UK - Constance Marten & Mark Gordon & Newborn (found deceased), Bolton Greater Manchester, 5 Jan 2023 #2 *Arrest*

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I hate to go there, but if that baby never left London, and that baby's dead, rather than alive with some confederate keeping them safe, then that poor wee mite is most likely in landfill and will never be found. Infants are so tiny, and landfills are brutal, destructive places. Even in the winter, the temperatures in garbage will accelerate decomposition, never mind the bulldozers, the animals, the bacteria.

I hope to be wrong, believe me, but I fear this little one's mortal remains will never be found.

I think landfill is a bit of a leap. Certainly it can be very hard to find a body there (see the Corrie McKeague case) but I doubt they would have disposed of the body in such a way.

I think this was a much wanted baby, and if they have disposed of a body themselves it will be in an unmarked grave rather than tossed away like rubbish.

They've had ample opportunity to find a nice spot in woodland or a park and dig a grave.

Even if the baby had died around the time they were in Haringey, there are lots of parks in the vicinity - while Hampstead Heath is busy in the daytime it's very quiet at night with many wooded areas, and Highgate/ Queens Woods are deserted at almost any time you go. Finsbury Park is probably a bit too manicured and open to provide enough cover for such activities. Burial in an allotment seems illogical given how often they get dug over, but that seems to be a line of enquiry.
When reading this, you may think huh? at some points. I can assure you I wrote verbatim what was said!



Superintendent - We'll just read out some short statements and obviously at the end we'll have to take some questions, any questions you have following the statements we're about to make. So, obviously, we're continuing the extensive searches for the missing baby of Constance Martin and Mark Gordon, after they were located in Brighton last night. The pair were arrested in Stanmer Villas at around 21:30 hrs. on Monday, 27th. February, after a member of the public saw them in the shop in Hollingbury Place. I can confirm that they were initially arrested on suspicion of child neglect. I can now confirm that they have been further arrested on suspicion of gross negligence manslaughter and that they remain in custody at police station's in Sussex. The baby was not with them and we have not found the baby, as yet.

The police helicopter, sniffer dogs, thermal imaging cameras and drones, are being used to assist officers on the ground. We currently have over 200 officers from multiple units across the Metropolitan Police and Sussex Police involved in the search. Throughout this investigation, our key priority has been finding the baby and we remain committed to that. There is a significant amount of police search activity in open spaces to the north of Brighton, near to where the couple were arrested last night. Before the arrest, the last known sighting of the couple was in Newhaven on Wednesday 8th. January. I am, therefore, appealing to members of the public, between Brighton and Newhaven, to report - they may have seen people sleeping. I also ask people living in these areas to report any suspicious behaviour. Equally, if you are out walking in these areas and you discover something you think is pertinent to the investigation, please don't hesitate to contact us, no matter how insignificant it may seem, support from the public is vital and it is the support from the public that has been key to date in this investigation.

We have received a large number of phone calls from members of the public during the investigation. I would like to thank everyone who's come forward with information and especially the person who quickly called the police last night, after spotting Constance and Mark. Our colleagues from Sussex Police were on scene within minutes to make the arrest. We are very grateful for the support that they are providing and any information that could assist, I ask you to ring 999 immediately. I now hand over to my colleague.

Chief Superintendent - We are supporting the Metropolitan Police on this extensive search. Thanks to the vigilance of a member of the public, our officers were on scene within minutes of the reported sighting and made arrests. An immediate search was launched, including the National Police Air Service Helicopter, drones, dog units and every available officer and staff member from across the force. These searches are ongoing and the public can expect to see an increased police presence in the area, as well as a dedicated response to any information from the public. We acknowledge that there may be some disruption to the people living and working in the area and we thank those people for their patience and understanding at this time. I'd like to thank the local community further, for all the help they have given us so far. We have an extensive search area and will be in this community for some time. Some people may want to know what they can do to help. We just ask you to remain vigilant and please report anything of note to us. If you have any information that will support the search, please call 101 and in an emergency please dial 999. We have dedicated call handlers available to talk with you. Thank you.

