Deceased/Not Found UK - April Jones, 5, Machynlleth, Wales, 1 Oct 2012 #2 *M. Bridger guilty*

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i wonder if there is an official place to send mail to as there have been some nasty people online ( not here ) but it would be awefull if some sicko ( and lets face it there seems to be plenty) sent them something cruel or inappropriate so it maybe that there is someone checking there post for them . it could be worth enquiring , i was thinking the church may do something since poor aprils family are very vulnerable and having people from all over send them mail directly to there home maybe a bit too much to cope with .
Okay, change of subject sort of.

Even though there are cases where Mr. Nice guy does horrendous acts upon a child, I couldn't figure out what type guy MB might be other than Shawn Morgan. I ran across this on my search of child sex abusers yesterday. I'm not saying this is MB but with the reckless driving, the blocking vehicles in at the parent night, no job, all that's been told of him that night & his breakup with his girlfriend, this might fit those actions. The site lists the subtypes of child sexual abusers. If it is sexual abuse.

Regressed. The individuals who are categorized as regressed primarily have “normal” sexual interests toward and encounters with appropriate partners. Although they do not tend to be interested sexually in children, they may turn to sexual contact with children as a means of coping or as a substitute for an appropriate partner during times of considerable stress in their lives. Thus, their behaviors may be more situational, opportunistic, and impulsive. This differs from the typically planned and entrenched offending behaviors of the fixated molesters. In addition, their victims—often girls—are more likely to be children who are either within their families or known well to them and who are easily accessible during those times of stress.

That's very interesting, it certainly fits this case perfectly. This crime definitely seemed highly impulsive, and it didn't make sense to me until now (not knowing much about paedophiles) that a seemingly normal bloke, with apparently no history of child molestation, could suddenly abduct a little girl. It all fits now, there can surely be no other motive for a man to do something as criminal as to abduct a 5 year old girl. It was a very risky move for him in a quiet town, where everybody knows everybody, so I think he must have had the urge, acted upon it, panicked and killed her. She knew him, she was easily accessible, he had been going through a time of stress, but was not usually a paedophile. Now it all makes sense.

On the previous pages there has been a long discussion about how much the police know etc. I personally believe that he's an unsophoistacted, impulsive man, they've been questioning him relentlessly and he's cracked and given them some information. He was probably shocked by how quickly he was caught, and also at the crime he'd committed in the first place.
everyone gone to bed ? i have been taking a break to gather my thoughts . im hoping they find april soon , its hard to know what to say at this point because some people i have spoken to felt that this outcome of MB being charged with murder was a foregone conclusion where as i always felt that it might not happen . honestly im not usually this optomistic so it was kind of out of character for me personally but i really felt she would be found but my greatest fear was that IF she wasnt alive she would be missing forever like the little boy on the moors and her mother subjected to the torture of never knowing her whereabouts . im new to this website and havent followed previous cases other than via the bbc news page so i really dont know what happens now so i have a few questions about what happens next that i thought someone here maybe able to answer.

for how long do the police and other services continue to actively search the river, countryside etc in an effort to bring april home ?

when a case goes to trial do the public get to hear the evidence for the person being guilty and also any defence they have ( i dont know the legal terms) .?

if yes where would this be presented and when ? there has been much talk at the press conferences about not releasing information so as to not gepardise a case , can someone explain this to me , ive never been to a court so i dont understand how the public knowing the details of the case can geopardise what happens in a court. ive never been on a jury so i dont understand about how they are selected .

im guessing that the evidence has to be presented in a particular way by a trained proffesional to ensure that the people sat on the jury are only presented with things that are acurate facts and so that the person being accused can defend themselves with equal accuracy and time spent on there side of the story . is this the reason why information isnt available publicly or is there more to it ?

what happens at webslueths in this situation where a person is charged but someone is still missing or in a case when a person is missing for a length of time that extends beyond that where the police and other services are able to devote there full time to it ?

thank you in advance *advertiser censored*

Generally police and other groups do searches as long as they have an idea of where to search. Usually they do stop after 10 days or two weeks and then only search based on any tips or new information. A sad fact, but they can't just search every corner of the world, they have to have something to go on.

As far as not releasing info, the UK is stronger about that than the USA; we hear a lot about cases prior to trial and are allowed on a jury as long as we agree to base the verdict only on what we hear in court. I think the great fear in the UK is that lots of publicity will tend toward a "guilty" verdict no matter what.

