UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #12

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I just wanted to comment that I've read a few posts recently suggesting again that Corrie was jogging to get to the HS, it is confirmed in the findcorrie site that he wasn't.

The site says that he "took a skipping step on uneven ground".

What does that even mean. Does it mean he was skipping? Does that mean he stumbled?

How can they tell that? Do they have other CCTV of it?

IMO he is doing a light jog with his hands in his pockets.

Maybe we are looking too far into a jog, run, stumble etc.....

But IMO he is jogging to get to the horseshoe area to give him extra time to have a piss before anyone comes.

If he was to walk home - he would also walk this way. Though based on CCTV - I don't believe he walked home.

If he was aiming to get to his car....this wouldn't be the best route, but it's only a slight detour. The best detour for having a cheeky piss.
Very disappointed that the findings in Adrian's case won't be made public.

Corrie's case is not too dissimilar, after a couple of months of Adrian still not being found, everyone was just going round and round in circles. The longer he was missing, the more outrageous the theories and scenarios became - he'd left the island on a private aircraft, he'd been hit by a drunk driver and said driver had put him in his car then chucked him in the sea, Adrian had stumbled across or was involved in drug dealing ... and on and on for 8 long months and all that time he was a mere 100 yards away just waiting to be discovered :( The most heartbreaking thing? All the people who saw him, disorientated, hanging half out of a hedge, walking into houses and all just waved him on his way or kept on going about their business and did nothing to help him.

This could still be the case with Corrie ...

I didn't follow those Adrian threads but I can imagine. IDK if it's the nature of missing person threads ( so little info & not enough locals leads to spurious claims) or just human nature ( we err towards the more dramatic and complicated. ) Were there posters saying: adrian's probably still in the reservoir, the police may have missed him, mrazda?
IDK enough about Adrian's actions/behaviour/gait that night in Jersey but context is everything- what I'd typically ignore at 2am in the city is very different to what I'd stop to enquire about at 2am in a rural hamlet, just for obvious reasons.

It's a minefield: some will take the view that those suggesting that Corrie was engaged in perceived "risky" behaviours is disparaging him when in reality these are not unusual for 23 yr olds. One may not approve of them but that doesn't necessarily make them negative/shameful – it depends on one's own perspective as to whether certain things are intrinsically bad. I don't think it's in any way victim-blaming to wonder if Corrie may have been straight/gay/bi/looking for a date or hook up/score and thus have come to the attention of person xyz. (Spent enough time with enough young people in my job to know being 23 today is very different to my era and what some may seem as unusual from a WS demographic doesn't really hold today.)

Equally the answer may be as simple as poor Adrian Lynch's: poor Corrie's lying in a ditch/ in a canal not that far away- that there are plenty of CCTV coverage gaps, that refuse is not really sorted, that the weight of that bin lorry is misleading , certain staff have not told the truth. I suppose posters are equally trying to get to the bottom of the nitty gritty of those kinds of things as well as keep an open-mind for something more sinister involving a third party.

Someone kindly posted a link about Flex's licensing troubles which was great as I was asking what kinds of clubs they were. From that you could read that Flex was in fact the most violent in BSE and in West Suffolk so yes I do wonder about the clientele at chucking out time as they all wend their way home. The extent of (documented in link) violence in that club IMO is more “outrageous” (as you say,) in it's depressing mundanity than anything Corrie might have been doing.
The only thing that makes me think that someone was already in the horse shoe area is Corries body language in that video. Maybe he is going down there with the intentions of a pee but as soon as he hits that open horse shoe area his body language strikes me as there's someone in that area already. If I was going to an area I thought was empty and someone was standing there I'd be the same, along the lines of "oops, I can't be going there", like a twiddling of the thumbs whistling with the head up kind of moment.

