UID Victim: "Cherries", Mamaroneck, Blk/Hisp, 605UFNY, found Mar 2007

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Lindsay, I was referring to the guy who said he was ripped off at Amber and David S. house.

I know deedee but in that account I'm pretty sure there where two guys, one described as Amber's "boyfriend" in the con. Brodsky's criminal record of robbery and sticking up drug dealers makes me think Amber and Brodsky where very likely robbing Johns. It could have been Amber, Brodsky & Dave S in the story where the john fled the house naked and knocked on the neighbors door.
I don't have the Lost Girls book in front of me, but in it there's an account of Dave S (and I think Brodsky?) talking about a scam they'd sometimes pull: chasing Johns off immediately after getting their money.
Just want to throw this out there as I don't remember it being covered in a thread.

Just want to throw this out there as I don't remember it being covered in a thread.

I think that if the SK is killing the males as well its just to get rid of them because he doesn't like them. Kinda like weeding em out. I think the SK is a sexual sadist and gets off more by putting his female victims threw hell and back before killing them.
I took a little break but am reading today. I think the male victims might be like M Pak, the drivers. If not the drivers, then perhaps male pros.
I'm reposting here:

Hi Rachel & Josh here, some of you may have read we are partnering with Tricia & Websleuths on a docu-series covering 5 unsolved serial killer cases. LISK is one of them and we would like to work with websleuthers in helping to identify the Jane, John, and Toddler Does connected to the case. We definitely understand there's been a lot of time and energy put into this already by websleuthers and the community, we're hoping to inject new energy into identifying. We will have a access to wide television audience who in additional can hopefully help.

I'll be posting to the threads for the other identified, please don't be shy... contact us. We are looking for some lead websleuthers to work with us as well, please reach out. Already we've heard from a lot of you on LISK and other cases. It takes a village!

Rachel & Josh
fast question on the tattoo ---- the cherries look to me as tho the dye "bled" ---possible its covering another tat ???????
I was thinking that the tattoo of cherries might be because her name or nickname was Cherry. I found two possibles, neither one real likely


Stephanie Wallace's nickname is Cherry. She's a 5'7" 150lb black woman who went missing in Hampton VA in January 2005. She was a substance abuser and had been involved with prostitution. There's nothing in her circumstances to make it unlikely that she would go to NY. She would have been 47 in 2007.


Maria Cherry was 25 when she went missing from Fort Hood in 1992, which would put her at 38 in 2007. She's at the very low end of height; presumably she could have gained that much weight in 13 years. There's almost no information about her otherwise.

I'm not wild about either possibility.
I was thinking that the tattoo of cherries might be because her name or nickname was Cherry. I found two possibles, neither one real likely


Stephanie Wallace's nickname is Cherry. She's a 5'7" 150lb black woman who went missing in Hampton VA in January 2005. She was a substance abuser and had been involved with prostitution. There's nothing in her circumstances to make it unlikely that she would go to NY. She would have been 47 in 2007.


Maria Cherry was 25 when she went missing from Fort Hood in 1992, which would put her at 38 in 2007. She's at the very low end of height; presumably she could have gained that much weight in 13 years. There's almost no information about her otherwise.

I'm not wild about either possibility.

stephanie wallace could be tied to william devin howell..??
Refresh my memory. Howell's the SK who chopped up victims around New York City? How is she associated with him?
It would not be surprising if he had other victims we do not yet know about, imo.

"Police probing Connecticut serial killings dating back to 2003 move search to suspect's childhood home in Virginia

Seven people were killed in New Britain in 2003
William Devin Howell is serving manslaughter sentence for one of them
Police are now searching home in Hampton, Virginia, where he grew up

By Associated Press

Published:, 26 June 2015"

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-s-childhood-home-Virginia.html#ixzz3jNmOnmBq
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Ah, that guy. Thanks. Yes, that does make a potential connection. Hmmmmm.
Personally I've always wondered if Ms. Cherries and/Peaches tats could possibly have been pimp "brands". Meaning no disrespect for the deceased, but sometimes pimps will mark "their" girls (their property as they see it) with certain words or images via tattoo. The fact that they were apparently killed a decade apart doesn't lend much credence to them having worked together, but that doesn't mean they couldn't have been pimped through the same circle/gang/crime associates.
(or there could be more than one pimp in the greater LI area using juicy fruit as his brand)

Also regarding the statement of the tattoo artist, he may have done a tat like the one found on Peaches, but it honestly looks to me to be a "flash" tattoo, the kind you can pick out of a big book of non-proprietary photo copied images in any tattoo shop in the country. That said, he's probably being honest and of course its worth checking out (especially since its one of the only leads available!), I just think there are a lot of other avenues.

Ps: I'm new to WS, so if this theory has already been hashed out, forgive my redundancy. I know a lot of folks have put a lot of time and effort into this already!
It may be just a generic tattoo from a copy book, but it's still higher quality than most of the pimp stamps I've seen. Also not in a prominent enough place, really. But it's possible.
fast question on the tattoo ---- the cherries look to me as tho the dye "bled" ---possible its covering another tat ???????

