UK - Alesha MacPhail, 6, raped & murdered, Ardbeg, Isle of Bute, Scotland, 2 Jul 2018 -teen arrested

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Tbh I think the telling fact in all this is that the mother of the accused called the police on her son due to him being out at the time of Alesha’s disappearance. If your son was out and a child went missing you wouldn’t call the police unless you had reason to believe something was untoward. His mother clearly didn’t have much faith in her son not being involved...I actually feel sorry for her!
I know can only imagine how she feels. I'd be curious to know if she is going to the court
I've been mulling this over for a couple of hours in my local with a pint(s).

My theory -

There is more history between these three than is coming out in court. The falling out over the "bad deal" is secondary I think to something much deeper for the accused.

I think it's possible RM had told a few people or even laughed at the accused because he'd been stopped selling him weed by his Mom. This may have been local gossip that had caused much embarrassment/hurt for the accused. He had then grown a deep seated hatred and resentment of him and took said revenge.

I think the reason TLM had people messaging her that day saying he did it was he had previously been spouting off to people saying he was going to do "X" to RM's daughter as a sort of front due to the embarrassment he was facing and maybe people of his same age group laughing at him?

Either way, this was not over what the accused sees as some petty squabble over a small deal, that hatred must have been building for a long time.

Now with his accusations I feel he's still trying to cause RM as much hurt as possible by saying "xyz" happened between him and RM's girlfriend.

He must know he's stuffed but he ain't going down without a fight?

Thoughts would be welcome!
I know can only imagine how she feels. I'd be curious to know if she is going to the court

Same, but as someone already said they won’t comment on that in fear of his identify being compromised, makes you laugh, poor Alesha or TM never had that option. I can’t figure out if this lawyer is a paid for lawyer or given on legal aid. Either that he just likes high profile cases, the whole defence is laughable. There’s having a fair trial and there’s making a mockery, and this is the latter IMO.
I've been mulling this over for a couple of hours in my local with a pint(s).

My theory -

There is more history between these three than is coming out in court. The falling out over the "bad deal" is secondary I think to something much deeper for the accused.

I think it's possible RM had told a few people or even laughed at the accused because he'd been stopped selling him weed by his Mom. This may have been local gossip that had caused much embarrassment/hurt for the accused. He had then grown a deep seated hatred and resentment of him and took said revenge.

I think the reason TLM had people messaging her that day saying he did it was he had previously been spouting off to people saying he was going to do "X" to RM's daughter as a sort of front due to the embarrassment he was facing and maybe people of his same age group laughing at him?

Either way, this was not over what the accused sees as some petty squabble over a small deal, that hatred must have been building for a long time.

Now with his accusations I feel he's still trying to cause RM as much hurt as possible by saying "xyz" happened between him and RM's girlfriend.

He must know he's stuffed but he ain't going down without a fight?

Thoughts would be welcome!
Plausible theory! I was actually thinking about this today as well and I thought maybe the accused had a crush on Toni and maybe she rejected his advances. He was so bitter and upset (and at that age rejection is hard), he wanted to take revenge in the most unimaginable way possible. Also fits into him saying that they had sex, he wants people to think that he got what he wanted.
Agree 100% with both of your comments chimpface & nothinonyou, this boy really really wants to cause as much hurt to these people as possible. He is one very sick individual. How can a boy of 16 years old be so cold and calculated. It’s worrying. Like serious issues going on with him. Even the fact that the police have said that he was calm and confident when questioned, most 16 YO’s would crumble there & then!
Same, but as someone already said they won’t comment on that in fear of his identify being compromised, makes you laugh, poor Alesha or TM had that option. I can’t figure out if this lawyer is a paid for lawyer or given on legal aid. Either that he just likes high profile cases, the whole defence is laughable. There’s having a fair trial and there’s making a mockery, and this is the latter IMO.

I'd guess legal aid.

It's not a mockery imo. He is allowed a defence. I don't believe it but he can say whatever he chooses. It wouldn't be a fair trial if you're not allowed certain defences for fear of upsetting someone.

