UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #11

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Could anyone who knows edit this as to which rotate, which are static and which only take stills. Also are these just the public cameras?
Working anti-clockwise from top left, I believe to be as follows:

Adnams - from inside of shop (CCTV shown)
McDonalds - from inside but no footage that I have seen
Cornhill Walk - from inside small shopping precinct (CCTV shown)
Car park / private? (CCTV not shown)
Greenwoods - roaming (CCTV shown)
Edmundos - from inside restaurant (CCTV shown in hub)
Corner of Thornton's (CCTV not shown)

Hope this helps?
I'd also be interested to know which ones the stills are from

The stills showing the black guy and woman were taken from the Adnams shop which would be top left camera by mcdonalds - They released stills but they were probably not from a still camera. The other stills were Cornhill Centre opposite mcdonalds but that camera is more under the govel part of the name not looking up the alleyway as in the tony w pictogram.
I doubt with Nicola & Tony's backgrounds that Corrie would go AWOL over bad drugs rather than find a way to contact the authorities.

Also, it leaves a massive time gap as the man from the rave didnt die until a couple of days later. Plus there's Corrie's car left in town and his dog left on base.

Plus, with ecstasy, wouldnt that be pre-club, rather than 3.30am after a sleep and a (supposedly) shed load of food? Eating that much would also potentially rule out cocaine and amphetamines, so I think the drugs are a complete non starter
I reported one I saw in the Norwich area. Not that close but then the vehicle could have gone anywhere

I remember reading about a motorbike that was set on fire in the BSE area, in the early hours of the Saturday that Corrie went missing. It was way back in the first couple of weeks, I can't remember where I read it tho so I can't provide a link, anyone else remember reading this?
I remember reading about a motorbike that was set on fire in the BSE area, in the early hours of the Saturday that Corrie went missing. It was way back in the first couple of weeks, I can't remember where I read it tho so I can't provide a link, anyone else remember reading this?

I don't remember reading that but these are the crime statistics for BSE.
This is quite a large post so apologies in advance.
The Christmas holiday period is upon us and as I thought, Corrie sadly hasn't appeared. It's around four months now since the 'Horseshoe' incident and my 'looking after a married quarter whilst the occupant was on tour' scenario seems not to have born fruit. The next important moment would be the six month point which is round about 26th March 2017 for my hypotheses to stand credibility for AWOL. I think I'm beginning to accept fowl play involved or misadventure. More about the legalities of AWOL later.
As we all know, very little evidence has been presented so far that would hold up in a court of law as being credible. What we do know is Corrie went out that night, ha was separated from his drinking friends, went to the Kebab shop, went to Hughes for a few hours to rest, walked to the 'Horseshoe' and disappeared.
No matter how much we speculate or suggest, these are the hard standing facts we have. The reasons behind his intentions that night can be inferred by his movements and visible actions. These are the only titbits we have to build a case.

I think we have established that Corrie 'made good' his night when he was 'ejected' from the nightclub by walking to the Kebab shop and then 'walking with purpose' towards the 'Horseshoe' area. He clearly is biding his time whether it's a 0130 meet at Hughes to match the 'walking with purpose' statement...or the 0330 meet in the 'Horseshoe', married with the 0308 phone image and 'jog' shortly after which was caught on CCTV. This for me shows a clear intention of meeting someone regardless. I think it's highly unlikely to be his drinking buddies from work as his mobile phone (and presumably him also) went in the opposite direction to Hon. The only scenario I can think of that would incorporate his work mates is if Corrie had failed in a particular discipline that week such as a fitness or weapons test for example. They could have dropped him off at McDonalds at the Barton Mills roundabout to teach him a lesson (let's call it military humour and character building?). Corrie would then have to have found his own way back but would presumably have been seen on route UNLESS he went cross country through Kings Wood. This is a major challenge but doable. The majority of tracks head in a NE-SW or NW-SE alignment making navigation difficult unless a bearing from the stars was made. Corrie would possibly have known star navigation as a basic infantry requirement. I can't see him waiting in any early morning restaurant as he would have been seen. Nor can I see him standing or waiting outside for a few hours as this would have been obvious too.
Conclusion? He was definitely meeting someone who didn't really respect Corrie's welfare or safety...otherwise they would have turned up on time and not allowed him to wait.

