UK UK - Ann Heron, 44, found at home with throat cut, Darlington, 3 August 1990

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I think your a little muddled. Maybe worth going back and watching the documentary to help clarify things for you. The legal team have seen them but not the documentary makers.
The CPS have a two code test when presented a prospective charge from the police. Thry have to fulfil this to be accepted, which as spoke about in the documentary was manipulated by the police. As soon as the prosecution barrister saw the proof of charge the case was dismissed due to a lack of evidence.
Having the prosecution bundle is fully legal and all above board.
All witnesses form part of the case
I don't think my list of questions was that difficult.

The case not proceeding isn't something that I've asked you about, but I have asked about the alibi witnesses and whether there is anything that prevents them from coming forward and speaking about witnessing PH that afternoon.

The police said as recently as this year that they maintain PH had opportunity. If, as you say, the 10 witnesses form part of the case then clearly the 10 witnesses do not give PH a cast iron alibi, as far as the police are concerned. It really would be a very simple matter to show how the witness evidence is so indisputable that it puts PH in the clear. It's a shame you're not in a position to further enlighten us on this forum.
Is it true that the victim was afraid to be in the house? If true, why was she afraid? And who did she tell?

This was stated on the Crimewatch UK programme aired October ’90 regarding Aeolian House.

” Ann loved the place but was frightened of its isolation & wary of being alone in the house”

This was stated on the Crimewatch UK programme aired October ’90 regarding Aeolian House.

” Ann loved the place but was frightened of its isolation & wary of being alone in the house”

Interesting. It's one thing to say you feel isolated, but it seems to be a step further to say you are frightened and wary of being alone.
Of interest, another case featured in the same episode of Crimewatch UK.

On 29th August 1990 a lone female hiker, Jo Chandler was attacked & left for dead, by the River Swale near Catterick Bridge. Her age was not stated but from the reconstruction shown I would guess she was perhaps 40 & a tall slim lady.

She was viciously struck with a rock & suffered life-altering head injuries, confined to a wheelchair & eventually died from seizures, which were caused by the severe head injury.

Her attacker was thought to be male & a stranger to her.

Her case was mentioned again on Crimewatch UK in March ‘91 to say a kitchen porter from Darlington had been arrested & charged with her attempted murder however I can find no further “official”reference to this suspect/charge ( other than a comment following an article in a feminist blog from a reader who obviously knew Jo Chandler & said no-one had been brought to justice for this crime)

Apologies for lengthy post, but it’s interesting to me as I’ve been racking my brains & searching the internet & online newspaper archives for further information about this attack. As I could remember neither the victim’s name nor the year it occurred,I’ve been stumped til rewatching the Crimewatch episode tonight!

Even now, knowing this information, there’s very little to find.

Wondering if this kitchen porter from Darlington was ever been questioned in relation to Ann’s murder??
I’m seeing references to a “two code process” or “two code test” in this thread. For the benefit of non-UK members, this appears to be a reference to the two stages of the CPS Full Code Test, which basically asks:
1. Is there enough evidence to prosecute successfully?
2. Is a prosecution in the public interest?

So does that include the witness who saw PH driving his car around a roundabout about 2 miles from Aoelion House that afternoon?
The witness I think you're referring to mentions 'swishing teeth'. The time this sighting occurred it could not have been Peter Heron as he was in a meeting with three other people. It just cannot of been him.
I’m seeing references to a “two code process” or “two code test” in this thread. For the benefit of non-UK members, this appears to be a reference to the two stages of the CPS Full Code Test, which basically asks:
1. Is there enough evidence to prosecute successfully?
2. Is a prosecution in the public interest?

Sorry, I should have explained. Thanks.
The witness I think you're referring to mentions 'swishing teeth'. The time this sighting occurred it could not have been Peter Heron as he was in a meeting with three other people. It just cannot of been him.

Sorry, I should have explained. Thanks.
What time was the meeting though? His daughter said in the Channel 5 documentary that the meeting started at 3.45, while PH himself said it was 3.15:

I had lunch with Ann at 1pm and returned to the office at 2pm. At about 3pm I received a telephone call from a client, Cleveland Bridge, who asked me to attend his office to discuss a contract my company was tendering for. As requested by him, I left the office shortly after 3pm and made the short journey to Cleveland Bridge and was in front of the client and two of his colleagues by about 3.15pm.
The witness I think you're referring to mentions 'swishing teeth'. The time this sighting occurred it could not have been Peter Heron as he was in a meeting with three other people. It just cannot of been him.

