Deceased/Not Found UK - April Jones, 5, Machynlleth, Wales, 1 Oct 2012 #3 *M. Bridger guilty*

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If there was no given provable, logical, reason for or a denial it had been used recently and a gun was discovered that had been, then I think they might suspect this

There's always a logical reason for firing a gun in the countryside. Rabbits. Pigeons. Rats :wink:

Coral Jones is aprils mum (bio)
Paul JOnes is Aprils dad (bio)
Richard Moon (corals bio father, APrils grandad)
Jean Moon (corlas bio mother, aprils grandmother)
Dai Smith (Aprils step grandfather, corals step father) The man which made the plea with coral.

Hope this clears this question up.

Not sure about 100% of these. Jmo

For this reason maybe it *would* be constructive for the police to make it very clear whether they have clear evidence of her death, and not just the balance of probability, which they seem to have been hinting at so far.

He said a "detailed review of the evidence gathered so far ...... "sufficient evidence to charge Mark Bridger with the murder of April Jones, and that it is in the public interest to do so".

I really don't see how this is not crystal clear. They are saying:

Sufficient evidence = enough
Murder of April Jones = she is deceased
MB = the man who did it

They might suspect it, but would not get a charge for murder without a body on that basis alone.

no but by all accounts if his car was spotted on the street that night, if the mother did point the finger at him, if the kid witnessing gave a near enough description of him, if he had no alibi for the time, if this that and the other, they may have drawn a picture and homed in on him, rightly or wrongly
Clearly they must have had enough evidence to convince the CPS to let them charge him. Initially I thought that with no body having been found, this evidence must be absolutely conclusive. Now I'm not so sure. They seem to be upping the search and showing no signs of stopping in the near future.

I'm not sure, but maybe they aren't doing this just to find her remains so her family can lay her to rest. Not meaning to sound unfeeling, but this must be costing a lot of money. I am beginning to suspect that they are worried about getting a jury to convict on whatever evidence they currently have and that, together with wanting to return April to her family is what is driving the huge amount of resource and efforts.

As for the change in focus of the searching - I would guess that it was because they no longer thought she would be found alive. They probably didn't want the public finding a body and they wouldn't want forensic evidence to be destroyed JMO

Thank you so much you have literally just written exactly as I was thinking. I didn't want to bring up the money side of things or be disrespectful, but it has to be said, it is costing an enormous amount.

I have seen some quite cruel comments in other places saying things like 'what's so special about this child', sadly how a lot naturally think. But I remember on a Sky interview with one of the police it was mentioned that they couldn't go on searching indefinitely, but his stance now seems to have changed somewhat which does make you think that they are either concerned about convincing a Jury or there is much more to it that we don't know.

I still have a niggling that others could have been involved in this....I guess all we can do is wait and pray they have the right man, can safely convict and hopefully return April to her Parents so they can draw some sort of closure.
As I understand it, the roadblocks on the Monday night were just in Machynlleth - the A417 was not closed until the Tuesday morning.<rsbm>

All these references to the A417 should read A487.

Do we know where the roadblocks were Monday Night/Tuesday Morning and what time they were put in place and what time they were removed??

I know the A487 was closed from Mach to Cross Foxes in the afternoon on Tuesday. It was reported at about 4pm. It's not clear to me whether it was closed before or after MB was arrested though
Major health issues? Does he have other health issues too besides his eye disease? He is seen here at the Olympic torch event walking carrying the child without a white cane so is not housebound. Not judging him, but just wondering if there's any other reason he didn't attend the press conference with his wife.


oh more camouflage attire, seems a very tall chap, wonder if it was him at the riverbank, but no, that dont make sense
no but by all accounts if his car was spotted on the street that night, if the mother did point the finger at him, if the kid witnessing gave a near enough description of him, if he had no alibi for the time, if this that and the other, they may have drawn a picture and homed in on him, rightly or wrongly

Not here to argue with you, but none of the above is evidence. And I believe that the police have sufficient evidence and felt that for the safety of others, the charges had to be made at once.
Yes, it takes alot of brass neck and a cold arrogance to just turn up after committing a crime like nothings happened. Its almost like gloating, catch me if you can mentality, but he doesnt seem to me to be like that.

Didnt someone say he turned up for work the next morning, and other reports saying he was unemployed?

What Im thinking is, if he had nothing to do with it, wouldnt he have been in the town as soon as soon as he heard the news, commenting, joining the searches? he was after all her uncle of sorts. Unless he doesnt watch the TV? But if it was him filmed by the river wouldnt he have seen the crowds searching? Just thinking out loud.

Yes Clutchbag you're right I heard a report that said he went to work that morning, but can't find it anywhere now?? Unless it's been pulled.
It was also said somewhere that he was helping search.
I also find it bemusing that he was in no-way hiding out and doesn't appear to be the gloating

There is so much about this case that makes no sense, but again, I don't see how the Police or CPS would make such convincing statements were their evidence unsafe.