Incidentally, information on his phone '"....can only be acquired by public authorities under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 on a case by case basis, and where it is necessary and proportionate to do so....".

“The acquisition of communications data under RIPA is subject to stringent safeguards in existing legislation and is independently overseen by the Interception of Communications Commissioner.”

Battery life?
During the evening prior to his disappearance, it's been noted by his brother that he used his phone on several occasions. One of his first calls was made during the morning to his brother. He spoke at length that day as well as sent texts to his brother during his work breaks. We know also that he spoke at length in the car at Robert Roby Way for possibly an hour. These conversations do not include other texts, photos and social media updates. We know he sent a picture image at 0308, adding to the battery life's pressure.
If we accept (as I'm sure we have by now) that Corrie had arranged to meet someone, then the meet presumably would have to have been via his mobile phone unless he had arranged it in person that night. The disappearance of it and the police interest into it suggests that it has valuable information on it and an important item in the ongoing case. I don't buy the 'phone could have left Barton Mills/Mildenhall area' or 'switched off' or 'destroyed' theory spouted by the family (respectfully). With all the action it had that night I would say the battery more that likely just faded away and died.
Conclusions with this one? We're looking like the phone is in the BM/M area in my mind.

Known person?
We've established that Corrie left the 'Horseshoe' area albeit by vehicle or on foot part of the way. If Corrie had arranged by a phone app such as Grindr, Whatsapp or other, this adds to my battery life theory. It would eat away at it as presumably it would operate with a mobile location device? The ambiguous 0130 or upto 0330 suggests to me that the person was slight.y indifferent as to Corrie's welfare and safety. Someone who didn't really care for an exact pick up or couldn't get there on time.
If it were his work mates I'm sure they would have come forward. The 0330 closing time of the club fits the bills but still a wall of silence from his mates. His unit is a tight knit community regardless of disagreements or grievances. I rule them out. Besides, as far as we know none of them have come forward.
If it's a car it has to be someone over the age of 17 to have driven in to the 'Horseshoe'. I can't see it being anyone younger. I would have thought someone the same age or older though. Unless they've borrowed their parents car it would have to be a small one too otherwise the insurance premiums would be restrictive. Even if the car was borrowed, another person would be involved and so complicit. So three people involved in a potential cover up. I don't subscribe to this theory. That leads us to another issue of cloned car/plates...but then, is there any need to go to such lengths if there are innocent intentions?
Conclusion with this one? Dishonourable intentions and an intent to deceive.

Why Shortbrackland?
Shortbrackland seems to be an easy route into and out of BSE central. It's the only place with none or limited CCTV. A vehicle can be picked up on camera but way out of town just before the roundabout which leads to the A1101.
In my mind there is either an innocent intention to collect Corrie in which case the driver would have presumably have come forward unless they have something to hide?
OR a clear decision to evade CCTV with total disregard for the legal system with regard to licence plates. That suggests an intent to do wrong and the driver has something to hide. OR false plates and a cloned car operated that night to pick up Corrie and if so, the driver most definitely has something to hide. In any of the cases, the driver is complicit in the disappearance of Corrie.
Conclusion? Unanimous decision to get in and out of the 'Horseshoe' as quickly as possible (with or without being seen).

Corrie may as well have been wearing a high visibility suit that evening. Pink shirt and white jeans do not exactly blend in to every day life. We've discussed at great length the style of clothes and what type of person it attracts. It was light at half five and daylight broke around 0600 that morning. The 'Horseshoe' had a steady flow of footfall providing ample opportunity for witnesses but alas nothing. I would imagine that the roads were beginning to fill up too with cars going to start their shifts at 0600, HGV's going to the ports or distribution hubs, LGVs doing early morning shop deliveries before the inner ring and town centre wagon curfews.
In my mind he has to have been under cover (vehicle, house, shed, building) BEFORE it got light at 0600 or hidden during the hours of darkness (before 0530) that morning OR moved and hidden the following night (2200 onwards) which is unlikely for me.
So the conclusion for me for this one is in a house before 0600 Saturday or body hidden before 0530 or after 2200 on Saturday.

