UK UK - Andrew Gosden, 14, Doncaster, South Yorks, 14 Sept 2007

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Id love to see the cctv from that day
Why can't they (police) just release what they have and we see if we can help!
They are so backwards, imo.
It's 8 years today since Andrew went missing. I'd love for someone to come forward with some new information which might lead to this being resolved.
Thinking of Andrew today.

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Thinking of Andrew and his family today. Thunderclap has just started posting.

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Can't believe it's eight years ago now. Fingers crossed something will happen to move things forward. Also, were family members down in London thoroughly checked out?
I keep coming back to this case :(

It freaks me out as the same thing nearly happened to my cousin when he was around 12/13. I don't know all of the details but I do know he pretended to go to school but instead caught a bus to the nearest train station. He tried to buy a one-way ticket to London but fortunately the lady at the ticket office delayed him and called the police as she thought it was an odd thing for him to be doing.
First my aunt knew about it was when the police dropped him off at him!

So many parallels, seemingly happy home life but 'normal' teenage arguments. Despite living fairly close to Manchester, he figured it was easier to disappear in London. I don't know what his plan was once he got there, or if he had one at all.

I really wish I could ask him more about it, to see if it could help here, but this happened about 10 years ago, and it's a family 'secret' that I'm not supposed to know about.
I disagree that if Andrew was fine, he would automatically ring home. Picking up a phone after all this time would be very difficult. And there would be lots of questions, that maybe he can't answer himself. We don't always understand why we did certain things as teenagers, when we look back.

The sighting on this thread sounds genuine to me.
I don't know if anyone in the UK watched the recent ch4 series 'Hunted'. It showed me just how difficult it is to go missing and remain missing.

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It probably has no relevance but I noticed that in one of the pictures of Andrew on Google Images, he's wearing a t-shirt of the band "HIM" and I recently found a video on YouTube of a signing that took place on September 17 2007 at HMV in Oxford Street. I know it was three days after Andrew went missing but maybe he had decided to spend the weekend in London and go to the signing on Monday. It doesn't really make much sense but I thought I'd just share it here.
Another interesting thing is that their sixth album was released on September 14 2007 but only in Germany, Finland, Sweden and Ireland and was later released internationally on September 17 2007. Like I said, it doesn't really make much sense and it's probably nothing but I just found it interesting.

One thing that really bugs me is that someone, somewhere knows what really happened to Andrew and why he randomly, out of the blue travelled to London and was never seen again. I was hoping there would be some results from the Thunderclap campaign but sadly, it doesn't seem like it's done much.

It probably has no relevance but I noticed that in one of the pictures of Andrew on Google Images, he's wearing a t-shirt of the band "HIM" and I recently found a video on YouTube of a signing that took place on September 17 2007 at HMV in Oxford Street. I know it was three days after Andrew went missing but maybe he had decided to spend the weekend in London and go to the signing on Monday. It doesn't really make much sense but I thought I'd just share it here.
Another interesting thing is that their sixth album was released on September 14 2007 but only in Germany, Finland, Sweden and Ireland and was later released internationally on September 17 2007. Like I said, it doesn't really make much sense and it's probably nothing but I just found it interesting.

One thing that really bugs me is that someone, somewhere knows what really happened to Andrew and why he randomly, out of the blue travelled to London and was never seen again. I was hoping there would be some results from the Thunderclap campaign but sadly, it doesn't seem like it's done much.


Great bit of sleuthing here i think, i too find it interesting maybe he innocently went down for the weekend for the signing on Mon knowing full well his parents wouldn't allow it and something untoward happened.
Id love to see the cctv from that day
Why can't they (police) just release what they have and we see if we can help!
They are so backwards, imo.

