UK UK - Ann Heron, 44, found at home with throat cut, Darlington, 3 August 1990

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I understand that you cannot be specific about witness statements but when you say that 10 people can account for PH's movements that afternoon are you referring to the 2pm - 6pm timeslot or are there 10 witnesses that saw him driving along the route from Cleveland Bridge to Middleton St George via Croft village between 4.30 - 5.00?

Thanks again.
In total with the additional staff at Stillers on his return.
I agree 100% with your views.

I think it's absurd to say, and to be able to say, (as the article does) that PH has been proven not guilty, and to be able to make claims that a person who is no longer alive to stand trial is a suspect. Only police have the authority to proclaim anyone a suspect in a murder.
It is only absurd if only certain evidence is considered. The fact Peter Heron has an alibi, and the Constabulary self referred themselves on a mandatory referral due to their conduct in the investigation does change things.
Benson was named as a viable suspect due to many fa tors, including a confession.
In total with the additional staff at Stillers on his return.

It is only absurd if only certain evidence is considered. The fact Peter Heron has an alibi, and the Constabulary self referred themselves on a mandatory referral due to their conduct in the investigation does change things.
Benson was named as a viable suspect due to many fa tors, including a confession.
I remain unconvinced, without sight of any of the alibi evidence.

23rd February 2008
''The witness, who does not wish to be named, was driving from Middleton St George to Darlington at about 4.15pm on August 3, 1990 - less than 45 minutes before Mrs Heron's estimated time of death.

As he neared Aeolian House, the scene of the murder, he noticed a car coming towards him.

He believes Mrs Heron was driving the vehicle, which was indicating to turn in to the house.

"I knew her because I was friendly with her daughter and I worked in haulage like her husband,"

said the witness.

"I flashed my lights at her and she waved back at me.

"I am adamant, 100 per cent certain, that it was her."

"As we passed, I said to my mate Ann must have friends or relatives down from Scotland for the weekend' because there were people in the car - one in the passenger seat with his hands on the dashboard, and the other in the back seat," said the witness, who was driving an HGV.

"We were 12ft up in the air in the cab, looking down, and on the parcel shelf was a distinctive object."

The witness, who gave a statement to the police in 1990, believes the object was a "trademark"

carried by a man well known in Darlington's nightclub scene.

"It's been niggling with me ever since, which is why I have come forward now," said the witness.''
Just for clarity the time of death wasn't 5pm as stated in the paper. This was the time the blue car was seen leaving the driveway.
I remain unconvinced, without sight of any of the alibi evidence.
Sadly it cannot be shared. However, be assured that documentary legal teams always fact check before transmission- so I suppose as an expert on the case you would not have to just take my word for it.
Just for clarity the time of death wasn't 5pm as stated in the paper. This was the time the blue car was seen leaving the driveway.

Sadly it cannot be shared. However, be assured that documentary legal teams always fact check before transmission- so I suppose as an expert on the case you would not have to just take my word for it.
Can you say anything about the laws surrounding who can have legitimate access to evidence in an open criminal investigation, and who can't?
I have the impression that sex was very important to PH.

In the documentary he brags about flirting & making overtly crude comments to the barmaid.

He‘d had & was having an extra-marital affair at the time of Anne’s murder.

His sperm was found all over the living room carpet & furniture!!

We’ve heard Anne was unhappy about something. Perhaps she was unhappy with her husband. Perhaps she’d found out about his affair & was considering leaving.

Perhaps that day, she had turned down his advances
perhaps her husband was angered by being denied what he felt was rightfully his…..

All supposition of course, but to me it seems a much more likely than murder by a passing stranger.

And remember….on 2nd August 2021, a spokesperson from Durham Constabulary made the following statement

“The murder of Ann Heron has been thoroughly investigated and subject to constant review over the last 31 years, including the use of new investigative techniques with the advancement of forensic technology.

“It is still the ambition of Durham Constabulary to convict the person responsible for Ann’s murder.

At this time there is no new evidence that identifies new suspects, but we remain openminded.”

Good points and definitely adds to the consideration.
Can you say anything about the laws surrounding who can have legitimate access to evidence in an open criminal investigation, and who can't?
Of course, basically the information held by the police can only be viewed by them. The acceptions are consulting experts who my get to see some things - such as a handwriting expert examining the letters. The CPS and legal teams - obviously. The last area is the accused has the right to their prosecution bundle which contains used and unused material.
Unlike America where anyone can obtain the information.
Of course, basically the information held by the police can only be viewed by them. The acceptions are consulting experts who my get to see some things - such as a handwriting expert examining the letters. The CPS and legal teams - obviously. The last area is the accused has the right to their prosecution bundle which contains used and unused material.
Unlike America where anyone can obtain the information.
Thanks. So presumably you and PH's daughter have access to the prosecution bundle, and the documentary makers legal team has also seen it, with PH's consent.

I have a number of further questions,

1. Did the 10 alibi witnesses of PH come from the police evidence bundle?

2. Was the CPS preparing to go to trial with all of that information?

3. What stops PH, and his daughter, and you (who has said "sadly it cannot be shared"), from sharing the proof of his cast iron alibi, even if the 10 witness statements can't be shown?