The term AWOL brings together the Armed Forces Act and the relevant single service regulations.
Usually, four hours is given before an internal report is filed. If it is deemed appropriate, it is then passed up the chain of command. All means possible are explored to make contact with the individual.
On the eighth day, the CO raises another document and it is flagged up to his administration system. Pay is then suspended. In military terms AWOL is effectively the same as Missing Person by definition. Thereafter the military system will notify the civilian police force. In this case, Suffolk Constabulary, although if Corrie is outside of this jurisdiction then any United Kingdom constabulary will take over.
The next of kin will then be notified if they have not been already this will be done in an official capacity.
After 21 days the CO will initiate relevant casualty procedures if necessary unless Corrie is categorised as missing by the police. A judge advocate will authorise a warrant for arrest so that Corrie can be transferred to Service custody as soon as possible via the relevant police force. He can be arrested however without a warrant if there is reasonable suspicion of him being AWOL. The AWOL status ends when Corrie either rejoins his unit, surrenders to the police or is discharged from the military.
Remember, this is Military Law and NOT English Law. Although the latter has primacy, the former has to play out first.

Total conclusion:
1. He was definitely meeting someone who didn't really respect Corrie's welfare or safety...otherwise they would have turned up on time and not allowed him to wait.
2. It's looking like the phone is in the BM/M area in my mind.
3. Perpetrator has dishonourable intentions and an intent to deceive.
4. Unanimous decision to get in and out of the 'Horseshoe' as quickly as possible (with or without being seen by both parties).
5. Regrettably if Corrie isn't AWOL, then I see no reason why he shouldn't have been in a house/building/car before 0600 Saturday or his body hidden before 0530 or after 2200 on that Saturday.

Given the above considerations, I find it unlikely that the perp was a lone female unless Corrie was dropped off somewhere, tried to walk back and she hasn't come forward. A lone female would hardly be likely to physically manhandle an 80kg body around so that leaves a male or males.
A quick route in and out of BSE using the 'Horseshoe' and its location as a pick up point suggests to me a desire NOT to be seen by a male perpetrator...and someone who is savvy at that. If it's male, it could only mean someone on his contact list (he would need to have arranged it remember) and/or someone NOT UK military. Additionally, I find it hard to believe (although NOT impossible) that it could be a US Serviceman. If the police are delaying or having difficulty then I can only think that they are finding it difficult from a legal point of view to gain access to his mobile phone information and encrypted data such as Whatsapp etc. Remember the Snooper's Charter problems currently going on in the UK and Europe? If it were currently legal, we'd have solved it by now!


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It looks lithe the ShortB camera is indeed in the car park behind the Cornhill centre. So how many metres have we got from the bin to there, in which Corrie could have got into a vehicle? There is a "black hole" of space which he could have disappeared from, off camera.


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Fantastic post Midsummers. I'm going to nitpick at it slightly though.

I think we have established that Corrie 'made good' his night when he was 'ejected' from the nightclub by walking to the Kebab shop and then 'walking with purpose' towards the 'Horseshoe' area. He clearly is biding his time whether it's a 0130 meet at Hughes to match the 'walking with purpose' statement...or the 0330 meet in the 'Horseshoe', married with the 0308 phone image and 'jog' shortly after which was caught on CCTV. This for me shows a clear intention of meeting someone regardless. I think it's highly unlikely to be his drinking buddies from work as his mobile phone (and presumably him also) went in the opposite direction to Hon. The only scenario I can think of that would incorporate his work mates is if Corrie had failed in a particular discipline that week such as a fitness or weapons test for example.

Conclusion? He was definitely meeting someone who didn't really respect Corrie's welfare or safety...otherwise they would have turned up on time and not allowed him to wait.
I think a pre-arranged lift with someone is very plausible and quite likely to be with someone who he was out with that night. If the belief that he was somehow separated from his phone is true it would then be possible for his phone to be in BM and his colleagues went in another direction. However I think the arrangement was for 3.30am and not 1.30am. 3.30am would explain all the waiting about and then getting up at approx 3.24am. 3.30am would be a plausible time to collect someone after a nightclub closes. So it could well have been a lift with someone that he was out with that night.

