UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #20

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Is it the case that, although the police handed the landfill back to the company, they had not put anymore rubbish on it since it being handed back?

So we are given to understand. I imagine they would still have covered it with soil for hygienic reasons.
Human interaction has everything to do with everything every second that passes. It involves this case and every aspect of humanity. Ironside was kind enough to point me to it as I asked, we all learn something everyday if we wish to thus I will have a read of the link as I may learn something more about human (and thus criminal) behaviour. Self-evolution they call it. :)

I prefer that everyone stays on topic.
I prefer that everyone stays on topic.

Behaviour and communication are vital in any investigation, as is the understanding of them. But yes, I maybe should have sent Ironside a private request to a link for information. I did not think asking on the board (given N & MM difference of public opinions) was off topic given the differences have a impact on the investigation and its handling and the outcome of such, all parties want information or located. Apologies to anyone thinking I was trying to take things off topic, not my intention, intention was to source information that another user mentioned. :)
Hi all,

I have read most of the posts on this site and other sites. I have a particular interest in this search as I live in the area. I have read many theories and some seem more plausible than others.

I think the bin weight is a red herring and was may always have been incorrectly recorded. However the phone may have travelled in the bin. After a night out using my phone it too would probably be flat by the early hours.

I think the chances of murder are pretty slim in BSE.

Abduction. I think all of the cases of abduction I can remember involve children or women, I cannot bring to mind an abduction of an adult male.

Suicide. This is an emotive one. You could get a lift to the Barton Mills area and decide to end it all in the woods. As this is a bit of a notorious area for gay crusing I think a body would have been found by now.

Attacks by terrorists in Europe these days appear to be carried out by those who mentally unstable who would kill a person there and then to create terror. Holding someone for months does not really further your 'cause'.

He is inside a USAF base - highly unlikely. Both Mildenhall and Lakenheath are exceedingly security conscious, they get jittery even if a car breaks down anywhere near the base. I am not saying its impossible to get in but implausible.

If he walked along the road from BSE to Honnington and was a victim of a hit and run accident then I think the body would be discovered pretty quickly as most of it is open farmland.

My opinion is that he is still alive and just doesn't want to be found. If I did not wish to be found the first thing I would do is ditch my mobile phone, probably in a wheelie bin. Just because he was not seen walking out the the horse shoe does not mean that he didn't, maybe he walked out at the same time as the bin lorry left so evaded the CCTV. I would probably catch a bus or a coach so as to avoid places where there was CCTV such as railway stations and go and live with a friend in a major city. Or living abroad as it would be easy to get a new passport, well I think so, as no crime as been committed and he is not wanted by the police.

It is pretty easy to disappear of the face of the planet should you want to and start a new life somewhere else. If it was me, no matter how much I wanted to contact my family, I would be too embarrassed by all the fuss I had caused to come forward.

I could however be totally wrong but this is the best theory I have. I truly feel for his parents and family and hope that one day they have some type of closure.
Welcome Skills and thanks for your post. I am interested in why you think C would not want to be found and what you think his reasons for leaving were?
Welcome Skills and thanks for your post. I am interested in why you think C would not want to be found and what you think his reasons for leaving were?

Why does anyone run away?

They have committed a crime / done something wrong - I think unlikely.

They are unhappy with their life and want a change - likely. He did not want to have to face letting people down due to wanting out of his job / his sexuality / not wanting to be a dad / not being in love / depression. The list is endless. Sometimes people just wake up and think I don;t want this life any more.
Why does anyone run away?

They have committed a crime / done something wrong - I think unlikely.

They are unhappy with their life and want a change - likely. He did not want to have to face letting people down due to wanting out of his job / his sexuality / not wanting to be a dad / not being in love / depression. The list is endless. Sometimes people just wake up and think I don;t want this life any more.
I still find that theory so hard to believe. It would have to be planned so well to get out of the Horseshoe unseen. Why go there in the first place for the disappearance? It doesn't sit right with me.
Is it known what time the fourth vehicle left the horseshoe? Apparently it has never been fully investigated, or at least fully disclosed. Could it have been USAF personnel? I am wondering if he could have been offered a lift in it.
I still find that theory so hard to believe. It would have to be planned so well to get out of the Horseshoe unseen. Why go there in the first place for the disappearance? It doesn't sit right with me.