4. Are PH's alibi witnesses legally prevented from coming forward, in a documentary for example, and saying exactly what they saw?

5. What is the difference between publicly saying he was at a business meeting at x location between certain times, and saying, for example, his barber saw him at x time driving past the pub on the corner of x lane, and the postman saw him at x time as he was delivering a parcel to x house?
Thanks. So presumably you and PH's daughter have access to the prosecution bundle, and the documentary makers legal team has also seen it, with PH's consent.

I have a number of further questions,

1. Did the 10 alibi witnesses of PH come from the police evidence bundle?

2. Was the CPS preparing to go to trial with all of that information?

3. What stops PH, and his daughter, and you (who has said "sadly it cannot be shared"), from sharing the proof of his cast iron alibi, even if the 10 witness statements can't be shown?

4. Are PH's alibi witnesses legally prevented from coming forward, in a documentary for example, and saying exactly what they saw?

5. What is the difference between publicly saying he was at a business meeting at x location between certain times, and saying, for example, his barber saw him at x time driving past the pub on the corner of x lane, and the postman saw him at x time as he was delivering a parcel to x house?
The documentary makers have not seen it but know it exists through legal channels. As it is an open case the files would not be shared with anyone - especially on social platforms.
You will be aware of the two code process and thst the police collate the information for charge - this is the same Constabulary subject to investigation through the IOPC presently about the case.
I find this a rather strange comment by the victim’s husband 4 years after finding his murdered wife.

Speaking on GMTV in 1995, Mr Heron gave his own view on the killing.

He said: "I don't believe that whoever killed Ann was somebody who goes about doing horrible things like this. I believe it was an ordinary guy who, for whatever reason, had to kill Ann."

What conceivable reason could an “ordinary guy“ have, to slit the throat of a defenceless 44yr old married mother, in this rural area of the UK?
Just for clarity the time of death wasn't 5pm as stated in the paper. This was the time the blue car was seen leaving the driveway.

Sadly it cannot be shared. However, be assured that documentary legal teams always fact check before transmission- so I suppose as an expert on the case you would not have to just take my word for it.
What was the time of death if it wasn't at 5pm? I've always read that this was the time the police believe Ann was killed?

Also, do you have any more information about the prowler?

Where did the story of the prowler come from? Was anyone aware of this prowler before Ann died or did it only come to light after she was murdered?

The documentary makers have not seen it but know it exists through legal channels. As it is an open case the files would not be shared with anyone - especially on social platforms.
You will be aware of the two code process and thst the police collate the information for charge - this is the same Constabulary subject to investigation through the IOPC presently about the case.
So the legal team for the documentary hasn't fact checked the witness evidence, and you haven't seen the files either, and neither has PH's daughter?

If you have, that isn't legally allowed?

I'm not aware of a two code process, but this doesn't answer my remaining questions.

What is the difference between saying where he was seen at 3pm, and saying where he was seen after his meeting?
Does anything prohibit witnesses from speaking about seeing him? (I feel almost certain nothing does, since PH is not under arrest and the case is therefore not sub-judice)
Did the 10 witnesses you've alluded to form part of the CPS's case?
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The fact Peter Heron has an alibi, and the Constabulary self referred themselves on a mandatory referral due to their conduct in the investigation does change things.
IMO this is misleading, the way I read it the family made a complaint to Durham Constabulary , DC referred themselves to the IOPC/IPCC who sent it back to Durham Constabulary to investigate whilst retaining oversight.

I fail to see how this changes anything or even hints at impropriety (if that's the suggestion) if the IOPC/IPCC aren't investigating it themselves.

A SERIOUS complaint into Durham Police’s handling of the county’s only unsolved murder in the last 70 years has been made in a family’s bid to clear the “lifetime of public suspicion and abuse” – despite the force confirming an active investigation is still in place 32 years on.


The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said: “We received a referral from Durham Constabulary of a complaint regarding the investigation into the death of Ann Heron.

“After carefully assessing the available information, we directed the force to carry out an investigation.

"Upon conclusion of the investigation, the complainant will have the right of review to the IOPC, which ensures we retain a level of independent oversight.”

I'm not convinced on the alibi either if I'm honest, what burden of proof do you hold yourself to if you haven't seen the witness statements?
IMO this is misleading, the way I read it the family made a complaint to Durham Constabulary , DC referred themselves to the IOPC/IPCC who sent it back to Durham Constabulary to investigate whilst retaining oversight.

I fail to see how this changes anything or even hints at impropriety (if that's the suggestion) if the IOPC/IPCC aren't investigating it themselves.

A SERIOUS complaint into Durham Police’s handling of the county’s only unsolved murder in the last 70 years has been made in a family’s bid to clear the “lifetime of public suspicion and abuse” – despite the force confirming an active investigation is still in place 32 years on.


The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said: “We received a referral from Durham Constabulary of a complaint regarding the investigation into the death of Ann Heron.

“After carefully assessing the available information, we directed the force to carry out an investigation.

"Upon conclusion of the investigation, the complainant will have the right of review to the IOPC, which ensures we retain a level of independent oversight.”