Reporter - How has it come about that you've come to the further arrest - on suspicion of gross negligent manslaughter?

Detective Superintendent - So, obviously, the arrests occurred last night, obviously, just after 9:30. We've had significant periods of time in the custody facility with both Constance and Mark. At this time, we have not furthered that information, which has now, obviously, led to the position where we feel that the risk is getting so great that we now have to consider the possibility that the baby has come to harm and that will now be subject, as part of that investigation, by the officers involved.

Reporter - Have they admitted to that?

Detective Superintendent - The investigation is ongoing, the interview process is continuing. At this time, it is purely based on the fact of part of the investigation strategy, but I will reiterate that we still remain focused on a search and an open land search to find the baby safe and well.

Reporter - Have they started co-operating at all? Earlier on they weren't even revealing the gender of the baby - Have they given any information at all about that?

Detective Superintendent - No. We've furthered no information in relation to the gender of the baby, as part of the post arrest or as part of the investigation, at the moment.

Reporter - How hopeful are you that the baby is still alive given the timeframe (inaudible)?

Detective Superintendent - I wouldn't be drawn on a time frame, I think whilst we still have hope that the baby can be found safe and well, we must retain that hope and as you see, the number of officers we have deployed on that open search. However, as time progresses, as the weather is closing tonight, as it was last night, in terms of the cold, the coldness and the impact that would have on a baby, clearly the risk is getting higher and we have to be open to the fact that this may not end in the way we would like, but we need to remain hopeful and that is why over the late turn today into the night turn, you will still see the numbers of officers deployed, on that search, for the very reason of locating the baby.

Reporter - What do you think's brought them to Brighton? Have you any information which suggests that they've been in touch with any third party at all?

Detective Superintendent - No and at this time, obviously, I think it's key in the previous releases and discussions we've had with yourselves in the media, we've seen from the 5th. January, when this incident occurred and started in Manchester that they moved very quickly from Manchester to Liverpool to Essex throughout London, before obviously coming to Sussex. At this time, we didn't have, as part of that investigation process information that brought us to reasons of location. It will form part of the investigation now to date and will continue and that will be part of our strategy to work out why they came to Sussex and where they have been in that intervening time as well.

Reporter - Before he was arrested it appears that he was with a stick and there's been some footage shared online of the pair of them walking around. Can you confirm that? Can you help us out with that?

Detective Superintendent - We are looking into that footage, I can't confirm it right now, I hope to be able to come back later with... I've seen the footage and we are looking into that footage. They both obviously were booked into custody and as part of that process we would have and have received the appropriate medical assessments in that booking in period.

Reporter - Where do you think they were actually staying? We're they living rough? Were they in the allotments? Were they actually on the downs? Where's your focus of the search going?

Detective Superintendent - So the working hypothesis still remains that we believe them to be and have been in the open land and open areas. That is why our focus and our searches is where it is. We are (inaudible) to the fact that our outbuildings is a vast amount of land, I'll bring my colleague in, around the geography.

Chief Superintendent - So the location, as you know, from being here today, is vast. We're looking at a sort of corridor between where they were last sighted and here, of about 7 miles by 13 mile, sort of, length in duration, so 91 sq miles worth to be searched. We just encourage the public to be vigilant, if you see anything please report it. Our dedicated officers are working their way through that and our focus really remains, at this time, while there is still some hope of finding this young baby, on doing so.

Reporter - (I think he asks if they've said whether the baby is safe or not)

Detective Superintendent - At this time, no. We've got no further information.

Reporter - Have they given any information at all?

Detective Superintendent - Not this time, we haven't got any information from the custody process that's supporting the location or the welfare of the baby.

Reporter - Just going back to the point when they were arrested - Can you give us a bit more detail about the member of the public who reported it and how that unfolded? Were they a shop worker? Did they follow them up here a bit? How did that happen?, and also going back to that footage, it appears that Constance Martin may have been wearing a puffer jacket and a dress and Mark Gordon also in a puffer jacket and baggy trousers, again, with a walking stick - What were they wearing when they were arrested? And did he have the stick when they were arrested?