If he is convicted the judge will not look favourably on him for using this defence so the defendant is really shooting himself in the foot.
I'd guess legal aid.

It's not a mockery imo. He is allowed a defence. I don't believe it but he can say whatever he chooses. It wouldn't be a fair trial if you're not allowed certain defences for fear of upsetting someone.

If he is convicted the judge will not look favourably on him for using this defence so the defendant is really shooting himself in the foot.

Oh I totally disagree, mockery at the highest level. It’s totally laughable and a waste of tax payers money.
Plausible theory! I was actually thinking about this today as well and I thought maybe the accused had a crush on Toni and maybe she rejected his advances. He was so bitter and upset (and at that age rejection is hard), he wanted to take revenge in the most unimaginable way possible. Also fits into him saying that they had sex, he wants people to think that he got what he wanted.

I agree ... I think Accused and Toni may have had a friendship and I think Accused had a crush on Toni and he was jealous that not only did Rab have Toni but Rab was also not selling him weed any more ... it's a small place are there really THAT many drug dealers there?

So basically ... he's got an unhealthy grievance building for Rab and is already a 'troubled' individual - what better revenge to get on Rab in the Accused eyes than to take his daughter

And now ... the icing on his sick cake - he gets to put the family through a trial and he throws in his little ace card against Toni ...

I'd e very interested in seeing his psych assessment!
Agree 100% with both of your comments chimpface & nothinonyou, this boy really really wants to cause as much hurt to these people as possible. He is one very sick individual. How can a boy of 16 years old be so cold and calculated. It’s worrying. Like serious issues going on with him. Even the fact that the police have said that he was calm and confident when questioned, most 16 YO’s would crumble there & then!


I think things that an Adult would laugh off can obviously be taken very seriously by a teenager in the grips of hormonal changes. Add this to someone who is already disturbed.... ticking time bomb.
I agree ... I think Accused and Toni may have had a friendship and I think Accused had a crush on Toni and he was jealous that not only did Rab have Toni but Rab was also not selling him weed any more ... it's a small place are there really THAT many drug dealers there?

So basically ... he's got an unhealthy grievance building for Rab and is already a 'troubled' individual - what better revenge to get on Rab in the Accused eyes than to take his daughter

And now ... the icing on his sick cake - he gets to put the family through a trial and he throws in his little ace card against Toni ...

I'd e very interested in seeing his psych assessment!

Its a huge step from having a grievance with someone over something trivial to doing what he is accused of. Points to a lot of deeper issues that we have seen over the years in young folk who also went on to carry out horrific acts.
What are his videos about, is there a connection with material that would suggest he immature, yet police stated he was confident on his interviews. They mention accused, his mother and his sister does he not have a father?
... it's a small place are there really THAT many drug dealers there?

You would hope there weren’t since it’s so small but Rothesay has a lot of social problems, one of them being a drug abuse problem. So I’d imagine there are a few.

Saying that, a quick google search tells me there has been quite a lot of drug busts the last couple of years so they do seem to be cracking down.
Its a huge step from having a grievance with someone over something trivial to doing what he is accused of. Points to a lot of deeper issues that we have seen over the years in young folk who also went on to carry out horrific acts.

Yes absolutely! That's why I said also that combined with an already 'troubled' individual it was a a nightmare waiting to happen ...

To add - I 'think' that without that grievance - it's unlikely that Alesha would've been a target BUT with absolute certainty, I believe his offending would eventually escalate to this kind of crime.
What are his videos about, is there a connection with material that would suggest he immature, yet police stated he was confident on his interviews. They mention accused, his mother and his sister does he not have a father?
His youtube videos seemed very normal to me-typical teenager that likes vlogging his hobbies. That's what makes this all the more shocking to me.
What are his videos about, is there a connection with material that would suggest he immature, yet police stated he was confident on his interviews. They mention accused, his mother and his sister does he not have a father?

Trampolining.....but he seems confident in a kind of ‘jack the lad, hand through the hair kind of way’. Hard to explain.
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