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Totally. Also the fact he's looking around him instead of direction he's heading might be because he's avoiding full-on eye contact and is trying to remain calm/nonchalant/aloof

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Does anyone recall there being information available about whether people (e.g. Corrie's friends/family) tried to contact him that night/morning but were unable to get through? Or he was seen to have 'read' their messages (e.g. via Facebook, Whatsapp); or hadn't read, or responded, or answered his phone when expected to?
All we know is that after 4 calls on the Friday with his brother nobody apparently missed him until he didn't show for duty on the Monday. Don't know about the phone records and what info the police would have about that.
I didn't follow those Adrian threads but I can imagine. IDK if it's the nature of missing person threads ( so little info & not enough locals leads to spurious claims) or just human nature ( we err towards the more dramatic and complicated. ) Were there posters saying: adrian's probably still in the reservoir, the police may have missed him, mrazda?
IDK enough about Adrian's actions/behaviour/gait that night in Jersey but context is everything- what I'd typically ignore at 2am in the city is very different to what I'd stop to enquire about at 2am in a rural hamlet, just for obvious reasons.

It's a minefield: some will take the view that those suggesting that Corrie was engaged in perceived "risky" behaviours is disparaging him when in reality these are not unusual for 23 yr olds. One may not approve of them but that doesn't necessarily make them negative/shameful – it depends on one's own perspective as to whether certain things are intrinsically bad. I don't think it's in any way victim-blaming to wonder if Corrie may have been straight/gay/bi/looking for a date or hook up/score and thus have come to the attention of person xyz. (Spent enough time with enough young people in my job to know being 23 today is very different to my era and what some may seem as unusual from a WS demographic doesn't really hold today.)

Equally the answer may be as simple as poor Adrian Lynch's: poor Corrie's lying in a ditch/ in a canal not that far away- that there are plenty of CCTV coverage gaps, that refuse is not really sorted, that the weight of that bin lorry is misleading , certain staff have not told the truth. I suppose posters are equally trying to get to the bottom of the nitty gritty of those kinds of things as well as keep an open-mind for something more sinister involving a third party.

Someone kindly posted a link about Flex's licensing troubles which was great as I was asking what kinds of clubs they were. From that you could read that Flex was in fact the most violent in BSE and in West Suffolk so yes I do wonder about the clientele at chucking out time as they all wend their way home. The extent of (documented in link* ) violence in that club IMO is more “outrageous” (as you say,) in it's depressing mundanity than anything Corrie might have been doing.

ETA * IDK poster who found it, sorry, so can't credit them but here :
Thing is, this is said to be eliminated due to the low weight of the load. I agree that it seems the most logical explanation, but it seems to have been discounted.

Apols but the answers have probably already been in the first thousand posts on Corrie but can I ask if anyone
- has seen published the actual lorry type yet? ( the one that was "discounted" by the police)
- does that kind of lorry drive onto a weighbridge at depot before offloading it's contents or does it have an internal scale?

this sort of info is not on findcorrie etc. , naturally and I really don't want to do those first 6 threads again and start copying info into my own spreadsheets- i've started on no 8 now!!!

ETA - cross post, KaiserS is also asking about where it's weighed.
Apologies, this was supposed to be a quote of a previous post about jogging.

There is unreleased footage from most of his movements from the Hughes doorway.
Brentgovel location is the emergency admission/ drying out centre. Not related to the description below and notable by its descriptive absence on the website. The nature of residents at this location is why the answer is definitively "no" to anybody being there and why there was no staff on duty.

Ah, I read this on-line and assumed there was no way the accommodation could be at Brentgovel St

[FONT=&amp]"Everyone lives together in a house divided into individual flats. All the flats are co-ed, with double and single rooms available. Focus 12 will do its best not to shift clients around once they are settled in, but in rare cases a resident may have to move rooms or flats to allow for two women to share a room or two men. The adjoining living and dining rooms are simply furnished, with leather couches and a coffee table in the living room and a six-person wooden dining table. The kitchen, too, is basically equipped but up to date. There’s a patio in the backyard with tables and benches where residents are allowed to smoke ...."[/FONT]
Do you not mean his plenty of fish account? If you had seen his snapchat account he would have needed to have accepted you before you could see anything?

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Sorry, you are quite right... it's the plenty of fish one. Just wondered if being so open made him more vulnerable... I am of the older generation and not very conversant with these sites. I find them a bit worrying... young people are at more risk these days I feel... :-(
So coming out of the area immediately behind the shops and crossing to the top of Short Brackland without being caught on camera seems to be possible!