Detective Superintendent - What I can say around the arrest is that it was a diligent member of the public who observed them accessing a cash machine and then further entering the shop, and they remained vigilant, ringing 999, which alerted Sussex Police, which saw a response from the initial 999 call to the arrest of about 6 minutes. And that, obviously, was also the movement of the couple, just short of the location where we are right now.

Reporter - Just a follow on, on their condition during the arrest - Is anything in their condition suggesting that they have been living outdoors for a sustained period of time?

Detective Superintendent - Yeah, you know, I'm quite happy to confirm, from the initial assessments that we have, we've then linked into a rational and reason for the why we are doing open land searches is because, upon locating the couple and arresting the couple, there is very much significant intelligent information, as part of that arrest process, that brings us to a hypothesis that they have been spending a significant time outdoors, living in the countryside and obviously the vast land that they have here in Sussex.

Reporter - You mentioned earlier on today that there may be a possibility someone was taking care of the baby on their behalf - Is that still a possibility you are entertaining?

Detective Superintendent - We always have to keep our open mind to the investigation. It is a reason why we did offer the £10,000 reward and that £10,000 reward remains open, because what we know is that Constance and Mark did have a substantial amount of cash. Within this investigation, what we don't know is during the movements - have they come across an individual that has taken pity to the cause and through cash that's available to them, allowed them to seek refuge in either a premises or outbuildings and it's to those individuals, that we say that is where the reward sits. We have to keep open minded and it is one of the hypothesis that we are working to.

Chief Superintendent - We just want to leave you with a statement, that we thank you for your time this afternoon. We thank the public for their support on this and we want to work diligently to see whether we can still find this baby, at this time, so thank you very much everyone.
In which case there would be little prospect of finding such a tiny body buried in the vast area such as the south downs imo. Look at poor Keith Bennett, still in Saddleworth Moors somewhere :(
I don't even know what the prospect would be of getting one of them to crack if that is the case tbh. They are the only people the baby likely ever knew and providing they know where it is, I can see in their minds that being enough with no need to tell anyone else sadly.
They need a body first though don't they? Then they need to establish that the child died because of the negligence of the parents. What about Infanticide?
For infanticide - I think you are right that it is likely that a body would be needed to prove causation . It would be much harder to prove any criminal charge of GNM / manslaughter / murder without the body IMO. There are cases where there has been a conviction without a body , but far more difficult to prove beyond reasonable doubt.

There is a criminal case of conviction of the ending of the life of a very late term infant / foetus - body never found but that was prosecuted under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 - R v Catt 2012 -The sentencing remarks are here - but Trigger warning - these details are difficult and upsetting to read.

In the Catt case it could not be prosecuted as murder or manslaughter, because there was no evidence that the baby had been born alive. The current case differs in that regard.
I think landfill is a bit of a leap. Certainly it can be very hard to find a body there (see the Corrie McKeague case) but I doubt they would have disposed of the body in such a way.

I think this was a much wanted baby, and if they have disposed of a body themselves it will be in an unmarked grave rather than tossed away like rubbish.

They've had ample opportunity to find a nice spot in woodland or a park and dig a grave.

Even if the baby had died around the time they were in Haringey, there are lots of parks in the vicinity - while Hampstead Heath is busy in the daytime it's very quiet at night with many wooded areas, and Highgate/ Queens Woods are deserted at almost any time you go. Finsbury Park is probably a bit too manicured and open to provide enough cover for such activities. Burial in an allotment seems illogical given how often they get dug over, but that seems to be a line of enquiry.
Is the ground frozen right now? I know Newhaven/Brighton are right down south, but if the ground is like rock, nobody's going to be digging it. The allotment at least, the soil would be loosely packed from being frequently turned over, so easier to dig under less than ideal circumstances than hard packed natural on the downs.
I have been following this closely from the start and had a bad feeling from the beginning this would end badly.

Please let the baby be found healthy and alive. Although, my hope is fading with each passing hour today. Let's hope for a miracle!
When reading this, you may think huh? at some points. I can assure you I wrote verbatim what was said!