If he was booted out of the club rather than left willingly he wouldn't have planned beforehand to meet anyone at 1.30am. To then arrange on a meet up app to meet with someone in a small town within a matter of minutes of being booted out of a club would be extremely lucky. A few hours notice is usually needed for these kind of hook ups I'd imagine?

So I totally agree it is very very likely to be a meet up but I think 3.30am is far more likely to be the meet up time.
This is quite a large post so apologies in advance.
The Christmas holiday period is upon us and as I thought, Corrie sadly hasn't appeared. It's around four months now since the 'Horseshoe' incident and my 'looking after a married quarter whilst the occupant was on tour' scenario seems not to have born fruit. The next important moment would be the six month point which is round about 26th March 2017 for my hypotheses to stand credibility for AWOL. I think I'm beginning to accept fowl play involved or misadventure. More about the legalities of AWOL later.
As we all know, very little evidence has been presented so far that would hold up in a court of law as being credible. What we do know is Corrie went out that night, ha was separated from his drinking friends, went to the Kebab shop, went to Hughes for a few hours to rest, walked to the 'Horseshoe' and disappeared.
No matter how much we speculate or suggest, these are the hard standing facts we have. The reasons behind his intentions that night can be inferred by his movements and visible actions. These are the only titbits we have to build a case.

I think we have established that Corrie 'made good' his night when he was 'ejected' from the nightclub by walking to the Kebab shop and then 'walking with purpose' towards the 'Horseshoe' area. He clearly is biding his time whether it's a 0130 meet at Hughes to match the 'walking with purpose' statement...or the 0330 meet in the 'Horseshoe', married with the 0308 phone image and 'jog' shortly after which was caught on CCTV. This for me shows a clear intention of meeting someone regardless. I think it's highly unlikely to be his drinking buddies from work as his mobile phone (and presumably him also) went in the opposite direction to Hon. The only scenario I can think of that would incorporate his work mates is if Corrie had failed in a particular discipline that week such as a fitness or weapons test for example. They could have dropped him off at McDonalds at the Barton Mills roundabout to teach him a lesson (let's call it military humour and character building?). Corrie would then have to have found his own way back but would presumably have been seen on route UNLESS he went cross country through Kings Wood. This is a major challenge but doable. The majority of tracks head in a NE-SW or NW-SE alignment making navigation difficult unless a bearing from the stars was made. Corrie would possibly have known star navigation as a basic infantry requirement. I can't see him waiting in any early morning restaurant as he would have been seen. Nor can I see him standing or waiting outside for a few hours as this would have been obvious too.
Conclusion? He was definitely meeting someone who didn't really respect Corrie's welfare or safety...otherwise they would have turned up on time and not allowed him to wait.

Incidentally, information on his phone '"....can only be acquired by public authorities under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 on a case by case basis, and where it is necessary and proportionate to do so....".

“The acquisition of communications data under RIPA is subject to stringent safeguards in existing legislation and is independently overseen by the Interception of Communications Commissioner.”

Battery life?
During the evening prior to his disappearance, it's been noted by his brother that he used his phone on several occasions. One of his first calls was made during the morning to his brother. He spoke at length that day as well as sent texts to his brother during his work breaks. We know also that he spoke at length in the car at Robert Roby Way for possibly an hour. These conversations do not include other texts, photos and social media updates. We know he sent a picture image at 0308, adding to the battery life's pressure.
If we accept (as I'm sure we have by now) that Corrie had arranged to meet someone, then the meet presumably would have to have been via his mobile phone unless he had arranged it in person that night. The disappearance of it and the police interest into it suggests that it has valuable information on it and an important item in the ongoing case. I don't buy the 'phone could have left Barton Mills/Mildenhall area' or 'switched off' or 'destroyed' theory spouted by the family (respectfully). With all the action it had that night I would say the battery more that likely just faded away and died.
Conclusions with this one? We're looking like the phone is in the BM/M area in my mind.

