GUILTY UK - Alesha MacPhail, 6, raped & murdered, Ardbeg, Isle of Bute, Scotland, 2 Jul 2018 -*arrest* #7

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Well he wasn’t there at his sons trial was he? Nowhere to be seen. Says a lot ... I wonder why he wasn’t supporting his polite, popular and bright lad when he needed him most ey.

I've no idea. So, is that the reason he is a waste of space then?
Hmmm no I’m pretty sure he confessed and the social worker described his confession in “a matter of fact way notable of the absense of any emotion”
He wasn’t denying it at this point and there still was still no empathy or remorse.

Where does it say professionals know he’s not a psychopath? Can you link me?
EEZER - I don't doubt it. The diagnosis will be based, in part, on his history. Somebody who rapes and kills a little girl in cold blood and then finds it hard to stop himself laughing during the trial (where he plays games to cause more hurt) will almost certainly be on the way to a diagnosis of psychopathy.

Have you ever known a psychopath in real life? Do you know what the life of a psychopath is like? If you did, then you would know that AC is definitely not a psychopath. And the professionals know this.

Sleuthdolf - And rather ironically it is left to Eezer Goode to solve it (first paragraph, whether he knows it or not).
EEZER - I don't doubt it. The diagnosis will be based, in part, on his history. Somebody who rapes and kills a little girl in cold blood and then finds it hard to stop himself laughing during the trial (where he plays games to cause more hurt) will almost certainly be on the way to a diagnosis of psychopathy.

Have you ever known a psychopath in real life? Do you know what the life of a psychopath is like? If you did, then you would know that AC is definitely not a psychopath. And the professionals know this.

Sleuthdolf - And rather ironically it is left to Eezer Goode to solve it (first paragraph, whether he knows it or not).

Not really sure what you're getting at Sleuthdolf.
And why do you think that is?

The lack of empathy and remorse is dictated by the fact that he was denying the crime. The sexually harmful behaviour is related to the crime that he has been convicted of.

I don't doubt it. The diagnosis will be based, in part, on his history. Somebody who rapes and kills a little girl in cold blood and then finds it hard to stop himself laughing during the trial (where he plays games to cause more hurt) will almost certainly be on the way to a diagnosis of psychopathy.

Have you ever known a psychopath in real life? Do you know what the life of a psychopath is like? If you did, then you would know that AC is definitely not a psychopath. And the professionals know this.

Because adolescents sometimes share traits similar to psychopathy I would guess. The brain also isn't fully developed at a young age. That doesn't mean he isn't one though, it just means they're waiting until the appropriate age for a diagnosis.

Yes, a crime which he admitted to. The psychologist seemed pretty clear from what we've heard that Aaron is a remorseless killer who lacks empathy and was satisfied with the brutal crime carried out.

A diagnosis which will be a very accurate one I'm sure, taking into account Aaron's own admissions.

Not that I'm aware of but I'm sure I've met one and not realised. Not every psychopath is a killer either. No, I wouldn't know that. Plenty of psychopaths manage to blend in quite well. They get top ranking jobs, become successful, manage to hide their true feelings. You saying Aaron is definitely not a psychopath and professionals know this is a bit of an absurd statement. As of now, all signs point to him very likely being one. The fact that he was capable of such brutality at a young age - coupled with his sheer disregard for the victim and her family - as well as the fact that he found his crime amusing, is highly concerning.
Where does it say professionals know he’s not a psychopath? Can you link me?

No link needed, it's common sense. I can provide a link to him torturing animals, trying to drown another little girl, molesting a girl and sharing pictures of the act and staring people down on buses. I can also provide a link of judge Lord Mathews telling us that AC abducted AM at knife-point. Unfortunately each one of those links has it's basis in lies and fantasy.
No link needed, it's common sense. I can provide a link to him torturing animals, trying to drown another little girl, molesting a girl and sharing pictures of the act and staring people down on buses. I can also provide a link of judge Lord Mathews telling us that AC abducted AM at knife-point. Unfortunately each one of those links has it's basis in lies and fantasy.
We all know not to believe what we read in the tabloids, but AC wasn't convicted by the tabloid press.