Superintendent - We'll just read out some short statements and obviously at the end we'll have to take some questions, any questions you have following the statements we're about to make. So, obviously, we're continuing the extensive searches for the missing baby of Constance Martin and Mark Gordon, after they were located in Brighton last night. The pair were arrested in Stanmer Villas at around 21:30 hrs. on Monday, 27th. February, after a member of the public saw them in the shop in Hollingbury Place. I can confirm that they were initially arrested on suspicion of child neglect. I can now confirm that they have been further arrested on suspicion of gross negligence manslaughter and that they remain in custody at police station's in Sussex. The baby was not with them and we have not found the baby, as yet.

The police helicopter, sniffer dogs, thermal imaging cameras and drones, are being used to assist officers on the ground. We currently have over 200 officers from multiple units across the Metropolitan Police and Sussex Police involved in the search. Throughout this investigation, our key priority has been finding the baby and we remain committed to that. There is a significant amount of police search activity in open spaces to the north of Brighton, near to where the couple were arrested last night. Before the arrest, the last known sighting of the couple was in Newhaven on Wednesday 8th. January. I am, therefore, appealing to members of the public, between Brighton and Newhaven, to report - they may have seen people sleeping. I also ask people living in these areas to report any suspicious behaviour. Equally, if you are out walking in these areas and you discover something you think is pertinent to the investigation, please don't hesitate to contact us, no matter how insignificant it may seem, support from the public is vital and it is the support from the public that has been key to date in this investigation.

We have received a large number of phone calls from members of the public during the investigation. I would like to thank everyone who's come forward with information and especially the person who quickly called the police last night, after spotting Constance and Mark. Our colleagues from Sussex Police were on scene within minutes to make the arrest. We are very grateful for the support that they are providing and any information that could assist, I ask you to ring 999 immediately. I now hand over to my colleague.

Chief Superintendent - We are supporting the Metropolitan Police on this extensive search. Thanks to the vigilance of a member of the public, our officers were on scene within minutes of the reported sighting and made arrests. An immediate search was launched, including the National Police Air Service Helicopter, drones, dog units and every available officer and staff member from across the force. These searches are ongoing and the public can expect to see an increased police presence in the area, as well as a dedicated response to any information from the public. We acknowledge that there may be some disruption to the people living and working in the area and we thank those people for their patience and understanding at this time. I'd like to thank the local community further, for all the help they have given us so far. We have an extensive search area and will be in this community for some time. Some people may want to know what they can do to help. We just ask you to remain vigilant and please report anything of note to us. If you have any information that will support the search, please call 101 and in an emergency please dial 999. We have dedicated call handlers available to talk with you. Thank you.

Reporter - How has it come about that you've come to the further arrest - on suspicion of gross negligent manslaughter?

Detective Superintendent - So, obviously, the arrests occurred last night, obviously, just after 9:30. We've had significant periods of time in the custody facility with both Constance and Mark. At this time, we have not furthered that information, which has now, obviously, led to the position where we feel that the risk is getting so great that we now have to consider the possibility that the baby has come to harm and that will now be subject, as part of that investigation, by the officers involved.

Reporter - Have they admitted to that?

Detective Superintendent - The investigation is ongoing, the interview process is continuing. At this time, it is purely based on the fact of part of the investigation strategy, but I will reiterate that we still remain focused on a search and an open land search to find the baby safe and well.

Reporter - Have they started co-operating at all? Earlier on they weren't even revealing the gender of the baby - Have they given any information at all about that?

Detective Superintendent - No. We've furthered no information in relation to the gender of the baby, as part of the post arrest or as part of the investigation, at the moment.

Reporter - How hopeful are you that the baby is still alive given the timeframe (inaudible)?

Detective Superintendent - I wouldn't be drawn on a time frame, I think whilst we still have hope that the baby can be found safe and well, we must retain that hope and as you see, the number of officers we have deployed on that open search. However, as time progresses, as the weather is closing tonight, as it was last night, in terms of the cold, the coldness and the impact that would have on a baby, clearly the risk is getting higher and we have to be open to the fact that this may not end in the way we would like, but we need to remain hopeful and that is why over the late turn today into the night turn, you will still see the numbers of officers deployed, on that search, for the very reason of locating the baby.

