Deceased/Not Found UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 Jul 2020 *Arrests*

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It must be such a hard task as presuming they buried her 8 weeks ago? It will all be over grown now. Also what about if she is in the water and been swept out to sea? Also she will be badly decomposed. I would not want to be that policeman/woman/person that finds her. Really hoping they find her soon. Surely they will have the special dogs out that find people have died too?
That’s what I mean it makes no sense? They both said they saw her last? That’s a fact as it’s in the papers. So did he go out and kill her after on his own? That doesn’t make sense. He talks about there being a lot of evidence? The evidence has to be that she has died and is not missing as it’s a murder inquiry. There are so many questions from the post. JMO.
Hi all,
I've been a long term lurker, nervous to post in case I say the wrong thing. I feel compelled to comment on this post though. Something about it has really got to me and I can't stop thinking about poor Berni and what she may have gone through in her young life. I have always been nervous of my own dad and this hit home for some reason. Her case reminds me a little of Becky Watts in a similarly tragic way.

I also cannot believe the theory that Sarah 'just' helped to cover something up when (correct me if I'm wrong) they've been charged with joint enterprise? I think that's what is particularly shocking with this case for me, the specific charge. Also, the lack of publicity from the parents in the press. Thinking about Leah Croucher and how hard her family have appealed to find her it didn't sit well with me that there have been no appeals. Alongwith the 'no body' charge. I hope to goodness they find her and her siblings are being well cared for. Hard to imagine anything more shocking for them:(
I believe all of the below to be a fair summary of what has been discussed so far - but please do let me know if any of it is wrong or shouldn't be here:

1990s – SaW teenage years in Scunthorpe
1999-2005ish – BW’s 2 sibs born
January 2003 – BW born in Doncaster
2003-2005 – SaW resides at 3 addresses, with another partner, in Doncaster, Barnsley & Pontefract
2009 – SaW posts making reference to previous abusive relationship and stating her children are to be brought up thinking ScW is their bio
2009-2010 – SaW & ScW get engaged
2007-2015ish – SaW & ScW have 6 children together
Up until 2013/14 - ScW ran a property maintenance company and a locksmiths
2013/14 – ScW starts to market himself as a Freelance photographer and professional gambler/tipster
June 2014 ScW tweets to TV medium / spiritualist:
"hope you can answer a quick question for me, but can the other side see everything this side?? Do they see bad that we may do?thx"
2011ish- to date: SaW runs various funding campaigns and PR activities (around the conditions of Hereditary Multiple Exotosis which 3 of the children have)
2018ish – ScW returns to education – photography

June 2018 - SaW posts 'Finally getting married, next October'
June 2019 - ScW asks for advice on SM on getting copy of Greek marriage cert, from previous marriage, so he can get divorced.
July 2019 - Appear to be cancelling the planned Oct wedding/separating (ScW posts to SaW "I Promise to get the papers sorted ASAP if you’d still have me x")
September 2019 – Appear to still be separated, SM posts about being civil for children
September 2019 – BW starts college
March 2020 – UK lockdown
May-June – lockdown eases
June – youngest child born
June/July – BW splits from a boyfriend (according to a neighbour)

16th July – SaW’s Tiktok uploads appear to stop
18th July - BW ‘ran out of the car’, both parents in car?
20th July – Text from BW to SaW ‘will be home soon’
21st July – reported missing to LE
29th July – SaW: amazon wish list created and posted to a FB group for others to donate
Late Aug – SaW’s TikTok uploads appear to resume
9th September – LE remove hair & toothbrush from home
11th September – ScW arrested
12th September – SaW arrested
12th September – House searched
14th September – Charged: joint enterprise murder
15th September – Searches begin in the rural Cowbit area (10 miles from family home) and garages in Churchfield Road, Walton, Peterborough

SaW (Aka Padley) – Mother, 37
ScW – Step/Adoptive Father, 50
Older sib (M) Age unknown? – Lives with extended family member
BW – 17
Full sib (M) Similar age to BW but unclear if slightly older or slightly younger
6 x Half sibs aged 5-12 yrs old – thought to be ScW’s bio children
New baby born June 2020.

SaW and 9 children live in Century Square, Millfield, Peterborough
ScW may also live there (not clear if ScW moved out when they separated last year, or therefore if he returned to live with them)
They are not legally married – SaW changed her surname at some point
Not clear if/when they resumed their r’ship
Not clear when BW’s surname was changed
3 children have Hereditary Multiple Exotosis, 2 Autism, ScW had some care needs following car crash, SaW was his carer
SaW also worked as a support worker for the elderly
Not clear if ScW is the new baby’s bio (they were separated last Autumn)
ScW married twice previously and believed to be still legally married now (did he tell SaW he was already divorced?)