DNA doesn't lie.
No link needed, it's common sense. I can provide a link to him torturing animals, trying to drown another little girl, molesting a girl and sharing pictures of the act and staring people down on buses. I can also provide a link of judge Lord Mathews telling us that AC abducted AM at knife-point. Unfortunately each one of those links has it's basis in lies and fantasy.
He did it. The evidence shows he did it. He's since admitted it.

I suspect you have no idea how stupid you look.

The knife doesn't mean owt. He took it from his home, it's only natural the judge thought it was used in the abduction. I have no idea why this is an issue.

Please stop posting bollocks.

Because adolescents sometimes share traits similar to psychopathy I would guess. The brain also isn't fully developed at a young age. That doesn't mean he isn't one though, it just means they're waiting until the appropriate age for a diagnosis.

Let's assume he had gone out that night to kill but had been interrupted or lost his bottle and carried on living as he had been previously. Do you think, at 18, he would be diagnosed as a psychopath?

Yes, a crime which he admitted to. The psychologist seemed pretty clear from what we've heard that Aaron is a remorseless killer who lacks empathy and was satisfied with the brutal crime carried out.

When you think a case is dodgy, as i obviously do, it is wise to take the word of psychologists and social workers with a pinch of salt and look elsewhere for indications of guilt. The evidence had so many holes in it (yes, even the DNA evidence) <modsnipped unfounded speculation> There is no motive and no previous.

Not that I'm aware of but I'm sure I've met one and not realised. Not every psychopath is a killer either. No, I wouldn't know that. Plenty of psychopaths manage to blend in quite well. They get top ranking jobs, become successful, manage to hide their true feelings. You saying Aaron is definitely not a psychopath and professionals know this is a bit of an absurd statement. As of now, all signs point to him very likely being one. The fact that he was capable of such brutality at a young age - coupled with his sheer disregard for the victim and her family - as well as the fact that he found his crime amusing, is highly concerning.

Obviously not every psychopath is a killer but we are not arguing about the way AC rose to the top of his profession, we are obviously talking about murderous psychopaths. Even murderous psychopaths live under the radar to some extent but there lives wouldn't stand up to scrutiny once they are caught. Their history, movements, obsessions, lifestyle, relationships ect will all show clear signs of what the person is. They will not appear normal and lead a normal life, make youtube videos and go camping in a large group weeks and days before murdering and raping in cold blood. That is a fact.
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Let's assume he had gone out that night to kill but had been interrupted or lost his bottle and carried on living as he had been previously. Do you think, at 18, he would be diagnosed as a psychopath?

When you think a case is dodgy, as i obviously do, it is wise to take the word of psychologists and social workers with a pinch of salt and look elsewhere for indications of guilt. The evidence had so many holes in it (yes, even the DNA evidence) and the judge knowingly lied. There is no motive and no previous.

Obviously not every psychopath is a killer but we are not arguing about the way AC rose to the top of his profession, we are obviously talking about murderous psychopaths. Even murderous psychopaths live under the radar to some extent but there lives wouldn't stand up to scrutiny once they are caught. Their history, movements, obsessions, lifestyle, relationships ect will all show clear signs of what the person is. They will not appear normal and lead a normal life, make youtube videos and go camping in a large group weeks and days before murdering and raping in cold blood. That is a fact.

I think he would have been diagnosed as a psychopath after he would have inevitably gone on to kill later on in life. If it wasn't that night, it would have been another night. He was a ticking timebomb. He even said himself that he had been fantasising about rape and murder for over a year. It was obviously a compulsion that had been festering and growing and was just going to get worse.

Yes, the indication of guilt lies with the perpetrator who admitted it and the evidence which backs it up. The lack of DNA in Alesha's grandparent's house was strange and the lack of Alesha's DNA in Aaron's house was strange also, I do agree but his semen inside of her, his DNA found on several parts of her body, fibres from his clothing found on her, are all pretty good indicators that he did it. The motive is that he had a fantasy of rape and murder since he was 15 and he acted on it. In terms of previous, I do agree that the media sensationalise a lot and probably print nonsense sometimes but I'm sure there were a build up and some red flags. His dad said he had no empathy. Social workers were aware of him. Bear in mind he had only recently turned 16, so there's only so much previous someone of that age could really have.

