Found Deceased UK - Anthony Knott, 33, last seen at a pub in Lewes, Sussex, 20 Dec 2019 #2

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Small update:

Lucy has just posted that the CCTV from the train station has been checked and that he definitely didn’t get a train. It has also be clarified that his original plan was to get the train from Lewes to Croydon then get a taxi from Croydon to home.

They’re still waiting on bus CCTV to be checked. Edited: This doesn’t necessarily mean that the bus CCTV hasn’t already been checked by police, it’s just that the family haven’t been made aware of any findings on it.
I read early on a comment (not from the bus driver) that the bus driver had checked and said AK wasn't on his bus. Obviously I hope they checked out the later bus too, because at that time I think they hadn't yet found the Market Street footage showing him at the later time after leaving the Lamb, and also buses going in the opposite direction. There's always a risk a person new to an area gets a bus in the wrong direction, or even had other travel plans apart from going to Brighton to get a train. Bus was my first thought if AK thought the train journey from Lewes was going to be problematic.

I think the chances are slim however, since I assume police were diligent in ruling that out before the expense of water searches. It's looking more likely to me that he got into a car/taxi and that person hasn't come forward, either because they are involved or they haven't seen the relatively sparse news appeals. Maybe they went away for Christmas, which is another reason for continuing the public appeals now that businesses are returning to normal.
No the police would disclose that contact had been made but they would follow that up with the fact that he does not wish to have his whereabouts revealed.
Think about it this way.... the fiancé after a period of time could apply to have him declared legally dead and if life insurance is in being, submit a claim. It would be very unprofessional and to some extent it could be viewed as breaking the law themselves if they were aware that he was alive but at
AKs request, chose to tell not a soul, at the same time knowing that the family had applied to have him declared dead... don’t forget, as stated in my earlier post, a family liaison officer is designated to enable a good flow of information between the SIO and enquiry team and the family of AK
Albeit as the investigation dwindles down then so will the FLO contact however, it’s never actually stopped unless and until the investigation is closed which it would have to be if he is located safe and well and then the FLO would be duty bound to formally cease the professional relationship and having regards to integrity, would have to disclose why ....

Exactly. In the Matthew Green case, it was the authorities who made the identification by fingerprints and the parents were not allowed contact, not even a photo for them to check if it was their son.
“They relied on his income to support their family. Lucy has a small part-time job which only brings in very little money and of course now her main priority is to find Anthony.”

This is what I was saying, maybe this was a major concern of Anythony and wasn’t enjoying the upsets & responsibilities of what comes of being a firefighter.

“Friend Steve Shepherd said Anthony had told his fiancee he would be home by 2am and they had made plans to meet on Saturday.”

What about his 4 children wanting to speak to their dad during the afternoon or evening? Is it normal to let dads have the day off and focus on purely drinking with mates?

Nothing wrong with having a day off. Only mentioning the above because if there had been phone conversations his state of mind would hold valuable clues.

And why would they need to meet if he was looking after their children & lived there.
Anthony and his friend Steve had plans to meet on the Saturday.
Yikes. I see what you mean about the comments about the justgiving page - people are not happy about it. I hope for the families sake that they are very clear about what has been spent and where with every penny given or this is going to turn into a troll fest, feels oh so familiar.
Where have you seen negative comments?
I find the crowd funding odd. Presumably the fire service are still paying him. It hasn't been that long since he disappeared. They are getting benefits i understand. Are all the kids his? How long have they been engaged?

Presumably the police have checked his online/computer activity.

His last known whereabouts were in Market Street next to the car park. Arranged to meet someone there?
To me there are only 3 explanations.
1. Fell in the river.
2. Met someone in the car park and has come to harm.
3. Decided to disappear with or without help.
My theory and I think the most likely scenario;

Cross words with mates in the lamb, decided to walk off/leave (men do this all the time when drinking together, my partners mate actually got a flight home after a stupid drunken falling out while on lads holiday in Egypt!) Turned his phone off in a mood possibly as mates ringing/texting trying to get him to come back. In the CCTV I saw of him walking past the barbers, down market Street I think it is, with his phone in his hand, he looks very drunk, stumbling about. I think he went one way looking for train station then went back the other way. Then somehow, maybe he went to find somewhere to pee, he's fallen in the water. As it was heavy rainfall/flooding around that time I think he's sadly been washed out and police are just waiting now for body to turn up. I think of course family are clinging to hope he's still alive out there somewhere but I think we all know this is incredibly unlikely. Who decides to start a new life whilst out on a piss up with mates, not using bank account, phone or packing anything?