Theories discussed so far:
Ongoing wider family abuse & cover-up
One-off rage incident/accident
ScW obsession with BW specifically

Other points discussed so far:
Could BW have recently obtained her birth certificate & found out ScW not her bio – applying for first Driving Licence or Passport perhaps
SaW obsession with several social media platforms – including those frequented by younger people eg TikTok - & press doesn’t fit well with busy mother of 10
ScW returning to education around same time as BW starts college, presentation changes too at this time (one poster said ‘midlife crisis’ appearance to his recent activities)
Are they fantasists/attention seekers?
Is one parent setting up the other?

ETA: Also discussion around language used by SaW to presss echoing the tone of other criminal cases eg Shannon Mathews.

Comparison of parents actions and activities after she went missing not reflecting those genuinely worrying for missing child.

This case was not high profile when she went missing and BW's friends have been quiet in the media. But we now know there is a local voice about more info coming to light. BW may have disclosed info to friends and that is part of the case LE have
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Nothing of importance to add by me but for future reference -

Scott Walker's Flickr account

And I also found another media article from Sarah about people parking cars on pavements where she states two of her sons are autistic, so has 5kids total who have disabilities. Contains photo of child so I won't post. Doesn't add anything to the discussion but just giving a clearer picture of the family dynamics.

I read a facebook post by Scott Walker days ago when I first got interested in poor bernadette, it was on a different fb page posted by Scott about his young daughter being sick and he wanted people to share the image he had mocked up.. I can't remember specifically what it said but it was something like 'can this photo get 1000 likes?!'. I also remember Scott saying he had been unemployed after a car crash, I believe he said since 2011, and that Sarah was his carer. I frustratingly can't find these posts at all now in my history so either it's been deleted or it was posted under a different username that I can't remember :mad: Seems like quite a stressful household, especially for SaW.

edit: just saw CJS83 already has this info
Upon reflection I'm now wishing I'd paid more attention to their fbs - have they been taken down? I can't seem to access...

My thoughts are:
ScW doesn't use his name on any of his 3 Twitter accounts
Was his fb under his name, or was he called 'Racing Tips' or whatever on there too?

Just wondering - if so - why he didn't want his name to be particularly prominent/searchable?

Also, his last marriage. Just slightly odd his ex-wife had never instigated the divorce during the prior 13/14+ years
Upon reflection I'm now wishing I'd paid more attention to their fbs - have they been taken down? I can't seem to access...

My thoughts are:
ScW doesn't use his name on any of his 3 Twitter accounts
Was his fb under his name, or was he called 'Racing Tips' or whatever on there too?

Just wondering - if so - why he didn't want his name to be particularly prominent/searchable?

Also, his last marriage. Just slightly odd his ex-wife had never instigated the divorce during the prior 13/14+ years

Scott's facebook is under his full name. It's still up.
Not everyone uses their real or full name on twitter, I only use my first name.
Thank you. I was was wondering if he didn't want to be looked up (by ex wives etc) but I'm wrong - his Twitter handles were purely to promote his Gambling venture

blog: Your PROFESSIONAL Tipster
linked in:

We at "The Telegraph Tipster" thought we would take this opportunity to tell you a little about ourselves / and me - Scott Walker
Firstly a bit about me and a family of tipsters. I was born in London into a world of a horse racing background, from my Great-Great-Grandfather who worked at Esher for Sandown railway who became buildings assistant at Sandown Racecourse in 1873 and when the racecourse was completed in 1875 he became a regular member of the first ever built MEMBERS CLUB ENCLOSURE in UK history.
Through the years our family has continued to visit the Sandown course and now expanded to covering most of the UK to Ireland and from generation to generation we Walkers have passed down different methods and ways to collectively pick out winners all over.
Don't get me wrong. I remember the odd day of my father and uncles throwing confetti-like betting slips into the air and seeing their sad faces walking away from courses but those days are now mere glimmers of the past and great memories of family meet-ups at courses all over.
As a family of very successful gamblers with a high class collective of racing connections all over, and with the additional modern day technology to hand we have now expanded our skills of selection and winning strike rates
I was just looking at rules forum myself

Here's the bit about social media - victims and suspects:
  • Links may be used to direct members to posts made by a victim or a suspect.
  • Paraphrasing is okay, but direct quotes, copying and pasting, or taking screen caps, directly from these pages is not allowed.
So you can give us the jist of what she said, but don't screen grab or copy & paste (I need to go back and edit my posts, as I have done this myself)
Am I allowed to put up a screenshot of a comment that Sarah made?

Nope. This is from the websleuths rules :

  • Links may be used to direct members to posts made by a victim or a suspect.
  • Paraphrasing is okay, but direct quotes, copying and pasting, or taking screen caps, directly from these pages is not allowed

Edit- posted at the same time, didn't see the post above
Just my opinion.......I find a few of the photographs on ScW's Flickr account a bit disturbing.......doll heads with long hair, strung up, and dolls tied up, and he has a baseball cap on saying POLICE on it.
B has some pictures with one of the same dolls on her photograthy instagram page. It looks like they may have been taken at the same time as Sc W ones. It isnt displayed the same way as he displayed the dolls in his pictures.
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