Sorry, I should have explained. Thanks.
In one newspaper article (LeedsLive 09.08.2020), you are quoted as saying of Michael Benson "I have his psychiatric report which gives every indication that he would have the propensity to commit such a heinous crime on Ann". From what I can gather about Benson, which is not a lot, his long history of violence was against men including violent robberies and an attempted murder. Can you give examples of any of his crimes that were in any way sexual or directed at women? Can you share anything from the psychiatric report that states that he was a danger to women? Thanks.
If only the forensic team had examined the rest of the ground floor of Aeolian House for PH's semen (perhaps they did but we're not allowed to know). Was it literally all over the place or was it remarkably only coincident with AH's murdered body? That would be interesting to know.
If only the forensic team had examined the rest of the ground floor of Aeolian House for PH's semen (perhaps they did but we're not allowed to know). Was it literally all over the place or was it remarkably only coincident with AH's murdered body? That would be interesting to know.
Neither assumption would make any evidential value. It was his home and would not be an indication of guilt to murder.
Neither assumption would make any evidential value. It was his home and would not be an indication of guilt to murder.
If the only traces of PH semen on the ground floor of the house were where her body was found then that would be massively coincidental, surely. With traces of semen also being found in her throat. Not all circumstantial evidence is beyond reasonable doubt. Having been on a jury for a two month trial, most of the evidence presented was picture building punctuated by contestable facts, which the prosecution won hands down in the case I sat on.

Of course, the defense line would be that it was his house so his semen could be anywhere he ejaculated or had his semen transferred to on clothing or sheets. I do get that point.
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If the only traces of PH semen on the ground floor of the house were where her body was found then that would be massively coincidental, surely. With traces of semen also being found in her throat. Not all circumstantial evidence is beyond reasonable doubt. Having been on a jury for a two month trial, most of the evidence presented was picture building punctuated by contestable facts, which the prosecution won hands down in the case I sat on.

Neither assumption would make any evidential value. It was his home and would not be an indication of guilt to murder.
Can you reply to my question on Benson, please. Thank you.
Also, if PH's semen was found in so many spots in close association with AH's body, and throat, and her bikini bottoms were removed suggesting a sexual aspect to the murder, presumably the defense would account for the semen by arguing that PH and AH (or PH masturbating) had previously had sex in that very location. How remarkable then that she would be murdered in that very location and not elsewhere in the house. With nothing stolen and no visible damage to the scene.
One thing that confused me when I did the media trawl on this was that the taxi driver in the October 1990 Crimewatch piece reported the blue car heading WEST towards Darlington after leaving Aeolian House but a witness in the yellow VW, writing in the Northern Echo in 2004 (at which time she was employed by the paper as a journalist) recalled it heading EAST towards Middleton St George.

Crimewatch October 1990 (taxi driver account at 05:43):

Northern Echo piece 2004:

The same witness account reprinted by the Northern Echo in 2008 with attribution:

One thing that confused me when I did the media trawl on this was that the taxi driver in the October 1990 Crimewatch piece reported the blue car heading WEST towards Darlington after leaving Aeolian House but a witness in the yellow VW, writing in the Northern Echo in 2004 (at which time she was employed by the paper as a journalist) recalled it heading EAST towards Middleton St George.

Crimewatch October 1990 (taxi driver account at 05:43):

Northern Echo piece 2004:

The same witness account reprinted by the Northern Echo in 2008 with attribution:

Hi @shadwell.

During your media trawl, have you come to any conclusions of the time of the meeting PH attended that afternoon? In the C5 documentary his daughter said that the meeting started at 3.45pm, lasted half-an-hour and that he left around 4.20. In 2015 PH stated that the meeting started at 3.15 and that he left at 4.30, arriving back at his office (via Croft village) around 5.00.

If the meeting lasted for half-an-hour, then in his version it would of ended around 3.45, so what was he doing for 45 minutes between then and when he left at 4.30? Also, why does his time of the meeting differ from his daughter, it seems odd that they have given different statements referring to this.

Peter asked his boss to check if what he had seen was correct. Don't forget he was in shock and it was never a consideration that they were still

Quote respectfully snipped for brevity & bolded by me.

Another statement which raises suspicion in me.

To me this just doesn’t sound like something a genuinely innocent, shocked husband would utter having found his wife slaughtered.

To me, it sounds like someone setting up his friend as an independent witness/alibi before the police arrived.

”Please….go & see if there’s anything you can do to help her” is what I’d expect to hear.

The wording may however have changed from repeated telling of the story.

My impression watching & rewatching the documentary is that Mr Heron says too much & embellishes his retelling of the story, with what he feels are “clever” convincing “quips”

To me, they are neither clever or convincing….but that is My Opinion Only.
Thank you, from link..
By Douglas Dicki Fahad Tariq 12 APR 2023
''It's been 32 years this month since the 44-year-old was brutally murdered and despite it sparking a media frenzy at the time, her killer was never brought to justice.

The murder mystery featured on Crimewatch and is still available to stream on My5.''

''Ann was unhappy in England, and missed her children who were still in Scotland. She was also known to feel frightened by her home, Aeolian House, which was a conspicuous building on the main road to the airport. She was known to not want to be alone in the building.''

''Several witnesses came forward to say they had seen a blue car or van parked near to or outside the house around 4.45pm. A taxi driver reported a blue car speeding away from the scene at around 5pm - the time police believe Ann was killed.

The driver was described as being between 35 and 45 with a suntanned complexion and short, dark hair. Despite tracking down the owners of 3,500 blue cars, the vehicle - believed to be an Astra, although several other makes were possible - has never been found. A photofit was never produced by Durham Constabulary despite the witness descriptions.

By 1991 the case had gone cold although one woman told police someone at a card shop she worked in had boasted of killing Ann and the local paper, police and Peter Heron were sent letters claiming to be from the murderer.''

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