Why would it have to be planned so well? He may not have been worried about being seen and it has just been missed by pure chance that is why it has turned in to such a mystery.
Nicola certainly seems to be resigned to Corrie being in landfill now and she will be in possession of more info than the rest of us. I never believed that before and thought either an accident walking home or something nasty related perhaps to meeting the wrong person. I have changed my mind now to the theory that Corrie has somehow ended up in the bin and then at the landfill site.

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Why would it have to be planned so well? He may not have been worried about being seen and it has just been missed by pure chance that is why it has turned in to such a mystery.
If he didn't mind being seen he would have been caught on CCTV or seen in the flesh somewhere along the way.
Nicola certainly seems to be resigned to Corrie being in landfill now and she will be in possession of more info than the rest of us. I never believed that before and thought either an accident walking home or something nasty related perhaps to meeting the wrong person. I have changed my mind now to the theory that Corrie has somehow ended up in the bin and then at the landfill site.

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It is strange that Nicola has said this with so much certainty. It has put a stop to the search with people now just waiting for news.
Anyway, I'm still holding on to that first impression of mine, that Corrie was cruising and ended up taking the wrong car in HS.
If he was in a vehicle it would need to have been planned.

Why do you say that? Nothing about his earlier behaviour suggests planning.
If the opportunity had presented itself, he might well have accepted a lift, whether back to his base or to some entertainment elsewhere.
Why does anyone run away?

They have committed a crime / done something wrong - I think unlikely.

They are unhappy with their life and want a change - likely. He did not want to have to face letting people down due to wanting out of his job / his sexuality / not wanting to be a dad / not being in love / depression. The list is endless. Sometimes people just wake up and think I don;t want this life any more.
I also think this however, since this certainty from SP, the family and Biffa about the higher bin weight and C now being in landfill, I have to now doubt my original theory.
Any news on digger status, and resumed searching ?
Hi all,

I have read most of the posts on this site and other sites. I have a particular interest in this search as I live in the area. I have read many theories and some seem more plausible than others.

I think the bin weight is a red herring and was may always have been incorrectly recorded. However the phone may have travelled in the bin. After a night out using my phone it too would probably be flat by the early hours.

I think the chances of murder are pretty slim in BSE.

Abduction. I think all of the cases of abduction I can remember involve children or women, I cannot bring to mind an abduction of an adult male.

Suicide. This is an emotive one. You could get a lift to the Barton Mills area and decide to end it all in the woods. As this is a bit of a notorious area for gay crusing I think a body would have been found by now.

Attacks by terrorists in Europe these days appear to be carried out by those who mentally unstable who would kill a person there and then to create terror. Holding someone for months does not really further your 'cause'.

He is inside a USAF base - highly unlikely. Both Mildenhall and Lakenheath are exceedingly security conscious, they get jittery even if a car breaks down anywhere near the base. I am not saying its impossible to get in but implausible.

If he walked along the road from BSE to Honnington and was a victim of a hit and run accident then I think the body would be discovered pretty quickly as most of it is open farmland.

My opinion is that he is still alive and just doesn't want to be found. If I did not wish to be found the first thing I would do is ditch my mobile phone, probably in a wheelie bin. Just because he was not seen walking out the the horse shoe does not mean that he didn't, maybe he walked out at the same time as the bin lorry left so evaded the CCTV. I would probably catch a bus or a coach so as to avoid places where there was CCTV such as railway stations and go and live with a friend in a major city. Or living abroad as it would be easy to get a new passport, well I think so, as no crime as been committed and he is not wanted by the police.

It is pretty easy to disappear of the face of the planet should you want to and start a new life somewhere else. If it was me, no matter how much I wanted to contact my family, I would be too embarrassed by all the fuss I had caused to come forward.

I could however be totally wrong but this is the best theory I have. I truly feel for his parents and family and hope that one day they have some type of closure.
Good post and welcome Skills....Hopefully there will be an end to this soon and the family will get the closure they so desperately need.
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