Slightly belated response but the only CCTV footage the police managed to find of Andrew was released - it's the stills of him leaving the station and they're easy to find if you do a bit of searching. Most of the CCTV footage from the areas he may have passed through was lost by the time the police were launching their investigation in earnest, because most CCTV footage isn't kept for very long as it'd require far too much space to keep both physically and digitally speaking. The police aren't hiding anything about his disappearance, and they certainly have no reason to in the first place.
My best guess is that Andrew met with foul play by the person he arranged to meet in London, although I accept there is no evidence that he was planning to meet anyone. It could be a girl (with a male accomplice), or a guy that he befriended online. The one-way ticket would suggest that he was running away from home, but if that were the case you would expect him to take some belongings, like a spare change of clothes at least, and not just his PSP (sans charger, I might add). It's possible he was visiting London for other reasons and was targetted by an opportunistic predator, I'm not ruling that out, but he would be one unlucky boy for that to happen.
I think it was a man that he knew or met online who said "hey, I'm gonna be down in London this week, why don't you come down for the day and I'll drive you back home later". The fact he didn't take his PSP charger says to me that he only planned to be gone for a short time - if he was doing a vanishing act or planning to be away all weekend he would have taken it.

Just had a google about and found this list, a couple of things on there I didn't know about:

A few years later, a man showed up at a police station saying he had information on the Andrew Gosden case. The police station was closed, so he was told to come back the next day. He never did.

Andrew's computer was apparently checked by the police, and nothing strange was found on it - no evidence of what he was going to do, and his parents have said Andrew didn't use his computer or phone much.

Andrew had around £100 in cash in his bedroom (from Christmas and birthdays), but did not take this with him.

Andrew did not take any clothes with him, apart from what he was wearing.

Like I have said, Andrew was incredibly bright, winning maths competitions at a national and European level, and far outperforming his peers at school.

Andrew's favourite TV show was "The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin", in which the main character fakes his death to start a new life.

Andrew's bank account that he accessed has not been touched since he withdrew £200, even though his parents have put more money in it.

Andrew was 5'3" and required very strong prescription glasses/contact lenses.

The Gosdens have some vaguely described, distant family in London.

Andrew was quiet and reserved, although his parents have said that he was not bullied at school.

The family are devoted Christians.
Andrew doesn't strike me as the type of person who would play truant. Why would he do this when he would be fully aware of the consequences if caught? Something isn't adding up.

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Andrew doesn't strike me as the type of person who would play truant. Why would he do this when he would be fully aware of the consequences if caught? Something isn't adding up.

Kids from all different backgrounds bunk off school at least once in their life. Although not many truant kids spend it on a £200 train ride to London. Andrew came from a middle-class, Christian family. Maybe he felt like doing something daring and rebellious for once?

I could definitely see a naive teenage boy spending that much if he thought there was a girl waiting for him on the other side.
Just signed into my podcast addict app and Thinking Sideways have just put up a show about Andrews disappearance. I don't know what it is like but shall be interested to hear different peoples outlook on what could of happened that day.

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The Thinking Sideways episode was good. I'm always glad when they cover lesser known missing persons cases because I'm sure every bit of coverage helps.
I can't really get a good feel on what might have happened to Andrew. One thing I do feel strongly about is that I think he must have had more online activity than it appears. 2007 wasn't that long ago and things weren't drastically different. Social media existed, and certainly forums etc were as prevalent then as they are now, so I agree that a boy as smart as Andrew could have covered his tracks. I have nieces and nephews this age that I am close to. None of them are particularly deceitful or deceptive kids, but I can imagine them keeping secrets and bunking off school because they would be completely unaware of what could happen to them.

In any case, I hope Andrew's family get answers some day. Very frustrating that someone with information came forward and was turned away. I feel like with children you make an exception - get someone on the phone, get them out of bed. Just put someone in front of this person ASAP.
Thanks for the heads up, I haven't listened to Thinking Sideways for a while (I permanently have far too large a list of podcasts backed up!) I'll listen to it on the way home from work later.
I didn't think much of the podcast. It was ok, but as with a lot of these podcasts (Generation Why are bad for it too) there was a lot of "oh I didn't look into that" and general lack of research. It's a shame in this case where there's so little to go on anyway.

That said, it's great to see some coverage of Andrew getting his name out there.

I don't know what I think, but I don't go for the Sikth theory. It seems guesswork at best, there's no evidence that he actually liked them and I think if he had gone to a concert there would be more sightings (unless, of course, he didn't make it there).
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