Drunk men falling in bodies of water is so common. It literally happens all the time, so many cases I can think of in past year alone in my county. I can name a very similar case to this one that happened locally not too long ago, guy on night out with mates, wanders off, stumbling around drunk in town, phone does, six weeks later his body turns up in the water, young kids and fiancée at home, absolutely awful, heartbreaking tragedy. One of many similar stories sadly.

We all hope for best possible outcome and that it won't go that way but sadly I think it's the most realistic. Thoughts with his family and hoping for the best.
Anthony Knott’s sister-in-law has said, publicly on Facebook, that the police are TERRIBLE. Take a look — I can’t put screenshots up here.

She wouldn’t say that for nor reason. And I know how useless the police are where I am — I’ve had firsthand experience of their ineptitude.

Yes, the police have done what they HAD to do, but going by what AK’s SIL said, it sounds like they’ve just left it until if/when AK shows up.

I have no knowledge at all of Sussex Police but I think it's undertstandable that the family would think they are terrible simply because they haven't found AK but imo there's a limit to what they can do, if they can't find him on CCTV they don't even know where to start looking. Whilst family and friends won't like it there are only so many police resources, they have to prioritise what they can realistically acheive.

That being said you'd hope they have learned lessons from the Corrie McKeague case and don't repeat any mistakes, so many similarities between the two situations, heaven forbid it doesn't have the same outcome
No, service providers can’t tell if a phone’s battery has died or whether it’s been switched off.

AK’s fiancé had that confirmed by Apple: she’s put it on her Facebook

That's interesting, like @Elainera has said there have been cases here in the past where experts have confirmed that it is possible to tell the difference between a phone being switched off and the battery dying (something to do with a different message being sent by the phone IIRC). I will have a look at FB as I'm surprised that she has managed to get that kind of defintive answer out of Apple

I saw this posted in the Mid Sussex Times on 29th December, 2019 in which they printed a new image released by Sussex Police claiming it’s AK.

It’s very confusing because this man is wearing white trainers?

Is this a mistake of the police, or has AK suddenly got hold of some trainers?

Crowdfunding page set up to support family of missing firefighter last seen in Sussex
That's a still from the E&C cctv footage. AK isn't in that still, he walks up on the opposite side of the road. That person in white trainers is not AK.
The police haven’t stopped their enquiries; he’s still listed as Missing.

So they haven’t made contact with him.

The police have done searches with helicopters, drones, dogs etc, including the SARS in the river. They came up with nothing, so can’t search the same areas again.

Having said that, their lack of public appeals is appalling, especially as they themselves said they feared he may have come to harm.

I think they’re just useless.

Had this been a woman gone missing they’d have been informing the press and TV with daily updates, but they seem to be disinterested IMO

I realise the police have a lack of resources, but it’s strikingly obvious to anyone that AK doesn’t seem the type of man who would leave his family - and just days before Christmas too

out of order slating the police!!! They are privy to A LOT more information than you or any of us know!
I saw this posted in the Mid Sussex Times on 29th December, 2019 in which they printed a new image released by Sussex Police claiming it’s AK.

It’s very confusing because this man is wearing white trainers?

Is this a mistake of the police, or has AK suddenly got hold of some trainers?

Crowdfunding page set up to support family of missing firefighter last seen in Sussex
If you’re looking at the second CCTV image on that article? I believe it to be a mistake in that In the moving footage he’s on the other side of the road. The person on the left is just a random.
I find the crowd funding odd. Presumably the fire service are still paying him. It hasn't been that long since he disappeared. They are getting benefits i understand. Are all the kids his? How long have they been engaged?

Presumably the police have checked his online/computer activity.

His last known whereabouts were in Market Street next to the car park. Arranged to meet someone there?
To me there are only 3 explanations.
1. Fell in the river.
2. Met someone in the car park and has come to harm.
3. Decided to disappear with or without help.

Usually pages are set up by external people rather than the family. Not always of course but often people want or need to feel like they’re doing something and money is often the only practical help they can offer.
Rightly or wrongly

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