UK UK - Alistair Wilson, 30, murdered at home, Nairn, Scotland, 28 Nov 2004

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I read somewhere that his wife opened the letter and the contents of the letters remain withheld. I can’t find that anymore. Can anyone here corroborate that detail or did I misremember this detail?
I know that interviewers of Veronica are instructed not to ask questions about the envelope! it's discussed in Donald John MacDonald (of STV Unsolved) who mentions this in his discussion session on this case. He interviewed Veronica, and the police liasion officer with Veronica, said he could ask her anything in his interview, but he must NOT ask her about the envelope, "so as not to let her reveal the specialist knowledge she has on the envelope" So that - IMO means they are holding back specific info on the envelope, that would only be known to the either there was something more on or in the envelope! I.e in addition/other than just 'PAUL'!
I know that interviewers of Veronica are instructed not to ask questions about the envelope! it's discussed in Donald John MacDonald (of STV Unsolved) who mentions this in his discussion session on this case. He interviewed Veronica, and the police liasion officer with Veronica, said he could ask her anything in his interview, but he must NOT ask her about the envelope, "so as not to let her reveal the specialist knowledge she has on the envelope" So that - IMO means they are holding back specific info on the envelope, that would only be known to the either there was something more on or in the envelope! I.e in addition/other than just 'PAUL'!
Seems pretty pointless to withhold such a detail after all this time and the case being as cold. How many times have we read that the envelope was empty and unmarked, other than PAUL?
I know that interviewers of Veronica are instructed not to ask questions about the envelope! it's discussed in Donald John MacDonald (of STV Unsolved) who mentions this in his discussion session on this case. He interviewed Veronica, and the police liasion officer with Veronica, said he could ask her anything in his interview, but he must NOT ask her about the envelope, "so as not to let her reveal the specialist knowledge she has on the envelope" So that - IMO means they are holding back specific info on the envelope, that would only be known to the either there was something more on or in the envelope! I.e in addition/other than just 'PAUL'!
Thanks for confirming this detail, I was so sure but couldn't remember where I remembered the detail from. I wish we knew what other contents were inside the envelope. There is clearly something more that is being kept hidden....
so either there was something more on or in the envelope!

or maybe the police have the envelope? Maybe Veronica found it in the house at some point and they don't want her to talk about it in case she accidentally reveals that?
Although, I can't really think of any reason for doing that?
There is more to do with the envelope, that only Veronica and the police know. They are keeping Veroinca quiet on it, so she doesn't inadvertently reveal too much. As they are hoping (I would imagine) that those that know what it is, reveal this themselves I.e tell someone or tell the police etc. It will be apparent to the police. As it would only be known to then, V and the killer/s.
I do find it hard to believe that the wife and Police would have kept secret information about the envelope when they have been consistent about the description of it being empty with the name PAUL written on it. That goes beyond retention of a detail and strays into misinformation. And for what purpose after this length of time in a cold case? I don't buy that at all. MOO
I do find it hard to believe that the wife and Police would have kept secret information about the envelope when they have been consistent about the description of it being empty with the name PAUL written on it. That goes beyond retention of a detail and strays into misinformation. And for what purpose after this length of time in a cold case? I don't buy that at all. MOO
I appreciate your feedback but I respectfully disagree. It has been stated that there was details in the envelope that his wife has been told not to discuss. I believe maybe I saw it on an old crimewatch BBC episode?

This is also a known tactic from law enforcement. I am inclined to believe there is more information that we are not aware of.
I appreciate your feedback but I respectfully disagree. It has been stated that there was details in the envelope that his wife has been told not to discuss. I believe maybe I saw it on an old crimewatch BBC episode?

This is also a known tactic from law enforcement. I am inclined to believe there is more information that we are not aware of.
It's very interesting that the Alistair Wilson crimewatch episode is missing from all media outlets!! (Tiny bit of footage on the 'Doorstep Murder' doc.) But the full appeal/episode in Dec. 2004 has vanished from public viewing!!
It's very interesting that the Alistair Wilson crimewatch episode is missing from all media outlets!! (Tiny bit of footage on the 'Doorstep Murder' doc.) But the full appeal/episode in Dec. 2004 has vanished from public viewing!!
it's not on youtube anymore?!
I appreciate your feedback but I respectfully disagree. It has been stated that there was details in the envelope that his wife has been told not to discuss. I believe maybe I saw it on an old crimewatch BBC episode?

This is also a known tactic from law enforcement. I am inclined to believe there is more information that we are not aware of.
Can you give us a link to the source please?