I'm not convinced on the alibi either if I'm honest, what burden of proof do you hold yourself to if you haven't seen the witness statements?
PH said that he had alibi's from 2 - 6pm that afternoon, but that's not true. The only possible way he could be covered for the whole 4 hours is if someone was with him all that time, and they were not.

He had a car journey from his office to the meeting, an extra-long journey from the meeting back to his office and then finally from his office back to his home around 6pm. That's at least about an hour when he was on his own.

IMO It's misleading to say that he had an alibi for all afternoon.
IMO this is misleading, the way I read it the family made a complaint to Durham Constabulary , DC referred themselves to the IOPC/IPCC who sent it back to Durham Constabulary to investigate whilst retaining oversight.

I fail to see how this changes anything or even hints at impropriety (if that's the suggestion) if the IOPC/IPCC aren't investigating it themselves.

A SERIOUS complaint into Durham Police’s handling of the county’s only unsolved murder in the last 70 years has been made in a family’s bid to clear the “lifetime of public suspicion and abuse” – despite the force confirming an active investigation is still in place 32 years on.


The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said: “We received a referral from Durham Constabulary of a complaint regarding the investigation into the death of Ann Heron.

“After carefully assessing the available information, we directed the force to carry out an investigation.

"Upon conclusion of the investigation, the complainant will have the right of review to the IOPC, which ensures we retain a level of independent oversight.”

I'm not convinced on the alibi either if I'm honest, what burden of proof do you hold yourself to if you haven't seen the witness statements?
I have seen them and have possession of them.
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PH said that he had alibi's from 2 - 6pm that afternoon, but that's not true. The only possible way he could be covered for the whole 4 hours is if someone was with him all that time, and they were not.

He had a car journey from his office to the meeting, an extra-long journey from the meeting back to his office and then finally from his office back to his home around 6pm. That's at least about an hour when he was on his own.

IMO It's misleading to say that he had an alibi for all afternoon.
Sorry you feel thst way but Peter Heron does have an alibi from 2pm to 6pm and can be accounted for by witnesses throughout that time. There is no unaccounted hour, sorry there just isn't.
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So the legal team for the documentary hasn't fact checked the witness evidence, and you haven't seen the files either, and neither has PH's daughter?

If you have, that isn't legally allowed?

I'm not aware of a two code process, but this doesn't answer my remaining questions.

What is the difference between saying where he was seen at 3pm, and saying where he was seen after his meeting?
Does anything prohibit witnesses from speaking about seeing him? (I feel almost certain nothing does, since PH is not under arrest and the case is therefore not sub-judice)
Did the 10 witnesses you've alluded to form part of the CPS's case?
I think your a little muddled. Maybe worth going back and watching the documentary to help clarify things for you. The legal team have seen them but not the documentary makers.
The CPS have a two code test when presented a prospective charge from the police. Thry have to fulfil this to be accepted, which as spoke about in the documentary was manipulated by the police. As soon as the prosecution barrister saw the proof of charge the case was dismissed due to a lack of evidence.
Having the prosecution bundle is fully legal and all above board.
All witnesses form part of the case
IMO this is misleading, the way I read it the family made a complaint to Durham Constabulary , DC referred themselves to the IOPC/IPCC who sent it back to Durham Constabulary to investigate whilst retaining oversight.

I fail to see how this changes anything or even hints at impropriety (if that's the suggestion) if the IOPC/IPCC aren't investigating it themselves.

A SERIOUS complaint into Durham Police’s handling of the county’s only unsolved murder in the last 70 years has been made in a family’s bid to clear the “lifetime of public suspicion and abuse” – despite the force confirming an active investigation is still in place 32 years on.


The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said: “We received a referral from Durham Constabulary of a complaint regarding the investigation into the death of Ann Heron.

“After carefully assessing the available information, we directed the force to carry out an investigation.

"Upon conclusion of the investigation, the complainant will have the right of review to the IOPC, which ensures we retain a level of independent oversight.”

I'm not convinced on the alibi either if I'm honest, what burden of proof do you hold yourself to if you haven't seen the witness statements?
It is misleading by the way it was reported. Open, closed, open...... The complaint was made by Peter Heron and dismissed as they then entered a mandatory self referral to the IOPC whe presented with the information from the documentary just before it aired. The complaint is still in progress and awaiting the decision based upon the complaint made about the conduct of the investigation.
Sorry you feel thst way but Peter Heron does have N alibi from 2pm to 6pm and can be accounted for by witnesses throughout that time. There is no unaccounted hour, sorry there just isn't.
So does that include the witness who saw PH driving his car around a roundabout about 2 miles from Aoelion House that afternoon?
It is misleading by the way it was reported. Open, closed, open...... The complaint was made by Peter Heron and dismissed as they then entered a mandatory self referral to the IOPC whe presented with the information from the documentary just before it aired. The complaint is still in progress and awaiting the decision based upon the complaint made about the conduct of the investigation.
But what does it change? Making a complaint to the police doesn't give the complaint legitimacy. The findings of the investigation may do so but we're not there yet.

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