Known person?
We've established that Corrie left the 'Horseshoe' area albeit by vehicle or on foot part of the way. If Corrie had arranged by a phone app such as Grindr, Whatsapp or other, this adds to my battery life theory. It would eat away at it as presumably it would operate with a mobile location device? The ambiguous 0130 or upto 0330 suggests to me that the person was slight.y indifferent as to Corrie's welfare and safety. Someone who didn't really care for an exact pick up or couldn't get there on time.
If it were his work mates I'm sure they would have come forward. The 0330 closing time of the club fits the bills but still a wall of silence from his mates. His unit is a tight knit community regardless of disagreements or grievances. I rule them out. Besides, as far as we know none of them have come forward.
If it's a car it has to be someone over the age of 17 to have driven in to the 'Horseshoe'. I can't see it being anyone younger. I would have thought someone the same age or older though. Unless they've borrowed their parents car it would have to be a small one too otherwise the insurance premiums would be restrictive. Even if the car was borrowed, another person would be involved and so complicit. So three people involved in a potential cover up. I don't subscribe to this theory. That leads us to another issue of cloned car/plates...but then, is there any need to go to such lengths if there are innocent intentions?
Conclusion with this one? Dishonourable intentions and an intent to deceive.

Why Shortbrackland?
Shortbrackland seems to be an easy route into and out of BSE central. It's the only place with none or limited CCTV. A vehicle can be picked up on camera but way out of town just before the roundabout which leads to the A1101.
In my mind there is either an innocent intention to collect Corrie in which case the driver would have presumably have come forward unless they have something to hide?
OR a clear decision to evade CCTV with total disregard for the legal system with regard to licence plates. That suggests an intent to do wrong and the driver has something to hide. OR false plates and a cloned car operated that night to pick up Corrie and if so, the driver most definitely has something to hide. In any of the cases, the driver is complicit in the disappearance of Corrie.
Conclusion? Unanimous decision to get in and out of the 'Horseshoe' as quickly as possible (with or without being seen).

Corrie may as well have been wearing a high visibility suit that evening. Pink shirt and white jeans do not exactly blend in to every day life. We've discussed at great length the style of clothes and what type of person it attracts. It was light at half five and daylight broke around 0600 that morning. The 'Horseshoe' had a steady flow of footfall providing ample opportunity for witnesses but alas nothing. I would imagine that the roads were beginning to fill up too with cars going to start their shifts at 0600, HGV's going to the ports or distribution hubs, LGVs doing early morning shop deliveries before the inner ring and town centre wagon curfews.
In my mind he has to have been under cover (vehicle, house, shed, building) BEFORE it got light at 0600 or hidden during the hours of darkness (before 0530) that morning OR moved and hidden the following night (2200 onwards) which is unlikely for me.
So the conclusion for me for this one is in a house before 0600 Saturday or body hidden before 0530 or after 2200 on Saturday.

The term AWOL brings together the Armed Forces Act and the relevant single service regulations.
Usually, four hours is given before an internal report is filed. If it is deemed appropriate, it is then passed up the chain of command. All means possible are explored to make contact with the individual.
On the eighth day, the CO raises another document and it is flagged up to his administration system. Pay is then suspended. In military terms AWOL is effectively the same as Missing Person by definition. Thereafter the military system will notify the civilian police force. In this case, Suffolk Constabulary, although if Corrie is outside of this jurisdiction then any United Kingdom constabulary will take over.
The next of kin will then be notified if they have not been already this will be done in an official capacity.
After 21 days the CO will initiate relevant casualty procedures if necessary unless Corrie is categorised as missing by the police. A judge advocate will authorise a warrant for arrest so that Corrie can be transferred to Service custody as soon as possible via the relevant police force. He can be arrested however without a warrant if there is reasonable suspicion of him being AWOL. The AWOL status ends when Corrie either rejoins his unit, surrenders to the police or is discharged from the military.
Remember, this is Military Law and NOT English Law. Although the latter has primacy, the former has to play out first.

Total conclusion:
1. He was definitely meeting someone who didn't really respect Corrie's welfare or safety...otherwise they would have turned up on time and not allowed him to wait.
2. It's looking like the phone is in the BM/M area in my mind.
3. Perpetrator has dishonourable intentions and an intent to deceive.
4. Unanimous decision to get in and out of the 'Horseshoe' as quickly as possible (with or without being seen by both parties).
5. Regrettably if Corrie isn't AWOL, then I see no reason why he shouldn't have been in a house/building/car before 0600 Saturday or his body hidden before 0530 or after 2200 on that Saturday.

