Deceased/Not Found UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 Jul 2020 *Arrests*

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Hi all, I've followed Websleuths for years but this is the first time I've been compelled to post. Such a sad case with little to go on, it seems.

I can't find ScW's personal Twitter but someone mentioned earlier he asked on there about obtaining a Greek marriage certificate? Just wondering what year that was. Could it be he was previously married and needed the Greek marriage cert to dissolve previous marriage to enable him to marry SaW?
My interest in this issue is that it speaks 2 things to me
If he was married previously, is he the father to Bernadette? (Although given ScW & SaW age difference, he could still be BW's father and had time to have been married previously)
If not, and it was SaW who ScW married in Greece, I'm imagining that would be quite an expensive way to get married, presuming you'd be taking 7/8/9 children with you (I'm not sure how many they had at that point).

Thinking further on money, I'm wondering if ScW had a gambling habit. He had 2 businesses, each with their own twitter accounts.
On both there were lots of tweets iro gambling tips/wins etc.
To me, that seems slightly unprofessional content for your business accounts and might suggest addict behaviour in boundaries (lack of).
This was 8/9 years ago though, to be fair.

Only other post of interest - again this just seems an odd thing to post from your business account is
(tweeting to TV medium / spiratulist)
"hope you can answer a quick question for me, but can the other side see everything this side?? Do they see bad that we may do?thx"
June 2014
This was also the last activity on that account.

I also echo what others have said about the potential flags here
- SaW's prolific use of social media including huge amount of content about her disabled children's plight
- decision to continue having lots of children after the older ones were diagnosed with hereditary life-limiting illnesses
- the large income that SaW (and ScW) will have had from this situation *
- the huge amount of time and work involved in looking after so many children inc. those with additional needs - the older ones were almost certainly young carers themselves

*Just want to make clear I am absolutely in favour of a decent benefits systems, have used it myself, and know most of it is currently broken, but children with disabilities is one area that is/can be still very generous

The issue of the text from SaW to BW 'lie to Police for me', I think given SaW's obsession with social media it is on balance of probabilities more likely to have been the viral joke thing.

Lastly, it's of course not odd for an adult to return to education, but I do find it odd that ScW had returned to education at the same college, possibly same course/dept, and at the same time as BW. Added to the comment he made on her fb about kissing other boys, was he obsessed with BW?

Also one of ScW's recent profile pictures looked very different to the others, shades, tan, possibly filtered. The type of picture I'd associate more with someone trying to be ladies man. Previously he was far more family guy on there. I wonder what changed? JMO
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I don't think Scott and Sarah are actually legally married; Scott's fb status is engaged. I think Sarah just changed her name at some point. They may not have been able to afford a big wedding and not wanted to settle for a basic register office ceremony.

Hi all, I've followed Websleuths for years but this is the first time I've been compelled to post. Such a sad case with little to go on, it seems.

I can't find ScW's personal Twitter but someone mentioned earlier he asked on there about obtaining a Greek marriage certificate? Just wondering what year that was. Could it be he was previously married and needed the Greek marriage cert to dissolve previous marriage to enable him to marry SaW?
I'm not sure why there is the doubt over him being her father. There's been nothing to suggest he isn't, that I've seen anyway. I'm sure the papers would have dug up some info if there was any.
I think there was mention earlier in the thread that one of the children (from a justgiving page or similar) has a different surname. I haven't seen that myself though.
I don't think Scott and Sarah are actually legally married; Scott's fb status is engaged. I think Sarah just changed her name at some point. They may not have been able to afford a big wedding and not wanted to settle for a basic register office ceremony.
Well, I was thinking if they had been married there would be photos of the day on her accounts but I didn't see any. So that makes sense, thank you
Hi all, I've followed Websleuths for years but this is the first time I've been compelled to post. Such a sad case with little to go on, it seems.

I can't find ScW's personal Twitter but someone mentioned earlier he asked on there about obtaining a Greek marriage certificate? Just wondering what year that was. Could it be he was previously married and needed the Greek marriage cert to dissolve previous marriage to enable him to marry SaW?
My interest in this issue is that it speaks 2 things to me
If he was married previously, is he the father to Bernadette? (Although given ScW & SaW age difference, he could still be BW's father and had time to have been married previously)
If not, and it was SaW who ScW married in Greece, I'm imagining that would be quite an expensive way to get married, presuming you'd be taking 7/8/9 children with you (I'm not sure how many they had at that point).

Thinking further on money, I'm wondering if ScW had a gambling habit. He had 2 businesses, each with their own twitter accounts.
On both there were lots of tweets iro gambling tips/wins etc.
To me, that seems slightly unprofessional content for your business accounts and might suggest addict behaviour in boundaries (lack of).
This was 8/9 years ago though, to be fair.

Only other post of interest - again this just seems an odd thing to post from your business account is
(tweeting to TV medium / spiratulist)
"hope you can answer a quick question for me, but can the other side see everything this side?? Do they see bad that we may do?thx"
June 2014
This was also the last activity on that account.