Reporter - What do you think's brought them to Brighton? Have you any information which suggests that they've been in touch with any third party at all?

Detective Superintendent - No and at this time, obviously, I think it's key in the previous releases and discussions we've had with yourselves in the media, we've seen from the 5th. January, when this incident occurred and started in Manchester that they moved very quickly from Manchester to Liverpool to Essex throughout London, before obviously coming to Sussex. At this time, we didn't have, as part of that investigation process information that brought us to reasons of location. It will form part of the investigation now to date and will continue and that will be part of our strategy to work out why they came to Sussex and where they have been in that intervening time as well.

Reporter - Before he was arrested it appears that he was with a stick and there's been some footage shared online of the pair of them walking around. Can you confirm that? Can you help us out with that?

Detective Superintendent - We are looking into that footage, I can't confirm it right now, I hope to be able to come back later with... I've seen the footage and we are looking into that footage. They both obviously were booked into custody and as part of that process we would have and have received the appropriate medical assessments in that booking in period.

Reporter - Where do you think they were actually staying? We're they living rough? Were they in the allotments? Were they actually on the downs? Where's your focus of the search going?

Detective Superintendent - So the working hypothesis still remains that we believe them to be and have been in the open land and open areas. That is why our focus and our searches is where it is. We are (inaudible) to the fact that our outbuildings is a vast amount of land, I'll bring my colleague in, around the geography.

Chief Superintendent - So the location, as you know, from being here today, is vast. We're looking at a sort of corridor between where they were last sighted and here, of about 7 miles by 13 mile, sort of, length in duration, so 91 sq miles worth to be searched. We just encourage the public to be vigilant, if you see anything please report it. Our dedicated officers are working their way through that and our focus really remains, at this time, while there is still some hope of finding this young baby, on doing so.

Reporter - (I think he asks if they've said whether the baby is safe or not)

Detective Superintendent - At this time, no. We've got no further information.

Reporter - Have they given any information at all?

Detective Superintendent - Not this time, we haven't got any information from the custody process that's supporting the location or the welfare of the baby.

Reporter - Just going back to the point when they were arrested - Can you give us a bit more detail about the member of the public who reported it and how that unfolded? Were they a shop worker? Did they follow them up here a bit? How did that happen?, and also going back to that footage, it appears that Constance Martin may have been wearing a puffer jacket and a dress and Mark Gordon also in a puffer jacket and baggy trousers, again, with a walking stick - What were they wearing when they were arrested? And did he have the stick when they were arrested?

Detective Superintendent - What I can say around the arrest is that it was a diligent member of the public who observed them accessing a cash machine and then further entering the shop, and they remained vigilant, ringing 999, which alerted Sussex Police, which saw a response from the initial 999 call to the arrest of about 6 minutes. And that, obviously, was also the movement of the couple, just short of the location where we are right now.

Reporter - Just a follow on, on their condition during the arrest - Is anything in their condition suggesting that they have been living outdoors for a sustained period of time?

Detective Superintendent - Yeah, you know, I'm quite happy to confirm, from the initial assessments that we have, we've then linked into a rational and reason for the why we are doing open land searches is because, upon locating the couple and arresting the couple, there is very much significant intelligent information, as part of that arrest process, that brings us to a hypothesis that they have been spending a significant time outdoors, living in the countryside and obviously the vast land that they have here in Sussex.

Reporter - You mentioned earlier on today that there may be a possibility someone was taking care of the baby on their behalf - Is that still a possibility you are entertaining?

Detective Superintendent - We always have to keep our open mind to the investigation. It is a reason why we did offer the £10,000 reward and that £10,000 reward remains open, because what we know is that Constance and Mark did have a substantial amount of cash. Within this investigation, what we don't know is during the movements - have they come across an individual that has taken pity to the cause and through cash that's available to them, allowed them to seek refuge in either a premises or outbuildings and it's to those individuals, that we say that is where the reward sits. We have to keep open minded and it is one of the hypothesis that we are working to.

