college basketball game.
Total air flight time — not factoring early arrivals at the airports, awaiting luggage, customs and trips to and from the airports — is 30 hours, thus more than a full day just in the air to play a college basketball game. The time-of-day differential between Atlanta and Shanghai is 13 hours, further disorienting both teams’ student-athletes.

Finally, and in bold print and in a loud voice, you take a firm public stand: “This will not happen, not on my watch! And I don’t care how much money is or isn’t involved. These are NCAA student-athletes, not the Harlem Globetrotters


If China wants, they could be there for months... They could make an example out of them.

Chinese authorities have up to 37 days to decide whether to pursue official approval for an arrest, Margaret Lewis, a law professor at Seton Hall University in New Jersey who researches China’s legal system, told the Los Angeles Times.An arrest would prompt an investigation that could take up to two additional months before prosecutors bring formal charges, Lewis told the newspaper.In China, the conviction rate is more than 99 percent and punishment would be based on many factors, including merchandise value, the players’ cooperation and if they appeared repentant, Lewis told the newspaper.

I disagree that these kids should get paid. Period. As it seems they allude to further in the article. They are getting paid, with a college education, and that ain't nothin' to sneeze at, believe me.

From the standpoint of a college such as UCLA, sending the men's basketball team to China makes business sense. China has one of the world's fastest growing economies, and it serves as a fertile recruiting ground for potential college students. By sending the team to China, UCLA gains the chance to expose a whole generation of young Chinese students to its brand and the opportunity to become Bruins.

From the point of view of a reasonable UCLA men's basketball player, however, traveling to China in the middle of the fall semester to help boost the college's bottom line makes little, if any, sense.

Louis Vuitton sunglasses go from 400 to 1900 American dollars. So they are not going to be given a 'warning' and no trespass order. They are in another country, as guests of that country, to be ambassadors of the pac-10. This is serious and an international incident, at this point.

I agree, that would be a felony in the US. The typical sentence would be one to three years in prison. Would these guys get off because they are athletes? Probably. Should they get off because they are athletes? I don't think so, and the Chinese might not think so either. They should be treated the same way a Chinese citizen would be treated in the same situation.
In the USA they would need more than the items being found on them to arrest them. I don't know what it's like in China but just having the sunglasses (if they did) shouldn't hold up anyway. I get keeping them in their rooms though - what else can they do but keep them out of trouble?

In the US, they would be charged with felony criminal possession of stolen property. It would hold up, for non-athletes anyway.
I agree, that would be a felony in the US. The typical sentence would be one to three years in prison. Would these guys get off because they are athletes? Probably. Should they get off because they are athletes? I don't think so, and the Chinese might not think so either. They should be treated the same way a Chinese citizen would be treated in the same situation.

Here, even if not b-ball players, they'd likely get cut some slack, if they'd not had any other offences, had a decent lawyer, and could pay restitution. The court-appointed lawyers are so swamped, idk, they'd probably tell them to plea out and serve some time, and get out w/probation/parole in a few months. It's a felony here, too, though. That would be an everlasting blemish on their record.
In the US, they would be charged with felony criminal possession of stolen property. It would hold up, for non-athletes anyway.

Depends on the circumstances of their arrest.

Where the value of the property stolen was worth more than $400 – the person will be charged with grand theft, which can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony. The decision will be ultimately left up to the prosecution as how to charge you. This is normally dependent upon any past convictions on your criminal record. The penalty for grand theft can be up to one full year in jail or state prison; a large price to pay, especially if you had a momentary lapse in judgment.

Felony Shoplifting Consequences
Shoplifting any property between $1000 and $2000 is a class 6 felony, and anything over $2000 is a Class 5 felony. Consequences will depend on the severity of the situation, but defendants can expect anywhere from 4 months to 2 years in prison for their first conviction. If this is your 2nd of 3rd felony you can expect several years in prison.

I worked in loss prevention at Nordstrom for five years and I'm not defending their actions. When I wrote the comment you replied to all we knew was the sunglasses had supposedly been found in their backpack. In the USA that's not enough to arrest someone for shoplifting.
Here, even if not b-ball players, they'd likely get cut some slack, if they'd not had any other offences, had a decent lawyer, and could pay restitution. The court-appointed lawyers are so swamped, idk, they'd probably tell them to plea out and serve some time, and get out w/probation/parole in a few months. It's a felony here, too, though. That would be an everlasting blemish on their record.

Shoplifting happens every day in the US and not everyone who takes >$1000 charged with a felony. Not even close.
Here, even if not b-ball players, they'd likely get cut some slack, if they'd not had any other offences, had a decent lawyer, and could pay restitution. The court-appointed lawyers are so swamped, idk, they'd probably tell them to plea out and serve some time, and get out w/probation/parole in a few months. It's a felony here, too, though. That would be an everlasting blemish on their record.

Many people in the US are serving life prison sentences for stealing less than these guys did.

Life Without Parole For Non-Violent Criminals - Business Insider
Many people in the US are serving life prison sentences for stealing less than these guys did.

Life Without Parole For Non-Violent Criminals - Business Insider

Thanks for the link. Though most of what I would have to say about it is way off-topic (to say the least) I thought this was especially interesting:

The inmates of the American oubliette are typically poor and none too bright. Many had bad lawyers. Most are black. Those who receive life without parole for non-violent crimes are even more likely to be black than prisoners in general: 65% of the national total and 91% of those in Louisiana, estimates the ACLU.
Shoplifting happens every day in the US and not everyone who takes >$1000 charged with a felony. Not even close.

It's the value of the merchandise that decides if it is charged as a felony or not.

When Can I Be Charged with Felony Shoplifting?
States typically decide if shoplifting is a felony according to merchandise value. Stolen property must exceed a minimum price. The specific value depends on state law. Generally, a felony shoplifting charge varies from $500 to $1,000.

An individual charged with taking $100 of merchandise will be charged with misdemeanor shoplifting. Another person charged with take $501 worth of merchandise will be charged with felony shoplifting.

Is Shoplifting a Felony_ _ LegalMatch Law Libraryl
It's the value of the merchandise that decides if it is charged as a felony or not.

Is Shoplifting a Felony_ _ LegalMatch Law Libraryl

Every person who steals merchandise worth $1000 or more from a retail outlet is not charged with a felony.

I don't know how to make it more clear. Some people are not charged. Some people have their charges reduced. Some people plea and take a deal. Some people have good lawyers.
Every person who steals merchandise worth $1000 or more from a retail outlet is not charged with a felony.

I don't know how to make it more clear. Some people are not charged. Some people have their charges reduced. Some people plea and take a deal. Some people have good lawyers.

And then there are athletes, who just get a free pass. Unless they happen to be in China at the time of the crime.

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