UK UK - Charlene Downes, 14, Blackpool England, Nov 2003

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Another person of interest is the man in his 40s who Rebecca Downes the eldest daughter then 15 went to live with and had parental consent! Rebecca and Emma, 2 years younger and the middle sister fought over him as Emma was having a relationship with him at the same time. The man later had a relationship with Charlene and Karen Downes.
On the night of Charlene Downes disappearance the man said he was with Karen Downes
who was the man that charlene reported to socail services that would be my prime suspect.

what i cant understand is how police dident know about this seems like the police and social services were not realy comunicating.
Ray Munro. Also a lodger and drinking buddy of Robert Downes senior. Munro was seen by Glen Paget another lodger and drinking buddy of Robert on the day of Charlene's disappearance with her on his lap. Glen didn't think this was right and there was friction between them. An incident between Munro and Charlene was reported to social services on the day of her disappearance.
2 days after her disappearance Robert Downes senior accompanied Munro to court were he received 4 years jail for offences against children. Robert Downes senior said he never knew Munro was in Court for offences against children and thought it was for "only raping his girlfriend!"
The Downes continued to visit Munro during his prison sentence
Blackpool has a dark hidden underbelly. Almost 1000 sex offenders are housed there. With cheap housing and a disturbingly high number of sex offenders it's the ideal place for child abusers. The Downes had a much bigger customer base for selling their daughters than the Midlands
This is one of those sad cases where it seems no matter where this poor girl turned she was faced with a paedophile or sexual predator. Their home should be the one place a child feels safe, however that's not the case when your parents are inviting paedophiles into your home! The more I read about this case the angrier it makes me.

I think it's going to take a miracle to get a break in the case as the police lost god knows how much evidence by not conducting a proper forensic search of the Downes residence, pursuing the wrong men for years and by the fact that the parents won't answer any questions they don't like.

As someone who's visited Blackpool a few times, I'd say this "hidden underbelly" isn't even hidden. Step away from the main strip and walk up some of the side roads and it's pure deprivation and seediness. So many people walking round clearly on drugs and a huge amount of prostitutes at night, more than I've seen anywhere else. It's no wonder a kid can end up in dodgy situations if brought up in that place without shall we say adequate supervision.
Yes the Promenade was beautified but one block behind on Lytham Road and Bolton Street it's a war zone. I had a lock up garage where Sasha Marsden was stabbed to death raped and set on fire in Kirby Road.
I think we'll find out what happened to Charlene as Karen has lost a lot of support now the files are in the public domain. The "chopped up and put in kebebs" story is being seen as ridiculous. Allegiances change, someone who kept quiet might soon talk. Also quite a bit of building work is going on in Blackpool. I think Charlene could have been buried in a derelict site near home
Now I'm thinking outside the box.Rebecca Downes the eldest daughter fought with Emma her 2 years younger sister over the middle aged man she went to live with (with parental consent at 15!). Rebecca has at least 2 convictions for violence, one for attacking Tariq, the brother of Eddie the kebab shop man. She also attacked her mother, Karen's a much bigger woman. She's not afraid of fighting a man or a much bigger woman so Charlene at 5'1" and slightly built and 4 years younger would be no match in a fight.
The man mentioned in the files had relationships with all 3 daughters and Karen the mother. What if a fight between Rebecca and Charlene got out of hand and rebecca killed her? It would explain the parents and her refusal to answer questions and still trying to stitch up the kebab men.Having lost one daughter the family didn't want to lose another
Charlene was let down by so many people, alarm bells should have been ringing when the Downes were in the midlands. Disturbing reports of violence and abuse by the parents and grandmother, sex offenders visiting and staying overnight then the family snatch the children back and move to Blackpool. No word passed on to the Blackpool social services. Blackpool social sevices have reports of Charlene being seen scooping money from the bed as an old man does his pants up! There are many more disturbing allegations of wrongdoing at the home which the family refuse to answer. Once again the house was filled with sex offenders and men with records for violence.
Charlene visited a sexual health clinic 13 times in 12 months at 13 years of age! The doctor noticed signs of sexual abuse but did and said nothing.
The police wasting time and money on the kebab men and as said above no forensic search of 109 Buchanan Street.109 has changed hands a few times since 2003 and is now I think converted into flats. Would any evidence remain? Unlikely but you never know
I don't think so but there's been so many lies and cover ups and different versions I'm not sure! The last sightings of Charlene were at the corner of Talbot Road & Dickson Road . There's also another last sighting at Mecca bingo further down Talbot Road, both sightings within 5 minutes walk from the home in Buchanan Street.
There were supposed to have been 11 unconfirmed sightings of Charlene in Blackpool, Manchester & the midlands which I think were disproved as Police think she was killed shortly after the last sightings (2130hrs -2300hrs)
Child abuse, neglect,living off immoral earnings, violence, witholding information, benefit fraud, inciting racial hatred are just a few I can think of charging them with! I'd love to see what a body language expert would make of them in the documentaries.
id say there was a good case to prscute karen and robert downes for obstruction of justice.

I'd imagine the top brass will stop that from happening. It's unlikely to help them further the case but what it will do is cause a massive headache for them in the media. You can imagine the headlines;

"Grieving parents prosecuted by bungling police force" etc.

Privately I suspect that Lancashire Police will want this case to get as little media exposure as possible, god knows how much taxpayers money they've wasted in building the case against the wrong people and then paying them compensation. Must be millions in total. I don't know if it still is but I know at one point this was the most expensive case the force had ever ran and they basically have nothing to show for all that money spent. That's a dreadful result in anyone's book.
the telling thing was when the family said they cooperating with the reinvestiation how do they know the reinivestigation wouldent prove the kebab story right and get the justice they cliam to want.

but they clearly know it wont prove that and how could they it wont prove that becouse the cleary know what happend to charlene.

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