Given the above considerations, I find it unlikely that the perp was a lone female unless Corrie was dropped off somewhere, tried to walk back and she hasn't come forward. A lone female would hardly be likely to physically manhandle an 80kg body around so that leaves a male or males.
A quick route in and out of BSE using the 'Horseshoe' and its location as a pick up point suggests to me a desire NOT to be seen by a male perpetrator...and someone who is savvy at that. If it's male, it could only mean someone on his contact list (he would need to have arranged it remember) and/or someone NOT UK military. Additionally, I find it hard to believe (although NOT impossible) that it could be a US Serviceman. If the police are delaying or having difficulty then I can only think that they are finding it difficult from a legal point of view to gain access to his mobile phone information and encrypted data such as Whatsapp etc. Remember the Snooper's Charter problems currently going on in the UK and Europe? If it were currently legal, we'd have solved it by now!


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Excellent and compelling sleuthing MSD. I am of the opinion that there are 2 scenarios.

1. Corrie got a lift partway and then misadventure befell him (the person being too scared to come forward since he was missing in case they are either a) found out (affair etc) or b) blamed for the misadventure).

2. (The scenario I am most inclined to believe) Corrie did meet someone who had terrible intentions and everything was meticulously planned hence the number plate scenario and the evading much of the cctv coverage in the area.

In either scenario, I believe Corrie has met a tragic end. This is a horrible case as there is so little to go on. I really do pray that the police have some info they are keeping under wraps to catch the perpetrator/s.

JMO of course ��
Fantastic post Midsummers. I'm going to nitpick at it slightly though.

I think a pre-arranged lift with someone is very plausible and quite likely to be with someone who he was out with that night. If the belief that he was somehow separated from his phone is true it would then be possible for his phone to be in BM and his colleagues went in another direction. However I think the arrangement was for 3.30am and not 1.30am. 3.30am would explain all the waiting about and then getting up at approx 3.24am. 3.30am would be a plausible time to collect someone after a nightclub closes. So it could well have been a lift with someone that he was out with that night.

If he was booted out of the club rather than left willingly he wouldn't have planned beforehand to meet anyone at 1.30am. To then arrange on a meet up app to meet with someone in a small town within a matter of minutes of being booted out of a club would be extremely lucky. A few hours notice is usually needed for these kind of hook ups I'd imagine?

So I totally agree it is very very likely to be a meet up but I think 3.30am is far more likely to be the meet up time.

Makes sense to me, Ironside. Even though there's no hard evidence of a meeting, it would explain a few things.

Maybe I missed earlier discussions on this topic, but do we know why Corrie slept outside rather than in the warmth and safety of his car?

Or, if he needed to sleep and kill some time before picking us his car the next morning, why not take a taxi home and rest for a few hours? He wasn't penniless, so why are we discussing hitching rides, travelling on the back of bin lorries, and the like?

I know Nicola and his brothers have said that sleeping out and hitching rides were normal things for him to do, but why?
I have only recently found this forum after searching for more information, and have found it compelling reading. My opinion (having read all the posts), is that the most likely scenario is also the most unfortunate, in that Corrie was meeting somebody in the horseshoe area following an online exchange on his phone.They then departed in a car, and thereafter something nefarious and tragic has happened to Corrie. Perhaps there was a sexual encounter in a discreet area within the horseshoe, and a decision was made to carry it on somewhere more private when Corrie felt more at ease with the person (he could have left his phone by mistake). I suspect the police are well aware of vehicle movements, and are currently gathering further evidence.
It reminds me of a murder in central Edinburgh a few years back, where the victim arrived for work on a bus and was murdered by her lover/colleague in the basement of the office building; the body was then transported to a remote location the next day and subsequently never found. The accused was convicted, in part because of the compelling mobile telephone evidence. It amazed me that a murder and removal of a body could take place in a busy town centre.
It reminds me of a murder in central Edinburgh a few years back, where the victim arrived for work on a bus and was murdered by her lover/colleague in the basement of the office building; the body was then transported to a remote location the next day and subsequently never found. The accused was convicted, in part because of the compelling mobile telephone evidence. It amazed me that a murder and removal of a body could take place in a busy town centre.