I am not sure if UK has jurors from the citizens?Or is it a panel of professional jurors?

I tend to think that most people, once it comes down to the realities of a trial can pay attention and base their decision on what is heard in court, but some countries have less faith in that belief, I guess.

From what I gather, not being in UK, we will not hear much at all until trial time, which could be a year or more away. Any UK person, please correct me.
At this time I couldn't even really say that's how MB is. I just saw a fit. More might come out about who he really is that might change that whole idea. I'd think if he were that type of child sex abuser he might also be considered a sociopath? Just thinking about what has been said in the news so far.

Things I'd like to hear about would be from his ex's.
At this time I couldn't even really say that's how MB is. I just saw a fit. More might come out about who he really is that might change that whole idea. I'd think if he were that type of child sex abuser he might also be considered a sociopath? Just thinking about what has been said in the news so far.

If he is guilty, he must be a sociopath, to have fooled people all of his life, or at least a lot of people, and stay out of major trouble. I don't know if child abuser= sociopath automatically; but there is certainly something "wrong" with anyone who could hurt and/or kill a child.
I don't think I'm going to like not knowing more about this guys background. No public records to review, nothing until the trial...only rumors or rumours. Anyone close more or less won't reveal much as they have been asked to so the evidence is preserved for the trial....gar

I hope to hear in the morning that April has been found. It's 4:10 am in Wales.
Turning in for the night. Really hope April is found tomorrow (today in Wales). I don't know how much more of this I can take. All of the cases I follow are open ended with the victim still missing. It breaks my heart everyday.

I'm still not completely convinced that he did it although it's likely I'm wrong. Maybe it just scares me to think that someone so "normal" looking with no priors and children of his own can do something so heinous. It frightens me because "he" could be anyone. I know it seems silly but I had hoped that he was AJ's real dad and maybe took her someplace because the mom wouldn't let him see her as she didn't want PJ to know. Guess I was just aiming high.

I don't know what to think about this case anymore. I assume LE knows what they are doing and have the right person but I also am aware that sometimes the wrong people go to jail for crimes they didn't commit. I really hope the binbag and OAP testimony isn't their "evidence" and that they truly found something concrete at his home. All the misinformation and conflicting timelines from the media leave room for skepticism.

Hope I make sense. 3 kids + past 10pm = exhausted
That's very interesting, it certainly fits this case perfectly. This crime definitely seemed highly impulsive, and it didn't make sense to me until now (not knowing much about paedophiles) that a seemingly normal bloke, with apparently no history of child molestation, could suddenly abduct a little girl. It all fits now, there can surely be no other motive for a man to do something as criminal as to abduct a 5 year old girl. It was a very risky move for him in a quiet town, where everybody knows everybody, so I think he must have had the urge, acted upon it, panicked and killed her. She knew him, she was easily accessible, he had been going through a time of stress, but was not usually a paedophile. Now it all makes sense.

On the previous pages there has been a long discussion about how much the police know etc. I personally believe that he's an unsophoistacted, impulsive man, they've been questioning him relentlessly and he's cracked and given them some information. He was probably shocked by how quickly he was caught, and also at the crime he'd committed in the first place.

I agree but I don't think he cracked or told anything. I can't even speculate on how remorseful he is either. So won't assume that. Also Point A to Point B lead the investigations in crimes like this with evidence & NO PUBLIC INFO of records doesn't help, gar. jmo
Missing April Jones: Hundreds to Attend Special Church Service in her Honour

Hundreds of people in and around the neighbourhood of Machynlleth will be attending a special church service in honour of the missing five-year-old girl, April Jones.

The prayers will be led by the Bishop of Bangor, the Right Reverend Andrew John.

"We have a service planned with hymns, prayers, children's readings," the Bishop told Sky News.

"We are going to use pink, there will be a book of hope which has prayers and thoughts all for April, that will be processed down the church and placed on the altar, a pink candle, her favourite colour will be lit."
It's terrible to hear that police feel certain this innocent child was murdered. My heart hurts so much for her parents and everyone who loves her. Every Psychology 101 student learns that denial is a basic defense mechanism - a natural response to heartbreaking information. I'm a stranger, and finding it very, very hard to accept.

May little April rest in peace.
May her family find comfort.
May justice be done.
Was MB drunk? Was he known to be drunk a lot besides the pictures of trash or was it due to him being kicked out from his gf? Gosh, I wish I knew his background more. It doesn't sound like they have meth labs in the area or drug problems. Such a beautiful looking place to live. With April missing it has harmed a whole nation of hearts.