There are of reports of him not being "normal" though. Whether you want to believe them or not is up to you. Like I said, some people are very good at wearing different masks and putting up a facade. It slipped through and he couldn't hold it any longer. Some psychopaths do appear normal, some are married, have kids, live a normal life. BTK was married with children for decades, had a stable job, was a regular churchgoer, considered a pillar of the community basically and yet was a notorious serial killer. It happens.
AC's DNA was found inside Alesha. She was six years old, so there's no question of consent here. What do you think, he raped her and then someone else came along and killed her?

Don't be silly. AC is guilty.
Numerous posts have had to be removed because the thread has been derailed by speculation based on no known facts and bickering over same.

AC plead guilty and has been sentenced. If someone believes they have evidence that he is innocent, there is an organization called The Innocence Project. Those are the people you should contact. Websleuths is not the venue for such speculative arguments.

Move on from the unsubstantiated speculation of his innocence.

The thing is,somebody had to defend him,no matter how vile a creature that is the law,and somebody further up on the thread(sorry,can't remember who without looking) made a really great post about why.
Exactly Kiranerys I think posters are forgetting when the Defense lawyer took on this case he did not know that AC was guilty, so he deserved a defense lawyer.
No link needed, it's common sense. I can provide a link to him torturing animals, trying to drown another little girl, molesting a girl and sharing pictures of the act and staring people down on buses. I can also provide a link of judge Lord Mathews telling us that AC abducted AM at knife-point. Unfortunately each one of those links has it's basis in lies and fantasy.
I think everyone one on this board has acknowledged that the stories in the papers are rumours. Not to be dismissed out of hand, but nothing concrete.

Give us the link to Lord Matthews saying he abducted Alesha at 'knife point'. You said you could provide it. In your own words, 'I can also provide a link of judge Lord Mathews telling us that AC abducted AM at knife-point.' So provide the link now. I could find no such source. I even sat through Lord Matthews sentencing remarks again to double check. He made no mention of a knife being used in the abduction.

He was convicted of ABDUCTION, RAPE and MURDER. At what point was a knife mentioned? Discussion on this board has been overwhelmingly rational and considerate; as much as it could ever be considering the nature of the offences being discussed.

<modsnip: rude and personalizing>
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AC's DNA was found inside Alesha. She was six years old, so there's no question of consent here. What do you think, he raped her and then someone else came along and killed her?

Don't be silly. AC is guilty.
Have you a link to the DNA being inside her as I have only ever read DNA on her face and wrists Thanks
A couple of my family members are involved in the Scottish legal system. Naturally they've came into contact with Advocates through their work. Was talking to one of them yesterday actually, about this case specifically, and they told me that Advocates are generally extremely clever people, but also have a very professional and 'distant' demeanor. They are special people and come across as a bit 'weird'. The process to become an Advocate is extremely difficult and challenging, and the workload is insane once you qualify. Your job is your life was the way that my relative explained it to me. These people essentially dedicate their lives to their work entirely, and it takes a special kind of person even leaving intellect and intelligence aside to do the job that they do. I think that rule applies even more so to those involved primarily in the criminal justice system. It wouldn't surprise me if he genuinely was relatively unaffected by this, it would be another days work to him to a certain extent. I'd imagine he is capable, I think he said it in his interview, of 'switching off'. It's more of a duty than a vocation to him. You would need to be desensitized to an extent to do this kind of work for any great length of time.

Not sure if this post breaks rules in terms of posting personal info, but that was what my relative told me.
Agree People are human but some jobs make you desensitized when you are involved in criminal activity on a regular basis. Think of defense lawyers who have had to defend a Paedophile who has been downloading and enjoying watching a toddler being raped--Not nice but they have to switch off as such. Much like my profession as a Nurse-you need to switch off your emotions to deal with a situation professionally
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