Chief Superintendent - We just want to leave you with a statement, that we thank you for your time this afternoon. We thank the public for their support on this and we want to work diligently to see whether we can still find this baby, at this time, so thank you very much everyone.
Thanks for this!! Quite a few 'huh' moments and lots of word salad in there!

No mention of finding the tent, and wearing a dress whilst living outside?
I appreciate this isn't high on the list of importance now, but anyone else notice that CM was spotted at the cash point withdrawing money?

From everything so far I'm presuming they were classified as high risk missing persons due to the baby. So additional powers like phone tracking and accessing bank accounts etc would be authorised?

Does this point to an unknown third party providing their bank card. I'm clutching at straws hoping they did have help from others in the hopes a third party has the baby. Unfortunately from the previous behaviour they have been very much isolated and just cut off from friends etc.

Watching minutes before their arrest I was surprised at the volume, I presumed they were scuttling around quiet as a mouse keeping their heads down.

Speculating perhaps if the baby did sadly pass away recently, maybe during the latest cold snap they had become less careful. Emotions running high, they maybe have been less heads down and more 'visble'.

I appreciate this isn't high on the list of importance now, but anyone else notice that CM was spotted at the cash point withdrawing money?

From everything so far I'm presuming they were classified as high risk missing persons due to the baby. So additional powers like phone tracking and accessing bank accounts etc would be authorised?

Does this point to an unknown third party providing their bank card. I'm clutching at straws hoping they did have help from others in the hopes a third party has the baby. Unfortunately from the previous behaviour they have been very much isolated and just cut off from friends etc.

Watching minutes before their arrest I was surprised at the volume, I presumed they were scuttling around quiet as a mouse keeping their heads down.

Speculating perhaps if the baby did sadly pass away recently, maybe during the latest cold snap they had become less careful. Emotions running high, they maybe have been less heads down and more 'visble'.

I have absolutely no idea how this works but I always thought bank accounts from other countries they can't access. Could be such a case.
Struggling to understand if they HAVE given the baby away to someone but will go to prison for manslaughter rather than admitting this; what's the difference between that & the child being in care as they won't see it anyway.

And every child needs a birth certificate at some point so the truth will out.
They only prosecuted Ian Brady and Myra Hindley for three murders - not Bennett's - though they later confessed to two more including Bennett's.

Part of that would have been that they had enough to lock them up for the rest of their lives without the fourth and fifth convictions though.

Relatively recently we had the no body murder conviction in the case of Bernadette Walker, a 17yo killed by her stepfather.

I don't know if there's ever been a no body manslaughter conviction, however.
Struggling to understand if they HAVE given the baby away to someone but will go to prison for manslaughter rather than admitting this; what's the difference between that & the child being in care as they won't see it anyway.

And every child needs a birth certificate at some point so the truth will out.
Exactly. If anything, they stand more chance of seeing baby again if they show they made suitable arrangements to keep them safe.
Struggling to understand if they HAVE given the baby away to someone but will go to prison for manslaughter rather than admitting this; what's the difference between that & the child being in care as they won't see it anyway.

And every child needs a birth certificate at some point so the truth will out.
Such things can be forged.
I have absolutely no idea how this works but I always thought bank accounts from other countries they can't access. Could be such a case.
I worked for a bank. Most UK ATM's use the LINK network which is owned by Vocalink. It is very possible for the UK police to ask Vocalink for an activity flag to be put on any card being used on the LINK network. The caveat being they need to know of the existence of the card in the 1st place to ask for it. If they're not a member of LINK I believe a gateway is then used to Visa/Mastercard or whoever but Vocalink would still have visibility of its use.
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Watching minutes before their arrest I was surprised at the volume, I presumed they were scuttling around quiet as a mouse keeping their heads down.

I was thinking the same thing.

And the large stick he’s carrying in the video seems odd to me. For what purpose? Self-defense? Hiking? Not very inconspicuous when you’re attempting to move about undetected.

Also find it notable that both went shopping together. Why, if they had phones to communicate with each other? If baby were still alive, wouldn’t one of them stay back with him/her? This is worrisome to me.