Thanks Carpe.
At a press conference at Aberystwyth on Saturday afternoon, Iwan Jenkins, District Crown Prosecutor from the Crown Prosecution Service said he had been in "close contact" with the police
He said a "detailed review of the evidence gathered so far by Dyfed-Powys Police" led him to his decision that there was "sufficient evidence to charge Mark Bridger with the murder of April Jones, and that it is in the public interest to do so".

He added: "The huge public and media interest in this case is understandable.

"I would just like to stress that, whilst Mark Bridger stands accused of serious criminal charges, he retains the right to a fair trial.

"I would therefore ask that nothing is placed in the public domain that may undermine the criminal justice process."
Got it. I bow out gracefully, oops, I stumbled...

"I would therefore ask that nothing is placed in the public domain that may undermine the criminal justice process."
:seeya: Another first time poster here.

It's amazing how this case has touched people from all over the world. It's just heartbreaking and I don't think there's a person here in Wales who isn't thinking of April and her poor family as the searches continue this morning.

A part of me still wants to hope that she's found alive and well, although I know deep down that the reality will be very different.
I just hope that she is found soon so that the family get some of the answers that they need to find some measure of peace. The "not knowing" must be utterly crippling.

My thoughts are with April, her family, all the searchers and anyone else who has been touched by this.
What a sad world we live in where this can happen to a tiny child.
:seeya: Another first time poster here.

It's amazing how this case has touched people from all over the world. It's just heartbreaking and I don't think there's a person here in Wales who isn't thinking of April and her poor family as the searches continue this morning.

A part of me still wants to hope that she's found alive and well, although I know deep down that the reality will be very different.
I just hope that she is found soon so that the family get some of the answers that they need to find some measure of peace. The "not knowing" must be utterly crippling.

My thoughts are with April, her family, all the searchers and anyone else who has been touched by this.
What a sad world we live in where this can happen to a tiny child.

Hello Sarah & :Welcome1:
I think what the police need to assume operationally is sometimes going to have to be different from absolute known facts. Even the police would probably acknowledge that unless a body is found there is always room for 0.1% possibility the person is alive and well somewhere.

Even when it comes to the trial itself, the jury only have to decide "beyond all *reasonable* doubt" not "with 100% cast iron indisputable factual proof". Ie at this stage it is pretty reasonably to assume the child is dead, but also reasonable to hope that your own child is one of the small percent who do indeed turn up alive against all probability.

Actually something like this just happened to a friend of mine. Her brother suddenly disappeared, at a time in his life when he would have been in a state of distress over a personal matter. For many months police checked hospital and other records, passport control, and watched for signs of bank accounts being accessed, telephone, anything. The man did not touch any money or have any of his belongings with him. They assumed he had committed suicide and searched for a body without finding anything. A death certificate was issued and the family dealt with his possessions etc.

Well over a year later, he was spotted by a mutual aquaintance. He had become mentally ill and lost his sense of who he was. He was being looked after like a homeless person by some charity who had no idea who he was.

Obviously it's very different for an adult and a tiny child, but I just wanted to illustrate how sometimes the authorities have to take an operational decision to officially assume someone dead, in order to deal with what the next most practical step is.
:seeya: Another first time poster here.

It's amazing how this case has touched people from all over the world. It's just heartbreaking and I don't think there's a person here in Wales who isn't thinking of April and her poor family as the searches continue this morning.

A part of me still wants to hope that she's found alive and well, although I know deep down that the reality will be very different.
I just hope that she is found soon so that the family get some of the answers that they need to find some measure of peace. The "not knowing" must be utterly crippling.

My thoughts are with April, her family, all the searchers and anyone else who has been touched by this.
What a sad world we live in where this can happen to a tiny child.

Hello Sarah & welcome. :Welcome1:

There is nothing more that everyone on WS would like than for her to be found alive. Unfortunately, as you say, that looks extremely unlikely. Heartbroken for this family.

Fortunately there are infinitely more good people in this world than bad. This gives us hope to carry on...
I'm closing the thread for a few minutes to give everyone time to read my warning as I am thinking its been overlooked.

We need to move on from discussing what the parents believe and why. Everyone will just have to agree to disagree.

Lets get back to discussing the case and what we do know from law enforcement and the media.


Bumping this up because I think that abiding by a website's rules is a very respectful thing to do.

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