Good point. In addition, the ink looks "heavy", like somebody was deliberately using alot of ink to thickly cover a previous image.
Does anyone have any theories as to why the SK is so fixated on the victims tattoos? First Peaches: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peaches_(murder_victim)#cite_note-4
Then Cherries, then he rips up Jessica Taylor's tattoo, he calls Melissa's pimp and talks about Johnny Terry's tattoos. Could there be a specific reason that Jane Doe 2000's tattoo was never released? I don't think it's a coincidence that the UID victims are Peaches and Cherries, both in suitcases..perhaps they were actually chosen BECAUSE of their tattoos. Can anyone think of any reasons as to why the killer would be so fixated on tattoos? Especially to call Johnny Terry and talk about HIS tattoos...that is very strange. Do you think the killer could be a tattoo artist?
What are the odds that Cherry's limb would wash up on James Dolan's private beach, and two years later calls are made by a serial killer from MSG which James Dolan owns? That is very very strange.
I'm new here and reading up on some of the older posts. I have been following the case since the beginning, read the book Lost Girls but never read all of the info on here. I joined because I wanted to read about this specific case.

Anyway, there are some great comments in this thread and I'm happy to see that there are others that agree with me that the GB4 is exclusive to one killer and the other victims are either a different person or persons. With that said, there's a few things I saw that I'd like to comment on if anyone is interested in discussing. Firstly, I believe it was Dormer who says it's the work of one serial killer but there was another high ranking LE person who said that they do not know that defintively and so I don't believe that's a solid fact.

Dormer also made a statement (in one of the many interviews he did) that the burlap sacks thing was a rumor and was never confirmed by law enforcement. With that said, if there was burlap, I think the killer used it a) because he had access to it and b, because he knew where he was disposing the bodies, and a black garbage bag would certainly stick out like a sore thumb in the brush. They may have not been visible from the road when you drive by but they could be visible if you pulled over on the side of the road to change a flat tire or something. Also, many planes and helicopters fly on the coast (especially in the summer months) and black garbage bags also could be visible to some of the lower flying air crafts. One more thing is that I've seen a lot of people making the connection to some kind of fisherman with the burlap sacks but what about a landscaper? They must use them too.

As for the tattoo stuff, I'm a little lost with the peaches and cherries and how those two victims tie in here. Nothing about those two murders match up with the GB4 and the way they were killed.

One more thing about the one killer/2 killer theory. Maybe those who don't live on the island don't understand how hard it would be to hide something like a body here. Not as hard as in the city, but Long Island is a very densely populated suburb and it's not very big. You can drive from the north shore to the south shore in about 20 minutes or less (depending where you are). The further out east you go, (places like Manorville) the more land surrounds you but around the Gilgo beach, Babylon/massapequa area, and most of western Mid Suffolk is very densly populated.

The closer to the city, the more densly populated. More and more empty lots are being purchased and there is far less real estate here than there was say, 30 years ago, when was a kid. I believe the killer lives either in the town of Babylon or one of the surrounding towns. The best place to hide a body would be out in the pine Barron's (Manorville), but you're talking about driving approximately 25 miles in each direction. That's risky and the killer doesn't want to repeat the same mistake Rifkin made. (I believe LISK read up a lot on other serial killers before he murdered). In western Suffolk, where it's way more densly populated, houses are very close together and there's a lot of commercial/industrial buildings. There's no where to dump a body without it being discovered shortly after, by someone. If you'd want to hide something, you'd want to hide it in a desolate area that's close in proximity. The less time driving = less time being pulled over by police (which are also a dime a dozen on Long Island). Hence the reason the killer or killerS, would chose an area like the side of the Ocean Parkway. Gilgo is pretty much the halfway point between the Robert Moses bridge and the Jones Beach Bridges. it would not surprise me AT ALL that more than one killer would think to use that location as a dumping ground. Just like many killers used the woods in Manorville over the years or the Hudson River in the city. It's a good spot where you are least likely to be seen either by people or surveillance, dumping a body. There have been MANY bodies found out in Manorville, over the years.

What's the chances of there being two active serial killers at one time, in close proximity? VERY HIGH. We already had a few. joel Rifkin and the lesser known Robert Schulman, were both actively killing, in an overlapping time frame and both targeted prostitutes as their victims. At around the same time, we didn't know, but John Bittrolf, (who was responsible for two and possibly three murders) was also targeting escorts and he also dumped their bodies out in Manorville. Like police said, prositutes are very easy targets.
Ok now I know who you are ripper 69

this guy calls my phone along with another 631 guy ...not talking about you C or J , the number you call me from adleast 15x a day . EVERY day that I have been here , I finaly took an apointment . < yes my bad > I have a hard time saying no .


Mods i Know it may be againts the rules to link to utopiaguide but I believe this is a VERY significnt clue...calling 15 times a day is clearly the SK's MO this could be significant can be bend the rules on this one for the sake of no more dead bodies?

no more dead bodies!

I noticed that in the link you shared, it was from 2003. Was ALC even in NY at that time? I'm confused. I remember reading on here about Jons who were badmouthing her and KO on some Long Island erotic page. Is this link something totally different?

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