I actually feel very sorry for the Police, it's confusing us to work out all the differing relationships and friendships and everyone knowing everyone else may not necessarily be helpful in this case. Some speak of MB as a nice man, some say he was a loner etc etc...NIGHTMARE!!
Not here to argue with you, but none of the above is evidence. And I believe that the police have sufficient evidence and felt that for the safety of others, the charges had to be made at once.
so what could the evidence be and if they have solid evidence of her death then they should be trumpetting it and told the family, seeing as they are still saying she might be found alive, ergo i think there is no solid evidence, if there was wouldnt it be cruel for police to let the family still hope?
I still don't believe they have the right car, the 7 year old witness said AJ got into the drivers side, so either it was a RHD or she (witness) could not see in the front of the car to see that the steering wheel was on the other side or she would have said "not the drivers side", if she had seen in the car then she would have told police the the steering wheel was on the other side, in which case why did police say it "might have been a LHD"

If it was indeed a LHD and AJ got in what the witness thought was the drivers side (in a normal car) then the chances are the car pulled up with the children on the right of the car, in which case AJ would have been too short to speak to the driver through the window of a land rover (as he is on opposite side of car) she would have also struggled to open the door to talk to him on a car that high on her own! ..... hope im making sense.

IMO it was a RHD and AJ climbed in and over the drivers lap or it was a LHD but there was two people in that car when it pulled up!

I don't recall reading/hearing anything inferring that she climbed in by herself. I do recall however reading somewhere that the LE said there was no sign of a struggle as such. I think she may have been helped into / put into the vehicle by the driver.
I am not allowed to paste a fb status here from a friend in the area at the time as it is considered 'rumour'.

so what could the evidence be and if they have solid evidence of her death then they should be trumpetting it and told the family, seeing as they are still saying she might be found alive, ergo i think there is no solid evidence, if there was wouldnt it be cruel for police to let the family still hope?

I may be wrong, but I have the impression that the family has begun to accept that April is deceased. An article posted here today indicated that they went to thank the searchers for looking for her body.

And being that this is a UK case, of course they would not be announcing any evidence. It is so different;in the Jessica Ridgeway case happening here in the USA, we were just informed by police that the body they found that may be hers is "not intact" i.e. they are searching for the rest of it. We are told things along the way here, but that is not the case in the UK, so not surprising to me that LE is keeping so mum.
I really don't see how this is not crystal clear. They are saying:

Sufficient evidence = enough
Murder of April Jones = she is deceased
MB = the man who did it.

I don't know what exactly constitutes sufficient evidence in the eyes of the DPP, and upon what margin of certainty of winning the case they are given the go ahead to charge.
I don't know what exactly constitutes sufficient evidence in the eyes of the DPP, and upon what margin of certainty of winning the case they are given the go ahead to charge.

maybe sufficient evidence to put before a jury to decide? One way or another?
I don't know about the UK, but in the US, trials are very expensive and not to be taken lightly, and hardly ever without bodies, though it happens more than it used to. They may have found a bad crime scene-we wouldn't know, since UK police do not share this type of info, whereas here we would know right way.

I just am feeling pretty convinced the they have evidence of what they believe to be true, that April is deceased and that the person in custody is responsible.
Factual error by ITV. It should be "Borth to Tywyn". Towyn is on the North Wales Coast near Rhyl, probably 150 miles or so away from the Dyfi estuary. Also, "The Coastguard is searching the river" should read "The Coastguard is searching the coastline". It's the Cardigan Bay Coast. The river joins the sea at Aberdyfi, which is where the coastline proper starts.

I don't agree. I believe the coastguard team DID search the banks of the River Dyfi as well as further out in the bay too. See caption under image here:
I don't know about the UK, but in the US, trials are very expensive and not to be taken lightly, and hardly ever without bodies, though it happens more than it used to. They may have found a bad crime scene-we wouldn't know, since UK police do not share this type of info, whereas here we would know right way.

I just am feeling pretty convinced the they have evidence of what they believe to be true, that April is deceased and that the person in custody is responsible.
i respect your view but having trouble believing it as he doesnt at his age have form, nothing has come out from anyone suggesting anything remotely to suggest a violent character, a child molestor, mental illness, deviant sexual urges, then again maybe they have and told by police to shut up and say nothing, though Im not convinced qnd no rumours or gossip about him on the many facebook pages, unless as I have posted before he is involved but not in a murder capacity but by some negligence that led to death and panicked
As I understand it, the roadblocks on the Monday night were just in Machynlleth - the A417 was not closed until the Tuesday morning.

My guess is that the police closed it because they had only a vague idea of where MB had recently moved - something like "somewhere in the Corris valley" - so they sealed off the north end at Dollgelau and the south end close to the Dyfi bridge. Dafydd-Powis is a very small police force, and I doubt that they had the personnel to block all the side roads off the 12-mile stretch that they closed. This may, in fact, be how MB was able to get his car to the garage without being stopped, by following the back route to Machynlleth that one of the locals described earlier in this forum.

It is Dyfed-Powys police, covering the 2 Welsh counties Dyfed and Powys which account for approx half the land mass of Wales.
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