There will always be more information that we are not aware of in a criminal case and often Police will withhold certain details of the crime scene for the purposes previously mentioned. However, I do not believe that they would consistently state that the envelope was empty if it was not. MOO
it's not on youtube anymore?!
I've never ever found it. And I've been looking for a few years!!!! I've been through all the usual media lists, Google, you tube, everywhere! and it's always missing from them! Makes me wonder why!
At 22.50 minutes:
Donald discusses the restrictions on discussing the envelope (I've shared this b4, but haven't been on this thread for ages!), but it's a great piece (first piece on a trio of cases he discusses). It explains the reasoning behind VW's non envelope discussion. It is interesting to also note, that the AW Unsolved episode is also unavailable to source/watch anywhere!! (Not even to purchase from STV!). It appears there is a media embargo on the envelope and specific previously produced/aired media on this case!! Weird!! And where is the envelope!!!? Did AW really not put anything in it/take anything out of it?!?
At 22.50 minutes:
Donald discusses the restrictions on discussing the envelope (I've shared this b4, but haven't been on this thread for ages!), but it's a great piece (first piece on a trio of cases he discusses). It explains the reasoning behind VW's non envelope discussion. It is interesting to also note, that the AW Unsolved episode is also unavailable to source/watch anywhere!! (Not even to purchase from STV!). It appears there is a media embargo on the envelope and specific previously produced/aired media on this case!! Weird!! And where is the envelope!!!? Did AW really not put anything in it/take anything out of it?!?
I think I would tend to err with the consistent Police statements on the envelope being empty rather than accept a random interpretation of the case. Any third party saying VW was told by the Police not to discuss it is what Judge Judy would call 'hearsay'.
I think I would tend to err with the consistent Police statements on the envelope being empty rather than accept a random interpretation of the case. Any third party saying VW was told by the Police not to discuss it is what Judge Judy would call 'hearsay'.
I would imagine it's all on film and noted by the Police Scotland (Northern Constabulary as it was then) Liaison Officer (she is named by Donald in the piece) who gave the instruction to the production team who were working with Poilce Scotland and VW on the production. As it was an STV production that aired! (Interesting in itself as VW doesn't agree to many media requests) So not a random interpretation at all. I maintain, there is more to the envelope issue IMO. Maybe it was empty, however there is definitely IMO more Intel. regarding the envelope. As Donald discusses in his session.
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I would imagine it's all on film and noted by the Police Scotland (Northern Constabulary as it was then) Liaison Officer (she is named by Donald in the piece) who gave the instruction to the production team who were working with Poilce Scotland and VW on the production. As it was an STV production that aired! (Interesting in itself as VW doesn't agree to many media requests) So not a random interpretation at all. I maintain, there is more to the envelope issue IMO. Maybe it was empty, however there is definitely IMO more Intel. regarding the envelope. As Donald discusses in his session.
You're not giving us a link to a source though so we can look at it ourselves. You're asking us just to trust what you're saying is a fact. 'I would imagine it's all on film' isn't helpful.
There’s an interesting newspaper write up on the case I came across in the Scottish Daily Express by true crime author Nate Campbell. Unfortunately I can’t seem to link it to here for some reason. Maybe someone else can. It’s dated 27 November 2022. Apologies if it’s already been uploaded here. Not sure I agree with everything he says but a lot of it makes sense particularly the stuff about decking.
There’s an interesting newspaper write up on the case I came across in the Scottish Daily Express by true crime author Nate Campbell. Unfortunately I can’t seem to link it to here for some reason. Maybe someone else can. It’s dated 27 November 2022. Apologies if it’s already been uploaded here. Not sure I agree with everything he says but a lot of it makes sense particularly the stuff about decking.
By Nate Campbell Douglas Dickie 27 NOV 2022
''The gunman appears uncommonly brazen, or stupid. Ah, the envelope! The mysterious blue envelope that police initially claimed was sized A4, downgraded to an A5 13 years later.

I do not think we need to be in possession of advanced mental faculties to guess at what’s going on, here. The envelope has a name on it: “Paul.” This must be the guy who instructed or paid the stranger to doorstep the Wilsons in the first place, you would reasonably assume.

This background figure “Paul” clearly wants something from Alistair. That is why Alistair has been handed an empty envelope. He is expected to put something in it before it is returned to “Paul.” Documents? A cheque? Cash?

Keys to a safe deposit box? Whatever it is, it is more than likely related to his job, the job he is soon leaving for something unrelated. Time is of the essence, clearly. The gunman and his sponsor are aware of this.''
By Nate Campbell Douglas Dickie 27 NOV 2022
''The gunman appears uncommonly brazen, or stupid. Ah, the envelope! The mysterious blue envelope that police initially claimed was sized A4, downgraded to an A5 13 years later.

I do not think we need to be in possession of advanced mental faculties to guess at what’s going on, here. The envelope has a name on it: “Paul.” This must be the guy who instructed or paid the stranger to doorstep the Wilsons in the first place, you would reasonably assume.

This background figure “Paul” clearly wants something from Alistair. That is why Alistair has been handed an empty envelope. He is expected to put something in it before it is returned to “Paul.” Documents? A cheque? Cash?

Keys to a safe deposit box? Whatever it is, it is more than likely related to his job, the job he is soon leaving for something unrelated. Time is of the essence, clearly. The gunman and his sponsor are aware of this.''
I'm with you to a point, except the victim was not in a significant position of influence in his day job. That was looked at early on by LE and ruled out. I agree that the shooter was there for a collection but I think it was mistaken identity, which his wife claimed early on. Not only are there multiple persons in that area with the same name but also more than a dozen streets with Crescent in the name in that town. Unless the intended victim comes forward (unlikely) or the shooter comes forward and confesses (unlikely), then this may never be solved.
I'm with you to a point, except the victim was not in a significant position of influence in his day job. That was looked at early on by LE and ruled out. I agree that the shooter was there for a collection but I think it was mistaken identity, which his wife claimed early on. Not only are there multiple persons in that area with the same name but also more than a dozen streets with Crescent in the name in that town. Unless the intended victim comes forward (unlikely) or the shooter comes forward and confesses (unlikely), then this may never be solved.
The victims job involved lending large sums of money to businessmen. I’d say that’s a significant position of influence. Mistaken identity was ruled out by the police in the weeks after the murder according to the author writing in the above Daily Express article, who backs it up with quotes.
The victims job involved lending large sums of money to businessmen. I’d say that’s a significant position of influence. Mistaken identity was ruled out by the police in the weeks after the murder according to the author writing in the above Daily Express article, who backs it up with quotes.
I agree. I worked for a UK bank many years ago and local managers had wide discretion in their lending and actions. More recently the activities of the HBOS Reading operation at about the same time as this case demonstrates the power of middle managers. They manipulated the credit ratings of commercial customers to defraud them and this has led to a billion pound compensation bill.

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