That was Suzanne Pilley*D-Gilroy-guilty*
I still think there could be some one who live/work or own business that may have been on the premises at the time, the kebab guy said he saw Corrie every 2-3 weeks so how do we know whether it wasn't a kind of regular thing for him to meet people in the horseshoe or even the same person each time? Do we know whether all the people have been ruled out that have access to theses properties? Do we know if any of the alarms of the business' were activated before time?
Excellent and compelling sleuthing MSD. I am of the opinion that there are 2 scenarios.

1. Corrie got a lift partway and then misadventure befell him (the person being too scared to come forward since he was missing in case they are either a) found out (affair etc) or b) blamed for the misadventure).

2. (The scenario I am most inclined to believe) Corrie did meet someone who had terrible intentions and everything was meticulously planned hence the number plate scenario and the evading much of the cctv coverage in the area.

In either scenario, I believe Corrie has met a tragic end. This is a horrible case as there is so little to go on. I really do pray that the police have some info they are keeping under wraps to catch the perpetrator/s.

JMO of course ��

3. The person he met didn't actually have terrible intentions but something terrible then did happen. He may have met with a friend or friends, an acquaintance or stranger who hadn't predetermined a murder but then some kind of argument happened.
Fantastic post Midsummers. I'm going to nitpick at it slightly though.

I think a pre-arranged lift with someone is very plausible and quite likely to be with someone who he was out with that night. If the belief that he was somehow separated from his phone is true it would then be possible for his phone to be in BM and his colleagues went in another direction. However I think the arrangement was for 3.30am and not 1.30am. 3.30am would explain all the waiting about and then getting up at approx 3.24am. 3.30am would be a plausible time to collect someone after a nightclub closes. So it could well have been a lift with someone that he was out with that night.

If he was booted out of the club rather than left willingly he wouldn't have planned beforehand to meet anyone at 1.30am. To then arrange on a meet up app to meet with someone in a small town within a matter of minutes of being booted out of a club would be extremely lucky. A few hours notice is usually needed for these kind of hook ups I'd imagine?

So I totally agree it is very very likely to be a meet up but I think 3.30am is far more likely to be the meet up time.

Thank you Ironside.
I've been away for awhile so fresh eyes is often a good way of seeing things. Of course as ever, my posts are open to scrutiny as they should be with everyone.
With regards to the possible 0330 meet up, I have given great thought and time towards 'gay' hookups. I hope my browsing history isn't brought into question by the police lol.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with gay people mixing with straight people in a nightclub environment. Some may 'mix' more others. That said, if it's frowned upon (by the military or local society?) then I would have thought that to make good that social interaction would require privacy if you had an intention to meet someone?
The Grindr apps facilitate this. Grindr is free enough to interact with casual hookups without paying. If the location device is set to 'on' on your phone and you're within the confines of a nightclub, then you're relatively easy to spot and identify.
If the user is using it for nefarious reasons in that nightclub it makes it even easier as he'd be actively looking for someone checking their phone. I think this is where the contact was made via a hookup site....probably Grindr.
If Corrie was ejected at 0100 (approx), I see no reason why the other person should leave at the same time as this would give the game away straight away. To arrange a 0330 pick up seems a hell of a lot more likely to me than a possible 0130. The club closes at 0330 anyway, why leave early?
So if we extrapolate from that; leaving the club, walking to the car, driving through the one way system all the way to Shortbrackland...15 minutes? That takes the time to around 0345 minimum?
Buying a large kebab, chips and two burgers fits well with an offering. Makes a good opening line...'want some of my burger?'.

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If the worst has happened then we have to remember that Corrie wasn't reported missing until the Monday, we're presuming he left the area but if something bad did happen then there is a possibility he was still in the area some where, they would have had plenty of time to move him, only checking cctv up til 8am the Saturday, do we know if cctv was checked any time after that, in the weeks he was missing?
Maybe I missed earlier discussions on this topic, but do we know why Corrie slept outside rather than in the warmth and safety of his car?
If you are caught over the limit in your car you get charged with drink driving even if you're not physically driving. It's to discourage people going for a snooze then driving home a few hours later still very much over the limit.

Even if he didn't give a damn about getting a drink driving charge his car was a two seater so not very comfortable to stretch out in.
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