I just read a post by markymark(sp?) on thread 8 where he seems to have plotted that as being very possible.
Apols but the answers have probably already been in the first thousand posts on Corrie but can I ask if anyone
- has seen published the actual lorry type yet? ( the one that was "discounted" by the police)
- does that kind of lorry drive onto a weighbridge at depot before offloading it's contents or does it have an internal scale?

this sort of info is not on findcorrie etc. , naturally and I really don't want to do those first 6 threads again and start copying info into my own spreadsheets- i've started on no 8 now!!!

ETA - cross post, KaiserS is also asking about where it's weighed.

I believe that the bin lorry was a type that weighs the bins by computer as they are lifted onto the lorry.
Sorry, you are quite right... it's the plenty of fish one. Just wondered if being so open made him more vulnerable... I am of the older generation and not very conversant with these sites. I find them a bit worrying... young people are at more risk these days I feel... :-(

It's pretty standard these days. Even at 29, it's the norm to have a plenty of fish account, tinder, snapchat, instagram, fb, twitter... I no longer have a pof or tinder account, not for any real reason other than the fact most of the blokes looked like a line up from crime watch lol.
TBH, a young fella of Corries age, no matter how beautiful he is, normally has accounts like this

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It's pretty standard these days. Even at 29, it's the norm to have a plenty of fish account, tinder, snapchat, instagram, fb, twitter... I no longer have a pof or tinder account, not for any real reason other than the fact most of the blokes looked like a line up from crime watch lol.
TBH, a young fella of Corries age, no matter how beautiful he is, normally has accounts like this

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Yup. I'm in my early 30s and when I was single I was on POF. (There was no tinder then but I remember I wished there was an app similar to it so I can be assured that I myself would have used it haha)

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Yup. I'm in my early 30s and when I was single I was on POF. (There was no tinder then but I remember I wished there was an app similar to it so I can be assured that I myself would have used it haha)

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Interestingly, anyone can make up a fake plenty of fish account but you can't have a tinder account without joining up through your Facebook account, wonder is there anything can be traced and searched for tinder without Corries phone as the accounts are linked this way?

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Interestingly, anyone can make up a fake plenty of fish account but you can't have a tinder account without joining up through your Facebook account, wonder is there anything can be traced and searched for tinder without Corries phone as the accounts are linked this way?

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I agree, it would be difficult to get any Tinder info without the help of Tinder itself.

I know the family have gained control of his social media accounts (including his YouTube) so I'm not sure if they have access to everything.

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Although my train of thought is not really thinking about him potentially walking home due to us being told he couldn't have walked out the horseshoe avoiding CCTV, as far as I'm aware, at best it is extremely unlikely he would have got past on foot.

Though if it comes out that they have missed him going past on CCTV then I'll be pretty miffed.


If he had somehow evaded CCTV or got a lift some of the way home (unlikely - surely someone would come forward to say so) not only is the walk home around 3 hours and he would have had to leave his car behind. From what I can see the roads towards his Army Base are not lit. You surely would not be able to see a thing, so how could you even possibly walk home in pitch black darkness?
I agree, it would be difficult to get any Tinder info without the help of Tinder itself.

I know the family have gained control of his social media accounts (including his YouTube) so I'm not sure if they have access to everything.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Facebook now owns tinder? Which is why they won't let you have a tinder account without a Facebook account & they make you link both up? Facebook are very good at holding our information, in my job we use a lot of promotional sales on Facebook and sometimes I'm amazed at how Facebook targets you and your interests. So I'm assuming they have access to more information with tinder that we can be led to believe?

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I didn't follow those Adrian threads but I can imagine. IDK if it's the nature of missing person threads ( so little info & not enough locals leads to spurious claims) or just human nature ( we err towards the more dramatic and complicated. ) WERE THERE POSTERS SAYING: ADRIAN'S PROBABLY STILL IN THE RESERVOIR, THE POLICE MAY HAVE MISSED HIM, MRAZDA?
IDK enough about Adrian's actions/behaviour/gait that night in Jersey but context is everything- what I'd typically ignore at 2am in the city is very different to what I'd stop to enquire about at 2am in a rural hamlet, just for obvious reasons.