I also echo what others have said about the potential flags here
- SaW's prolific use of social media including huge amount of content about her disabled children's plight
- decision to continue having lots of children after the older ones were diagnosed with hereditary life-limiting illnesses
- the large income that SaW (and ScW) will have had from this situation *
- the huge amount of time and work involved in looking after so many children inc. those with additional needs - the older ones were almost certainly young carers themselves

*Just want to make clear I am absolutely in favour of a decent benefits systems, have used it myself, and know most of it is currently broken, but children with disabilities is one area that is/can be still very generous

The issue of the text from SaW to BW 'lie to Police for me', I think given SaW's obsession with social media it is on balance of probabilities more likely to have been the viral joke thing.

Lastly, it's of course not odd for an adult to return to education, but I do find it odd that ScW had returned to education at the same college, possibly same course/dept, and at the same time as BW. Added to the comment he made on her fb about kissing other boys, was he obsessed with BW?

Also one of ScW's recent profile pictures looked very different to the others, shades, tan, possibly filtered. The type of picture I'd associate more with someone trying to be ladies man. Previously he was far more family guy on there. I wonder what changed? JMO

Welcome to Websleuths.
You have made some very interesting observations.
Do you know what businesses he was involved in?
I'm not sure why there is the doubt over him being her father. There's been nothing to suggest he isn't, that I've seen anyway. I'm sure the papers would have dug up some info if there was any.

Because if there was something sinister going on, ie him being obsessed or even attracted to BW, then it's a lot 'easier' for people to comprehend than if he is her biological dad. Uncomfortable as it is there are biological parents whom sexually abuse their children, I say parents because it's not just father's but sometimes mother's too. MOO
Hi Skigh,
ScW ran a property maintenance company and a locksmiths from (at least) 2011 - when the twitter accounts opened - to about 2013/14.

I can't see that he had ever registered them as Ltd Companies so these appear to be a smallish self employed venture, no employees I'd guess.

I've now found his personal twitter. Although that too is run as a 'venture' it seems.
Still promoting both his gambling tips and his photography interests until last year.

His twitter clarifies the marriage point - he was married before, and is not legally married to SaW
In June 2018 SaW posts 'Finally getting married, next October'
In June 2019 he asks for advice on getting copy of Greek marriage cert, from previous marriage, so he can get divorced.
In July 2019 he posts to SaW "I Promise to get the papers sorted ASAP if you’d still have me x"
So it seems - even the quickest divorces take 3/4 months - the wedding was cancelled as he was still legally married.

I'm no psychologist, but I do think he comes across OK from the little we can see (apart from the one inappropriate cringe comment to BW about boyfriends). Bit flaky perhaps, or bit of a dreamer. A gambler.

I wonder about SaW more. I find the social media obsession - inc. younger people's platforms such as TikTok - weird for a mother of 9/10. She appears on the face of it to be the more dominant of the 2. Again this is JMO from the little we can see of their lives.
Hi Skigh,
ScW ran a property maintenance company and a locksmiths from (at least) 2011 - when the twitter accounts opened - to about 2013/14.

I can't see that he had ever registered them as Ltd Companies so these appear to be a smallish self employed venture, no employees I'd guess.

I've now found his personal twitter. Although that too is run as a 'venture' it seems.
Still promoting both his gambling tips and his photography interests until last year.

His twitter clarifies the marriage point - he was married before, and is not legally married to SaW
In June 2018 SaW posts 'Finally getting married, next October'
In June 2019 he asks for advice on getting copy of Greek marriage cert, from previous marriage, so he can get divorced.
In July 2019 he posts to SaW "I Promise to get the papers sorted ASAP if you’d still have me x"
So it seems - even the quickest divorces take 3/4 months - the wedding was cancelled as he was still legally married.

I'm no psychologist, but I do think he comes across OK from the little we can see (apart from the one inappropriate cringe comment to BW about boyfriends). Bit flaky perhaps, or bit of a dreamer. A gambler.

I wonder about SaW more. I find the social media obsession - inc. younger people's platforms such as TikTok - weird for a mother of 9/10. She appears on the face of it to be the more dominant of the 2. Again this is JMO from the little we can see of their lives.

Thank you.
I am enjoying your posts and agree about the mother being the more dominant partner.
ScW attending the same College at the same time as BW makes me slightly uneasy about him.
During the hearing before Judge Sean Enright, Mitchell Cohen was named as the defence counsel for Scott Walker and Harry Bentley for Sarah Walker.
It was confirmed Bernadette is the daughter of the defendants and that Bernadette is yet to be found.
They have been further remanded in custody for a plea and trial preparation hearing at Peterborough Crown Court on November 30, 2020.
Parents accused of murdering teenage daughter appear at court hearing
So confusing with this one, because they've both been charged. If it was just ScW charged you'd guess it was straight forward, as he must have been alone with the children whilst SaW worked (although the number of children she probably didn't work for long spells due to Mat leave).