I’m curious about MG’s mental health issues that CM referred to during arrest. How long he’s had them, how much (if any) they played a part in prior involvement of SS and the couple’s decision to go on the run, etc.
Struggling to understand if they HAVE given the baby away to someone but will go to prison for manslaughter rather than admitting this; what's the difference between that & the child being in care as they won't see it anyway.

And every child needs a birth certificate at some point so the truth will out.
IF they have give the baby to someone else the difference could be trust. With cases like Leiland-James Corkill being in the media recently it could be that they don't trust a stranger to foster their baby. If they have given the baby to someone they know and trust then theyll know the baby is being raised the way they wanted to raise them.
Maybe they worked out either way they aren't gonna be able to keep the baby with them so they opted to have what they saw as the next best option, someone who shares their values in life, to raise them. Obviously this is all speculation as it seems CM & MG aren't talking!
Chief Superintendent - So the location, as you know, from being here today, is vast. We're looking at a sort of corridor between where they were last sighted and here, of about 7 miles by 13 mile, sort of, length in duration, so 91 sq miles worth to be searched. We just encourage the public to be vigilant, if you see anything please report it. Our dedicated officers are working their way through that and our focus really remains, at this time, while there is still some hope of finding this young baby, on doing so.

That is a huge area to cover. From his remarks I drew a rough search area on Google maps.

From Google Maps

They are then believed to have taken a taxi to Newhaven, in East Sussex, where they were dropped off outside the port at 4.56am. They were later seen sheltering under an overpass at around 6am, before walking along Cantercrow Hill and into the fields beyond (January 8th)

The couple were found by Sussex police at Stanmer Villas in Brighton on Monday night after a member of the public reported seeing them shortly before 9.30pm

It's a roughly 4 hour walk from the last seen location on Jan 8th to where they were found. It's a lot of open country, but a look at Strava demonstrates the South Downs is well travelled, so it's not like they were in the middle of nowhere.

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Struggling to understand if they HAVE given the baby away to someone but will go to prison for manslaughter rather than admitting this; what's the difference between that & the child being in care as they won't see it anyway.

And every child needs a birth certificate at some point so the truth will out.

I would say that this would still be under their control, unlike social services involvement, they get to say where the baby is placed, they know they can go and retrieve them and carry on with their lives whenever they choose. It would be all on their terms and even if they never get to see the baby again now that they have been arrested and if they are charged and convicted, it was still all their choice.

Crazy to your or I but we have no idea about either parent's state of mind, I'm quite inclined to believe that Constance has been the driving force here, maybe Mark will crack.
I’ve been reading this since the start, after the car was broken down not far from where I live.

One thing that confused me is the burner phones and sims- these would need charging but I haven’t thought of a way they could organise this- even power banks need charging and being outside in the cold would drain the battery faster too
Chief Superintendent - So the location, as you know, from being here today, is vast. We're looking at a sort of corridor between where they were last sighted and here, of about 7 miles by 13 mile, sort of, length in duration, so 91 sq miles worth to be searched. We just encourage the public to be vigilant, if you see anything please report it. Our dedicated officers are working their way through that and our focus really remains, at this time, while there is still some hope of finding this young baby, on doing so.

That is a huge area to cover. From his remarks I drew a rough search area on Google maps.

From Google Maps
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View attachment 406065
They are then believed to have taken a taxi to Newhaven, in East Sussex, where they were dropped off outside the port at 4.56am. They were later seen sheltering under an overpass at around 6am, before walking along Cantercrow Hill and into the fields beyond (January 8th)

The couple were found by Sussex police at Stanmer Villas in Brighton on Monday night after a member of the public reported seeing them shortly before 9.30pm

It's a roughly 4 hour walk from the last seen location on Jan 8th to where they were found. It's a lot of open country, but a look at Strava demonstrates the South Downs is well travelled, so it's not like they were in the middle of nowhere.

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There's also the possibility as other posters have mentioned that the baby has been left elsewhere on their way to this area, as they have travelled extensively. That really doesn't bear thinking about :(
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