It's a minefield: some will take the view that those suggesting that Corrie was engaged in perceived "risky" behaviours is disparaging him when in reality these are not unusual for 23 yr olds. One may not approve of them but that doesn't necessarily make them negative/shameful – it depends on one's own perspective as to whether certain things are intrinsically bad. I don't think it's in any way victim-blaming to wonder if Corrie may have been straight/gay/bi/looking for a date or hook up/score and thus have come to the attention of person xyz. (Spent enough time with enough young people in my job to know being 23 today is very different to my era and what some may seem as unusual from a WS demographic doesn't really hold today.)

Equally the answer may be as simple as poor Adrian Lynch's: poor Corrie's lying in a ditch/ in a canal not that far away- that there are plenty of CCTV coverage gaps, that refuse is not really sorted, that the weight of that bin lorry is misleading , certain staff have not told the truth. I suppose posters are equally trying to get to the bottom of the nitty gritty of those kinds of things as well as keep an open-mind for something more sinister involving a third party.

Someone kindly posted a link about Flex's licensing troubles which was great as I was asking what kinds of clubs they were. From that you could read that Flex was in fact the most violent in BSE and in West Suffolk so yes I do wonder about the clientele at chucking out time as they all wend their way home. The extent of (documented in link) violence in that club IMO is more “outrageous” (as you say,) in it's depressing mundanity than anything Corrie might have been doing.

Forgive me, I'm using Websleuths via Tapatalk and not sure how to bold so I've put in CAPS ...

I followed Adrian's case almost from the first hours, first pleas etc and to answer your Q, no, I don't think it was questioned - Once an area was said to have been searched especially, everyone just accepted that it had been searched and he wasn't found therfore he wasn't there ... in Adrian's case, he was seen laying in the middle of the road, he walked straight into at least one house (if not two) He was seen to be disorientated, was shouting a friends name, when approached he was polite and not aggressive - but the only person who claims they did anything was someone who says they saw feet and lower legs sticking out of a hedge, I believe it was stated that the person reported it at the Ferry crossing but nothing was done with that info.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Facebook now owns tinder? Which is why they won't let you have a tinder account without a Facebook account & they make you link both up? Facebook are very good at holding our information, in my job we use a lot of promotional sales on Facebook and sometimes I'm amazed at how Facebook targets you and your interests. So I'm assuming they have access to more information with tinder that we can be led to believe?

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Facebook also owns WhatsApp. I made a joke to a mate about eating too much food and being "pregnant" and Facebook gave me Ads for pregnancy for months afterwards.

Unless his family have found some sly way of gaining access to his accounts, Google and Facebook have helped them out in some way. I'm going to take a look for any cases where this might have happened before in a missing persons investigation. To see how willing Facebook are.

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Hi I'm new and I have a lot to post regarding this case. But before I do I just want to add a couple points to conversation.. .......(snipped)

The facts that seem to bother me the most are the facts that a) his friends left without him and b) he got kicked out of flex and his friends didn't go with him. And c) his friends left Bury without him.

These are RAF servicemen who had only recently been warned about the attempted kidnapping case.

I know his mother has said he has a tendency to walk off (as I do on nights out too TBH) but it's this idea that he's consistently not with the people he intended to go out with.

If this is his doing, i think that means that he has a secret. But I find this unlikely.

The most likely scenario for his wait is that he was waiting for friends.

His friends MUST have communications with him that either we as a public are not being made aware of that could add clarity, or they're keeping hidden from police for a reason.
welcome to you and all new WS members

Yes, your bold, it is interesting that that didn't heighten their sense of security.
underline ( UL) whilst they did phone him afterwards - yes there is prob something going on with that social dynamic that we're unlikely to get the details on- just cause it's hurtful to all concerned etc.
"tendency to walk off" - agree with you that that is very common in itself.
It seems likely that he was was waiting for someone/something but I'm still unsure as to what degree of rational thinking he still had.... just from looking at his gait/ whether he decided to sleep to kill time or just fell asleep as he was blotto?
( I appreciate that the bouncer said he was" too intoxicated to stay" but his gait on CCTV just doesn't seem that bad to me considering the likely merry clientele already in there who weren't asked to leave. )
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