- Long term child abuse - both of them? The family will have had lots of dealings with agencies due to the disabilities, and the children were not home-educated, so various opportunities for professional referrals / child's disclosure.
SaW seems quite clever though so fake compliance perhaps. Tho if there has been previous concerns raised this will ofc build LE's case now.
- Financial/Fraud/Drug Addiction? I just can't shake the feeling that money - SaW's social media PR/her MH, ScW's gambling - might be linked?
I (professionally) know of a couple who went to extreme lengths to keep their many, and most registered disabled, children purely because it was very lucrative. The poor children themselves did not have a happy life, to put it mildly.
SaW says in one of her campaigns that she has 3 with the hereditary illness. But she also mentions others have Austism. If only 3 were registered disabled then the benefits income would be £800+a week alone. As I say, it could be well over £1k a week if there are other children with additional needs. That's not including housing & council tax benefit allowances which would cover their rent & CTax in full. & SaW's wages or Mat pay. So if SaW and ScW thought the children were at threat of being removed, their quite substantial income would be too.
All this said, I can't really pin this down. They don't appear to have a particularly lavish lifestyle. So IF they weren't spending all the money on their children (which they may well have been), did SaW support ScW's gambling, where they both gambling? Was one/both of them addicted to drugs?
If it's not about the money, it's just that SaW likes the attention having the children gives her. Fine, makes sense. However don't see how that fits with the murder?

As has already been said could be
- hurt one of the other children (or they hurt her), accidentally or otherwise
- told them she was pregnant - this for me is a no-go, I don't think - non-religious etc - this type of revelation would lead them into a fury to kill
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During the hearing before Judge Sean Enright, Mitchell Cohen was named as the defence counsel for Scott Walker and Harry Bentley for Sarah Walker.
It was confirmed Bernadette is the daughter of the defendants and that Bernadette is yet to be found.
They have been further remanded in custody for a plea and trial preparation hearing at Peterborough Crown Court on November 30, 2020.
Parents accused of murdering teenage daughter appear at court hearing
That doesn't necessarily mean biological daughter.
So confusing with this one, because they've both been charged. If it was just ScW charged you'd guess it was straight forward, as he must have been alone with the children whilst SaW worked (although the number of children she probably didn't work for long spells due to Mat leave).

- Long term child abuse - both of them? The family will have had lots of dealings with agencies due to the disabilities, and the children were not home-educated, so various opportunities for professional referrals / child's disclosure.
SaW seems quite clever though so fake compliance perhaps. Tho if there has been previous concerns raised this will ofc build LE's case now.
- Financial/Fraud/Drug Addiction? I just can't shake the feeling that money - SaW's social media PR/her MH, ScW's gambling - might be linked?
I (professionally) know of a couple who went to extreme lengths to keep their many, and most registered disabled, children purely because it was very lucrative. The poor children themselves did not have a happy life, to put it mildly.
SaW says in one of her campaigns that she has 3 with the hereditary illness. But she also mentions others have Austism. If only 3 were registered disabled then the benefits income would be £800+a week alone. As I say, it could be well over £1k a week if there are other children with additional needs. That's not including housing & council tax benefit allowances which would cover their rent & CTax in full. & SaW's wages or Mat pay. So if SaW and ScW thought the children were at threat of being removed, their quite substantial income would be too.
All this said, I can't really pin this down. They don't appear to have a particularly lavish lifestyle. So IF they weren't spending all the money on their children (which they may well have been), did SaW support ScW's gambling, where they both gambling? Was one/both of them addicted to drugs?
If it's not about the money, it's just that SaW likes the attention having the children gives her. Fine, makes sense. However don't see how that fits with the murder?

As has already been said could be
- hurt one of the other children (or they hurt her), accidentally or otherwise
- told them she was pregnant - this for me is a no-go, I don't think - non-religious etc - this type of revelation would lead them into a fury to kill

BW must have been a threat to both of them and their way of life. What caused this?
What would BM know which the other older children in the family did not?
A search of the electoral register for the time Bernadette was born shows Sarah was living with a different man between 2003-2005. I won't post his name because he is not related to the current matter.

Alone :-

Name: MS Sarah L Padley
Birth Date: 1981-1983
Residence Date: 2003
Address: 61, Trafalgar Street, Carcroft, DN6 8AF
Residence Place: Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England

With a different man :-

MS Sarah L Padley
Birth Date: 1981-1983
Residence Date: 2003
Address: 18, Southmoor Road, Hemsworth, WF9 4LT
Residence Place: Pontefract, West Yorkshire, England

Name: MS Sarah L Padley
Birth Date: 1981-1983
Residence Date: 2003-2005
Address: 18, Kings Road, Cudworth, S72 8BB
Residence Place: Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England

Bernadette's birth registration :-

Name: Bernadette Louise Padley
Registration Date: Jan 2003
District and Subdistrict: 042/1C
Registration District: Doncaster
Inferred County: Yorkshire West Riding
Mother's Maiden Name: Padley
Register Number: C84D
Entry Number: 028
BW must have been a threat to both of them and their way of life. What caused this?
What would BM know which the other older children in the family did not?

Perhaps not a threat if one of the parents reacted in anger to something, accidentally killing her ie:- pushed and hit her head, pushed and fell down stairs. Then in panic they’ve both colluded together to dispose of the body and pretend she’s gone missing.
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